The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 150 Dodging Every Attacks

The audience was stunned as they watched Nova easily dodge the Shadow Clone\'s attack. They had expected a fierce battle, but so far, it seemed like Orion and Nova were one step ahead of Xander and Shade.

As the Shadow Clone recoiled from its failed attack, Nova sprang into action. With lightning-fast reflexes, she launched herself at the clone, delivering a powerful blow with her massive paw.

The Shadow Clone disintegrated into nothingness as the impact hit it, and the crowd gasped in awe. They had never seen a beast move with such grace and precision, let alone defeat an opponent in one swift move.

Xander looked on in disbelief, his mouth agape. He had never seen Shade\'s Shadow Clone ability fail before. He had thought it was foolproof, that it would be enough to take down any opponent.

But here was Nova, proving him wrong. The mutt was faster and more agile than he had anticipated, and her attacks were devastatingly effective.

The audience erupted into cheers and applause as Nova landed her blow, impressed by her skill and power. Some of them had never seen a beast like her before, and they were eager to see what else she was capable of.

Xander quickly regained his composure, realizing that he couldn\'t let his guard down. He called out another command to Shade, his voice determined and unwavering.

"Shade, use Shadowmeld and Shadow Tempest!" he shouted, his eyes never leaving Nova.

The Shadow Luminous Serpent immediately obeyed, disappearing into the shadows once again. The arena fell silent as the crowd watched with bated breath, waiting to see what would happen next.

Suddenly, a storm of dark energy erupted in the arena, disorienting and damaging everything in its path. The audience cried out in fear and confusion as they struggled to stay on their feet, buffeted by the force of the Shadow Tempest.

But Nova was undaunted. He could see through the darkness, thanks to his keen sense of smell and her night vision. He dodged and weaved through the storm of shadow energy, never once losing her focus.

As the Shadow Tempest continued to rage on, Nova remained calm and collected. It was as if he was in his element, moving with effortless grace and avoiding each blast of dark energy that came her way.

Xander gritted his teeth in frustration as Nova effortlessly dodged each of Shade\'s attacks. He had trained his beast for years, honing its abilities to a razor-sharp edge. And yet, here was this mutt, dodging Shade\'s attacks like it was child\'s play.

Xander had never felt such a sense of frustration and anger before. He had thought that he was unbeatable, that no one could stand up to his legendary beast. But here was Nova, proving him wrong with every move he made.

"How is this possible?" Xander muttered under his breath, his eyes never leaving the arena floor. "This is impossible. Shade is supposed to be unbeatable."

But as he watched Nova, he began to realize that there was something different about him. He moved with an otherworldly grace and fluidity, as if he was attuned to the very essence of the world around him.

Xander knew that he couldn\'t let his guard down. He called out another command to Shade, his voice determined and unwavering.

"Shade, use Shadowmeld, Shadow Cloak, and Shadow Whip!" Xander commanded, his voice echoing through the arena.

Shade immediately complied, emerging from the shadows with a new level of speed and power. The audience watched in awe as the Shadow Luminous Serpent moved with newfound agility, its sleek black scales blending seamlessly with the shadows around it.

With a flick of its tail, Shade unleashed a flurry of dark energy in Nova\'s direction, using the Shadow Whip to send multiple tendrils of shadow at the mutt.

Nova, however, was ready for the attack. He leaped into the air, avoiding the Shadow Whip with ease, and landed on the ground with a soft thud.

As Shade continued to launch its attacks, Nova moved like a shadow, darting in and out of the darkness with incredible speed and precision. He was like a ghost, impossible to catch, and Xander could feel his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

"Get him, Shade! Don\'t let him get away!" Xander barked, his voice tinged with anger.

But Nova was too quick. He continued to dodge each attack with ease, his movements becoming more fluid and graceful with every passing moment.

Xander gritted his teeth in frustration, his face contorted with anger as Shade\'s attacks continued to miss their mark.

"How is this possible?" Xander muttered to himself, his eyes never leaving the arena floor. "It\'s like he can anticipate our every move."

The audience watched in rapt attention, some of them sensing the frustration and anger emanating from Xander. They knew that the battle was far from over, and that Xander would not give up easily.

Despite Xander\'s mounting frustration, he refused to give up. He knew that Shade was powerful and he was determined to find a way to defeat Nova.

"Use Shadowmeld, Shadow Cloak, and Shadow Fang!" Xander called out, his voice rising with each passing moment. The crowd watched in awe as Shade disappeared into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible.

Nova, however, wasn\'t intimidated. He could sense the darkness around him, and he knew where Shade was lurking. With a quick turn of his head, he located Shade and dodged its attack with ease.

Xander\'s anger was palpable as Shade\'s Shadow Fang attack missed its mark. He had never felt so outmatched, so powerless against an opponent. He had trained Shade to be unbeatable, but here was this mutt, seemingly invincible against his every move.

"How can this be happening?" Xander muttered to himself, his eyes never leaving the arena floor. "I\'ve never encountered anything like this before."

But he refused to give up. He called out another command to Shade, his voice rising with each passing moment. "Use Shadowmeld, Shadow Cloak, and Shadow Fang!" he shouted, his frustration palpable.

Shade obeyed, disappearing into the shadows once again. This time, it moved with even greater speed and stealth, using its Shadow Cloak ability to mask its movements.

Nova, however, was unfazed. He could sense Shade\'s presence, and he was ready for its attack. As Shade emerged from the shadows, Nova leaped into action, dodging its Shadow Fang with ease.

The crowd watched in awe as Nova continued to evade Shade\'s attacks, his movements becoming more fluid and graceful with each passing moment. They could sense the tension between Xander and Orion, and they were eager to see who would come out on top.

Xander could feel his frustration boiling over. He had thrown everything he had at Nova, and nothing had worked. He had trained Shade for years, but it seemed like he was outmatched at every turn.

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