Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter The Black Sky Pirate Smiles Under The Moonlight. The Red Magus Roars Towards The Stars (50/63) 7: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 3 7

Vol 3: Chapter 7

『The labyrinth enters and controls people’s hearts』

It was so written in the documents provided by the Adventurer’s Guild. The labyrinths, each with a name of an emotion, seem to “dominate” that specific emotion.

When we first entered the Empire, they handed a bracelet with GPS to confirm the wearer’s emotions. If that bracelet glows red, it seems to mean “needs special attention”. This is because the wearer seems to be one step before their emotions run wild and their mind breaks.

The way those emotions are controlled depends on the labyrinth. Such as those that activate traps, those that affect you before you can even notice, places where you cannot pass unless you forcibly activate those emotions, etc.

「It’s surprisingly beautiful…」

My first impression was that it was surprisingly wide and orderly. You can see that the walls are smooth and cemented. The passage, where three to four people can walk through at the same time, has a slight luminance — which is also a characteristic of a “dungeon”. When I checked with【World Ruler】, I found that a small amount of mana was circulating.

However, the brightness was still lacking, so the magic lamp was still on.

(Speaking of which, it was only as bright as this back at Sixth Mine. It doesn’t bother me now since I have【Night Vision】….but, at that time, I thought “It is what it is”.)

That’s because, when I complained that it was dark, Lark replied “It is what it is”. Lark had sort of a philosophical view for a 13-year-old child at the time.

「Muge-san. When did the Labyrinth Capture Division enter this labyrinth?」Mimino-san asked.

「I think it was five days ago or so.」

I was listening to the conversation between Mimino-san and Muge-san, but my【Hearing Enhancement】picked up a different sound—the sound of flowing air.

「—Dante-san, there is a large open space beyond this point.」

「Hmm, all right. Reiji, Zerry, and I will scout ahead. The rest follow from behind slowly.」

Since it was just after entering the entrance, we probably don’t have to be wary of back attacks.

After proceeding 50 meters forward, there was a gaping wide open space. And a downwards slope, with huge stone statues holding swords, shields, staff, etc. lined up on the left and right of it. The stone statues looked as if it was glaring at us.

「…There doesn’t seem to be anything here. What about you guys?」Dante-san asked.

「I’m not seeing anything either.」

「Yeah. There is nothing at all.」Zerry-san said.

Is it just for intimidation…? Hmm, but–

「…There doesn’t seem to be anything, but I do smell blood.」

「There might be a trap. Be careful.」Dante-san said.

After Mimino-san and the rest caught up to us, we regrouped and proceeded together. However, contrary to our expectation, there really was nothing there—we soon crossed the large space and came to a passage again.

The passage was the same as the first one, but the road seemed to have gentle turns while also going downwards. On the way, we encountered some forks. We proceeded while checking one by one, but in some places there was something like an altar, but nothing was to be found there – the previous party probably collected it.

We had been proceeding for 3 hours. We only took one break thus far, so when we were thinking about the next break,

「I can hear people talking just further ahead.」

「Hmm, is it other adventurers, or the Labyrinth Capture Division?」Dante-san wondered.

Although they were competition, they were not an enemy. Therefore, “there is a person” can be said to be proof of “safety”.

Eventually we came to a huge cubic hall.

It was quite wide. The length and height was about 100 meters.


The road was straight and led to the exit on the other side. Bonfires were lit on the left and right in iron baskets. There was a circular stage in the centre, and about 10 people were there.

There was no ground on the other side of the bonfire. You could not see the bottom with all the darkness. The wind blowing up from the depths made me feel uneasy.

「Huh? There were other adventurers besides us? —Wait…」

How unlucky can we get. It was the party led by Leon – the Golden Brigade.



Dante-san and Leon stared intensely for a while,

「—I don’t want to fight in here either.」

「You don’t have to tell me that.」

Same as the other day, the slender woman in the hood said that, and Leon stepped back.

They headed to the edge of the circular stage, so we went to the opposite side and sat down.

There was a merchant who seemed to be the employer who hired the Golden Brigade”. The merchant was dressed in glossy, shiny clothes on a forklift-like vehicle that seemed to be powered by a magic engine.

The merchant brought two other Lev citizens with him towards us — towards Muge-san.

「Hey, if isn’t the Shabby Company? It’s no good, if a poor company like yours enters the labyrinth.」



When Dante-san and I, who were sitting and resting, tried to stand up, Muge-san said, “Please sit down.”

「The labyrinth is open to anyone, right? I have every right to be here.」

「How impertinent…. This labyrinth is the lifeline of our Empire, you know? It’s a nuisance when someone like you who is connected to the “outside” comes here. Don’t you know? You, who are not capable of conducting business on the “inside”, are a nuisance to everyone.」

「That kind of thing is–」

「You can’t live without importing foodstuffs from the outside, and yet what is this disgusting outfit wearing guy saying?」


Muge-san was startled, probably didn’t expect me to cut into the conversation. The merchant stared blankly at me, but then immediately shook his head and said.

「B-B-Brat!! What did you just say–」

「I’ll say it however many times you want. This may be the center of the magic industry in the world, but conversely, that is all it is. It’s not suitable for farming and livestock farming isn’t popular. Without the “outside”, you can’t sustain yourselves. Muge-san braves danger to bring various items from the “outside” – even the material of the clothes you are wearing came from the “outside”. You should be thanking Muge-san. I don’t think there is any reason to complain.」

「There is a magic airship for import and export! I wouldn’t ask a company that runs a shabby steam engine for favors!」

「Then you didn’t have to come over here in the first place, and shouldn’t be saying anything about his connection to the “outside”.」

「You rude brat!!」

「C-Calm down, calm down.」

For some reason, Muge-san was the one trying to pacify the situation.

「And Muge-san, you have to give it to them straight. Aren’t you doing proud work, after all.」

「Proud work…」

When Muge-san went silent with those two words,

「Bocchan, I don’t mind if you want to kill time by quarreling, but please do that later.」Zerry-san stood up, looking at the back of the labyrinth.

「Something is coming.」I said.


Both I and Dante-san sprang up to our feet. And the Golden Brigade also stood up simultaneously.

「Hey employer! Come over here quickly! Something is coming here from the back!!」Leon shouted.


At the same time as the unpleasant merchants ran back, a golden giant appeared from the other side of the passage, accompanied by loud noise.

It had two wheels of about 2 meters in diameter in place of legs, which were well balanced and supported the upper body. There were four arms in total, all of which were pointy like a spear.

There was no head, instead, three jewels were embedded in the center of the body in a triangle—it felt as if the jewels were glaring at us.

『——Intruder, Discovered——』

A mechanical voice echoed.

An automaton.

The giant body started to move by rotating the wheels when it leaned forward.

The rotating wheels bit into the ground, scattering sparks.

「Mimino, Non, evacuate with Muge-san.」



「Reiji, Zerry, we will bring that thing down!」

The iron basket bonfires arranged around sporadically somewhat looked like a protective barrier, but if such a big thing rushes in, it will be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

「Roger — but if you think it’s possible, don’t go all out.」

Loot! Loot!

「Don’t be crazy.」Dante-san said.

「As expected of bocchan, I’m cheering for you!」

I promised in my heart to scold Zerry-san later.

「It’s coming!」

Not only us but the Golden Brigade was also ready. With Leon at the forefront, and the woman in hood evacuating their employers, the Levs.

The automaton jumped into the center.

『——Be Consumed By Fear——』

Immediately after, I was dominated by the desire to go down on my hands and knees. Everyone’s bracelets emitted a red light.

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