Orc Hero Story - Discovery Chronicles (Orc Eroica)

Chapter 1.2: A Hero's Departure

Yup, that’s him.

When he turned five, he was given his first sword. At ten, he waded into battle and took his first life.

Even for an Orc, having your first taste of live combat at ten years of age was early.

Ten years old Orcs were too young, weak, and small to be considered proper warriors.

The lives of most of the Orcs who have their first battle at the age of ten or earlier are scattered in the wind like leaves.

However, thanks to the battle doctrine devised by the Daemon King Gediguz, even young, ten-year-old Orcs were able to have a moderate survival rate on the battlefield.

And while “moderate” wasn’t good, it was good enough.

Fortunately for him and the Orc race, Bash did not die.

In his first year after he had his first taste of blood, he narrowly avoided death countless times.

In his second, he became a full-fledged warrior.

During his third, he became a first-class warrior.

In his fourth, he became one of the best warriors.

And finally, during his fifth year, he became the strongest warrior in the Orc Country.

The peak of Orcish strength.

Yes, he was the epitome of power. The perfect specimen of a fighter.

No matter how many opponents he faced, Bash always emerged victorious.

Any battlefield he was on became a storm of human, elf and dwarf guts. The ground was stained with their blood.

No matter the enemy, Bash fought, and Bash won.

He brought victory for the Orcs wherever he went, defeating even famed swordsmen, berserkers, and warlords.

And even before his comrades had realized that Bash had won them the battle, the Hero was already on his way to the next battleground.

Battle after battle after battle.

The strongest warrior fought tirelessly day and night.

He only rested once every three days, sprinkling his body with Faerie Dust Elixir and sleeping for a few precious hours.

There was not a shred of doubt in Bash’s mind that this was what he was destined to do.

As an Orc warrior, this was the path he was born to walk upon.

Bash’s combat power was overwhelming.

He was feared by many countries as “The Insane Orc”.

The rare ones who had fought him and survived were struck with lifelong trauma. Some even said that he was the incarnation of the God of War, Guda-Goza.

After the war ended, a Human General was recorded mentioning that, “If that Orc had appeared on the battlefield just five years earlier, we might have been the losers of this war.”

However, Bash was only an individual.

Just a singular soldier, a strong pawn with an unreasonably good sword-arm.

Although he could bring victory to induvial battles, he did not have the power to change the big picture, to change the course of the war.

Ten years after Bash entered the war, the Daemon king Gediguz was defeated. The war ended during his 15th year as a soldier.

Although his side lost the war, Bash was granted the Hero title and gained a great deal of rewards.

He had a massive home, more food than he could ever eat, fine armor. He was envied by every Orc in the land.

But it was then that he realized.

Orcs don’t usually do anything but fight, fight and fight.

When any battle the Orcs took part in concluded, generally, they would take home any female captive and have them “help” with Orcish procreation.

One the war was over, there wasn’t a single virgin Orc left. Every single one of the warriors that had fought at Bash’s side had wet their dicks at least once.

He couldn’t bring himself to admit it now. It was too late.

He couldn’t admit that he had no experience.

He didn’t know that he was a virgin back then. Hell, he was so absorbed in combat and bloodshed he never ever learned what a virgin was until after the war.

He found out too late.

If they were still in the midst of the war, this whole ordeal would have gone differently.

Just like he always did, he would have run down and destroyed the enemy forces and taken any surviving female captive. However, this time, with his newfound knowledge, he would have taken away any woman that suited his fancy and gloriously lost his virginity under the shade of a tree.

Then, after having a few rape practice runs, he would bring back the woman he thought was a suitable vessel for his children and give them the privilege of bearing one or two of his offspring.

But that wasn’t possible. Not anymore.

He was an Orc.

The Seven Race Federation, which included the Orcs, were the losers of the war.

The Orcs had signed on to the peace treaty.

They had agreed to an unconditional surrender, giving up many sacred Orcish practices.

The treaty included the prohibition of sexual intercourse with other races without their consent.

In other words, it prohibited rape.

To the other races, including the “no-rape” clause in the treaty was a given, but the Orcs found it hard to believe.

If it were banned, they would not be able to reproduce.

Rape was as natural to Orcs as breathing. Without rape, they would go extinct.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, but they had no choice at this point.

Extinction tomorrow was still better than extinction today.

Some Orcs would rather have died in combat than give up their sacred practice of rape. Some suggested that they fight until the last Orc, but the Orc King disagreed, and put down his name on the treaty’s dotted line.

Fortunately, the other races were kind enough to cooperate with the Orcs and establish a system mutually beneficial system that would ensure Orcish survival. They would send over “servants”, female felons, murderers, and thieves. The Orcs would have a source of female bodies, and the other races would get rid of their criminals.

These “servants” would be tied up and constrained to the breeding grounds. Where they would be condemned to bear Orcish offspring until their body could no longer hold up.

So, frankly speaking, Bash could lose his virginity at any time.

All he had to do was go to the breeding grounds and take one of the “servants” under his care It was that simple.

There was a priority system for the use of servants based on the individual’s achievements during the war, but Bash, the Hero, was an exception. He had a fast pass to rape town and could get on the ride whenever he wanted to. He would soon lose his virginity.

But if Bash went to the breeding grounds, his admirers, which included nearly every Orc in the nation, would come in droves.

They would come to bear witness to their Hero’s glorious mating ritual, to see the majesty of his hip thrusts, the force of his crotch geyser, the thickness of his…

There was no way a virgin like Bash could live of to their expectations. It was impossible for him to put on a performance like that.

The only thing that would happen is a primitive, faltering, clumsy, ridiculous and shameful attempt at breeding that was only seen in virgin orcs.

Yes, to lose one’s virginity in the Land of Orcs also meant to be exposed as a virgin.

Bash had to avoid that at all cost.

He couldn’t reveal himself, to expose his ego to such a terrible shame.

As a man, Bash was embarrassed. Unfortunately, Bash was more than a man – he was a Hero.

And there is only one Hero.

To be a Hero is to be proud.

To be a Hero is to be honorable.

If word got out that the Orc hero was a virgin, the pride of the Orc race as a whole would be wounded beyond repair.

The fact that Bash was a virgin had to be hidden for the rest of his life.

On the other hand, he had no intention of remaining a virgin for the rest of his existence.

Bash was a still a relatively young orc.

He had a strong desire to push a woman down, unleash his animal desires into her loins, pour his seed into her womb and impregnate her with a child.

But his desire was not the only force driving him forward.

A strong warrior also has the duty to leave behind many children.

The Orc King had previously strongly requested that he impregnate the females in the breeding grounds and have offspring as soon as possible.

Oh, but he was embarrassed to be exposed as a virgin.

For orcs, being a virgin was shameful.

Although Bash was a virgin, he was proud to be an Orc Hero.

He didn’t want to disappoint the young Orcs who looked at him with envy when he stopped by the tavern to have a drink.

Bash’s guts were churning, as his emotions were being torn apart by his worries.

For the whole first three years of the Age of Peace, Bash was stricken with nothing but stress.

But now, he’s 28 years old.

He had turned 28 this year.

If he remained a virgin for two more years, he would become a wizard. He would be able to harness the sheer forces of nature with the strength of his virginity.

Yes, a literal wizard. Orcs could use innately magic without special training. Though, there was caveat – only 30 year old virgin orcs would be able to gain this power.

Orc Mages were a valuable asset.

For the Orcish race, most of whom are warriors, having individuals who are able to use magic is an invaluable boon.

They were raised in isolation in a special environment, separated from all sources of females. When their 30 long years of chastity came to an end, they gain the ability use magic and a crest materializes on their forehead.

The Orcs bearing the crest were respected throughout Orcish society.

It was a mark of honor, a scar that represented their 30 years of struggle and sacrifice in order to better serve their country.

But that only applied to Orc Mages.

It was said that it was a disgrace for an Orc Warrior, or soldier, to have this emblem.

As the old Orcish proverb went, “Orcish Magic Warriors are worthless garbage! Shit! Shameful!”

For Orcs, defeating a female soldier on the battlefield is synonymous with bringing her home and raping her.

Meaning that, an Orc Magic Warrior is a warrior who was so weak and cowardly that even though he has been on the field for more than a decade, he has never won a fight.

They were a disgrace.

For Bash to become a Magic Warrior was unthinkable. He would much rather die on the battlefield with his honor intact than expose himself to such shame.

Anyway, he had two years left until he reached that ripe old age of 30.

At that point, even if Bash didn’t vocally reveal his secret, everyone would find out anyways.


And so, Bash made a decision.

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