I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 238 I wonder

Chapter 238 I wonder

The sunlight was already out and streaming across the bedroom when Yu Chen woke up. His wife was no longer in the bedroom again. It appeared that his medications were making him sleep longer and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like waking up late like this. He wanted to at least send her off to work and kiss her good morning.

Yu Chen got up and showered wearing a gloomy face. However, the moment he remembered all the things that happened last night, he immediately felt his face turned hot and a smile began to carve on his face. The clouds above his head abruptly disappeared and a bright sunlight shone over his head. He was so happy he couldn’t stop smiling by himself.

When he stepped out of the house, his men were all looking at each other, talking to each other through their eyes as if they had their own telepathic powers.

Their big boss’ face was shining so brightly that they almost wanted to avert their gazes. They could just tell in one glance that something had happen and it was definitely more than good.

The words, ’Could it be that they finally did it last night?’, were flashing across all of his men’s eyes. Not a single one of them thought about something different.

Of course, a certain fearless cat was the only species who was brave enough to ask just to satisfy his gossiping stomach.

\\"Boss, something great happened last night, huh...\\" he said as he nonchalantly leaned in on Yu Chen.

However, the boss didn’t even seem to hear him.

\\"Gu Wei, tell the men to get ready, I’m going to visit the company.\\" Yu Chen said and the gossiping cat puffed his lips in disappointment as he lazily answered with an unenergetic \\"Yes, boss.\\"

\\"Ah...\\" Gu Wei suddenly halted in his track and looked back towards Yu Chen. \\"Boss, didn’t you said you’re going to deal with Jiang Min today?\\" he asked and Yu Chen’s expression changed. The talk about Jiang Min, that kid, destroyed his good mood.

Yu Chen let out a sigh before he answered. \\"I’m going to see him now.\\"

In the farthest, most forested part of Scarlet Hill, lies an old mansion. The mansion was the place where Yu Chen used to torture the enemies they caught alive. It was a very unpleasant place and wolves were roaming around it.

Inside the dark innermost secret chamber in the basement, a young man was sitting on the cold floor. His hands were shackled in chains. He was visibly thin and pale due to lack of sunlight. The young who used to be jolly and youthfully pleasant in the eyes was unrecognizable.

He never lifted his face up despite knowing that some men were already gathered before him.

Yu Chen just stood there, looking at the young man in silence. The men behind him also couldn’t speak. They remembered that every time Yu Chen visits a captive in this mansion, he would always be shrouded with nothing but bloodlust. He would always have looked like a devil who had just emerged from hell upon entering this place. He would do the torturing himself as if he was enjoying the process, like a devil that he was.

But now, strangely, his men couldn’t sense any bloodlust coming from him.

Yu Chen’s eyes weren’t even cold as he looked at the pitiful young man who betrayed him. This kid was just a boy when he picked him up. He was the youngest among his men and he was an exceptional kid. But the main reason why he took a kid to be a part of his security team was because Yu Chen remembered his young self in him. Jiang Min made Yu Chen remember those days when he was chasing Sei and Zaki until they eventually turned him into their ally. This kid also chased him, begged him, and showed off his skills to him just so he could get Yu Chen’s attention. He was as tenacious and aggressive as he was back then, that was why even though he rarely spoke to him, this kid wasn’t just a mere bodyguard to him.

\\"He’s refusing to eat that’s why he became like this.\\" The guard on duty said and the already deep lines on Yu Chen’s forehead, went even deeper.

He finally moved towards the young man and crouched down before him.

Jiang Min still didn’t react until Yu Chen finally spoke.

\\"Look at me,\\" Yu Chen ordered with a stern voice and the young man flinched. He was jolted and he immediately raised his face. Upon seeing Yu Chen, his eyes slowly turned wide. He looked like he just saw a ghost.

And then, tears began falling from his eyes. He didn’t speak a single word and cried silently before Yu Chen.

\\"Jiang Min... did you regret what you did?\\" Yu Chen asked. His question made his own men behind him creased their brows.

The young man didn’t hesitate to nod at him nonstop. \\"I’m sorry... I’m sorry...\\" he whispered. It seemed like he was having a hard time to speak. \\"Please, kill me now, boss... please...\\"

Yu Chen just watched him plead. After a long while, Yu Chen stood and turned towards his men.

\\"Let him go.\\" He said and everyone was shocked.

\\"Uhm... boss, what do you mean? You’re not going to kill him?\\" it was obvious that his men were unable to believe his decision. They all knew that betrayal was something unforgiveable to Yu Chen. They all watched him mercilessly dealt with the people who betrayed him. He never let anyone escaped from it because that was his rule from the very beginning.

\\"No, send him home.\\" He nonchalantly replied and his men’s mouth could only drop. Even Jiang Min himself looked at him in utter disbelief.

When Gu Wei couldn’t take it anymore, he moved in front of Yu Chen.

\\"Boss, you’re really just going to let this traitor go just like that?!\\" he exclaimed and Yu Chen just sighed as he glanced at the young man.

\\"Well... I’m forgiving him.\\"

\\"Huh?! W-why? You’re not even going to punish him?!\\"

\\"If not for his betrayal, my Xiaolei might still unable to remember me until now.\\" Yu Chen replied, looking as though he was contemplating deeply. \\"If not for his betrayal, I wonder if Xiaolei is my wife now?\\"

Everyone: \\". . .\\"

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