stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 28 Change In Plan - II

Life settled into a predictable rhythm within the confines of our temporary sanctuary. Each day seemed to blend into the next, as if caught in an endless loop of monotony. Our routine was simple: rise with the sun, venture out to procure sustenance, engage in diligent practice sessions, and surrender to slumber, only to repeat the cycle anew. Fatigue clung to our bodies, a constant reminder of the physical exertion we endured.

To break free from the suffocating monotony, we occasionally ventured further inland, venturing into uncharted territories in search of beasts to challenge. These excursions injected a fleeting sense of excitement into our lives, offering a respite from the mundane.

While Kane initially left us after the first day, citing pressing matters that demanded his attention, his absence was not without purpose. Two months later, much to our surprise, he returned accompanied by five additional teams.

With the arrival of the additional teams, a refreshing wave of novelty washed over us. The expanded group injected a renewed sense of energy into our daily lives, effectively eroding the lingering traces of monotony. The presence of more individuals to interact with and learn from breathed new life into our existence, filling our days with lively conversations, shared experiences.

The long-awaited day finally arrived, marked by the sight of a majestic ship docking at the shore. The vessel had come to collect the various teams scattered across the island, signalling the culmination of our efforts and the transition to the next stage of our mission. As we stepped aboard the ship, a mixture of excitement and apprehension filled the air.

Within the confines of the ship, we could see that most of the teams had already been assembled, their weary yet determined faces speaking volumes about the arduous journey they had endured. Amidst the bustling activity, Kane detached himself from our team, striding purposefully towards the ship\'s command center to meet with the lieutenant.

After a year spent on the island, enduring countless challenges and honing our skills, we finally found ourselves aboard the ship. The transition from our makeshift dwelling to the designated rooms on the ship brought a profound sense of relief and comfort.

As we entered our allocated quarters, a feeling of gratitude washed over us. The rooms were a stark contrast to the ruggedness we had grown accustomed to during our time on the island. The air was infused with a sense of tranquillity and cleanliness, and the softness of the beds beckoned us to surrender to their embrace.

The rooms were well-appointed, with cozy furnishings and ample space for us to unwind and recharge. The walls were adorned with simple yet elegant décor. Having spent three months building and residing in our rudimentary shelter, this newfound comfort was a welcomed respite.


Inside roger\'s room:-

Roger\'s command room was a testament to strategic prowess and meticulous organization. Nestled deep within the heart of the ship, it served as the nerve center for planning, coordination, and decision-making. The room itself exuded an air of efficiency, with sleek, polished surfaces and state-of-the-art technology seamlessly integrated into every aspect of its design.

Upon entering the command room, one\'s gaze would be immediately drawn to a large central table, meticulously arranged with maps, charts, and holographic projections displaying critical information. The table served as the focal point for discussions and strategy sessions, its expansive surface allowing for collaborative planning and analysis.

Surrounding the table were ergonomically designed chairs, each equipped with built-in control panels and communication devices. These seats accommodated the key members of the team, providing them with a comfortable and commanding vantage point from which to contribute their expertise and insights.

The walls of the command room were adorned with screens, displaying real-time feeds from various surveillance systems and monitoring stations. These screens flickered with vital data, presenting a comprehensive overview of the mission\'s progress, weather conditions, and any potential threats or obstacles that lay ahead.

At the front of the room stood a towering, panoramic display, capable of projecting a dynamic and immersive view of the surrounding environment. This cutting-edge technology allowed Roger and his team to observe and assess the ever-changing landscape, enabling them to make informed decisions and adapt their strategies accordingly.

As Kane entered the command room, he respectfully saluted Roger, who was seated in a chair, engrossed in writing. The room fell silent as their interaction began.

"You\'re back. How did the mission go?" Roger inquired; his gaze still fixed on the paper before him.I think you should take a look at

"Not so well, we encountered some unexpected difficulties," Kane responded, his tone tinged with disappointment.

"I noticed there were additional teams accompanying yours. Does that mean you managed to locate Hancock?" Roger asked, finally looking up from his work but still holding his pen.

"Yes, we found him. However, the opposition proved to be more formidable than anticipated, so I made the decision to await your arrival," Kane explained, his voice conveying the gravity of the situation.

Roger paused his writing, his eyes narrowing as he focused on Kane. "What do you mean they were stronger than you?" There was a hint of uncertainty in his voice, a glimmer of concern.

Seizing a chair from a nearby corner, Kane positioned himself at an equal level to Roger, bridging any hierarchical divide. "I managed to capture one of their operatives," he began, his hand absentmindedly scratching his cheek. "Or rather, your new assistant did. He led me to the man\'s hideout."

Roger leaned back in his chair, a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. "Zack, huh? I\'ll make sure to commend him for his exceptional skills. It\'s always refreshing to see promising talent emerging within our ranks," he remarked with genuine appreciation.

"But that\'s not the most crucial discovery. The important thing is that I found a highly sophisticated tracking spell on that man. It was spell which could track death and you know how fast they can communicate, we had to get out of there." Kane stated with unwavering seriousness resonating in his voice.

"You did the right thing," Roger acknowledged, his voice carrying a mix of appreciation and concern. "Losing three teams to their forces was unexpected, and I initially dismissed it as incompetence. When did you discover the spell?"

Kane took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding. "I discovered the spell after his demise. It appears to be a low-tier 4 spell, possessing intricate layers of enchantment."

As the gravity of the situation sank in, Roger\'s expression grew solemn. "Regarding Hancock, what did you learn from him under interrogation?"

"I subjected him to intense torture, extracting valuable information about the location and strength of Hancock\'s gang," Kane revealed. "According to him, Kellan has dispatched two tier-3 1-Star mages to assist Hancock in recruitment efforts. In addition, there are approximately 500 tier-2 fighters and around 1,000 tier-1 pet beasts under their command." (Pet beasts – it means any beasts that have been domesticated, like pet tiger.)

Roger let out a heavy sigh, weariness etched on his face as he considered the gravity of the situation, they found themselves in. His eyes closed momentarily, shutting out the weight of the impending battle. "If we choose to engage in direct conflict, it is almost certain that we will suffer significant casualties," he finally spoke, his voice tinged with concern. "Should we not consider seeking alliances with other platoons?"

Kane\'s response was unwavering, his tone carrying a hint of underlying worry, perhaps reminiscent of past experiences. "I believe it is worth attempting before we contact anyone," he asserted, his gaze unwavering. "You cannot remain confined behind this desk forever, Roger. This is an opportunity for you to re-enter the field and lead by example."

Roger\'s response was measured, his mind deep in contemplation as he assessed the options before him. He motioned for Kane to give him some space, his gaze returning to the files scattered across his desk. "Let me have some time to think this through," he requested, his tone indicating the need for solitude and focus.

Kane nodded understandingly, respecting Roger\'s need for solitude in this crucial decision-making process. He quietly stepped back, leaving the command room.

As the door closed behind Kane, the room fell into silence, leaving Roger alone with his thoughts. The burden of leadership weighed heavily upon him, each decision bearing consequences that could shape the course of their mission.

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