The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 138 Sect Master's Information

As his beasts gathered around him, Orion felt a sense of pride and gratitude for their shared journey. He recognized that each beast had played a crucial role in their success so far, and he knew that it was only through their collective efforts that they would emerge victorious in the final round.

"Stella, Nova, Nebula, I am proud of all of you and the incredible achievements we\'ve made together," Orion said, his voice filled with genuine warmth and admiration. "But let\'s not forget that we are a team, and it\'s only through our combined efforts that we\'ll be able to succeed in the final round."

He continued, "Each of you has unique strengths and abilities that are essential to our success. Let\'s work together to draw upon those strengths and support each other\'s weaknesses. With our bond and determination, I\'m confident that we can emerge victorious."

As Orion spoke to his elemental beasts, his phone suddenly began to ring. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should answer it, but the urgency in the ringing suggested that it might be important. He quickly glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was the sect master.

"Excuse me, my companions," Orion said apologetically, holding up a hand to silence their murmurs of curiosity. "I must take this call."

He stepped away from his beasts and answered the phone, his heart racing with anticipation. As soon as he heard the sect master\'s voice, he could tell that something was different. It was still urgent, but there was also a hint of congratulations in his tone.

"Orion, congratulations on your victory in the battle royale," the sect master said warmly. "Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and you have proven yourself to be an exceptional Beast Master."

Orion felt a surge of pride and joy at the sect master\'s words. Winning the battle royale had been a significant milestone in his journey, and he was thrilled to have earned the respect and admiration of his mentor and peers.

"Thank you, Sect Master," Orion said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I couldn\'t have done it without the support and strength of my elemental beasts."

The sect master nodded in agreement before continuing, "Please meet me in my room as soon as possible. There\'s something important that we need to discuss."

Orion\'s heart sank slightly at the mention of urgency, but he knew that he could trust the sect master to guide him through whatever challenges lay ahead.

With that, he ended the call and turned back to his beasts, a sense of determination and purpose filling his being.

As Orion summoned his beasts back to his beast space, he made his way through the bustling corridors of the Colliseum, his mind focused on the urgent message from the sect master. He knew that there had been a breach at the Sect\'s headquarters and that his presence was needed immediately. Despite the weight of the situation, Orion felt a sense of pride and purpose, knowing that he had trained tirelessly for moments like these.

Navigating the twists and turns of the Colliseum\'s labyrinthine halls, Orion finally arrived at the door of the sect master\'s room. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for whatever lay beyond and knocked firmly on the door.

"Come in, Orion," the sect master\'s voice called out from within.

Orion pushed open the door and stepped inside, taking in the sight of his mentor\'s spacious office. The walls were lined with ancient scrolls and tomes, and the shelves were stacked high with bottles of potions and vials of exotic substances. The sect master himself was seated behind a large wooden desk, his piercing gaze fixed on Orion as he entered.

"Welcome, Orion," the sect master said, his voice grave. "I\'m glad you could come so quickly."

"What\'s the situation, Sect Master?" Orion asked, his eyes narrowing in concern.

The sect master\'s expression softened slightly as he leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Before we discuss the situation, Orion, I want to congratulate you once again on your victory in the Battle Royale," he said, his voice warm with pride.

Orion felt a surge of gratitude at the sect master\'s words, his chest swelling with a sense of accomplishment. He had trained long and hard for this moment, and to receive the sect master\'s praise was a validation of his efforts.

"Thank you, Sect Master," Orion said, his voice filled with appreciation. "It was a challenging battle, but I\'m glad that I could do our Sect proud."

The sect master nodded, a look of satisfaction on his face. "You certainly did, Orion," he said. "But now, we must turn our attention to the matter at hand."

The sect master\'s expression grew serious as he continued, "I have received intelligence that this tournament has been infiltrated by the enemy. It seems that they want to disrupt the tournament and cause chaos among the Sects."

Orion\'s heart raced at the news. He knew that the stakes were high, and any disruption to the tournament could have dire consequences for the Sects and their reputation.

"What can we do, Sect Master?" Orion asked, his voice filled with urgency.

"We must be vigilant and watchful," the sect master replied, his eyes locked onto Orion\'s. "I want you to keep a close eye on the other participants and report any suspicious behavior to me immediately. We cannot afford to let the enemy succeed in their mission."

Orion nodded, his mind already racing with strategies and plans. He knew that he had to be extra careful and alert during the tournament and keep a close eye on everything that was happening around him.

"I won\'t let you down, Sect Master," Orion said firmly, determination burning in his eyes.

The sect master smiled, a glint of pride in his gaze. "I know you won\'t, Orion," he said. "You have proven yourself to be a capable and resourceful Beast Master, and I have every confidence in your abilities."

With that, the sect master dismissed Orion, and he left the room, his mind buzzing with possibilities and plans. He knew that the tournament was going to be more challenging than ever, but he was ready to face whatever lay ahead and protect the Sects from their enemies.

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