The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 215 True Intentions

She turned her attention back to her new companion, patting its head and running her hand over its fur. The wolf\'s eyes glimmered with affection, showing a clear bond between the two of them. Aurora could feel the wolf\'s strength and loyalty, and she knew that it would be a valuable ally.

But before she could fully enjoy her success, she needed to complete her test. She had to return to the entrance of the trial grounds and meet with the senior disciple to have her test accomplished.

Aurora stood up and turned to Orion, who still hadn\'t found his beast yet. "Orion, let me help you look for other beasts," she offered.

Orion nodded and also said to Aurora that had tamed her first beast. Orion knew that Aurora needed to go back to the entrance. Orion was also used to being a lone wolf before being approached by Aurora earlier.

Orion looked at Aurora. "Thank you, Aurora, but I\'ll be fine on my own," he replied. "I\'ve always been a loner."

Aurora understood Orion\'s independent nature, "Are you sure? It\'s always better to have someone by your side," she said.

Orion smiled reassuringly. "I appreciate your offer, but I can handle it. Besides, you need to complete your test too. Good luck, Aurora," he said before walking away. Aurora watched as Orion disappeared into the distance.

As she watched him go, Aurora\'s expression changed. Her demeanor had seemed kind and gentle before, but now it was as if a switch had been flipped, and she appeared almost icy. The truth was that Aurora had been playing a part, pretending to be sweet and innocent to get close to Orion. In reality, she was a skilled warrior with a heart as cold as ice.

Aurora had been intrigued by Orion\'s unique talent since the awakening ceremony. While others had dismissed him as having a D-tier talent, Aurora believed that there was more to him than met the eye. When they had teamed up for the trial, she had been impressed by his strength, intelligence, and independence.

Now that he was out of earshot, she spoke her true thoughts. "To think that he actually got an S-tier talent like me, the people have been fooled. It is also good that I can have him for myself." Her words revealed her true intentions, and it was clear that she saw Orion as a valuable asset.

Aurora turned to the Ice Alpha Wolf that she had just tamed and spoke to it. "Let\'s go back to the entrance to complete the test." The wolf obediently followed her, and they made their way back to the entrance.

As they walked, Aurora\'s mind was on Orion. She had gathered information about him, and she was fascinated by his strength and independence. In her mind, he was the perfect partner, someone who could match her in every way.

She knew that he was a loner, but she hoped to change that. She wanted to convince him of the value of working with others and to show him that they could accomplish great things together.

But her true intentions were not entirely pure. Aurora was not the kind and gentle princess that she had appeared to be. She was a skilled warrior with a heart as cold as ice. Her previous kindness had been an act, a way to get close to Orion and gain his trust.

As she made her way back to the entrance, Aurora couldn\'t help but wonder what the future held for her and Orion. Would they become partners and work together to achieve great things, or would her true intentions be revealed, and he would turn his back on her? Only time will tell.

As Orion walked deeper into the forest, he couldn\'t shake the feeling that there was more to Aurora than met the eye. He turned to the system and asked, "System, what do you think about Aurora?"

[The woman, Aurora, is dangerous. I can feel that earlier, it is not her real personality. She is actually hiding something.]

Orion was surprised by the system\'s answer. "I see," he said slowly, taking in the information. "At first, I was confused why Aurora wanted to pair with a nobody like me but to think that she actually realized that my talent is not what it seems."

[Yes, host. She is actually calculative and dangerous, but even though she is like that, the host is advised to get close to her.]

Orion was confused. "Why?" he asked.

[It is because she is a princess from a big clan and will be helpful. Also, her personality makes her stronger than other girls. And the main point is that the host thinks that she is very beautiful and likes her.]

Orion couldn\'t deny the truth in the system\'s words. Aurora was a powerful ally to have, and her beauty was undeniable. But he couldn\'t help but wonder what she was hiding and if it would come back to haunt him in the future.

As Orion chuckled to himself, he couldn\'t help but think about Aurora and her true intentions. He had been surprised when the system had warned him about her, but now he was starting to see what it meant. Her beauty was indeed deceiving.

He wondered why someone like her would even bother with him, a nobody with what was thought to be a D-tier talent. But as he thought more about it, he realized that she must have seen something in him that others had missed.

"System, do you think that Aurora is interested in me because of my talent?"

[That is a possibility, host. Aurora is a princess from a powerful clan, and she likely sees potential in you. But be cautious, as her true intentions are still unknown.]

Orion nodded, taking the system\'s warning to heart. He couldn\'t let himself be too blinded by Aurora\'s beauty and charm, especially if she was hiding something. Orion also then continued to explore the forest to search for a beast.

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