Origin Lust Sword System

Chapter 104 Goblin Paradise (2)

A few kilometers away from the south of Albert City was a small size fortress that was filled with guards, and the only way in was a small gate that could only contain one person at a time.

This fortress was known as the Bronze Gate Fortress because it was built around the Bronze rank dimension Goblin Paradise. The security of this place was as tight as it could get, and not even flies could enter without ringing magic detectors present in this place.

Not only this dimension gate but all of them were preserved like this so only those with the DEP could enter it and couldn\'t escape without paying their dues according to the Magic Union Dimension Diver Contract.

To this day, only a few have ever managed to enter or escape the Gate Fortresses in the history of the Magic Union. Not to mention all these cases revolved around the Silver or lower rank dimensions.

The Gate Fortresses around the Golden Rank or rank dimensions were no joke as they were all built with cutting-edge magic technology present in the magic union. So, no one dares to try anything funny.

There was a small queue outside this Bronze Gate Fortress, and Cyrus had joined it about fifteen minutes ago, and now it was finally his turn.

If he wanted, he could\'ve easily infiltrated this place without bothering to go through all the preparations. But he didn\'t do as since it was not what he wanted. Tonight, his goal was not to kill humans, not those who don\'t get in his way or are essential.

The moment Cyrus crossed the gate, he found himself standing in a large close space which should be the inside of the fortress wall.

Then he saw two burly men in soft armor with cold expressions staring at him.

"Place your license on the scanner and your stuff over the other counter for inspection, and then stand under that body scanner." One of the guards with brown short hair and a big face coldly commanded.

Cyrus complied with a nod as he placed the black card on a scanner device at the counter a few meters behind the guards and then placed the bag on another counter. Two masked persons then moved up and started to scan the license and check the bag thoroughly.

While Cyrus himself had to go through a scanner which was a three-meter-long glass corridor at the other side of the hall.

\'They\'re using this old junk of a magic machine to scan my body for hidden objects and also to measure my magic class.\' Cyrus was amused seeing the magic scanner and walked inside without much worry.

Magic undulation suddenly started to rise from within the machine, and the guards who were looking at the mirror-like monitor from the entrance frowned.

"He\'s appeared clear, but why did this magic rank appeared \'???\' in this state?" the guard with short brown hair and a big face asked with a frown.

"Who I\'m going to ask then? It had never happened before. Maybe that guy is exhausted, so his magic is almost null?" The other one with small eyes and a long beard replied with uncertainty.

"Yet he still wanted to enter a bronze rank dimension? Heh, he might be here to commit suicide, then. Anyway, since he wasn\'t hiding anything on his body, let\'s just have him sign the contract and get it over with." Sneered the guard with short brown hair and a big face.

"Yeah, he\'s not worth wasting our time." The other one nodded in agreement.

Cyrus, at this moment, exited the glass corridor without many expressions as he already knew the result.

This type of magic detection scanner couldn\'t possibly even peer through his skin, much less his Dantians, and these guys clearly had no idea about it.

"Alright, you are clear. Sign the contract, and you are good to go." Another guard put his license and the small bag on the counter as well as he placed a paperboard and a pen with it.

Cyrus knew with a glance that it was the Magic Union Dimension Diver Contract, and the conditions were the same as he had heard from Hilda, so he signed his name on it without much consideration.

The guard took the paperboard with the contract, and the pen away and dismissively said, "You have three days which start from 11:32 PM, and you\'re needed to exit the dimension at 11:32 PM in three days from now. If you\'re late even a minute, I don\'t need to tell you the consequences, right?"

"No worries, I know." Cyrus nodded.

"Good. Enter corridor number three. It will lead you straight to the dimension gate." The guard stated and stopped bothering Cyrus.

There were five doors straight up ached with five numbers, and every one of those doors had a guard standing there. Seeing Cyrus walking over, the guard at door three opened the door without even asking.

"Much appreciated." Cyrus nodded and headed forward.

He kind of anticipated seeing the dimension gate since he had yet even to see what a dimension looked like, much less its fully formed gate. As a former God, he had seen almost everything, but the dimensions weren\'t part of those few things which he had yet to experience.

The corridor was probably fifty feet long, and when he reached the end, the closed metal door was opened with a metallic beep.

Cyrus walked out of the corridor and found himself in an open field like a stadium, and his attention was instantly drawn by a glowing object in the center of this field.

There was a five-meter-wide and fifteen-meter-tall bronze color crystal gate that was shimmering in bronze light, and there wasn\'t anything behind or around it.

This bronze gate stood there alone as if it was planted in the field, but Cyrus knew it wasn\'t the case as he could feel powerful Qi fluctuations coming from it. Furthermore, these Qi fluctuations were quite new for him as he had never felt them before in his entire old or present life.

With a fascinated look, he approached the bronze gate, and he completely overlooked some people standing a few meters away from its left side as well as two burly guards around it.

No one seemed to care about Cyrus walking toward the bronze gate, not even those two guards. They were actually here for the people who exited the dimension, not those who were about to enter.

Cyrus used a few probing eye spells, but to his surprise, that gate looked the same no matter which kind of spell he used. There were only two explanations he could think of which could bear this result.

First, this gate was just an ordinary gate, or second, he wasn\'t strong enough to see through it, and Cyrus strongly believed that it was the latter case.

He was stopped when he was a meter away from the door and narrowed his eyes, \'I can\'t feel any type of space Qi or teleportation runes present around it. Just how did these dimensions connect spaces between two different worlds…\'

Cyrus was deep in thought when a jeering voice broke his focus.

"Hey, why are you standing there like an idiot? Are you going in or having second thoughts? Guess what? I don\'t care, just get the hell out of my way and think somewhere else."

Cyrus frowned slightly before he turned around and saw a team of 13 standing there, and in the very front was a burly beard man with long black hair and a menacing smile on his square face. He was clearly the leader of this team.

"I\'ll remember you." Cyrus coolly stated before stepping forward, and when the bronze glow touched his body, he suddenly started to turn vague before his entire body vanished!

The leader of the team was startled by Cyrus\'s subtle words, and before he could react, he was gone into the dimension!

"Heh, boss, why do I think that guy was picking beef with you?" A short, slim man with a bow and arrow scabbard on his back teasingly injected.

"Hmph, just a little man who can\'t even stand up for his words. If I found him in dimension, let\'s see if he dares to say that again to my face." The Leader sneered coldly, "We\'ll gather at the usual meeting point. Let\'s move out!"

The entire team snickered before they followed behind their leader, and one after another, they vanished before the dimension gate the moment they were touched by its glow.

The Dimension Gate could be considered a passage that didn\'t have a static exit. Simply put, you can appear anywhere in the dimension, even in the middle of the dimension creature settlement.

This was the same case. Even if you enter as a team while holding hands or binding yourself with magic or rope, the destination will always be different.

That\'s why just diving into a dimension without having any prior knowledge was an extremely dangerous task, not to mention if that dimension were unexplored!

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