VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 80: Towards The Finals

Enjoy the chapter.

After both of them left, I moved around cleaning the house and doing the laundry.

Since there was time, after cleaning the floor, I waxed it.

Following that, I started polishing the windows in succession from the second floor towards the first one.

Finally, I stepped into the garden and polished the biggest window, which was that of the living room, it ended in a state where it reflected the sunlight and my image was reflected on it.

Yup, it’s beautiful…due to the sense of accomplishment, I unconsciously started smiling.

「…Fufufu.」 (Wataru)

「Ooh, Wataru is laughing alone…that’s so weird…」 (Miyu)

「What do you mean by weird!? Leave me alone!」 (Wataru)

Once I saw the girl with long hair reflected in the glass, I turned around while shouting.

There I saw Miyu looking at me from the other side of the fence.

Since Miyu is already here, does it mean it’s close to noon?

Seems like I got too absorbed in it and ended up working for far too long.

Shuuhei is still not here but…oh, nice timing, that person over there is…

「Hey there. I came over…」 (Shuuhei)

「Oh, Shuuhei…wait, what happened to you!? You’ve got huge dark circles under your eyes!」 (Wataru)

「Umu, it’s true that your face looks terrible…」 (Miyu)

「Ah, you mean this? …For the time being, is it ok if I go in?」 (Shuuhei)

Along with Shuuhei, who was in an unusual broken state, we both entered the house.

「In other words, it’s like that. Since you were so frustrated that you lost to us, you ended up with a lack of sleep-」 (Miyu)

「After looking at the replay of that match countless times…well, you can see where this is going though.」 (Shuuhei)

「Yup. After that, you’d want to look at the other fights in the tournament or take a look at the BBS…」 (Wataru)

Just from our conversation, it seems like it ended up in an all nighter for him.

While we were preparing lunch, Shuuhei was telling us his circumstances while lying limply on the sofa.

「…Since it’s come down to this, I’ll tell you guys about all the useful information I gathered, so go make a strategy for the tournament.

「If you do that, there will be meaning in me staying up all night…ufufu…」 (Shuuhei)

「You, you are acting all weird you know? Are you really ok?」 (Wataru)

「He’s someone that has pulled an all nighter after all. We have no choice but to ignore it, Wataru…」 (Miyu)

For the time being, let’s finish making lunch.

With this we have finished placing the plates on the table, so I called Shuuhei and we all sat down.

Today’s lunch menu is salmon cream pasta.

Shuuhei and I had a normal portion in front of us, only Miyu’s was…

「So good!! *slurp slurp*…」 (Miyu)

「Don’t slurp the pasta. Use the fork properly.」 (Wataru)

「You’d get full just from looking at her…wait, even then, I’ll eat my own portion! Miyucchi, you are being too greedy!!」 (Shuuhei)

She had three large servings for herself.

After finishing those servings, Miyu drank the after meal oolong tea and looked satisfied.

I always thought this, but where do all those nutrients go?

Why does she not put on any weight even when she eats this much? I can’t understand it.

After that, probably because he felt sleepy after being full, Shuuhei was sitting down more unsteadily than before.

「Shuuhei, how about you don’t force yourself and get some sleep? You can go ahead and use the sofa. I’ll even lend you a blanket.」 (Wataru)

「I appreciate it. However, if I were to sleep now, I feel like I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night…」 (Shuuhei)

「In that case, just for a short while…it’s fine even if you just sleep for around 15 minutes. Drink some coffee before that.」 (Wataru)

“I’ll do just that”, after saying that, Shuuhei obediently drank down the coffee I prepared for him.

However, Miyu tilted her neck after seeing the coffee I prepared for him.

「Hmm? Wataru, wouldn’t he become unable to sleep because of the caffeine?」 (Miyu)

「It’ll take time for him to absorb it so it’ll be fine. It’ll start taking effect after he wakes up and it’ll feel as if he has slept soundly.」 (Hind)

It seems like it takes from 15-30 minutes for your blood to absorb the caffeine.

That’s why it’s the best thing to drink before you take a nap when you feel really sleepy, since in those cases you’d end up even more tired.

After glancing at Shuuhei, who had lied down on the sofa, we killed some time.

Connected to the converter, a retro game was forcibly connected to the new display and I was having a competition repeatedly with Miyu in my own room.

It’s not like I’m really particular about it, but when we play retro games, most of the time we use an actual console.

Even if they are mementos, rather than leave them intact for a long time, I believe my dad would be happy that they are being used like this.

Well, there’s also the fact that I’d need to exchange the batteries for the type of games that require saving.

「There, a 13 chain.」 (Wataru)

「Gyaaaaaaaaaa!! You fiend!!」 (Miyu)

The game we are playing right now is one of those tetris-type games.

It’s the type where you move downward floating blocks, so if you place them well, you can erase them with a chain.

If you get a chain, it’s possible to send a big amount of blocks towards your opponent.

The one I chose was Miyu, so with this…

「You are so weak, you…why didn’t you choose an action game since you are good at those?」 (Wataru)

「Well, I got charmed by the character in the package and unintentionally…

「Even if I didn’t win, I looked at the character inside the game plenty so I’m satisfied!」 (Miyu)

「I see. Guess I don’t mind in that case.」 (Wataru)

Unlike those puzzle games where you just stoically remove blocks, this type of game that has competitive elements tends to have cute characters in them.

Since I have won against Miyu five times in a row already, I raised my hand thinking that it was about time to switch games and then-

「…Alright! I’m feeling good!…Eh, where are you!? Don’t tell me you went out and left me alone here!?」 (Shuuhei)

Since we heard Shuuhei waking up, we decided to turn it off and head back to the living room.

「Well then, with that being said, I want you to win this tournament no matter what.」 (Shuuhei)

「You are annoying when you are feeling down, but you are also annoying when you are in good spirits, Shuuhei!」 (Miyu)

Miyu turned with her eyes half closed towards Shuuhei, who had stood up as he said that.

While facing us, Shuuhei sat down on the chair again, hit the table and said this in indignation.

「Shut up, Miyucchi! In fact, you’d better win! I bet all the money I had on both of you winning after all, there’s no way to get that money back anymore!」 (Shuuhei)

「Eh? You, wouldn’t it be bad if you didn’t get it right? I’m saying this in advance, but if you end up penniless you can’t go around pestering Selene-san for money, you got that?

「It’s fine if you ask us but it’s not like we have that much either.」 (Wataru)

「I know that! However, if the pair that won against us were to win the tournament I’d feel content, in fact, it would feel like I’d won too? Or something like that!」 (Shuuhei)

Isn’t that kind of wrong…?

That being said, for Shuuhei to have done the information gathering we were planning to do is something we should be thankful for.

Shuuhei took out a table from his bag and started explaining while showing us the information on the screen.

After we had memorized stuff like replays in our heads, we took a break.

「Oh right, Shuuhei, Mitsuyoshi-san included, I have been called the 「True Self」multiple times throughout the tournament. What does that even mean?」 (Wataru)

「Ah, I was wondering about that too. What does that even mean?」 (Miyu)

「You guys are not looking at the BBS? Wait a bit…eh…it should be around here…oh here here.

「I believe the origin of that name comes from this thread.」 (Shuuhei)

After he said that, Miyu and I looked at the thread page Shuuhei was pointing at.

【Only three】Thread 4 about the actual situation of the duel event・Group H【Players that belong to Sala】

This is a thread to comment in real time about the broadcast of Group H of the PvP tournament that is under way in TB.

Let’s be well mannered in this thread.

The next thread will be announced and made once we reach over 800 posts.

In case it’s not made, it’ll be announced in the next post number.

If that reply is not made, please slow down your posts.

518:Nameless Knight ID:wXaYU8Y

Hero-chan is here!!!ヽ(゜∀゜ )ノ

519:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:ZtkGyFb

Her first battle was like that so I have high expectations.

520:Nameless Mage ID:3pcbybT

However, why is she pairing up with a Shinto Priest…she should have paired up with an Archer…

521:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:YgAjkJN

Don’t make fun of Shinto Priests! He was doing really well in that last match right!?

522:Nameless Archer ID:8yu5TXG

A fight with the Emperor is not a good point of reference LOL

523:Nameless Knight ID:SgDZFPX

It has started.

So their opponents are 2 Martial Artists…they are hard and a pain to deal with.

524:Nameless Archer ID:mG3gZ9S

Hero-chan is being surrounded 2 v 1.

525:Nameless Heavy warrior ID:ZtkGyFb

Well, Hero-chan’s partner hasn’t moved from that spot since the beginning of the match…

526:Nameless Mage ID:5BuDEpQ

You are right LOL.

He’s been charging his MP LOL.

527:Nameless Light Warrior ID:nbNEt6A

Ah, he finally started to cast something.

But, don’t you think it’s too late to heal her?

528:Nameless Knight ID:SEJhyZB

Hero-chan dieeeeeeeeeed!?

529:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:UitE3QD

So fast LOL, it’s barely been 30 seconds since the match started LMAO.

Is what I thought but she stood up right awaaaaaaaaaay!?

530:Nameless Archer ID:mG3gZ9S

What the hell is this!? Please, someone explain!

531:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:fBeLSLS

No no no no, this is too weird.

I get the part where that Shinto Priest used Revive, but there’s no way to shorten the cast time right?

532:Nameless Mage ID:KkFsyDh

From what I know…there shouldn’t be a way right now.

533:Nameless Martial Artist ID:PB54phB

Wait LOL, she died again LOL.

534:Nameless Knight ID:SgDZFPX

This time for sure it’s over…eh, wait?

535:Nameless Mage ID:QgrV4Tw

She got up again without delay LOL.

Besides, where did the CD of Revive go LMAO.

536:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:hTDrZHW

I mean you guys have been looking at Hero-chan all the time, that Shinto priest used Quick beforehand.

537:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:nfHW9Bf

Aah, now that I think about it that did exist.

538:Nameless Martial Artist ID:Ea6NU8J

Everyone is on Hero-chan’s side, someone go cheer for the duo of Martial Artists LOL.

No one is commenting on their side LOL.

539:Nameless Light Warrior ID:EbiexEQ

Well…you know…

540:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:7BMNBe6

Cuteness is justice!!

541:Nameless Knight ID:wXaYU8Y

That being said, I like how she’s cute but what she shouts is pointlessly manly LOL.

It’s fun to watch LOL.

542:Nameless Archer ID:JNT67ss

Yeah, however, this time she’s been mostly just enduring.

543:Nameless Mage ID:5TLB7Bp

Because of the CD of Revive and Quick most likely.

But, even when it’s 2 v 1, she’s doing a good job of blocking her opponents and not letting them get past her.

She keeps getting buffed and healed too so it does seem like she’ll be able to endure.

544:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:hTDrZHW

This Shinto Priest is rotating his spells quite well.

Other than that, if I’m guessing right, he’s predicting when he has to cast Revive.

545:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:7BMNBe6

Nah, there’s no way.

If he failed the timing, it would be all over.

546:Nameless Archer ID:KdDwHQk

However, if he started casting once she died, he wouldn’t make it in time.

Your casting would get interrupted when they hit you and it would be over.

547:Nameless Light Warrior ID:tT7ajD6

If Hero-chan dies one more time we’ll be able to confirm it.

If she does die again that is.

548:Nameless Knight ID:JNT67ss

You, you are saying something quite mean…LOL.

549:Nameless Light Warrior ID:tT7ajD6

However, sooner or later she will…ah.

550:Nameless Martial Artist ID:Ttnt7Bp


551:Nameless Archer ID:KdDwHQk

Wait a moment LMAO.

Right now, Hero-chan went back to her last position like some kind of rewinding LMAO.

552:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:hTDrZHW

I confirmed that he started casting 14 seconds before Hero-chan died.

I mean, he did it even though there would be 15 seconds until he finished casting it LMAO.

553:Nameless Mage ID:fhWgYi8

What’s with that 1 second of margin of error!

554:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:7BMNBe6

He didn’t even give Hero-chan the time to fall down LMAO.

He’s a demon LMAO.

555:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:nQDDrKZ

This is bad, this Shinto Priest is so interesting LMAO.

If he keeps doing this in the tournament, I might make one of those fetish threads and cheer him on LMAO.

556:Nameless Mage ID:sz68Ze5

The opponents are shouting things like Zombie and Necromancer.

I won’t forgive you guys if you call Hero-chan a Zombie you know?

557:Nameless Light Warrior ID:d5AK5kL

It’s an enigma how he manages to read the timing at which she’ll die…

Even though you can control the timing to a certain extent with heals.

558:Nameless Knight ID:jPV4X3d

She finished him off with Burst Edgeeeeeeeeeee!!

559:Nameless Martial Artist ID:Ea6NU8

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Even though I’m temporarily cheering for the Martial Artiiiiiiist!!

560:Nameless Archer ID:WJBPJuL

@599 Temporarily you say LOL.

But to finish off with a powerful skill after enduring until now huh…quite the exciting development.

561:Nameless Mage ID:AyxdLLm

The outcome has been decided.

I’m going to check the other groups(・ω・)ノシ

562:Nameless Knight ID:JyUP8TR

This match, I would have loved to watch it in the venue if I had the time.

563:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:bSmaYc9

That being said, I don’t appreciate the name Necromancer as another Shinto Priest.

I believe that would suit Mages.

Someone go give that Shinto Priest an appropriate name (Leaving it to others).

564:Nameless Light Warrior ID:4h8Yy5d

I saw that Shinto Priest as a pervert that used Hero-chan as if she was a remote weapon LOL.

565:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:gUjp9hX

It’s true that the one controlling the flow of the battle wasn’t Hero-chan but that guy.

It’s a bit mean that it was similar to a Necromancer LMAO. She’s like a robot LMAO.

566:Nameless Mage ID:XEmWhLw

There are enemies like that in games.

Even if you defeat them endlessly, they’ll get revived as long as you don’t defeat the real enemy, or something like that LOL.

567:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:2zbgPEd

Ah, the True Self used Entrust on Hero-chan.

568:Nameless Light Warrior ID:x4SY8YN

Was that a MP transfer skill? So that means that Burst Edge is out of CD.

So he has an understanding of the CDs of his allies, that True Self is just faultless.

569:Nameless Archer ID:eQ9ChT8

And that’s the end of the match.

However, that guy sure got blown away a great distance at the end.

It’s not like I’d like to get hit by that but it felt really good to watch LOL.

570:Nameless Heavy Warrior ID:RYEafLV

The True Self is amaziiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!

571:Nameless Mage ID:FmDhzkf

That True Self completely controlled the flow of the match from start to finish.

572:Nameless Light Warrior ID:KxuAJ7E

Not bad True Self! I’ll cheer for you next time too!!

573:Nameless Shinto Priest ID:bSmaYc9

Eh, what? We decided on 「True Self」? LOL.

「And, your 2nd match was like a revival festival right? That’s why they decided on that nickname in a blink of an eye.」 (Shuuhei)

「Who’s a remote weapon, having them saying something clever! I can’t deny it!!」 (Miyu)

「No, you should deny it, Miyucchi…」 (Shuuhei)

「So that’s why it ended in True Self huh…w-well, it’s better than being called a Necromancer. But it doesn’t feel great after all…」 (Wataru)

According to Shuuhei, it seems like a 「Thread to cheer for Hero-chan’s True Self」 was happily made right after we got into the Top 8, but I didn’t check it because it’s embarrassing.

I have been given quite the weird name…

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