Trapped in a gacha game, I will steal all the heroines.

Chapter 86 The Reason For Freytan's Anger.

Returning back in time to when Freytan was ten years old, two years before Marian became the Duchess, because the family that held that title had died in a massacre that occurred in their region.

In the Murim region, in a different country where the main village of Freytan\'s clan was located, an attack was about to take place.

A colossal gray worm with red stripes and a mouth full of sharp teeth, arranged in four rows encircling the entirety of its mouth, rose up towards the sky. Its head then turned towards the center of the village, casting an ominous shadow over the surroundings.

"sssssssss" a sinister green gas began to emanate from the mouth of the worm, snaking through the air and infiltrating every corner of the village. Quickly, the gas enveloped each building, shrouding them in a toxic and eerie mist.

"Everyone, put on a mask," commanded a man wearing a white mask depicting a demonic expression. He was dressed in a black hanfu with red details, and in his right hand, he held a sword with a white blade.

"Yes, sir," responded a large group of men simultaneously. They all had brown or black hair and wore a completely blue hanfu. Each of them donned a white mask with a single line descending from the center of the forehead to the chin.

The man with the demonic mask shifted his leg back, taking a deep breath as he tightened his grip on the sword\'s handle, his gaze fixed on the immobile worm. He shouted, "Kill anyone in our way!" and swiftly started sprinting towards the worm, which continued releasing the gas.

"Did you hear that? Find all the culprits!" spoke one of the men in white hanfu, and immediately, everyone began running, spreading throughout the entire village.

The man\'s eyes turned completely white, and his black hair grew in length. Small white sparks emanated from his sword as he stomped forcefully on the ground, causing it to sink. He propelled himself forward, colliding with the worm\'s body, creating a deep cut several meters below its mouth.

The enormous worm let out a thunderous roar, its body thrashing forward and sending the man flying through the air.

Growing increasingly enraged, the worm continued to unleash its toxic gas, but now its focus shifted towards the man and his followers. With menacing determination, it lunged towards them, revealing its colossal, razor-sharp jaws.

As the worm posed a challenge for the warriors standing amidst the toxic gas, Marian, with her long blonde hair and striking red eyes, stood in front of a humble house, dressed in a hanfu of white and yellow, accentuated by a green sphere at the center of her bust. She wore a smile on her face as she spoke, "I\'ll have to thank them later. This worm has been quite the gift."

Marian walked through the garden of the house, passing by a small artificial stone pond with fish, and arrived at the front entrance, a large sliding paper door.

As Marian entered, she found two adults in a deep sleep, lying on the ground. "Alright, let\'s begin."

A black sphere emerged beside Marian, surrounded by centipedes. She crouched down beside the two individuals, one at a time, placing her hand on the center of their chests. One of the centipedes jumped from the sphere, landing and entering the man\'s body, followed by the woman\'s.

"Rise," Marian spoke, and from the center of their chests, small black veins began spreading throughout their bodies. Seconds later, both individuals stood up, their eyes still closed, remaining motionless.

Marian also stood up, looking at them with a smile on her face. She clasped her hands together and said, "Now, kill everyone who is asleep."

"Mom, where are you? You said you were coming but disappeared," Freytan said, opening the wooden door and rubbing his nose, his eyes red and his expression sleepy.

\'What?,\' Marian thought when her eyes met those of the child in front of her.

"Mother? Father?" Freytan\'s voice trembled as he looked at the lifeless bodies of his parents her parents\' heads turned towards her upon hearing her voice revealing a chilling smile on her face. Veins of black emerged from her eyes, mouth, and nose, giving her a grotesque appearance.

Before Freytan could fully process her emotions, something awakened deep within her. Her eyes sparkled with a vibrant purple glow, and in an instant, all the adverse effects on her body vanished. Tears welled up in her eyes as she bravely walked towards Marian.

"So, this is where they were hiding the clan\'s jewel?" Marian\'s smile widened, feeling the menacing aura emanating from the twelve-year-old girl. To her, it seemed like an unbelievable and twisted joke, beyond her wildest imagination.

"It\'s such a shame to have to break something so valuable," Marian spoke, leaping forward and grabbing Freytan\'s head, forcefully slamming it against the ground. She released her grip, only to swiftly strike a powerful open-handed attack to Freytan\'s chest, causing her to cry out in pain, "Ahhhh!" she lost consciousness soon after.

Marian sighed as she looked at Freytan\'s parents, gritting her teeth with furious eyes. "New puppets always take so long to adapt," she muttered. Extending her arm with an open hand to the side, Marian made the black sphere float towards the front of her hand. In an instant, all the centipedes crawling on the sphere entered it, and Marian clenched her fist, crushing all the centipedes.


"Arghh"I think you should take a look at

Freytan\'s parents cried out, leaning forward as small centipede legs emerged from their arms, wriggling frantically.

"You have five minutes. Kill everyone who is asleep or you will be devoured," Marian\'s voice made their bodies tremble, causing them to desperately rush out.

"Now, little girl, unlike them, you won\'t be lucky," Marian pointed her finger at Freytan\'s forehead, and a purple smoke began to surround her finger as she prepared her attack.

"Stop right there," a distorted voice came from beside Marian.

Marian pressed her hand against Freytan\'s forehead, exerting pressure as she glanced to the side. "Destruction, what are you doing here? Don\'t you have something better to do, like destroying something?"

"Your worm has already killed almost all the men. Once their swords shattered, their bodies were torn apart," Destruction spoke indifferently, disregarding Marian\'s words.

"Isn\'t it obvious? You yourselves said that the one who could kill him is already too old and sick for that." Marian released Freytan\'s head and rose to her feet.

"Now, answer me, why are you here? And as for this girl, you know very well why I\'m doing this."

The humanoid figure, with masculine features and composed entirely of black smoke as dark as vantablack, grinned as it spoke. "She cannot die. I need her. You\'ve witnessed her powers yourself. She will be the destruction of that nation."

"Well, you only need her, right?" Marian remarked, conjuring a Monarch butterfly that emerged from within the black sphere and landed above her head.

"What you did or will do to her doesn\'t concern me, as long as you don\'t kill her. The choice is yours, but know that you\'re meddling with a lion cub. She will surely bite back later," the black smoke dissipated, leaving Marian alone once again.

Marian looked at her hand, observing the Monarch butterfly perched on top. "I\'ll be waiting then, to break your teeth," Marian smiled, wagging her finger as the butterfly began to take flight.

"Inside the central house, retrieve the red scroll with a gray line," Marian instructed.

As Marian spoke, the butterfly distanced itself, and simultaneously, Freytan\'s parents returned. Their bodies were soaked in blood, and all the black veins had vanished, leaving them nearly identical to their normal state, except for their eyes, which were completely gray.

"Good job, you may go back to sleep. I will take care of the rest."

A little while later, the butterfly returned, carrying the parchment that Marian had requested. The butterfly tossed the parchment and flew directly into the black sphere.

"Ah..." Freytan was about to awaken when Marian, noticing this, struck her forehead with the parchment, causing her to faint once again.

"No, no, girl. You\'re lucky enough to stay alive. You don\'t get to witness a professional at work." Marian looked at the open parchment and placed it on Freytan\'s chest. Her hands were covered in purple smoke as she placed one hand on her own forehead and the other on the exact spot where her heart would be in her chest, rotating her hand as if locking something in place.

"First step completed."

Marian lifted Freytan\'s right hand and, using her own nail, made a small cut on Freytan\'s finger, bringing it to her mouth. After doing so, she stood up.

Marian pointed to Freytan\'s stomach, causing her black sphere to move there and enter her body.

After uttering strange words "ᚠᛇᛞᛚᚨᛟᚱᛃᚢᛝᚻᛈᛇᚩᚾᛈᛉᛒᛞᚾᛂᚳᚱᛂᚿ," she pointed both hands at Freytan, causing her to writh in agony and curl up on the floor. The ground, in the same language Marian had spoken, became infested with those words.

"Desire, lust, and absorption," Marian spoke with a smile. "Girl, I\'ve changed my mind. You will be mine in the future."

Back in the present, Freytan reached the second floor, her gaze empty, but a genuine smile of happiness adorned her face. "Dantalian, I\'m finished," she said. Everyone fell silent, watching her as she walked slowly and sat down next to Dantalian, resting her head on his shoulder and drifting off to sleep.

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