VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 76: Infinitely Replenishing Hp

If you haven’t seen the other post, go and check the reason this is the last one.

Oh and, I changed “Sala country” to “Kingdom of Sala”, not that it matters much at this point.

Thanks for everything until now.

The words jumped right into the middle of our field of view and the machine like voice read it out loud.

Zelos (Grado Empire) & Jalousie (Grado Empire) vs Yumir (Kingdom of Sala) & Hind (Kingdom of Sala)…READY…FIGHT!

「I’ll crush you!!」 (Jalousie)

With a scream as if to erase the voices of the audience that were chanting 「Yumir」, the vanguard Shinto priest Jalousie rushed towards me as the announcement ended.

His weapon of choice was a big mace that he wielded on his right hand, for defensive gear, he had a metal armor and a shield on his left hand, quite the heavy equipment.

I had already told Yumir the plan before the fight started.

「You understood it right, Yumir!?」 (Hind)

「Yeah!」 (Yumir)

As usual, Yumir went to the front and I stood behind her at a reasonable distance.

Yumir intercepted Jalousie’s charge in a flash with her longsword, and a sharp metallic sound echoed throughout the arena.

Seeing this exciting clash right after the fight started, the excitement in the arena rose up.

「I’m your opponent!」 (Yumir)

「Nugah!? Damn you, don’t get in my way!」 (Jalousie)

While confirming that she was able to stop his charge like that, I stood still at that spot and charged my MP.

I glared at Zelos who was charging his MP like me on the other side of the vanguards…and it began when we both finished our chants.

「Shut him up, Yumir!」 (Hind)

「Crush her, Jalousie!」 (Zelos)

『Attack up』 and 『Guard down』 activated on Yumir at the same time.

He’s a dark type mage, so him using a debuff was something I already took into consideration.

Debuffs are not a status ailment so it’s not possible to recover from it with 『Recover』, but it’s possible to erase them with 『Dispel』.

However, since what he used was 『Guard down』 let’s ignore it, it doesn’t matter.

Let’s recover more MP and prepare for the next move.

「Nuoh, I’m automatically in a state of Act of Desperation!? However, I can use Act of Desperation on top of it! Uooooooooooooh!!」 (Yumir)

「Guh, gah! Nuuh, big bro! Use attack down first! This girl, her offensive power is on par with a heavy warrior! At this rate I’ll get hit and lose!」 (Jalousie)

「Calm down! Having both Act of Desperation and Guard down, her current physical defense is low! …In that case, I stop her movements!」 (Zelos)

Zelos used 『Slow』 on Yumir.

With the debuff, Yumir’s movements were about 2/3 slower.

「My body feels heavy! Ah, ah, and the damage I took from a single hit was really high!?」 (Yumir)

「Gahahaha! I can win, I can win like this! I can do it, big bro!」 (Jalousie)

Those two at the front are noisy…in her current state, with both 『Act of Desperation』 and 『Guard down』, her defense is at 30%.

If it wasn’t for the defensive gear that Selene-san made, Yumir would have already died.

However I did nothing, and patiently kept charging up my MP until it was close to full.

With that, I should have way more MP than Zelos, who had used 『Slow』.

Jalousie had already used a vanguard Shinto priest skill called 『Holy Shield』, that increased both physical and magical resistances, so it was quite hard to shave off his HP.

On the other hand, I compensated for it quite a bit with the skills 『Guard Up』 and 『Resist up』 that only I could use, so it will take quite a while until she becomes incapacitated.

Their strategy is to have the vanguard Shinto priest sticking close to the opponent and stacking debuffs on them, while the way they do it is different, the way they make it a battle of endurance is similar to ours.

Therefore, disrupting the opponent’s pace is key to deciding victory or defeat here.

Yumir’s HP drastically decreased and when Zelos started chanting a spell I used 『Shining』.

「-Tsk! Such impertinence!」 (Zelos)

The damage was minuscule, but I was successful in stopping his actions.

Then I started casting 『Revive』.

While I was casting it, Yumir and Jalousie continued exchanging blows, they continued moving in the space between me and Zelos.

「That chant is long…is it a big spell!? Jalousie, get out of the way! -Take this!」 (Zelos)

In an act of desperation, he shot the elementary spell with a short cast time 『Fire Ball』 towards me, but with both of them in the way, his aim was shallow.

I easily dodged it and cast the 『Revive』 I finished chanting-

「Supeh!?」 (Yumir)

HP 0, I used it on Yumir, whose body was falling from being hit by the mace’s swing.

Once I did, she didn’t fall on top of the stage, she stood firm on the ground with one leg and immediately counter attacked.

「The heaviness is gone…Taah!」 (Yumir)

Since she became incapacitated, the buffs and debuffs on Yumir were all gone.

Jalousie was unable to deal with the abrupt resurrection and change in speed, and took the swift attack directly.

Because of that, Jalousie’s HP was at 60%, however, he wasn’t given the chance to heal due to Yumir’s relentless attacks.

「Nuah!? W-Wait, I’m pretty sure her HP had hit 0…? Big bro, what’s going on!? Wasn’t it going to be fine even if we didn’t deal with the rear guard as long as we shut down the vanguard and interrupted the casting from the rearguard!? This is different from what you told me!」 (Jalousie)

「I-Impossible…you telling me…he revived her as she died…? It’s even faster than in the previous fights too…? For…for something like this to…」 (Zelos)

「B-Big bro…?」 (Jalousie)

Zelos seems to be confused, but the truth is, I was hurrying to make it barely in time.

I thought I casted it too early…however, I definitely can’t let that show on my face.

In fact, I’ll act calm and smile.

If they keep charging towards us in a hurry, it’ll turn into our advantage.

「-Guh, it’s definitely just a fluke! Jalousie, we are going to destroy them again!」 (Zelos)

「Y-Yeah!」 (Jalousie)

The casting time for 『Revive』 is long.

It’s true that usually if you defeat the vanguard, you’d be able to crush the rearguard easily, however that doesn’t matter if you predict the time they die and cast it on them.

It’s true that if you cast it too early, it would definitely lead to your defeat, but that’s another case.

Anyway, a single Shinto priest can’t do anything, so it’s enough to target them while barely making it in time.

In the interval they were focusing their attacks on Yumir again, I first used 『Healing』 on Yumir.

Furthermore, I erased the CD on 『Revive』 with 『Quick』, after that, I used 『Healing』 again since it has a short CD to heal Yumir’s HP a bit more.

I started chanting the spell before Yumir got incapatitated due to her tendency for kamikaze attacks to shave off Jalousie’s HP.

She’s filled with debuffs, so it’s about time she reaches her limit.

I feel bad for Yumir, but it’s easier for me to have her die to erase the debuffs.

I dodged the 『Darkness Ball』 that was trying to disturb my casting and then…

「A second time!?」 (Jalousie)

「Hey, stay there!」 (Yumir)

This time, she was revived before she fell over.

I’m doing really well in this match.

I’m activating 『Revive』 in a far more timely manner than usual.

「-Hah!? I’m not dead, I’m not dead!? This time didn’t count!」 (Yumir)

「No, you died you know? You were counting them?」 (Hind)

Seeing that, the duo of Zelos and Jalousie completely lost their calm.

And the audience excitedly cheered each time she revived.

…Isn’t the timing at which they cheer weird?

「N-No way, for this to…a-aim for the guy! We are aiming for the guy first! Do it as if your life depended on it, Jalousie! That is our only chance at winning!」 (Zelos)

「Got it, big bro! Here I goooooooooo!!」 (Jalousie)

「-You think I’ll let you?」 (Yumir)

Seeing Yumir intercept him that fast, I cast 『Healing Plus』.

It takes longer than Healing, but it takes way less time than Revive.

The HP of Yumir, who was facing Jalousie, was dramatically healed.

「Wha!? -D-Damn yooooooooooouuuuuuu!!」 (Jalousie)

「!!」 (Yumir)

Seeing that, Jalousie grew irritated and swung the mace with all his might.

Yumir was blown away due to the difference in body weight and strength, taking advantage of that gap, Jalousie used 『Healing』 on himself to heal a small amount of his own HP.

As expected of someone that had kept winning until now, it seems like they didn’t win by luck.

Counting this healing, Jalousie’s HP is about 40% left.

「Nuaaaaaaah!」 (Jalousie)

Then, he came this way.

I calmly took some distance-

「Hind, a spell is coming!」 (Yumir)

「What!?」 (Hind)

『Slow』 should still be on CD.

If it’s an offensive spell, Jalousie and me are too close though…

The spell Zelos chose was…

「Hahahaha!! I won’t let you get away!」 (Zelos)

It was the offensive spell 『Graviton Wave』 that engulfed everyone but him.

It covered a wide range and produced high gravity, our bodies felt heavier and our HP was slowly shaved off.

As if he was used to being inside it, Jalousie calmly approached me while taking damage.

I see, when they are pressured, they do this to disrupt the opponent’s pace and win.

This shows the magical resistance of a Shinto priest, even if Jalousie fights under this gravity, he won’t take much damage.

I believe it’s a good combination attack.

In fact, right now, it looks like I won’t be able to escape his mace.

However, my eyes already have seen the figure behind Jalousie that was swinging around.

「-Oh, it’s another gravity spell! However, this is far better than being afflicted with Slow!」 (Yumir)

Having experienced Riizu’s 『Graviton Wave』, Yumir caught up to Jalousie and cut at his back.

It being a strong attack, he entered a long hit stop state, she stopped Jalousie a few moments before Jalousie was going to swing his mace at me.

Casting a spell while taking damage under this gravity wave would be impossible anyways.

…In that case, I swung my staff with all my body weight towards the target in front of me.

He was able to block it with his shield, but Jalousie lost his balance…

「Hahahaha!! You are still like a fish on the chopping board!」 (Yumir)

「From time to time, you sure do talk like vulgar villain…well, you are correct in this situation though.」 (Hind)

「Let me go! Get away from meeeeee!! Big broooooo!!」 (Jalousie)

Yumir stepped on the right arm that was holding the mace and she smiled as she was releasing her aura.

I put my body weight on top of the shield that was being held by his left arm, so even if this guy is strong, he probably won’t be able to shake free from the body weight of two people.

With this our victory should be certain, it would also be fine if they surrendered.


「Nuh? My body feels lighter.」 (Yumir)

「Yup, it seems like the spell has worn off.」 (Hind)

The effect of Graviton Wave is also gone.

Even if Zelos doesn’t give up and uses 『Darkness Ball』, we will be able to take it on without breaking our stance.

With our current HP it will certainly not be fatal, so even if we are pulled in a bit, as long as we don’t let Jalousie break free it will be fine.

As a result, as expected our HP didn’t even decrease by 30% and the dark orb’s suction quietly died down.

While looking at Zelos, who was frantically charging his MP, I released 『Area Heal』 at our feet.

Among the multitude of spells, healing magic has the special trait of only affecting your allies.

Because of that, Jalousie who was being stepped on by us wasn’t healed and we recovered to full HP due to the white light.

Zelos’ expression was dyed in despair.

「Don’t give up big bro! Bring down the iron hammer down on these normies! I can’t forgive a couple that has such good coordinatioooooon!! Nuaaaaaaaaah! I want to be popular toooooooooooooo!!」 (Jalousie)

「「I told you we are not a couple!!」」 (Hind and Yumir)

「Guh! Gah! Gueh!? -Gah…」 (Jalousie)

「Jalousieeeeeeee!?」 (Zelos)

Jalousie became incapacitated, our HP and MP was back to full and me stood so that Zelos was between us.

I believe he would surrender in this situation? Or that was what I thought but…

「You guys, go and explodeeeeeeeeee!! Uoooooooooooooooooo!!」 (Zelos)

Since he brandished his staff to face us as he shouted, Yumir mercilessly struck him down in a single blow with 『Burst Edge』.

Zelos was blown away to the far end of the stage due to the explosion of magic power and fell down.

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