VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 86: First Match Of The Semifinals

But hey, at least it didn’t take me more than a month this time right?

Before getting into the chapter I’ll have to comment on a certain part of it. In the middle of the chapter Walter will ask Hind if Yumir and Herrscha are like “boys”.

However, in the original text he does mean men. The problem with translating this part of the chapter was that later on Hind does say that they are more like men too, but this time using a “stronger” word for it. (Think “men among men” sort of word)

As there was no English variant I could think to make this work. I switched the first one for “boyish” and the second one said by Hind has remained as “manly” so that the readers can see the difference between both terms.

That will be all for the translator notes for this chapter, enjoy.

『-That’s the end of the match! It was an interesting match where the team with the upper hand kept switching all the time! The winners are Yumir and Hind!』 (Emperor)

The venue was filled with cheers.

At the same time the match ended, Walter recovered from his KO’d status and stood up while staggering, then he returned to where we were.

Then Yumir…

「It’s our win.」 (Yumir)

「Kuh…」 (Herrscha)

She boasted about her win to Herrscha, who was still kneeling.

Walter tried to rush over to Herrscha to help her out in a panic, but I stopped him by reaching out with my arm.

「Master…?」 (Walter)

「Well, in cases like these just wait and watch.」 (Hind)

Yumir held out her hand towards Herrscha, who was grinding her teeth in frustration.

Herrscha was taken aback by such an action and just stared at her.

After being forced to grasp the hand that was extended to her, Yumir put in strength and helped her stand up.

「…However, that was a good spell at the end. I love flashy spells like the ones you used.」 (Yumir)

「…!!」 (Herrscha)

At the sudden words, Herrscha looked quite surprised but she didn’t seem to hate it.

She fixed her posture in a hurry, stuck out her chest and replied.

「T-That goes without saying! It’s my magic after all! The flame is strong, beautiful…that’s why, even though I thought that it wouldn’t lose to anyone…your sword skills might be crude, but I’ll at least admit that you are strong.」 (Herrscha)

「Fun, you sure can talk. Come on, you should give a response to the audience! There are people that are clapping for you too.」 (Yumir)

After the cheers for us died down, the audience started cheering when they saw Yumir helped Herscha.

Then Herrscha raised her hand in a dignified manner while Walter did so shily.

While doing that, Walter sneakily approached me and said.

「M-Master…! It was as master said, it worked out somehow! It’s just that…eh, how should I say this…」 (Walter)

「You mean that right? It’s like one of those scenes with men beating each other besides a riverbed.

「”You are not half bad”…”I could say the same about you”…something like that?

「I’m getting a bit embarrassed just from watching them.」 (Hind)

「Yes, that was it! It played out exactly like one of those situations! Even though they are both female!」 (Walter)


「Well, they are both quick to anger and are simple minded after all. No matter how it would have ended, I thought that it would end well in the end.」 (Hind)

“I see…”, while murmuring that, Walter started walking next to me.

Like that, we followed Yumir and Herrscha and left the stage behind us.

To leave the area quickly after the match is over is a rule of the arena.

「So to sum it up, both of their personalities are like those of boys?」 (Walter)

「Wait wait, you definitely can’t say that in front of both of them you hear me? They will beat you up. Besides, if we were to be more specific, rather than being boyish, I believe it would be more correct to say that they are like men.」 (Hind)

「Eh? What’s the difference?」 (Walter)

「I have the feeling…the latter one matches their personality better.」 (Hind)

I mean, both of them look like beautiful girls on the outside after all.

No, in a sense, you could say that there are 3 beautiful girls right here…but the reality is quite different.

That’s why, Walter, I’d prefer if you didn’t act as if you didn’t understand, because the concept of gender will start getting weird when you do.

What does it mean to be manly? We’ll enter a maze where there’s no real answer if you do.

There will be a break until the semifinals start.

There are some players that decided to log out for the time being, but the majority stayed here fearing that they would lose their seats.

Since our seats are different, there’s no need to worry about that kind of thing, however, all of us didn’t log out and were currently chatting.

「Ah, both of you. First of all, congratulations on advancing to the semi-finals.」 (Tobi)

「「Congratulations!!」」 (Lyco and Sai)

We received those words from Tobi, Lycoris-chan and Cineraria-chan once we returned to our seats.

After replying with a 「Thanks」 while feeling embarrassed, I took my seat along with Yumir.

「You sure took your time, did something happen?」 (Tobi)

「We accompanied Herrscha and Walter to their seats first. Then, we found out that all the people seated there were members of their guild.」 (Hind)

「Umu. Their guild was quite peculiar!」 (Yumir)

We only exchanged short greetings, but since it didn’t seem like there was anyone that was resenting us for beating Herrscha and Walter, it didn’t seem like they were bad people.

It’s just that, as Yumir has said, they were certainly weird.

「Peculiar…what do you mean by that? Don’t tell me that all of them were wearing butler and maid outfits?」 (Mitsuyoshi)

「No, they didn’t go that far but…」 (Hind)

Mitsuyoshi’s guess didn’t hit the mark but wasn’t that far off either.

All ten of them were seated without leaving any empty seats in between, and the moment Herrscha returned they all stood up and…

「「「Good work out there, ojou-sama!!」」」

They expressed their congratulations like that while bowing their heads.

It was kinda impressive how the players seated behind them only felt a bit uncomfortable.

「Rather than guild mates, they seemed more like subordinates?」 (Yumir)

「You are right. Rather than being seated in a row, it seemed like they were seated in hierarchical order after all.」 (Hind)

「…Hind-san. Could it be that they are doing that against their wil-」

「Nope. I got the feeling that they all adored her, it was kinda scary.」 (Hind)

「Ehh…an ojou-sama…and her servants…?」 (Siesta)

I think that with those words said by Siesta-chan absent-mindedly, the reality hit me.

That’s right, that was a group made for their 「Ojou-sama」.

With the servants supporting her, it was a guild revolving around Herrscha.

That was probably what that guild called 『Sirius』 was all about.

「Well, they did look like quite the strong guild, but they did say that they would cheer for us in our next match.」 (Hind)

「But that woman, she tried to poach Hind to her guild on our way back you know? Riizu, go over there later and scatter salt over there, salt!!」 (Yumir)

「…so you mean that they are our enemy right? I feel reluctant to do as Yumir-san says, but fine. I’ll make sure to scatter plenty of salt later. In that case, how about I go in front of them and throw salt at them directly?」 (Riizu)

「T-That’s a joke right…? You are not being serious right?」 (Selene)

It looks like Selene-san is worried but it’ll probably be OK.

Salt is quite the expensive material in TB, in our guild, I’m the only one that has some.

Yumir should possess 0 gold and Riizu probably won’t go through the trouble of buying some just for that.

We killed some time while talking about such a silly topic and the arena got lively again.

The scheduled time was getting near and when the participants and the Emperor took the stage, big cheers resonated throughout the arena.

「Oh, there he is, Albert. Don’t you think that the reason the interval was so long was their fault? The developers must be crying.」 (Hind)

「Well, Aniki is the only one whose matches are extremely short after all. These are the semifinals, they’ll probably have a closer match this time.」 (Tobi)

However, as if to betray Tobi’s expectations, the same thing that happened in the quarterfinals happened in the semifinals.

It seemed like the audience was already used to it, even though it developed as they had expected, they still cheered really loudly.

Even the Hippopotamus and Falke duo was unable to stop Albert.

『Muu…regarding this match, I have nothing to say. The winners are the Mercenary Albert and Philia duo! ….Next up, it’s time for the 2nd match of the semifinals! All four participants, head to the stage!』 (Emperor)

「So fast…is it our turn already? Yumir, we are going.」 (Hind)

「Good grief, we don’t even have the time to take it easy…」 (Yumir)

We returned after going to Herrscha and Walter’s seats, so even if the interval was long, we didn’t have much time to rest…in order to fight in the semifinals, we headed towards the stage again.

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