VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~

Chapter 136: Raid + ○○

Was busy with other stuff so took a while to finish this chapter.


「Haa…Maou-chan…I’m healed.」(Tobi)

「I-I see. Good for you…」(Hind)

In regard to Tobi, who had an idiotic face and was smiling in delight, the three girls continued talking without giving him any attention.

Since it can’t be helped, guess I’ll get closer and talk to him so he cools down.

「So, did they say what kind of event would be next?」(Tobi)

「You, you weren’t listening at all? Just how absorbed were you in watching Maou-chan…geez, whatever. The next event is in the sea of the Mahl Republic, we have to defeat a Kraken. If it’s like always, the details should appear if we wait for a bit?」(Hind)

「Did they mention anything that would explain why it’s called a combined type?」(Tobi)

「Nope, not at all.」(Hind)

Mahl huh, Tobi murmured that as he opened the menu window.

As we’d expected, there was a notice of the update with details about the event.

「It’s already up…the duration is one week, the event will start in three days.」(Hind)

「Is there any means of transportation to get there?」(Tobi)

「…According to the instructions, there doesn’t seem to be any warp functions like with the tournament.」(Hind)

「In that case, we have three days to move towards our destination huh? This is rather troublesome.」(Tobi)

That seems to be the case.

Seems to be some kind of grace period, considering where we are currently, it’s going to be troublesome.

We have no other choice but to proceed while defeating the area bosses…though it seems like they have weakened the main bosses on the road.

Seems like they are about as strong as bosses in rural areas.

「We are currently pretty far west in this continent after all. Though it’s better than being in the northern Beli Confederation.」(Hind)

「Even then, it’s pretty far…」(Tobi)

「It won’t take long if we use the Grado Turks right?」(Yumir)

Yumir, who had noticed that Tobi was back to normal, cut into our conversation.

Consequently, Riizu and Selene-san came over too.

It’s true that the Grado Turks are excellent, but it would be a bit hard to travel with a group of five with only two of them.

「Even if you say that, the most people a Grado Turk can carry is three right? That’s if everyone were female. With guys, two would be the limit and if they were heavy, they would get tired quickly. I don’t think it’ll be very efficient for long distance travel?」(Hind)

「Besides, if the members of Baby Bird told us they want to go, we would have to bring them along too.」(Selene)

「Ah, there’s that too. Yup…in that case it would be better for everyone to ride a camel…but if there was a long distance to travel after we entered Mahl too, camels would be…」(Hind)

For problems like this to happen even before the event has started, are the developers saying something like 「I think it’s about time for you guys to secure some means of transportation」?

However, horses, which are the most suitable for long distance travel, are still very expensive, the current situation is not that different from a few weeks ago.

As a result of our discussion…

「As expected, we will have to rent a mount?」(Riizu)

「You think so too, Riizu? Financially, I think that option is better too.」(Hind)

The ones you rent are 『Common Horses』 whose rank is fixed, the price is 50k G a day and you can borrow them from the stables in each village.

If players had to use one frequently it would be better to just buy one, but you could say that it’s perfect for situations like this when you just need to use one for a limited time.

「Let’s leave the small details for when the members of Baby Bird are here. I wonder if the places you can go with rental horses are fixed?

Next, I guess we need to decide how we are going to do the event as a guild.」(Hind)

「Looking at the outline of the event, I guess we would either go at it by ourselves or team up with strangers. I don’t mind either way!」(Yumir)

As for temporal alliances for the event, the maximum is the alliance of up to five guilds.

Just for reference, the member limit for a guild in TB is fifty people, if five of those were allied together that would mean that the limit for Raid Bosses in TB is of 250 people. That’s a lot.

For alliances, when you come into contact with the Raid Boss a field will be created so others can’t enter. For people that go on their own, the area will be closed when the maximum number of people is reached.

「What do you think, Selene-san?」(Hind)

「Me? …Ah, right. You are worried because I’m not good with strangers right? In fact, since I believe I will stand out even less because there will be a lot of people, I will feel even less pressure. I’m fine either way.」(Selene)

「If we were speaking about efficiency, an alliance would be the best. Playing on your own is usually fine, but it’s not very efficient when it comes to events like this.」(Tobi)

「If it’s the developers of this game, they will probably prepare rewards for those that play solo but…that is indeed the case.」(Hind)

By the way, they still haven’t revealed the reward for this event.

Seems like they want to reveal it just before the event starts in three days.

I have my suspicions that…they’ll probably announce some extravagant rewards to attract people if there are not enough players when the event starts.

Seeing that the flow of the conversation leaned towards forming an alliance, Yumir folded her arms and was pondering.

「But, do we have any ideas of which guild to ally up with? In our case, it would be a bit questionable for us to employ Albert and his daughter right?」(Yumir)

「The guilds that would need them would be those that even having a lot of members, they still lack an Ace Attacker. In our case, on the contrary-」(Hind)

「Umu. Migratory Bird already has an Ace and that would be me!」(Yumir)

「An Ace, in other words, you mean me right? Well, I know that even if you don’t say anything.」(Tobi)

Both of them stuck out their chest to catch my attention.

It’s not like they are wrong but…Riizu sighed and Selene-san smiled wryly.

「…I do have confidence in your skills, but we have nowhere near enough people. We’d need to make an alliance with at least two guilds with a lot of members. Otherwise, I believe we’ll have a lot of trouble if we go with the alliance option and fight.」(Hind)

There is the option of increasing the number of people in our guild but I don’t think it’s a good idea to forcibly let people in that we don’t know if we’ll get along well with or not.

If there were a large number of people, chances are high that Selene-san would feel uncomfortable.

Coincidentally, me and everyone else, we don’t have any intention of making this a very big guild.

「Even if we added the members of Baby Bird we would only be eight people. Challenging a Raid Boss with that amount would be reckless. In that case, Hind-dono, you should try contacting the people in your friend list first.」(Tobi)

「Mine? …Ah, I see. It’s true that both of them are leaders of big guilds.」(Hind)

Both of them are our common friends, I think they’ll at least hear us out.

If that’s not good, we’ll contact Tobi’s friends…if that doesn’t work either, we’ll try to recruit with the in-game recruitment feature and other ways like SNS and the BBS to recruit a big number of people. Going on our own will be the last resort.

「So, the meaning of that combined part that I was so interested in is this. Seems like it’s a fishing event.」(Hind)

The event details in the window menu showed 『Starting at the same time! Let’s fish the biggest Tunnus!』.

Seems like we can get rewards depending on the size of the Tunnus we fish.

Looks like buying a ship and fishing rods are both possible currently.

「Trying to catch tuna with a fishing rod, huh? I wonder if vanguards will have an advantage with their superior physical strength?」(Tobi)

「I wonder. Will the weight correction from the physical power stat have an effect on the fishing rod?」(Hind)

「Now that you mention it, I haven’t tried fishing in this game yet.」(Tobi)

「Me either. In the BBS…or rather, I guess information about it should be gathered in walkthrough sites. I guess it’s better if we gather information about it first.」(Selene)

「So there are convenient sites like that. There’s nothing wrong with having more information so…I’ll take a look at it too later on.」(Riizu)

While looking at the method of fishing…

I found out that you are able to summon the Kraken when you throw a certain number of Tunnus you have caught into the ocean.

In cases where you are joining on your own, it seems like there’s a bonus depending on the amount of Tunnus you contribute to the summoning.

I get the feeling that they placed a big importance on 『Fishing』 in this event.

You won’t be able to do the event until you have caught some Tunnus.

「I guess this is about it? What do you think? Yumir. Got anything else to say as the GM?」(Hind)

「Nothing! I’ll leave all the small details to you, Hind!」(Yumir)

「Isn’t that the same as always…?」(Riizu)

「Hey you over there, quiet!」(Yumir)

「Now now. Look, we should finish planting these.」(Hind)

「Oops, there were still some left. We should finish quickly and then…go level up?」(Tobi)

「I guess so. Seems like they just went and increased the level cap after all.」(Hind)

At the end of the event details there was an announcement saying 「Level cap unlocked!」.

Seems like the next level cap is 50.

After finishing the work in the agricultural area, we prepared our gear and went monster hunting.

Since we had gotten used to fighting as a party, we managed to reach level 42 about two hours after we started hunting.

Since we decided to make preparations to travel tomorrow, we decided to log out at that time.

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