I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 207 Same demon

Chapter 207 Same demon

While waiting for Yu Chen at the hospital’s rooftop, Gu Wei was circling Kyuu as he spoke.

\\"Kyuu, we should’ve just told him a while ago about the company. What do you think his reaction will be upon realizing that his company is now managed by Miss Luo? What if he will rage? Well, I don’t think he would get angry with Miss Luo but he might get angry at the old master? No, maybe, he will faint? His body is still weak after all. I don’t think it’s a good idea to surprise him like this.\\" he said, looking like a worried little wimp.

\\"You’re worrying so unnecessarily,\\" was all Kyuu replied, sounding barely interested.

\\"What, is it wrong to worry? I’m just thinking about the boss’ health. T^T\\"

\\"Then, go tell him.\\"

\\"Er... I don’t want to be the one to say it.\\"

\\"Sigh... then shut up, Gu Wei.\\"

\\"Geez, why are you so serious...\\" Gu Wei stopped mid-sentence the instant he saw something fluffy and white by the door.

\\"Whoah!!! My eyes!! Panda is back!!\\" he exclaimed as his eyes sparkled with excitement. He didn’t even bother lowering his voice anymore. It had been a long four months since he last saw this big boss of theirs in that adorable outfit.

Unable to contain his eagerness, the nosy species ran towards the white panda.

\\"Big boss!\\" he said as he stood before Yu Chen. \\"You look really good. Really, this is the best outfit of all the outfits in the world! I bet miss Luo will definitely die with happiness once she sees you.\\"

Gu Wei’s smile almost reached his ears but something in what he said definitely made the great Panda frown at him. Er... did I say something wrong? He replayed what he said in his head and finally, he caught the cursed word.

\\"Ah, what I mean is... Miss Luo will definitely LIVE with overflowing happiness once she sees you!\\" he corrected and Yu Chen simply moved past him.

\\"Let’s go,\\" he said and all of them finally climbed into the helicopter.

As they approached their destination, the men with Yu Chen were glancing at each other. Gu Wei was so focused as he watched Yu Chen’s face eagerly and at the same time, nervously waiting for his reaction.

They could now see the towering building of Yu Empire. It was already obvious enough that the helicopter was heading there.

But still, Yu Chen didn’t react and eventually, the helicopter finally landed. No word came out of Yu Chen’s mouth the entire time as if he didn’t have any questions at all.

\\"Is everything alright?\\" Yang Jin asked him as they entered the building.

\\"I’m fine.\\" he replied when Gu Wei butted in.

\\"Uhm boss... is it okay that the employees will see you dressed like this? Or, are we going to wait until they will all leave before showing up to her?\\"

Yu Chen halted for a moment upon hearing what Gu Wei said. He didn’t speak. He raised his hand and put on his hood until it covered almost half of his face. Well, there was no way he would let everyone see him like this. He was wearing this merely because his Xiaolei liked it. He wasn’t wearing this to entertain anyone but her alone. In short, he always thought that this was exclusively for his Xiaolei’s eyes only.

When they reached the CEO’s office, they saw a bunch of men in black leaning on the wall like they were a bunch of wallflowers. Each of these able bodied men was holding a beautiful bouquet of expensive flowers. It was definitely a nice view to see if not for their utterly bored expressions. Some of there were even yawning.

However, the bored bunch immediately straightened up as if an icy cold bucket of water were poured on them the moment they raised their faces and looked at the approaching men. When Gu Wei sent the flowers, he fabricated a lie and told Zhuo Yuan that it was Yu Chen’s wish before he fell into a coma. He told them that this was Yu Chen’s plan, to surprise her with flowers on this very day. Of course, it sounded a bit unbelievable but Zhuo Yuan could only obey, especially when the mischievous Gu Wei was so serious when he said it. No one among them even thought that their big boss had finally awakened.

So now that they were seeing the familiar creature in white approaching them, they couldn’t help but feeeze in place. They knew that no one would ever dare wear that particular outfit other than their big boss so despite the fact that they still couldn’t see his face, they were already sure their big boss had awakened and realizing it made them kind of feel emotional.

\\"Young master!\\" Zhuo Yuan was the first to snap back to reality. The big bulky man’s usual frigid face had softened. He was really emotional. Zhuo Yuan was the oldest among Yu Chen’s men. He was old man Yu’s best body guard but since Yu Chen came home after hiding in Snowflakes village, he joined the still young ones, Juu and Kyuu, as Yu Chen’s protector. He had been like a father figure to Yu Chen since then. \\"I’m so glad you’re finally awake.\\"

Yu Chen let the man hug him, surprising everyone. They knew about Zhuo Yuan’s loyalty to him and the Yu family but their boss letting someone hug him other than his immediate family was a bit shocking. It seemed like their boss became even softer after his coma.


Meanwhile, inside the conference room,

Almost everyone who was sitting around the table already looked like tired zombies. They’ve been working all day and now it was already ten o’clock but there was still no sign of their lady boss ending this freaking meeting.

When this woman stepped in as their new CEO, they all thought they would finally experience a little laid-back and pressure-less life in the company but who would’ve thought that she was actually just the female version of their devil boss?!

She didn’t just completely shut every single mouth that were doubting her abilities at first, she also took a firm hold of them all in a very short time. The way she led them was different from their former devil boss who scared them to their bones. She was more compassionate compared to him but just like that devil, she was another workaholic. When it came to working, every single one of them was convinced that they were definitely being driven by the same demon.

This she devil boss was working like there was no more tomorrow and she hated being disturbed. She was a completely different person the moment her highest level of working mode was switched on. When she was like this, she would forget about the time and no one would dare remind her. Not even the doll-like guard of hers who was always around no matter where she was.

As the meeting continued, the directors were already reaching their limit. They couldn’t even think properly anymore. Their lady boss really was a devil. Wasn’t she tired at all? She just dealt with a great foreign CEO today and she wasn’t even slowing down at all! She’s so inhuman!

Everyone could only pray deep within them. They were silently praying for someone or something; anything to save them when suddenly, the door no one ever dared to open without her permission, was pushed opened.

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