The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 172 New Beginning

[Initiating the search for a suitable host to enter the system]

[Commencing the scanning process of potential candidates, meticulously analyzing their physical and mental attributes to locate a compatible host]

[Scan underway, evaluating multiple parameters and cross-referencing with the system\'s requirements]

[Scan completed after a thorough examination of countless possibilities]

[Identification of a compatible host achieved, meeting the system\'s criteria and ensuring smooth integration]

[Proceeding with the delicate process of connecting the host\'s mind to the system, taking all necessary precautions to avoid any complications]

[The connection process continues, carefully aligning the host\'s consciousness with the system, ensuring a seamless and harmonious integration]

[Connection established, with the host\'s mind now fully immersed in the system, adapting to its new digital form]

[Initiating the stabilization process of the host\'s abilities, consolidating their unique strengths and talents with the system\'s capabilities, in order to create a new, harmonious synergy]

[This intricate process involves a deep analysis of the host\'s innate abilities, their past experiences, and the unique qualities of the system]

[Identifying key aspects of the host\'s abilities, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, and determining which elements can be effectively incorporated into the system]

[Simultaneously, a thorough examination of the system is underway, assessing its potential for growth, adaptability, and compatibility with the host\'s aspirations and life circumstances]

[The fusion process commences, merging the most compatible and complementary elements of the host\'s abilities with the system, while discarding any aspects that could hinder the host\'s development or limit their potential]

[This delicate merger requires precision and finesse, ensuring that the resulting abilities are not only balanced and stable, but also capable of facilitating the host\'s growth and empowering them to reach new heights within the system]

[The fusion process reaches its culmination, marking the end of the intricate merger of the host\'s abilities and the system]

[Throughout this complex and delicate procedure, countless variables and factors have been meticulously considered and adjusted, ensuring the successful creation of a new set of abilities that is ideally suited to the host\'s unique circumstances and potential within the system]

[The newly formed abilities embody the most compatible and complementary aspects of the host\'s abilities and the system, while also possessing distinct characteristics that set them apart and make them a perfect match for the host\'s goals within the system]

[This harmonious blend of qualities and abilities has been carefully refined and balanced, ensuring that the abilities remain both adaptable and responsive to the host\'s evolving needs, desires, and aspirations within the system]

[Now that the fusion has been completed, the next phase involves the seamless integration of the host\'s abilities into their interactions with the system, allowing them to tap into their potential and fully harness their power]

[Waiting for the host to fully awaken, as this crucial moment will mark the beginning of their journey to discover and utilize their newly acquired abilities within the system]


The small room in the cramped building was quiet, save for the rhythmic breathing of the boy who lay sound asleep on his bed. Orion was his name, and this room was his sanctuary. It was not much, but it was enough to call home.

Orion and his sister Lily had been left to navigate the world alone after their parents\' tragic passing in an accident years ago. They had to rely on each other to survive, and together they had managed to make a life for themselves.

With no one else to turn to, the siblings had to learn to live from the money left behind by their parents. They were careful with their spending, never buying more than they needed. They knew that they had to stretch every dollar as far as it would go if they wanted to make it last.

Orion and Lily shared a small apartment in the heart of the city. It was a modest place, but it was all they could afford. The walls were thin, and they could hear the sounds of their neighbors through the walls. But despite the lack of privacy, they were grateful for a roof over their heads.

Orion was sleeping soundly in his small room when he was suddenly awoken by the sound of his sister\'s voice. Lily was standing in the doorway, her eyes fixed on him.

"Brother, wake up," she said, her voice hushed. "What time is this?"

Orion, who had been dreaming of being lost in a dense forest, jolted awake. He looked at his sister, slightly disoriented.

"Why don\'t you wake me up earlier?" he asked, feeling a little groggy.

Lily, who had seen her brother oversleeping many times before, shook her head. "I have woken you up many times before, but you never seem to get up," she said, her tone teasing.

Orion could only look back, knowing that his sister was right. He had been struggling to get out of bed lately. He looked at her apologetically and said, "I\'m sorry. I\'ll try to be more responsible from now on."

Lily smiled at him, her expression softening. "It\'s okay, brother. I know you\'ve been going through a lot lately," she said, her voice gentle.

Orion felt a wave of gratitude towards his sister. She had always been there for him, even when things had been tough. He got out of bed and quickly got dressed, eager to start the day.

"Okay, I am the wrong one," he said, feeling a little embarrassed. "What\'s for breakfast?"

Lily chuckled at her brother\'s apology. "The same as always," she said, leading him to the kitchen.

As they sat down to eat their breakfast of toast and eggs. They only ate this because this was a cheap breakfast for them and they needed to save as much money as possible to continue to survive.

While they were eating breakfast, Lily suddenly looked over at Orion and noticed a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"You look excited today. Is this the day?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Orion couldn\'t help but grin at his sister\'s keen observation. He had been eagerly anticipating this day for weeks, and he had been trying to contain his excitement.

"Of course, today is the day," he said, his voice full of anticipation. "I can\'t wait for it."

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