VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 58: Let’S Show The Appeal Of The Desert

Unlike usual, I was alone in my room reading the BBS.

The reason for it was because Shuuhei said 「Since we are always getting information from the BBS, we should also give information to them from time to time! Let’s do it together, Wacchi!」.

I thought he was right, so that led to me turning on the PC and post in the BBS, which was something I wasn’t used to doing.

I shouldn’t get impatient and start by reading the flow of the thread first.

Since Shuuhei should have uploaded those screenshots of the dusk in the desert, let’s start by reading the replies from that point onwards.

…Oh, it’s here.

He made a mistake that gave the fact that he was Shuuhei right away…though I believe it would be better if he checked before posting.

【Let’s】 Thread number 6 of walking leisurely around the TB world【travel via donkey】

This is a thread for reporting information about things you’ve found in the world of the VRMMORPG 「TrailBlazer」.

Regarding the place you witnessed it, the credibility will increase if you provide things like a screenshot and the coordinates and place within the game.

“I couldn’t memorize it, I didn’t have the time to do it!” For these kind of people, it’s fine if you mention the nearest facility or landmark.

The current topic is about the vicinity of the Capital of the Empire and also the four countries in the outskirts.

The next thread will be made once we reach >>>950 comments.

555:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX

Since I have reached the desert, I’ll post information about it right away!

【Image】 Setting sun in the desert.

【Image】 Same as above.

【Image】 With the camels.

【Image】 Silhouette scenery.

The desert is overflowing with romanticism!

Everyone, gather here!

556:Nameless mage ID:wnLhkk8


557:Nameless archer ID:ADFEgic


558:Nameless mage ID:wnLhkk8

Yup, though the images are splendid.

It’s cool and lovely, like a scene from a road movie.

However, because of @555’s way of speaking, it doesn’t really register in my head LOL.

559:Nameless archer ID:zUcjwLQ

Is this guy a ninja? LOL.

560:Nameless Shinto priest ID:wQdumQd

No no, couldn’t it be an internet slang from a long time ago?

561:Nameless heavy warrior ID:acXutcw

Otakus that use “gozaru” have been gone since a long time ago!

You see from time to time light warrior players that are wearing ninja costumes, isn’t he one of those?

562:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:yjs2NQ7

Now that you mention it, there was one in the Hero-chan’s party, right? The ninja that used shadow weaving.

From his eyes, he kinda gave the aura of a good-looking guy.

563:Nameless archer ID:TcdhRge

After that event they have increased in numbers after all, not as much as knights though.

The number of crafters that make Japanese style equipment has also increased.

To begin with, light warrior’s skill names are Japanese style for some reason.

564:Nameless martial artist ID:QDEdneE

We are slowly getting off-topic.

565:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX

B-because of my slip of tongue the flow of the thread is…sorry, forgive me!

Just as @563 has said, I play as a ninja in TB and you could think of it as me talking like that out of habit.

More importantly, the desert! The images of the desert! What do you think?

566:Nameless heavy warrior ID:rJ5g3aN

Random comment passing by!!

567:Nameless knight ID:MnYwnDh

It’s true that the evening in the desert is pleasant, I can’t get enough of that feeling of desolation.

Personally, I’ve taken a bit of an interest in it.

568:Nameless archer ID:txh7r85

It has quite the stylish ambience.

Though it might be because the screenshots were taken well.

By the way, how much did the camels cost?

569:Nameless light warrior ID:afpzsjS

Who was that just now?

570:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX


When we bought them they were below the average market price, but the NPC said that they were usually sold for around 100.000G.

571:Nameless archer ID:txh7r85

So twice the amount compared to a donkey, huh?

Though that’s perfectly fine compared to horses.

572:Nameless mage ID:y2LuaYU

It’s nothing compared to 1.000.000G right? LMAO.

There’s also the fact that the title of this thread is that.

573:Nameless heavy warrior ID:wyftRdS

It’s only the donkeys, that are our allies…

Though I’d really like to have a horse to take a stroll.

Capture a wild one? (ヾノ・∀・ )ムリムリ (No way)

574:Nameless knight ID:5C8VeXF

I believe that camels were no good for mountain roads?

575:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX


Yup, though there are some ups and downs in the desert.

They’ll slow down quite a bit if you ascend or descend a tough hill.

It seems like their strong point is walking on even ground.

576:Nameless knight ID:5C8VeXF

In that case, they are no good where I’m at.

I went to the Beli confederation.

577:Nameless mage ID:L98DcjE

Wasn’t it cold to begin with? The north side.

Wouldn’t a camel die there?

578:Nameless martial artist ID:QDEdneE

No, camels can resist the cold.

The winters in the desert are cold, they can properly grow winter fur.

The problem is the terrain, the terrain.

579:Nameless Shinto priest ID:efYpjDp

The east and south sides have stable climates.

There’s also the empire in the middle.

Though we don’t know if there are seasons in TB yet.

580:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX

Speaking of the desert, there’s one thing that I was surprised about.

It seems like you’ll get the status ailment burn if you don’t wear proper attire, so you have to conceal your skin by wearing light colored overcoats.

581:Nameless knight ID:5C8VeXF

You’ll also get frostbite if you are lightly dressed in the north.

Adding to the DoT you get afflicted with, you get double the pain because it gets harder to move and your hands will shake from holding the pickaxe!

582:Nameless mage ID:3ZeYEDE

I understand completely that you guys have strange tastes.

Especially that desert guy LOL.

583:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX

Eh, why?

584:Nameless mage ID:3ZeYEDE

Even if the north side is cold, I heard that there are plenty of minerals, but there are no benefits to counter the demerits of the west!

585:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX

There is, it’s romantic!

586:Nameless heavy warrior ID:8mn83SK

Romanticism won’t fill up your belly!

587:Nameless archer ID:r3ZLZAM

Either way, no matter how much you eat in TB, your stomach won’t get filled up though.

It’s not even linked to the satiety center so it feels like you’ll even forget to simply eat.

588:Nameless light warrior ID:365Fird

I get that.

It’s quite serious when you notice that your HP has started decreasing LOL.

589:Nameless martial artist ID:yCSSDYZ

It can’t be helped since it would be bad if they removed the current appetite status.

Let’s just get used to checking our status.

590:Nameless mage ID:Qi6pnn9

This is turning into the usual idle talk thread again…can anyone post some screenshots?

591:Nameless light warrior ID:TdxeQgX

Guess I have no choice.

I’ll post some screenshots of the night in the desert and leave it for today.

The place the screenshots are taken is Oasis town, Maija.

I hope that by using this, more players will come to the desert…

【Image】 Desert and the moon.

【Image】 Night view in the oasis town.

【Image】 Oasis and moon.

592:Nameless mage ID:QWkFZyA

It’s beautiful how the moon is reflected in the oasis’ water’s surface.

The scenery is perfect…

The atmosphere of the town also seems good, however, the desert sounds harsh.

593:Nameless Shinto priest ID:mfN389Q

There are still a lot of players that haven’t left the Empire after all.

594:Nameless light warrior ID:9tdgujh

That’s true.

You’d need to be at least level 30.

595:Nameless knight ID:MnYwnDh

(I can’t really say with how this thread is going, that I’m honestly getting urges to go and see it.)

596:Nameless knight ID:BTRVAxy

Good for you @591.

I’m pretty sure you are already seeing it, your propaganda is working!

Yup, Shuuhei is working hard there.

Guess it should be good enough if I introduced the name of the country and the royal palace.

Let’s see…in the section of your name you have to type your job, huh.

Well, there’s no reason to lie, I’ll just go with Shinto priest.

831:Nameless Shinto priest ID:FEtME3Z

I’m reporting here since we have confirmed various things related to the desert.

First off, the name of the country is 「Desert’s country Sala」.

The capital is called 「Royal capital Waaha」 and the following images will show how it looks during daytime.

【Image】 Panoramic view of the town.

【Image】 State of the market.

【Image】 A multi-use big stable for camels and horses.

【Image】 Residential area.

832:Nameless martial artist ID:7m28Ke6

Oh, it’s been some time since new information has come out!

833:Nameless heavy warrior ID:xAPrxUD

The information from the other countries were already released after all.

Even that small amount of players that headed towards the desert were able to reach the capital before the update, huh?

Well done!

834:Nameless knight ID:JSW7JDH

That town is really big.

Isn’t this bigger than the capitals in the other countries?

835:Nameless Shinto priest ID:FEtME3Z

Because it’s the desert.

The people will gather where there are sources of water, I believe it’s because the places without water are clearly defined.

836:Nameless mage ID:R9TdKNH

Are you a friend of that light warrior that was here before?

837:Nameless Shinto priest ID:FEtME3Z

Why are you asking that?

838:Nameless mage ID:R9TdKNH

Nothing, I was just thinking that because there’s only been another person that has uploaded images of the desert so far.

839:Nameless knight ID:JSW7JDH

That’s not something you should ask in this kind of anonymous board.

That’s bad manners.

840:Nameless light warrior ID:WmW8aX5

Since it’s not like we are asking anything personal, shouldn’t it be fine?

Eh, what should I do here…the flow of the thread is bad.

It’s probably because I’m not used to this, but it’s better if I bring attention to the images that have been swept away…

843:Nameless Shinto priest ID:FEtME3Z

Well, that much should be fine.

It’s true that I’m in the same party that said light warrior is in.

So, it’s fun and all to act like you are part of the minority, but it’s still lonely when you can’t see other players.

844:Nameless mage ID:R9TdKNH


I apologize, it feels like I asked for something I shouldn’t have.

845:Nameless martial artist ID:7m28Ke6

Though, to think there are no players in the desert just as we expected…

It goes without saying that it’s unpopular!

(I say as I turn my eyes away from my own class)

846:Nameless archer ID:jGbs67Q

What are you, a masochist!? LMAO.

They haven’t increased at all either, huh…martial artists LOL.

847:Nameless Shinto priest ID:FEtME3Z

I won’t deny that the desert’s environment is harsh.

However, I’ll state here that the food is delicious.

The place these screenshots were taken was in the 「Desert’s Owl Pavillion」 in the town of Maija.

【Image】 Tamiya.

【Image】 Kofta.

【Image】 Kushari.

【Image】 Omali.

848:Nameless heavy warrior ID:xAPrxUD

I’m getting hungry…now that you mention it, I still haven’t had dinner.

849:Nameless mage ID:RxkFazJ

They look tasty, I want to go there only to eat the food.

However, I don’t want to go into the desert LMAO.

850:Nameless light warrior ID:JT6rTjp

Here’s some sudden suppoooooooort!!

【Image】 A certain famous peddler with the Desert’s Owl Pavillion’s owner.

【Image】 As a bonus, one of the peddler alone.

851:Nameless archer ID:xdyVXHf


852:Nameless martial artist ID:7m28Ke6

What…did you just say…!? Isn’t this Claris-san!!!

I’m going, I’m definitely going to the desert!!

853:Nameless mage ID:i8zUXuM

Eh…what’s going on?

854:Nameless heavy warrior ID:K2Qdzjd

That’s so dirty LOL.

Trying to use an NPC to lure him LMAO.

855:Nameless light warrior ID:8dCL3U9

Hey, your friend is getting excited LOL.

What are you going to do? @847

856:Nameless light warrior ID:JT6rTjp

I mean, it says in the official site that you can take a screenshot of an NPC whenever you want!

It seems like it doesn’t even lower likability!

「What is that guy even doing…」 (Wataru)

I let that out as I held my head.

No matter how I look at it, this is Shuuhei’s work, but when did he take it…

The contents of the screenshots were one of Claris-san with Yaido-san, and the other one was of Claris-san alone.

I took a grip and ran back to the images of the royal capital.

As a beginner at posting here, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep up with this flow after all…

860:Nameless Shinto priest ID:FEtME3Z


Eh…I don’t know how I should reply so I’ll just leave some last screenshots of the royal palace.

【Image】 The whole palace.

【Image】 Hallway.

【Image】 VIP room.

@850 Do things in moderation.

861:Nameless archer ID:VSnbeGL

That palace is so gorgeous.

So they let you inside? That’s so nice.

862:Nameless mage ID:aWphAJu

What about the dancers!? There were no dancers!?

863:Nameless knight ID:Z4wK8je

Or rather, didn’t you guys arrange it so the thread will flow like this? LOL.

He’s seriously bewildered! LMAO.

864:Nameless Shinto priest ID:HdP6ySY

Nah, the flow is suspicious, he’s probably doing it all on his own.

865:Nameless heavy warrior ID:CQFDZ7e

It would be exhausting to do it all on his own though LOL.

It’s way harder to change your ID now than in the old days, you don’t see that kind of thing at all anymore these days.

866:Nameless heavy warrior ID:hWYUs86

Even if you change where you post from your ID won’t change after all.

They make you link your information after all.

@864 aren’t you too ignorant?

867:Nameless light warrior ID:JT6rTjp

I don’t care what you think of it!!

I’m going to show these screenshots!!




868:Nameless heavy warrior ID:AmVhtA6

Who’s this!? This erotic tanned beauty!!??

869:Nameless knight ID:3DFu4fL

Lewd…those boo*Omitted*.

870:Nameless Shinto priest ID:9pGpxaz

Black haired and tanned skin!!

S-Such a beauty…

871:Nameless light warrior ID:JT6rTjp

This is the queen of the desert, Patra-sama!

If you want to see her, come to the royal capital!! Come on!!

872:Nameless mage ID:GfGu6HP

Just when I thought the thread was gaining momentum, I see everyone getting fired up LOL.

Though I do get why LMAO.

873:Nameless Shinto priest ID:W3KWjWQ


Can I post this image in the NPC thread?

874:Nameless light warrior ID:JT6rTjp


875:Nameless archer ID:VRSaWfu

This is bad, I’m getting this urge to really go there just to see the queen.

876:Nameless Shinto priest ID:3nFnnCG

Erotic sights are the truth of this world.

This bulge is proof of it.

877:Nameless heavy warrior ID:dP6jwRc

It can’t be helped since it’s an instinct .

I sighed and closed the BBS, and gently shut the PC down.

Eventually the fans stopped moving and the room turned silent.

There are many things I want to tell Shuuhei, but I’m feeling extremely exhausted.

It’d be a pain, it should be fine if I talked to him about it the next time we meet in person…

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