The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 189 Leon's Strength

The student stepped forward, his muscles tense as he focused on the task at hand. His eyes were fixed on the punching machine. He took a deep breath and drew his fist back.

With a loud roar, he unleashed a powerful punch that echoed throughout the hall. The sound was so loud that it made several students jump in surprise, and some even covered their ears.

Despite the force behind the punch, the machine did not crack or show any signs of damage. Instead, a series of numbers appeared on the screen above the machine, calculating the student\'s strength score.

The students around the machine gasped in amazement as the number on the screen continued to climb higher and stopped at 70.

Orion was impressed with the student\'s display of strength. He had never seen such power before. The other students around him were equally impressed, and some even began to murmur excitedly amongst themselves.

However, as the excitement began to die down, some students began to wonder if a score of 70 was high or not. They turned to the instructors for answers.

"Is 70 a good score?" one of the students asked.

The instructor nodded. "Yes, it\'s a very good score. In fact, it\'s good enough by look that you just awakened yesterday."

The students around the machine cheered in excitement, congratulating the student on his impressive display of strength.

After the first student finished his test, other students eagerly stepped forward to give the machine a try. The atmosphere in the hall was charged with excitement and anticipation as each student took their turn.

Some of the students had a similar build to the first student and delivered powerful punches that shook the room. Others were smaller in stature but still managed to impress with their speed and accuracy.

As the scores were displayed on the screen, the students let out excited cheers or disappointed sighs, depending on their results. The range of scores was vast, with some students scoring as low as 20 and others reaching a high score of 75.

As the students continued to take turns testing their strength, the atmosphere in the hall was buzzing with excitement. Some students were nervous, while others were confident and eager to show off their abilities.

Suddenly, the air in the hall shifted as a student with an A-tier talent walked up to the stage. His name was Leon Ignatius, and he was infamous among the students for his arrogance and disregard for others.

As he approached the punching machine, he looked around the room with a smug expression on his face. "Let me show you, weaklings, what a genius is all about," he declared, drawing a collective groan from the other students.

The students watched in silence as Leon stepped up to the machine. They didn\'t particularly like him, but they couldn\'t deny that he was strong. Leon had awakened an A-tier talent, which was something that only a few students in the school had achieved.

With a cocky grin, Leon drew his fist back and unleashed a powerful punch. The sound was deafening, and the force of the punch caused the machine to shake violently. For a moment, it looked as though the machine might break under strain.

But when the numbers appeared on the screen, the students gasped in disbelief. Leon had scored a staggering 100, far surpassing anyone else in the room.

The students muttered among themselves, impressed by Leon\'s display of strength but also resentful of his arrogance. They knew that he would be a tough competitor in the upcoming tests, and many of them were already feeling the pressure.

Even the instructors were stunned. "Wow," one of them said in disbelief. "You actually have the strength of a First-Stage Warrior already."

Leon smirked, basking in the attention and admiration he was receiving from everyone in the room. The other students, however, were not impressed. They knew that talent alone wasn\'t enough to become a great cultivator.

Leon smirked triumphantly as he heard the instructor\'s words. "Of course I am. I was the genius, after all," he said, his voice dripping with arrogance.

The other students rolled their eyes at his response, clearly annoyed by his attitude. But despite their disapproval, they couldn\'t help but be impressed by Leon\'s strength. The fact that he had already reached the level of a First-Stage Warrior was no small feat, and it was clear that he had a natural talent for cultivation.

Leon stepped away from the punching machine and turned to face the other students, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of challenge. "Is there anyone else who wants to try?" he asked, his voice laced with contempt.

No one spoke up, and Leon grinned smugly to himself. He had successfully proven his superiority to the others once again.

Orion watched with a mixture of annoyance as Leon Ignatius flexed his muscles and boasted about his strength.

"Ugh, he\'s so arrogant," Orion muttered under his breath.

[Host, don\'t worry. He probably had access to more resources to get to First-Stage Warrior faster than others. You have the advantage of cultivating Primordial Qi, which he may not have. Rest assured. He doesn\'t stand a chance against you.]

Orion heard what the system said and replied, "I see." He understood that having access to resources could certainly help someone progress faster in their cultivation. It was not uncommon for those with money and influence to have an advantage in this regard.

He also knew that being a member of the Ignatius Clan, one of the wealthiest and most influential clans in the cultivation world, gave Leon access to a vast array of resources that others could only dream of. It was likely that Leon had been trained by the best instructors and had access to the highest-quality equipment and materials.

But Orion didn\'t let that discourage him. He knew that with hard work and determination, he could surpass even the most privileged cultivators. After all, his talent for Primordial Ascension was more powerful than his.

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