The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 54 The Enemy's Base

Two years had passed since the event that took place in Gaia city. After Orion left the city, he went to the South Continent of the world. He was going here because he wanted to train. His training in the South Continent was harsh. He didn\'t know it, but most of the beasts in the Southern Continent were Legendary Beasts, so he grew so much in these two years.

Even though he had grown so much, he was still at the level of Beast Master. He didn\'t break through this time into Beast Emperor. It seemed that the barrier to Beast Emperor was hard enough to break.

As Orion journeyed through the Southern Continent with Nova and Stella at his side, he couldn\'t help but feel a sense of pride in how far he had come. The harsh training and difficult battles he had faced had pushed him to new heights as a Beast Tamer, and he knew that he was stronger and more skilled than ever before.

As they made their way through a dense forest, Orion turned to Nova and Stella and began to speak. "You know, guys, I never could have made it this far without you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "You two have been by my side through thick and thin, and I couldn\'t have asked for better companions."

Nova let out a low growl of agreement while Stella nuzzled her head against Orion\'s arm. It was clear that both beasts shared a strong bond with their master, and they were always willing to go above and beyond to help him in any way they could.

Orion continued to speak. His voice filled with determination. "I know that we still have a long way to go, and there are still many challenges that lie ahead," he said. "But I\'m confident that with your help, we can overcome anything that comes our way."

Nova and Stella let out a simultaneous roar as if in agreement with their master\'s words. It was clear that they were just as determined as he was to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they continued their journey through the forest, Orion couldn\'t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He knew that there were still many mysteries to uncover and adventures to be had in the world of Beast Taming, and he was eager to explore them all with Nova and Stella by his side.

Orion and his beasts, Nova and Stella, continued their journey towards the Ignis Empire, where they planned to visit the city of Flamehaven. The city was known for its rich culture, strong economy, and most importantly, its esteemed academy for Beast Tamers.

As they traveled, the scenery around them changed drastically. They left the dense forests and mountains behind and entered a vast desert, stretching for miles. The sun beat down mercilessly, and the sand dunes seemed to stretch on forever.

Orion, Nova, and Stella were well-prepared for the journey, with supplies and provisions to last them through the harsh environment. They rode through the desert, with Nova\'s powerful strides making the journey faster and smoother.

As they approached the Ignis Empire, the landscape gradually changed. The sand gave way to rocky terrain, and the heat began to dissipate. The air was still dry, but it was no longer scorching hot.

The trio finally reached the city of Flamehaven, which was a marvel to behold. The architecture was grand, with towering spires and intricate carvings adorning the buildings. The streets were bustling with people, and the air was filled with the sounds of merchants haggling and the chatter of people going about their daily business.

While walking through the street, Orion suddenly got a phone call. He wondered who it was and looked at the name of the caller, but he was surprised to see that the caller was the chancellor of the Apex Academy.

Orion quickly answered the phone call and greeted the chancellor. The chancellor asked how Orion was doing and if he had encountered any trouble during his travels. Orion replied that everything was fine and that he was currently in Flamehaven, the city of the Ignis Empire.

"Orion do you know the reason i called you now." the chancellor asked Orion.

"I don\'t know about it. What happens?" asked Orion back.

The chancellor\'s tone became serious," Do you remember the event that you told me two years ago about the medicine that was used by an evil organization?"

Orion was taken aback after hearing about it. He knew about it. He was the one who found out about it, and also, he was the one who told the chancellor, "Yes, I remembered. What happens to them?"

"We have found out their main base, and I want you to join this ambush." said the chancellor to Orion.

Orion nodded in agreement. "Of course, Chancellor. I will join the ambush," he replied. "Where and when will it take place?"

The chancellor gave him the details of the mission, including the location of the enemy base and the time of the ambush. Orion listened attentively and made a mental note of everything.

"Understood, Chancellor. I will be there," said Orion. "I won\'t let you down."

"I know you won\'t, Orion. You have always been a responsible and brave Beast Tamer," said the chancellor, his voice filled with pride. "I\'m glad to have you on our side."

Orion thanked the chancellor and ended the call. He then turned to Nova and Stella, who was waiting patiently beside him.

"Guys, we have a mission," said Orion. "We\'re going to help the Apex Academy take down an evil organization that has been using dangerous substances to enhance beasts."

Nova growled in agreement while Stella nodded her head. They knew that this was a serious mission, and they were ready to do their part.

Orion then shared the details of the mission with them, and together, they planned their strategy. They knew that they needed to be careful and stay alert, as the enemy was dangerous and could strike at any moment.

Orion spent the next few hours preparing for the mission ahead. He gathered all the information he could about the enemy organization, studying their tactics, strengths, and weaknesses. He also made sure that Nova and Stella were in top form, training with them and ensuring that they were ready for any situation.

As the time of the ambush drew closer, Orion and his team made their way to the location of the enemy base. It was located deep in the mountains, hidden away from the rest of the world.

There Orion met with the chancellor and other people.

"Orion, I\'m glad you made it," said the chancellor as he greeted Orion. "We have been preparing for this ambush for weeks, and we need all the help we can get."

Orion nodded, "I\'m ready to do whatever it takes to take down this evil organization."

The chancellor then introduced Orion to the rest of the team. There were about twenty people in total, including soldiers, scientists, and other Beast Tamers. They all had different skills and abilities, but they all shared the same goal: to put an end to the evil organization and its dangerous practices.

One of the soldiers stepped forward and explained the plan of attack. "We will approach the base from the east, using the cover of darkness to avoid detection. Once we get close enough, we will launch a surprise attack, taking out as many of their soldiers as we can."

Another member of the team, a scientist, added, "We need to be careful not to destroy any of the substances they have been using on the beasts. We need to study them and find a way to counteract their effects."

Orion nodded in agreement. He knew that it was important to understand the enemy\'s tactics and weapons to prevent them from causing harm in the future.

The team then split up into different groups, each with their own task to accomplish. Orion was assigned to the group that would be in charge of taking out the enemy\'s main defense system. He was accompanied by a skilled Beast Tamer named Alex and a group of soldiers.

As they made their way towards the base, Orion could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that this was a dangerous mission, and that one wrong move could cost them their lives. But he was determined to see it through to the end.

As they got closer to the base, they could hear the sounds of the enemy soldiers talking and laughing. Orion\'s group quickly took cover behind some rocks and bushes, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Suddenly, a soldier from the enemy base spotted them and sounded the alarm. The entire base was now on high alert, and the soldiers were scrambling to defend their position.

Orion and his group knew that they had to act fast. They charged towards the base, ordering their beast to attack the guards.

As they battled their way through the enemy\'s defenses, Orion could see the determination in his teammates\' eyes. They all knew the risks involved in this mission, but they were willing to do whatever it took to protect their world from the dangers of the evil organization.

Despite facing fierce opposition, Orion\'s group managed to take out the enemy\'s main defense system, clearing the way for the rest of the team to advance. They then regrouped with the other members of the team, who had also made significant progress in their respective tasks.

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