I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 300 Final Arc Part XVIII

Chapter 300  Final Arc Part XVIII

Three drew out a serrated blade strapped to his boot and without warning, swiftly sliced through all the tubes that exited from the top of the tank and into the wall above it.

Seven looked at the malicious gleam in Three\'s eyes and understood where all that resentment and fury came from. He too, felt the same, as one who was used, abused and abandoned once they had outlived their usefulness. Seven slid his own blade from its sheath and brought it close to the color-coded tubes before pausing.

"Don\'t tell me you\'re suddenly growing a conscience now, Seven." Three sneered as he walked over to the tank where he was at.

"No… It just crossed my mind, what if our places were swapped instead…" Seven mused softly, but Three heard him nonetheless and he snarled.

"Hah! But the reality is that they are the ones in there and we are the ones out here. They get a chance at life while we are doomed from the beginning to death! So why should you even care?" and saying that, Three swiped his blade in a vicious arc, cutting the tubes on the other tank.

Seven watched on silently as the liquid that was flowing from some source behind the wall flowed and spilled to the ground, not reaching Juu and Kyuu who were in the tanks. He jerked as a dull but loud bang echoed out – Three had suddenly slammed the handle of his blade onto the circular glass-like piece over Juu\'s face, apparently trying to ensure his death. Unfortunately, that material was sturdy and did not even crack, earning a snort from Three.

"Let\'s go. They would not stand a chance now…" and with that, Three lifted his dagger and stabbed it down into the main control panel that was connected to all the tanks. Sparks flew and the sharp crackle of electricity could be heard before dying down in a sizzle after a few seconds had passed. The bluish glow from the tanks faded and the darkness deepened within the place. "Now let\'s get Dr. Davi."

Turning around, Three led the way as Seven followed, only a step behind him, getting back into their earlier formation. He did not notice that Seven turned around quickly to take a last look at the two tanks before they headed for their main target.


"You…!" Zaki\'s eyes turned bloodshot as One insinuated that Davi might have been kidnapped or even worse, harmed by Three and Seven. In his anxiousness, he took a few steps closer to One, but that triggered a sudden dizzy spell and nausea surged up his throat.

Taking advantage of the sudden lowering of Zaki\'s guard, One unexpectedly pulled out a gun and took a shot at him. thanks to his sensitive hearing and exceptional reflexes, he managed to dodge that bullet that was meant for his heart. However, due to the effects of the concussion, he did not manage to dodge it fully and the bullet embedded itself into his chest and lodged into one of his ribs. A grunt escaped his lips as Zaki fell to his knees. He had not expected One to play dirty. But then… what should he expect of a monster?

"So pitiful and weak."

Zaki heard as he saw One\'s shoes approaching from the edges of his vision. Coughing once, he looked up from his kneeling position and snarled, "I\'ll kill–" but was cut off when he saw the butt of the gun speeding to his face. One had cracked down on his skull and Zaki crumpled to the ground in a heap, blood pooling under him.

"Kill or be killed." One spat out and sneered before he turned and walked out of the house. It should be about time to meet up with Three and Seven.


Three and Seven made their way over to the research lab after coming to the conclusion that Dr. Davi should be there as no one else was at the sanatorium other than Juu and Kyuu in their treatment tanks. One had informed them that securing the doctor was their top priority in this mission. Thus, they needed to grab her and get out A.S.A.P.

According to their investigation, only the doctor and the scientists would be there in this huge facility. Kidnapping her would be easier than snatching an apple from a kindergartener. So far, they had not seen anyone as expected. Thus, they slinked and crept around and managed to arrive outside the door to a special laboratory. Inside, was Dr. Davi totally clueless about their presence and fully absorbed in whatever it was behind those lenses she was peering into.

Three grinned wickedly as he turned to Seven and used their secret signal to communicate on how they were to go ahead with the kidnapping. The door slid opened soundlessly, allowing Three to slink in quietly and he crept up to stand only a couple of steps behind Davi. Lifting his hand high, he was about to bring it down to chop it on the back of her neck and knock her out cold. As his hand descended, it jerked to a stop halfway down as his eyes widened in surprise.

"Hello. I assume you\'re here for me, Seven…? Three?" Davi had suddenly whirled around and was currently pointing a small gun at him, which he suspected had ammunition that would no doubt be deadly or at least paralyzing to its victims. A gentle and knowing smile adorned her beautiful face. "You must be Three…" she had caught the slight flicker in his eyes when she called him \'Three\'.

Three narrowed his eyes and did not lower his guard. This woman was not as simple as she seemed. He could not afford any more mistakes as they were already behind schedule according to their plans. He did not dare turn back to check to see if Seven, who was outside on lookout duty, was alright. But he somehow sensed an absence of any kind of movement, and that alone was enough to send a trickle of uneasiness through him.

"How…?" Three asked. Though he only uttered a single word, Davi seemed to have easily caught onto what he meant.

"I have my ways." She offered with an elegant shrug of a shoulder that was clad in laboratory whites. "Don\'t bother checking. I\'ll spare you the misery by informing you now itself. Seven has been dealt with." All the while, her gun remained trained on him and ready to go off if he intended to try anything.

Gritting his teeth in fury, Three knew he had to complete this mission no matter what. Even if he had to abandon Seven, so be it. What they need is this doctor in their hands. One had made it especially clear on that. Eyes darting around, he tried to look for something to distract her. Just a fraction of a second would do. That was enough for him to take her down.


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