VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 130: Overheating And Auction

Back with another chapter. This one marks the end of the current arc and we are moving on to the next one. Next one will be a real life chapter and we’ll have a surprise guest so look forward to that.

Actually, I have the next one already translated but I guess I’ll release it tomorrow to give myself some leeway in case my motivation drops a bit.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter and I’ll see you tomorrow.

「Evening…eh? Only Selene-san is here?」(Hind)

「…Ah, H-Hind-kun! G-G-Good evening!」(Selene)

「Good evening.」(Hind)

Once I entered the lounge, I saw Selene-san with her menu window open looking at the items in the auction.

Though, once she looked at me, her eyes were wandering around and she looked as if couldn’t calm down.

Seeing that, I went to make herbal tea for both of us and sat down after placing the cups on the table.

Once I sat down in front of her, Selene-san’s shoulders trembled and she looked downwards.

This, this seems like the pattern of someone feeling embarrassed after realizing what she had done…or something like that?

「T-Th-Thank you!」(Selene)

「Selene-san, you are too stiff. Though I guess I shouldn’t be saying that since I’m the source of the issue…」(Hind)


「It’ll be hard on your body if you are so tense, so let’s try to relax a bit. Deep breaths, deep breaths.」(Hind)

*breath in* *breath out* Selene-san obeyed my words and did what I told her.

After that, she drank all the herbal tea in one go and looked as if she had calmed down, but this time she looked at me as if she was sad and sulking.

Unconsciously, I found her sullen look quite cute and my heart started beating faster. However, it didn’t show in my face.

「…Hind-kun, you don’t really act any differently from before.」(Selene)

「What? …Ah, you mean that.」(Hind)

So this is what she’s trying to say.

Even though I’m this nervous, what happened the day before yesterday meant so little to you? Or something like that…

Don’t I have any other choice but to say it? Even though it’s embarrassing.

However, Selene-san looks so sad and hurt…I guess there’s no choice.

「You see…this is just me hiding my embarrassment. In my own way.」(Hind)

「…What do you mean?」(Selene)

「I’m just looking calm on the surface. I don’t think I’m feeling much different from what you are feeling deep inside. My face is all hot and my heart looks as if it’s going to jump out.」(Hind)

「…I can’t see that at all though…」(Selene)

I haven’t said a single lie though.

If I don’t reveal more of my inner thoughts it doesn’t seem like she’ll believe me…

While scratching my face, I revealed the embarrassed state I was in last night.

「I’m serious. The day before yesterday, I didn’t know what to do after that happened and I repeated that scene where you told me you liked me over and over in my head, I was wide awake and couldn’t get any sleep.

It was the same as when…that time, eh…you did that to my cheek. Thanks to that, I nearly arrived late to my part-time job.」(Hind)

「Eh? T-That means-」(Selene)

「-I mean, I got confessed by this beautiful and intellectual looking older girl you know!? Even if we didn’t become lovers.

There’s no way a guy wouldn’t be happy! If there was, it would be some kind of scarecrow with the shape of a guy.」(Hind)

「Ah, uuuu….」(Selene)

Halfway through I was just becoming rather desperate.

I get the feeling that I said some things that didn’t need to have been said though, my thoughts that were accompanied by heat and vigor couldn’t be stopped anymore.

「I haven’t said enough!? You don’t need to hide behind unfashionable glasses or unkept hair! You have nice eyes and a small but attractive face, your skin is lovely and there’s a nice fragrance whenever I come close to you! You are very knowledgeable and even if I talk about boring stuff you properly listen to me and you are kind! Even today before I logged in, I took a long time to calm myself down and prepar-」(Hind)

「H-Hind-kun, I get it…I get it so…no more…gusu…」(Selene)


When I came to, Selene-san’s whole body was so red that steam was pouring from it and she was looking at me with moist eyes.

I…I went too far…

「Sorry for not believing you…I was happy, but I was too surprised that tears…」(Selene)

「If possible, I kinda wish you noticed how much I was enduring it a bit sooner.」(Hind)

「Yeah, sorry…」(Selene)

It didn’t really go the way I wanted it to, but we somehow reached an understanding.

I definitely wasn’t making light of Selene-san’s confession, I just thought that moving forward it was best to try to act as normal as possible.

As a result, it brought up this kind of situation.

I can’t remember most of the things I said but…the me from a moment ago, wasn’t I being kinda disgusting…?

「Anyway, what I wanted to say was-」(Hind)

「It’s fine…I already get it. Since you can’t reply to the other person’s feelings…no, that’s not it. Since we are preventing ourselves from responding to them, trying to not show it on the surface is proof of Hind-san’s sincerity right?」(Selene)


Hearing those words coming from her, I could neither agree to or deny them.

Regarding this topic, I couldn’t really call what I was doing sincere after all.

However, Selene-san reached an understanding and was smiling, then she looked at me and nodded.

After that, the same way as before…or rather, with a slightly closer distance than before, we started to talk about the auction while waiting for the other members.

Around ten minutes later, the door was opened in a rude and vigorous manner.

「I have arrived!」(Yumir)

「Oh, you are here. I guess with this everyone’s here.」(Hind)

「Good evening, Yumir-san.」(Selene)

While ending in an incomprehensible pose, Yumir stood still at the spot after entering through the door.

With this, there’s me, Selene-san and Yumir who just came through the door.

「Muh? What about the girls from Baby Bird?」(Yumir)

「Seems like they have a trip tomorrow. Since they have to go early in the morning they won’t be coming today.」(Hind)

「What about Riizu?」(Yumir)

「The results from the practice test she took came back, she only got one question wrong but…she holed herself up in her room and is studying.」(Hind)

「Revenge…not that, so she’s reviewing, I see. Since you said she got one question wrong that means that the rest…」(Yumir)

「Perfect score.」(Hind)


“I guess I didn’t even need to ask”, Yumir’s expression seemed to say that.

Then, she started to look around the room and opened her mouth to ask about the last member that hasn’t been mentioned yet.

「Then, what about Tobi?」(Yumir)

「Ah, if it’s that guy…」(Hind)

Reacting to Yumir’s words, I made a fist and raised it towards the ceiling.

Once I did, the portion of the ceiling I hit with my fist flipped over, once it did a full rotation, it spit out a black object.

Immediately after it landed, I took an insecticide and sprayed it as if it was a bug and said object groaned with a 「Gueh!」 as it fell on the floor.

「He’s here!」(Hind)

「If you noticed, just call out to me normally!」(Tobi)

「I mean, there was an icon coming from the ceiling…hiding wouldn’t work.」(Selene)

「Selene-dono also noticed!? Furthermore, there’s that unexpected weak point!」(Tobi)

「That kind of thing, it would be fixed if you made it so it doesn’t display in your settings. You idiot.」(Yumir)

「Even Yumir-dono!? Guohhh…」(Tobi)

Hearing those words coming from Yumir, who he thought had the same level of intelligence as him, Tobi took a big hit.

This guy stayed there in the ceiling for around three minutes before Yumir arrived, right?

I noticed right away but he was so poorly hidden that I decided to just leave him be.

To think he was seriously trying to stay hidden.

Like this, it’s kinda hard to call him a ninja…

Then, the deadline for the bidding period of the auction was approaching.

The kunai set’s starting bidding price was 10k G, though the buyout price was 700k G…

Seems like it was bought yesterday, surprisingly the buyer was 『Masamune』.

He was the Japanese-style blacksmith that placed 2nd in the weapon section.

「Tobi, since this is a good opportunity, try to contact him if the opportunity arises. If we are lucky, you might get a reply.」(Hind)

「Seems like he has it set so he can receive emails…I’ll give it a try.」(Tobi)

「As expected, he seems to be really fond of Japanese style items.」(Hind)

「That katana was also extremely sharp, I wonder what kind of player he is?」(Selene)

Selene-san seems like she’s really bad at making Japanese style things, so even to this day, Tobi buys his equipment in the trading BBS.

There are some items mixed among those that I made myself, but as you’d expect, compared to what people like Selene-san make they are inferior.

If we think about increasing our guild’s fighting power, it would be best if we had Masamune make Tobi’s equipment.

After that, each one of us started bidding on items that interested each other.

Though, among the members here right now, I’m the only one that’s submitting something. My 『Eishika Dress』…

Just before the auction ended, we stared at the window where the biddings appeared.

「Geh, aren’t these columns weird? Hind…」(Yumir)

「There’s seven columns.

The number of bidders is also about three…are you serious?」(Hind)

「It’s really popular among Mages and Shinto Priests. If I remember correctly, it increases your magic power by a lot?」(Tobi)

「It was 10% right? If we are talking about support effects on defensive gear, it’s rather extraordinary right?」(Selene)

「If I had to say, it’s the cloth that’s amazing. The Eishika cloth that is.

The price of the material is high, seems like the starting price was 500k G…」(Hind)

That amount is over ten times higher already surpassing 5 million G and it keeps going up.

By the way, regarding the average amount of money players have, I heard that it seems to be in the 1-2million range.

In other words, if Mages and Shinto Priests are still bidding at this point, it has to be those high rank players that want to increase their strength even if it’s only by a bit.

Then, ten seconds before the auction was over…a bidder that bid 20 million G, an amount that would make your eyeballs jump out appeared.

In a panic, I looked at the name of the bidder and the name 『Herrschaft』 was displayed…

「「「You are the one buying it!?」」」

Selene-san aside, all three of us shouted.

As you’d expect, the bidders that until now kept bidding and were bidding in the close to 6 million range stopped…like that, Herscha won the bid for the Eishika Dress with her overwhelming financial prowess.

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