VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 84: 7Th Place Vs 8Th Place, Start Of The Battle.

Been kinda busy lately so I couldn’t muster the motivation to translate anything, but I finally managed to get around the .

No promises on the next one, enjoy the chapter.

2nd battle, Hippopotamus (Grado Empire)・Falke (Grado Empire) vs Insipid Green Tea (Mahl Republic)・Dry Shiitake Mushroom (Mahl Republic), it ended with the Hippopotamus duo winning.

Followed by the 3rd match, Richt (Rust Kingdom)・Rose (Rust Kingdom) vs Forever a Chrysalis (Grado Empire)・Incomplete Container (Grado Empire), the Richt・Rose duo was currently at an advantage.

Speaking of our match, it seems like it ended up being the last one.

It seems like the pairings were supposed to be random, but in the end, we both ended up being at the end of the tournament bracket.

「It’s reaching the climax…as expected of the finals block. They are evenly matched.」(Hind)

「The only weird match was that first one.」 (Tobi)

「In other words, you could say that the only weird one is that Albert.」 (Mitsuyoshi)

Like Mitsuyoshi-san said, Philia-chan’s movements were really good as a Heavy Warrior, but those were still within the realm of common sense.

Only Albert aniki was in another completely different dimension since the group battles, wouldn’t he be fine going 1 vs 2? There were people that voiced that opinion.

「However, these high pitched cheers…sure are hard on the ears!! Kah!」 (Tobi)

The source of Tobi’s unpleasant face were the cheers of the female players, they were all directed towards the Knight Richt.

From what I saw from the videos, he did seem like a handsome guy that would be popular.

If I looked more closely, aside from Tobi, I could see a lot of male players looking rather displeased.

In contrast to being loved by females, he seems to be quite hated by the male player base.

「If you are jealous, you could just be honest and say so.」 (Hind)

「I-I-It’s not like that!!」 (Tobi)

「Thanks for the easy to understand reaction.」 (Hind)

「If Tobi-kun fixed the parts where he’s lacking, he would be popular too. Such a waste.」 (Mitsuyoshi)

「I wonder. If he was able to fix those, you’d think he’d have already fixed them by now.」 (Hind)

「God damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!」 (Tobi)

In an act of frustration, Tobi got off his seat and crouched down.

Maybe we went a bit too far with the jokes…I locked eyes with Mitsuyoshi-san and we both smiled wryly.

We picked Tobi up from both sides and got him back onto his seat.

For a while, Tobi covered his face while groaning and he finally took a deep breath after a while.

「Fuh, I calmed down. But I can’t stop this feeling of envy when I see a pair of man and woman finishing someone off smoothly with continuous sword skills.」 (Tobi)

「Unlike the pair of Albert, these two are quite coordinated after all.」 (Hind)

「Now that you mention it, it felt like they made two 1 on 1 fights.

「What do you think, Hind-kun? From your point of view, what do you think about their coordination?」 (Mitsuyoshi)

Right after those words from Mitsuyoshi-san, their opponent’s Light Warrior, who acted as the vanguard, was finished off by their pincer attack.

With the way it’s going, this match should have been decided.

Well, from what I’ve seen so far, the coordination between those Knights…

「It’s true that they are both strong enough to be the 2nd most popular duo.

「However, it might be because of the fear of friendly fire, the distance between them is far too large. I believe there are plenty of weaknesses we can take advantage of.」 (Hind)

「Oh? As expected of you.

「If the demon of coordination says so, it must be true.」 (Mitsuyoshi)

「We experience that first hand with our bodies after all. I have high expectations of you!」 (Tobi)

「…You don’t have to suck up to me like that.

「Before that, we first have to pass through the fight in front of us or there will be nothing after. I believe you guys are getting ahead of yourselves here.」 (Hind)

After saying that, I stood up from my seat.

If we win, we’ll face them in the next round, but for the time being let’s put that away from our minds.

More importantly, if we don’t start moving before the next match, we’ll end up having to go there in a hurry.

「Yumir, we should get going.」 (Hind)

「Mogo?」 (Yumir)

I called Yumir, who was stuffing her mouth with muffins and urged her to start preparing.

The reason why the female seats were really quiet was because of this.

Though the guys did eat them really fast, the girls ignored the match and took their time to enjoy the sweets.

The conversations I heard from time to time had nothing to do with the match and were all related to discussing the sweets.

『…That’s enough! Well done, Knights of Rust! The way you completely plucked your opponent’s chances of winning was splendid! The winners are the Richt・Rose duo!』 (Emperor)

Meanwhile, it seems like the match was decided.

With this, the 3rd match of the quarter finals is over too, in the end it ended because of a misfire of Arrow Rain.

With this it’s finally our turn next.

「Well then, we are going!」 (Yumir)

「We’ll be on our way.」 (Hind)

After receiving words of encouragement and being sent off by everyone, Yumir and I moved to the stage.

While being watched by the Emperor, we faced Hersschaft and Walter.

Walter was wearing the same butler outfit as before.

However, it was probably a new one made with materials with high defense.

In Herrschaft’s case, she was wearing a far more gorgeous dress than before.

Since they were both wearing outfits that you didn’t usually see players wearing, they were standing out quite a bit.

The reason Herrscha has the nickname of 「Ojou-sama」 in the BBS is probably also because of this fact.

「Hind…I wanted to face you in the finals.」 (Herrscha)

「The people in the BBS supporting the two duos with a magic class job in them are probably quite disappointed…to think that we would have to beat each other right from the bat.」 (Hind)

「B-But, one of us will go to the semifinals! I, if we lose, I’ll cheer for master!」 (Walter)

「Don’t talk as if it’s decided that we are going to lose, Walter!…Hind! If we win, you will have to cheer for us!」 (Herrscha)

「Well, that was what I was planning to do…」 (Hind)

「Hah, there’s no way we would lose that easily!」 (Yumir)

Towards those words coming from Yumir, Herrscha glared at her sharply.

Walter looked quite nervous and the Emperor looked like he was having fun watching sparks fly off before the match.

It seems like until they are done talking, he will wait to give the signal for the battle to start.

「…Your partner sure has quite the impertinent mouth. Shouldn’t you teach her some manners?」 (Herrscha)

「Look who’s talking. Can’t you hold a conversation without adding Hind into it? Ah? If you have something to say, how about you say it straight to me? You coward!」 (Yumir)

They countered sharp words with sharp words.

The corners of their eyes suddenly rose up and they took up their weapons and shouted at the same time.

「So rude! I can’t forgive your insolent attitude!」 (Herrscha)

「Just what I was asking for! Come at me already!」 (Yumir)

Well, I already thought this before but…these two, their natures are identical.

「What do you think, Walter?」 When I asked him that carefreely, he replied with a troubled expression.

「I-It’s true that that might be the case but, master, is it really fine to leave them like that…?」 (Walter)

「Don’t worry. You should look forward to their attitude after the battle.」 (Hind)

「If you say so, master…eh, well…I’ll put my heart into it! Let’s have a good battle!」 (Walter)

「Sure. I’ll do my best too.」 (Hind)

I stood quite far behind Yumir and Walter stood as if to protect Herrscha. When we were in position, the Emperor took a step forward.

I’m grateful that the Emperor had waited until we finished talking.

『I take you are ready? …Fumuh, that’s good.

『In that case, final battle of the quarter finals, Walter・Herrschaft vs Yumir・Hind…begin!』 (Emperor)

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