




This time I did not waste a moment to take on the pain of flying all the way up, but directly teleported myself in front of my nemesis who so cruelly tried to slap me to the ground.

Seeing how Regis was too drawn towards the greatness of magic like me and how fun it is to use and knowing that she could finally keep herself safe even with and without around me, I just couldn\'t hold myself back any longer.

"You are resilient for a human. To think that the Emperor of all Dragons would succumb so low as to take the help of the earth-crawlers." The broad bridge of Ouroboros\'s nose crinkled and his upper jaw twisted with anger on seeing my unexpected return.

Why is he getting annoyed, when in the first place it is me who is being most irritated by its deafening voice and the mountains giving it an echo effect. Probably putting him in the top list of sources that would be causing noise pollution for no good reason, and only to expect villainy from its side.

"You speak of Black Emperor and yet you fought with him for the territory on this island." I said in doubt. It was necessary for me to know why he left Emperor alive, even when he had the chance to kill him.

"Black Emperor is a heavenly dragon like me but he is still tied to the roots of this world and is bound to protect its World Core... unlike me who resigned to a life of seclusion and peace in the spirit realm. But those repulsive little humans summoned me into this world and bond me with a contract to use the magic artifact to destroy this sanctuary of dragons. As bound by the terms of this one sided agreement I am, I cannot return to my realm without fulfilling it. Blame your own kind and my pride that won\'t back down unless I have achieved what I have come here for." The Dragon\'s words seemed to resonate even in this kind of terrain.

"Hmmm. You shouldn\'t put the blame on everyone if you are wronged by few. Even then it\'s quite selfish of you to act that way for yourself, but I won\'t be holding you guilty for it. So rest assured you won\'t be dying over something foolish like you are going to pay for what you did… or something along those lines."

Well for starters this dragon was a bit more talkative, maybe some are born that way. I too felt like indulging myself in a talk at any chance, since he felt so generous so as to tell me the reason for his coming here.

Taking his narrative into account, why someone would plot something like this in the first place and why target the Dragon Island & Elf Kingdom specifically. Though there is definitely a connection to the crow-head I fought recently and how the miasma that is being radiated from the artifact has the same trail and uniqueness.

But why would someone go this far with an elaborate and long plan without getting something out of it. Even if humans of the present want to release a fight with the demon continent it\'s just not sit right to go with such a roundabout way to do it. Unless someone else is moving behind the scenes with a totally different goal of their own while creating pandemic and confusion among the masses.

Huhhh! Taking a deep breath I realized I had strayed too far from the present predicament. To whom I am even talking with my imagination running wild. It\'s not like a grand conspiracy tale is in play for all of that stuff to happen for real. It\'s probably the case where a child practicing summoning magic might had gone wrong. Happens all the time in fictional worlds, there is no better expert than me. And since the dragon is too big to be taken care of they sent him away with an impossible mission at hand to get rid of him. It\'s sad that Ouroboros does not realize it himself and I would hate to be the one to break its heart.

"I do not expect you to understand the ways of the dragons... But even so I can\'t let myself be defeated by someone from that detestable puny human race. Passing your pity on a mighty being like me would only spell your doom. If only you would have not pressed your legs on this sanctuary and tainted it." Ouroboros burst out into a cry of vivid fury and abruptly forces me to turn away from my deep thinking.

"Oh! It\'s nothing complex or nefarious like that… I don\'t think I have ever taken pity on something. What I am concerned is how deliberately you refuse to stop even with realizing your mistake. And if you cannot go back to your home by yourself then I will just have to send you there back forcibly." I tried to somewhat dictate my immediate objective to the dragon. He gets it or not or whether it was probably his approval I was waiting for, over his layed out future life plans.

"If you do not condone my desire then you should try to conquer me... but only when you can survive this." The dragon\'s voice was filled with rage after my rebuttal.

Well I should have known what the response would have been from Ouroboros\'s side, but even a yes or no would have done the same job. Isn\'t it foolish to warn their opponent before a surprise attack like that? Well that is definitely going under the mighty \'foolishness\' tag from my side!

Just then the above large circular halo shined, a thick red burning beam traversing downwards, almost covering everything, sprinkling the colour red all over the place. It felt like the whole island had been somehow placed over a burning gas stove.

The next instant as the blinding light dispersed, the only thing left there was to see a girl shrouded in an impossibly bright burst of light and magical aura, all but covered inside a tiny crystal like blue barrier. But a much greater spherical bulge almost covering half of the island had stopped the descent of the demonic red light.

"Raaaaaaaaah!!" A fierce scream erupted from the dragon\'s throat.

As if on instinct the black chips soon came rushing in from the halo to absorb all the magical power being radiated from me, only to be finally transferred to my enemy. But it was something I just couldn\'t let it slide; that was to use my own magic against me.

The magical aura around me that I was channeling flashed even brighter, a pulse that spread outwards. The moment the swirling stream of small black chips came in contact with it, was burnt down to finally nothing.

"It would be wise for you not to underestimate the power of a displeased little girl." I said politely with a clam expression. The blue barriers hanging above the island for the most part dispersed into yet another beautiful sprinkle of blue as if bringing down the entire heat developed over time. The girl stood unharmed and so was the Island protected at the same time.

This time around, though the number of chips did not diminish to that extent but it was visible to both of us that they had stopped regenerating on their own. It could have been possibly the only perfect sign that told me that Regis had masterfully done her job.

A gust of wind interfered with my field of view, as I raised my chin up only to feel the vibration of the tremendous weight of the dragon flying towards me, followed by a cacophonous clattering of another swarm of those despicable small metallic chips.

But instead of turning it into a rematch of our previous game of tag, I too rushed in forward, which only took the dragon by surprise as it launched a maelstrom of another fire attack at me.

Realizing how devious Ouroboros could be with its planning and how cautiously it lured me in, I had to refrain from using Black Flare. Probably from our previous exchange, it had already surmised that my magic could feed on its fire. So it carefully exploded the inferno before I could use my spell to take over his.

"Wouldn\'t it be better to decide soon." I called out to the dragon, only an inch away in front of it, as I raised my fist cloaked in my dense magical aura. Its face distraught with surprise and anger as it saw me confronting it face to face and surviving its explosive fire magic unscathed. A single thrust from my fist sent the massive beast crashing into one of the nearby mountain.

Of course without magic I couldn\'t have even been able to move it an inch, but magically enhancing my attack and a bit of gravity magic for an instant touch could make wonders like bringing a dragon to the ground.

As the rubble and dust clouds from the falling debris dispersed a clear picture of a struck down dragon with grievous wounds came into view; deep seated into the centre of a large terrestrial crater as if a giant asteroid that banished the dinosaurs had collapsed right there.

The dragon too had realized that the healing capability of the magical artifact was reaching its limit as the reservoir itself had been destroyed.

"You see it\'s better if you hurry up because I need to have an important chat with another dragon." I told Ouroboros about my other appointment, hoping for his brains to soon realise that this fight was futile the moment he refused to listen to my request.

"I would never submit to the likes of a human, no matter what kind of power you wield backing down from my oath is no option."

How stuck up and stubborn people can be in this world I thought to myself, or rather I might be too flexible in my thoughts. For a moment I was left wondering whether it\'s a good or a bad thing.

The body of Ouroboros shrieked, even on flapping its wings extensively, his body failed to respond or muster up any movement no matter how hard it tried.

\'It\'s no use…. I cannot move.\' The dragon\'s thoughts froze with those words, the moment it realized what had really happened to its body. That must have been clear to him, but it just lay down in silence there. Indeed the battle was lost; the evil dragon could not deny it anymore or runaway from the human girl who so casually took it down in a single fray of punch.

Well, it was useless and I already know because I planned my punch that way. Sending strong shockwaves from within I had caused several major concussion and blockage problems in its blood vessels, destroying several internal organs of his in a single blow.

Well I should thank mother for teaching me such exceptional martial arts and with my unique skill I was able to analyse and learn it after training with her combat blessing. Even if on the outside its wounds had healed up, the internal wounds being much deeper and drastic could not keep up with the damage and the healing process.

All there was left for me was to wait for the declaration of his surrender and I could return back with Regis to the Elf Kingdom. But then what….

A strange pause had me worried, because I would soon be leaving the elf kingdom too and with how things ended up I still could not ask Regis what I had in mind for a long time.

Regis who made use of magic just to help me, it would be selfish of me to feed on her generosity any longer not to forget when she has such a loving family on her side. If I had someone like those in my previous life to take care of me, I would have done everything in my power to return back.

Suddenly the dragon let out a shriek as if it was its last moan and the moment he abandoned the feeling pain from its body.

"I never thought a day like this would come when I would be rendered so powerless to even draw my fire breath. But even if this will be the last you see of me, I will be snatching everything from you, this island you so want to protect, your life that you value above all else, the life of people you cherish. I will be stealing away all of it. Mark my words and rejoice that you ever had to confront the Ruler of the Cursed Night Sky ─ Ouroboros." It said with the most awful grin while passing his declaration of its pure concentrated malice.

The dragon\'s body rattled, but this wouldn\'t have been possible with how his muscle tissues had been drop by drop separated from the torn up blood vessels and veins running throughout its body. The dragon\'s mouth opens in large as a swarm of new metallic chips vomited out of its body. The metal artifact connected to its chest started glowing with a red, creating a voracious sound akin to a combustion engine firing.

Zap.Zap.Zap. the leftover smaller chips flew up backward, like a heavy downpour just in reverse falling into the sky. The halo started revolving again the only exception being that the dragon was being pulled up too.

But that too stopped as his chest was ripped apart, and feeling nothing else and despite the pain with the same gleeful expression slapped across its face, it chuckled as if trying to say something. On reaching the centre it mid-froze and the metal chunk that levitated away from its body turned into raw energy. First its viscous green hide turned into a dry, pale fabric contrary to its dark and deep shade. The cracks that overlapped the lining of its ribs and magical nerves puffed up ─ undergoing an abnormal transformation.

Staying true to its words it had gone and finally done it. As Al analysed the nature of transformation going on in front of us, I instantly knew of his intent of offering up its own life resource as a dynamic source of magical energy to keep the artifact running for a powerful final blast to decimate everything of what was visible from here.

The present, future of me were now attached to this world and I needed to keep it safe all for my sake. And I was willing to go to any length to make that happen, even if it meant removing things like these from my way.

My usual large scale magic this time would not work because I am still unsure whether they would be able to keep in pace with the fast looping magic. The only thing which I could think of was to destroy the artifact and that too in a blink of an eye.

Lifting my hand as it pointed to the sky, I took a final look at my surrounding noticing that the stage itself was set for me right from the start. Hundreds of lying dormant volcanoes, boiling with molten liquid from the inside and swirling with pent-up heat; inhabited the dragon island as its native feature, maybe today was the final day to wake them up all at once.

While I had already set the currents in motion for the cold and warm air to clash as they danced in the sky to welcome the thunderstorm clouds approaching from every nook and corner of the vast ocean around us in response to the low pressure region radically fashioned into existence.

The water from the internal flowing water bodies had already started evaporating, welling up moisture in the air, and so the ridiculous amount of ash being released into the atmosphere at the same time as the insides of the volcanoes was being forcefully heated by my wind and fire magic. The basic idea was to simply heat up the whole place until they ionize and start to glow from all the heat energy. In turn generating friction between all the colliding, fragmenting particles of volcanic ash giving rise to static electricity and so what called volcanic lightning.

I glanced upward and while the dragon\'s body had already dissolved and assimilated, the halo glowed with a red aura, as it raced and engorged with so much energy. Suddenly an intense light flashed and recollecting at centre, the incredible torrent of magical energy was ready to be dissipated and put holes in all of the land wherever it struck.

"[BLACK FILAMENT]" Bringing my hand down like launching a hurricane before the disaster struck, the ashen clouds savouring the sounds of the words I pronounced, it caused the earth and the atmosphere to quake.

The transient blaze of black-purple lightning shredding through the intense hanging darkness, made its way to the magical artifact that was about to destroy this place but it only made it look more like a gleam of torch as it got snuffed out from the very plane of existence.







AGE : ------


LEVEL : 6000

HP : 250000

MP :500000

SP : 300000








Based on the concept of volcanic lightning, it uses the fuming volcanic ash and the evaporated vapour ions friction to create static electricity on a wide scale.


Ø The lightning is controllable as the areas heated are essentially the path the lightning takes.

Ø The lightning can make the target explode, roast, or evaporate because they are heated up extremely fast and the water or materials inside expand and shatter. The faster the water content evaporates; the material carbonizes and eventually combines into a gas.

Ø It can\'t be blocked using conductors to redirect lightning into the ground because the caster controls the path via heat waves.

Ø Alicia initially created this magic because she thought she could use it as a fancy party popper or as an entrance theme for heroes to rescue the day.


///////// DRAGON ISLAND //////////

The Black Dragon Emperor gazed at the sky wryly, as a little hole of blue sky peeked through the center, allowing a ray of golden sun to hit the land after a time span of almost an entire year. And finally with a strong wind followed by the thunderous claps of thousand lightning, the dark sky was split apart perfectly revealing a brilliant blue azure as deep and far spread as the surface of the sea.

No longer being able to sense the presence of Ouroboros, he was left with an unadulterated feeling of relief as well as a slight tinge of sourness. Even though he did not knew Ouroboros well enough to expand his thoughts over his objective and motivation to go through such a thing, but not being able to resolve this problem on his own had left him speechless. Perhaps he thought he should spend more time in this world than go back to the spirit realm, not to forget the strange sense of belonging he has been getting from that human girl Alicia, which had left him in awe.

The halo from above the sky had vanished and the last image he saw was of a bright falling shining star.

No, a living being. The same human who instantly defeated him and overpowered him. The figure\'s short size, in front of his huge mass still seemed to overshadow his strength even from this far. Wearing a white dress, wind-whipped hairs with illuminated silver as it faded in the white.

The dragon sensing a spatial distortion in front of him prepared himself for the grand arrival of the person he had been waiting for so long or so he felt.

The person who was now standing before him had admirably defeated Ouroboros and saved the entire Dragon Island, the Genesis Tree and the Elf Kingdom from further harm.

Silently observing her graceful movement, she looked at her friend who was peacefully sitting and resting her back on a large vertical stone covered by a dense soft covering of green. For a few moment of silent stare passes by the dragon wondered what careful thoughts could possibly be restraining her to move.

"She is breathing… right?" Alicia muttered with a worried expression over her face. Seeing Regis so quite had made her extra worried and doubtful.

"Yes, yes." The dragon said erratically in a hurry. "I made sure that she was safe during this entire time." He replied to Alicia who was already sitting beside the unconscious Regis to check on her heartbeat.

"Thank you very much." Alicia replied as she took a heavy breath of relief after casting a large-scale magic and so did the Black Dragon after the unpredictable questionnaire.

"As the overseer of the peace of this sanctuary of dragons let me extend my heartfelt thanks. If you so desire to ask a thing that lies within my power and I am able to grant it, I will do so without a second thought." The dragon bowed its head, an act where such a poor display of pride would have tainted the proud name of the noble race of heavenly dragons. But this was a debt that just couldn\'t have been easily paid by mere words and so showing courtesy was one of the way to show the seriousness of his resolve and promise.

"I think we have played hide and seek long enough. There is no need of such formalities. You must have realized it by now." The girl Alicia spoke without a single shred of fear in her eyes, wherein even the strongest warrior would faint at the mere sight of this mightiest dragon.

"Yes… indeed, the moment you spoke of my name, your words have affected me differently that I could not help it but consider what I could merely speculate. But I wouldn\'t have believed myself unless I have taken a look with my own eyes and reinstated the pledge." The dragon said with a tone of submission unlike the strength and supremacy his voice commanded when they had met for the first time.

"Very well, then I Alicia Ascalon Ashborn, your lord order you to swear allegiance to my name and the Royal Demon Family."

The dragon saw the form of the girl transforming as small and pointed black wings protruded from her back and two little curled black horns exposed themselves on her head. Removing the glove from her hand, she revealed the crest of the Royal Demon Family as it had started glowing faintly and the light spread over the dragon most probably completing the formation of the pact.


She was the spitting image of the prior to the previous demon lord, the one with whom he first formed the contract for the first time after being defeated by her hands and shown sympathy of an equal warrior at the same time. The Black Dragon Emperor thought to himself.

At the same time in the background he could hear the roars and see the figure of hundreds and thousands of dragons returning to their homes, their wings almost knitting a pre-defined shadow criss-cross pattern on the calm surface of the sea.

For him the devotion of heart, mind, and soul was not something he could just lay it off to anyone or merely hand even to a contract holder. It did not turn out be a king, warrior knight, sage, hero or a world conqueror or other such crummy sorts of job. But perhaps a young girl who had just now set an example with her power to possess the ability to command this world ─ had earned it rightfully and he would whole heartedly submit to such a power which had awakened a new feeling in him. And so the eternal old dragon finally ducked his head down to swore a new oath to his new young master.



\'I swear, I the Black Dragon Emperor; the ruler of all dragons will by life or death serve you as long as you need me and the contract holds. That I and all of the collective dragons will follow your lead to whichever path of future you loop us to.\' At least that\'s what he said or something along those lines.

I exactly repeated the words as father had described me to but I had no way of knowing that it would have such an overwhelming effect over the Black Dragon Emperor to make him look like he was about to cry.

I just wanted to have a casual talk, but that must be asking too much from an antiquated rusty dragon. It\'s not like I was that interested in seeing his fossilized statue in a museum, though that would have been a great revolutionary finding in my previous world as all the fantasy world lovers would start claiming their credibility from the mean people who would throw in the towel of reality on us in our day to day hobbies.

Well, the thought of me causing a civil war over such a matter does sound ridiculous. Then again that would mean a holiday and I could stay indoors doing what I have always loved to do. We should just leave the fighters to fight with their fighting spirit. At the same time there are also off chances that as a consequence of a civil war they would have shut down the internet and the books and gaming stores would be closed. But there will always be the plus point of no school life.

But if I never went to school then I wouldn\'t have died and then I wouldn\'t be here, where I am carrying Regis back to the Elf Kingdom while flying. She is unconscious and so I don\'t want her falling in the sea and later complain to me for being so careless while carrying her around. I should probably focus on going back, while practicing on remembering roads and improve over my navigation skills.

As the dragons were returning for now I thought it was the best time to go back, while the Black Dragon would be able to fight against his nostalgic urges. Also it did not seem the right time to talk about my own indulgences when his hands would be full with the proper restoration of the Dragon Island. I can return there any time with my teleportation magic, and for now I was quite pleased by myself with earning the \'Dragon Priestess\' title.

As for the condition of the Elf Kingdom, since the artifact was shut down, the miasma mixing in the Codra vein had stopped but what about the already done damage? Going from place to place and purifying everything seems to be a hassle and I would hate to do such kind of menial work which has no effectiveness.

Just then I felt the briskness of someone strongly moving in between the hold of my arms.

"You are finally awake." I said smiling at the person hanging between my hands like a loosely tied around belt.

The struggle between my hands increased as Regis in her dizziness looked up and then stared down.

"Just put me down." She cried in surprise, while I had to improvise on the speed to make her feel relaxed.

"Don\'t move or else I have to drop you down." If she is confident enough that I should leave, then maybe I should.

"No… no …don\'t leave me. I don\'t want to die." Regis shrieked at the mere mention of being released. She tightly clutched her hands around my waist while bringing her body close to me out of fear of falling. Maybe there is a first time for everyone.

"Don\'t feel embarrassed." I said to her as I saw her hiding her face below my torso hoping that I won\'t be able to see it going red after such an impetuous display.

"No, I am not. And may I ask why we are travelling to left. The elf kingdom is in right. To the right." Regis reminded me of my inability quite brutally.

"Oh… yeah... I already knew that. I was just taking a detour." I giggled.

"Really…. Anyways just go straight in the right. I hope that you won\'t fall short on energy before we even make half way through." Regis sounded a bit sardonic there. So, I thought to reply in kind.

"We will be back, before you even know it."

"Next time we are travelling like this, let\'s make sure that we already decide on the speed at which you will be travelling through air." Regis said huffing and puffing.

"Next time!?" I asked in wonder.

Regis suddenly stopped breathing violently and lifting up her head from her knee-bent position she had a solemn expression as she stared at me for a while focusing her concentration my mask.

"It\'s nothing. Let\'s meet with my father and mother, to know the present situation." Regis started walking towards the palace\'s gateway.

With my amazing flying speed and expertise we had already reached back to Regis\'s home, though it could have been even faster if not for my messing up with directions again, or rather going for a strategic exploration detour, that\'s it, it really was one.

I too wanted to know what had changed in this one day and so I followed Regis back to the palace. We reached the gate and the guards seeing us, one of them ran back into the palace to inform others. Well everyone had a surprised look on their faces. They were probably worried after the second princess ran out of the kingdom, with nowhere to be found.

But Regis did not wait for their approval or the questions being bombarded on her but walked straight to the alleyway which as far as I remember led to the King\'s office. While I was following behind her, and some other guards had joined in the procession but they were still keeping their distance form Regis and their gossip\'s was making me feel uncomfortable.

But everything stopped when from behind the front-end of the corner wall, the King followed around with soldiers. For a moment I thought she was going to be scolded for running away, as the king\'s demeanour was totally blown of all colours.

But my fears were unfounded. Without even my noticing Regis\'s mother had appeared out of nowhere, was she too specialized in spatial magic, but seeing her race towards Regis turned my thoughts.

"Oh, Regis! You are alright. I am so glad that you came back." Collapsing on her knees, she came to level head with Regis and pushed her head deep in her collar bone down to her chest, while her arms moved around her waist. With her head down I couldn\'t even tell whether she was sobbing but even with my exceptional superhuman reflexes all I could manage out was short sniffles.

Well, I think a queen needed to keep her wits around everyone all the time and not show her emotions so frequently. But if it was family then I think it was fine and the King too had joined the fray.

While Regis still stood silently while other two tucked to her were showering their love on her.

"Why?!... How did you know?" Regis sounded most surprised, as if she was the one who least expected this to happen. With a hollow look on her face she waited for an answer.

"Why are you so surprised? You\'re home now, that\'s what really matters." The king replied most casually to her runaway daughter.

"Parents would always know more about their child than they do themselves." The queen\'s words seemed to warm Regis\'s ears.

She tried to move her lips, but couldn\'t even manage to say a complete sentence. But that attempt too had broken the dam that had kept her own feeling at bay. Her sniffles became sputters, and then she broke into sobs as she tightly clutched her mother and father with all her strength and was the only person crying in attendance. In turn both of them patted her back but every attempt of comforting her made her cries even louder. While most of the guards had gone back only very few and the close might have stayed around to watch this with the most utterly staggered look on their faces.

If Regis was surprised, how her parents found out that she had gained control over her power then it was obvious to me that it was possible with their skills. While the King had the skill [PROBABILITY FORESIGHT] which had the power to calculate probabilities for various situation while also the title \'WISDOM\' added to his name which mostly allowed him to assess these probabilities and plan the for future accordingly and in advance for anything. This might have possibly been one of the futures he evaluated the probability for. But I can\'t be sure of the numbers.

Not to forget the Queen who also had the title of \'TREE SHRINE MAIDEN\', though I myself am not clear with such a unique title, and the analysis eye is not helping much even in this matter. But it seems that as long as she is around the Genesis Tree it warns her of any danger and also protects her from it. Since Regis was now willfully able to wield her power and she never had any intention to hurt somehow with it, the Queen was already in the know and the events in the loop.

On the contrary my lips were tight shut as I found myself holding back my own sob. Why do I feel like crying and join them too.

I see…. out here again I was all alone.

Even though I have been at good terms with these people and they too have shown me such kindness without knowing anything about me, they still were distant and mere acquaintances of mine.

Most particularly Regis... After that display I too found her going and drifting away from me. Why would she choose someone like me over her own family and now that she had finally found true happiness? I might be strong but with how bad I am in understanding others and unable to read the room or get a clue.

Even if in my previous world there was no one there to welcome me at home. It mostly felt like the fact we used to study at school that we needed a roof as one of the factors to guarantee our survival after air, water and food. It was a mere construction with its foundation raised over concrete cement.

But here in my new life, I found those who wanted to take care of me and welcome me in their little paradise…. Actually a dungeon floor, surrounded by all kind of strong monsters, maybe I actually quite liked that setting myself. Something up to my taste.

But what would really happen if I went back now. I couldn\'t help but imagine myself returning back home to where I belong now and can call it my own home and to the people who considered me a part of their life. Would they too hold me and welcome me back like that. It would have really made me happy. They probably would, like they always did; on the first day I opened my eyes there I felt embraced in mother\'s hands and that went true for the rest of the time I spent there. I never felt sad in those years. I never would have.

But I can\'t go back now, because I promised I would first achieve what I wanted to do for al l this time and if I turn back now then I wouldn\'t be able to leave. They would too had been ecstatic that I came back home, Lili would have been mad because she would be stuck with school work, but at the same time we would have been sad that I turned back from what I set out to do.

And that\'s why… that\'s why…

I was disgusted with myself. To think that instead of feeling happy for Regis I was jealous of her right now.




A sound large enough to fill the entire space, faint in volume but stretching from end to end echoed in the entire alleyway where everyone was present. I was quick on alert abandoning all feelings and thoughts. How? From Where and Who exactly?

I took notice and saw that only I was affected by the repeated sound calling out my previous life name. It was basically the same telepathic voice that asked me to stop when I first met Regis.


//////// THE GENESIS TREE /////////

Alicia quickly asked Al to track down the source link of the telepathic connection before her secret gets revealed to others, though it seemed entirely implausible that the voice meant any harm to her. But with how she was a stranger to the outside world as much as the outside world to her.

How someone could knew her previous life name? And even if they did, why not show up like normal!


\'Well it worked this time somehow, I guess.\' Alicia thought to herself as she disregarded everything in front of her and started walking with heavy steps towards the whereabouts of this mysterious particular being, which was the start of all of this to begin with.

Everyone in the alleyway was shocked by her sudden change in demeanour. While Regis tried calling out her name but Alicia seemed to even block that out. The only reason being Alicia had high hopes, where she thought she could finally get a strong clue for Athena and maybe finally her search could come to an end. That finally she could reunite with her friend and her saviour.

For a minute Alicia continued walking silently, while others tried to follow her, no matter how hard they moved they couldn\'t quite seem to keep up with her movements. She finally reached a dead end wall, but Alicia\'s blessed eye could not be merely fooled by a magically constructed fake wall.

Just when she was about to enter through the wall, the guards and other important people of castle following her around, whom she so casually had ignored became susceptive and hostile.

The guards quickly called out to each other as they inquisitively questioned Alicia.

"Stop, that\'s a restricted area of the palace."

"We might have to take strong action if further advisory is not followed."

The guards warned her as some of them had drawn out spears and swords and just when they were going to be pointed at her before even the King or the Queen could interfere or mediate the pre-ordained actions of the soldiers.

But Alicia had taken on herself to respond as a wave of strong magical energy sent chills to everyone as they froze. For a second there everyone could feel the rage of the world, something beyond their comprehension. The soldiers succumbed to their weakened state stood like statues as their hands loosened on the grip, even the falling clang of the swords and the spears took the shelter of silence to not further anger that one power.

The human girl was still rooted to that spot as if confirming something and the very next second she stepped in and instead of being hit to the wall, the affixed spatial magic transferred her directly over to the massive underground hole that was spread like a massive tunnel below the entire palace and beyond. As far as the eyes could carry the light, the dome was covered under a faint shimmering green light with giant clusters of what appeared to be Magitite Ore giving off a pale blue light that found itself insufficient to lit the area entirety.

From behind three figures followed Alicia it was Regis, the King and the Tree Shrine Maiden – the Queen herself. While Regis was shocked to see what had been reduced of the Genesis tree, even though she had been only few times here; the King squinted his eyes in an effort to know of Alicia\'s intention.

While the Queen, it was her sanctuary and seeing it almost in ruins and such dilapidated condition made her heart ache. She knew she had a long road ahead in its restoration, but she had to work hard when her daughter so courageously returned after solving her worries.

The opening of the dome was covered with shriveled wines and thorns covered in a kind of paralysis poison. No one was allowed entry and it was clear by the appearance of the entrance that someone on the inside did not wish to welcome anyone.

The Genesis Tree also remained one of the Elves Ascalon Royal Family\'s another biggest secrets that had been taken care of since the start of this world by their race. Even with Regis who was the second princess was considered to be too young to make her well acquainted with such facts.

But as soon as Alicia showed up, the vines crossed over and were pulled back instantly giving her way. Beyond the arch gate, in centre of the colossal dome stood a giant tree its branches so long and vast that it covered almost the entirety of the dome that one could not even make out its ends. But with a single glance could tell that it was running low on greenery, the moisture was dried up and a melancholy hung in the air like a parasite feeding over the life force of the Genesis Tree.

Alicia was now standing on the short edge platform about thirty meters above the ground while there was empty area between her and the tree which consisted of a circular lake. It was shallow and was also lacking luster. Closed pods floating on its surface encasing life-forms inside it in dormant state.

As again Regis attempted to talk out things with Alicia but the words did not come out as her breath had stopped for a second while another strange phenomenon took them by surprise. Alicia gave a quick nod as she looked at her back. The three figures swallowed back a gasp, as dumbfounded as the first time Regis had been when she saw Alicia\'s human form.

A green pathway with criss-cross branches covered in soft-fresh grass appeared just in front of Alicia\'s feet travelling all the way to the tree\'s bulged out centre of the trunk. A freshly made path was created in an instant and would only allow her to walk on.

Alicia wanted an answer and she was even ready to force it out of it if she had to. That\'s why she did not hesitate while walking that road; she pulled off that mask, her hands covered in magic instantly much powerful and rich than the whole seemingly alive surrounding itself could not produce.

With every step she took, she got closer to the tree while at the same time the three in her presence remained mere eye-witnesses of her dealing.

For them she was too gorgeous with her long hair down as they scrambled down touching her waist, a beauty that stole the moment of appreciation of everything else in their vicinity. It was fairly longer than when she had wore the mask and not to forget how they turned into a soothing colour of white which reflected even the minute ray of light vigorously. And, most important of all…

In the midst of the world of green, the girl of inhuman beauty placed her palm on the trunk and attempted to channel magic in the huge overgrown tree. Her mere size might have been equivalent to a small dot in front of the tree. It reminded Alicia of the tree ─ she used to read books under its shade back in the divine realm even if it was just for a week. And so could not stop herself from freeing this tree free from the clutches of whatever the state, the miasmic poison had rendered it to.

From then on, everything seemed to have happened in slow motion. Reaching the critical point, the vast amounts of magic being channeled directly into the tree, the colours of the magic particle so dense that they started accumulating in the air like tiny drops of spherical drops. In the end even a small dot would leave an exceptional impression on a long white page.

It was as if the whole place had been revitalized as the colours of the leaves re-appeared into a blend of dark and light green. The shriveled up branches and vines growing all around the dome suddenly started wriggling as if they were forcefully pumped with water.

The surface of the lake cleared into a pure reflection of the green covering the above wall, while the floating buds bloomed into more than simple flowers, as the encased spirits inside it, in form of shining globules started wandering around the place energetically. While the surface of the water was now lodging a new kind of flower that had grown in no time at all, the red petals of it so beautiful that they could have enticed anyone to touch them even just for one time to check whether such a deep colour was even possible.

The tree\'s frills swayed beautifully and, as if predicting the perfect timing, the miraculous wind that blew pushed away all the old and tattered parts of the tree that were shed down in the process. Even though this tree would have been as old as this world but now it was just like the tree had regained its lively youth yet again.

That one moment. That one second. That one experience. The scene was engraved into Regis\'s memory and whoever might have seen it as Alicia stood in the center of it all.

The wind with no place to come and go blew yet again and this time the quiet surface of the water started rippling while the branches on the tree swing gently as the trunk of the branch unfolded to reveal a cavity at the centre and a green light warped in the next instant.

The glow kept on increasing until it blinded everyone\'s eyes.

Regis and the others once again tried to call out Alicia who silently stood in front of the tree like a doll she appeared them to be. But before they could open their mouth, another voice beat them to it.




"Sachi, it has been such a long time and we meet again." A soft voice cut through the air.

Me, who hasn\'t even budged an inch after channeling so much of my magic into the tree, was quite famished myself. My eyes were now directed towards the golden gaze of a woman.

I squinted my eyes in an effort to yet again affirm the situation where a woman comes out of the central cavity of the trunk. But the only thing different about her from an ordinary person was her see-through appearance. She was just a mere manifestation or a reflection of the real thing. The woman\'s eyes planted firmly on me as she put up a wonderful smile on her face.

I soon realized that she was a summoning who so cruelly fed on my magic, though I was not that bothered by it. Even now I am not low on it, but burning a vast amount like that at once leaves a stingy feeling on my body. But I was not displeased because what I had summoned was a beautiful stunning spirit, her hands placed and tucked to one another, her wet bangs floating in the air, her red lips making an all too-rare grin bolted on to her, out of the world appearance.

"And who might you be." I placed a sound barrier on us, and seeing that the person in front of us did not mind we continued. I could not let the others know of my past life secret, but the identity of the person in front of me was still in question, even if they knew of me.

"It\'s obvious that you would not recognize me in this form. I am the Great Spirit of the Forest, and we met back in the Divine Realm when you visited the Spirit Lake."

Well some of my memories did came back floating in of how I went to a lake with Athena just before the day we reincarnated. From the inside I was bursting in joy I realized I met an acquaintance in this outside world much sooner than expected. It was even a relief for me that they too were happy meeting me and I was not seen as an unwanted person.

But now my thoughts were more inclined to the facts. So, maybe by any chance does she know of Athena. Or where she could be this time around. I must ask to know.

"So, is it by any chance you who brought me here?" I asked just for confirmation since I also needed to confirm that the problem with the Dragon Island was completely solved too.

At first the Great Spirit made a distressed face on hearing that question, which too reminded her of how she noticed a strong and familiar presence just within her reach roaming around the same place in loops which even made her puzzled. Taking it upon herself she had decided to create small unnoticeable bumps on the ground to carefully and willfully change the direction of the falling stick every time and brought Alicia here. But she was too afraid to explain such an embarrassing situation to her and called for a retreat answer. Using a secret technique she decided it was best to put up a smile and turn the topic. Or, so the Great Spirit planned to do.

"I the Great Spirit and the one who resides in this Genesis Tree, wants to from the bottom of my spirit core thank you for saving me and healing me in the process. As a gratitude, me and the other Great Spirits ─ the wind, water, fire and earth along with the order of the Divine Tree have recognized Sachi ─ as the Celestial Queen of all Spirits henceforth." The Great Spirit in front of me proclaimed.

Thinking that back now I realized how it could have been a mere chance to use a stick and wandering here willfully might have been stupid of me. But the most important question yet remains.

"Great Spirit of Forest by any chance do you know where Athena might be." I asked hurriedly while thin constrained lines might have appeared on my forehead if I am left even a bit longer in uncertainty.

"I am afraid but all I can tell is I had verified her presence in the southern region of the Human continent but since I have been confined to this place for a year because of the miasmic poison I cannot tell for the present." The spirit said with a dismayed look on her face.

Maybe she thought that she was not of that much help because she could not give for immediate information. But knowing that she was just doing fine in the human continent and now I even have a vague idea for her location. I can find her. All I need to do is continue travelling and surely one day just like I met Lu, and Regis I too will be able to see her.

"I am so glad, that you could help me with that much. Now I know what I will do from here on out." I said with an affirmation in my voice. My spirits surely lifted up.

"That makes me really happy that I could be of use to my new Queen. If you ever need my assistance just call for me and I and all the spirits will be at your command." The Great Spirit bowed to me.

And I realized again that I had now again gained an important title added to my status, and the situation was akin to the small spiders and Xenos of the labyrinth. Not that I mind, knowing that I have more hands to help but the gravity of the word \'Queen was really something new for me.

But I was more affixed to further planning of where I have to head here from now on and the uncertainty of how I will continue without any help. By now I had lifted up the barrier because it seemed that the Great Spirit that had something to say for the Regis\'s family too.


The Great Spirit of the Forest turned to the three elves standing at the back, who still dumbfounded looked at the celestial being in front of them. They have always worshipped and served under her name but themselves never got the chance to see the One in person. For generations it had been the same and they still vowed to continue it. But for them it was a miracle and a one in a life time opportunity. While the King had a hard time believing his eyes, Regis was still in the unknown to the identity of the person.

"I thank the Ascalon family of the Ascalon Empire to maintain the aeons old promise and to the Shrine Tree Maiden for tending to me in my dire needs. In return the nature will always bless this land with prosperity and happiness." The Great Spirit then again with a short bow warped into a small green light and aimed for the top and vanished.

While the Queen sank to the ground almost breaking in sobs as she muttered, "…it\'s the Great Spirit. I never thought…." Her words broke down in her neck before she could continue as an overwhelming feeling took over her body.

Even the queen for once feared that the Genesis Tree might never let her in and would declare her devotion unworthy. But then again today it happened as she saw its very reflection in her eyes ─ telling her that her prayers were not unheard and her efforts were finally recognized.


////// REGIS ASCALON - POV ///////

Pushing my leg deep in water and ascertaining its warm temperature I entered the bath. A small room in which water entered through an interconnected aqueduct which hosted a warm hot spring\'s water from an underground layer hot water geyser.

Taking a deep breath I tried to remember the events from the morning and how it had been crazy, weird or what not. But it did feel amazing. We met the Black Dragon Emperor, We completed the mission, We returned home together and even together met the Great Spirit. Everything that memorable happened recently to me was somehow connected to her.

After what happened down there, father soon called for a meeting and just when were all about to go to his office for what went down there and the report of the events on the Dragon Island…. He suddenly called it off. He had an excited expression over his face while his voice had an uncontrollable sensation leaking out from his demeanour. I wondered what could have been even more important than what and how she pulled that off on her own. But he wasn\'t even in the mood of listening to anything else or the ministers.

So we decided to rest and then go for the food later and maybe have a thorough discussion on the matter there.

Not to forget how carefree she had been as the person, Alicia herself walked in from the front door in the same usual attire she wore the last time she dipped into the bath on the other end of the large stone bathtub and taking on the sidelines she walked towards me slowly while also being carried around by the water.

Maybe I should try again knowing her from the start, then I can also find the reason why I feel so down every time I see her since coming from the Dragon Island. Even though it\'s because of her that I am mostly able to control my power if I focus pretty hard, before that it was merely impossible. But even with this lifted weight my heart aches. And at the same time I feel the warmth too.

"Alicia are you alright with not wearing your mask?" I asked in surprise seeing her without her mark.

"It\'s alright since Regis had already seen me without one, I don\'t mind if it\'s you."Alicia said freely.

"Is that so…." I calmed myself thinking that it was a logical reply. Since I already saw her or know about her….. But just how much.

"Alicia just who are you and how did you defeat the dragon and summon a Great Spirit?" I asked with a serious look on my face and since Alicia had already came to my side, her hands still focusing on the small string that tied up the loose cloth around the waist as every time it slipped out of one of her hands.

No, maybe knowing how weird she is it won\'t work, so I should try asking it in her own style, "Alicia why do you wear a mask is it to hide your true identity because you are a princess from an ancient kingdom and you want to travel across the world to reclaim its past glory." By this I have caught her and somehow strange stories did always catch her attention, but I wouldn\'t be surprised if it was true seeing how fine-looking she is with that unusual hair colour and not to overlook the strange kind of magic she always uses without chanting.

Alicia suddenly held out her hands and bringing her palm over her face and only a red eye-visible to me, I got goosebumps with the sudden atmosphere that came over and I went silent, thinking that she was about to reveal something important about herself. The air around her began to tremble or rather it was just the steam blowing.

A single bead of sweat rolled down my forehead as I gulped in anticipation for what was about to come.

"…. Be in awe for I am a magical genius." Alicia declared.

"A magical… what…genius!?" I muttered tilting my head hard enough to touch my shoulder.

"Yes I consider it one of my most redeeming qualities." Alicia said shoving her face close to mine.

I went silent, and the next second found myself slapping on both of my cheeks with my own hands for testing my foolishness. Either she was too smart or just that dumb to act that way and still keep everything about her in the dark. I need to know… and the most easiest method I had learnt in book was to talk about people\'s interest and they would open up to others on their own.

"Alicia why do you want to go to the human continent so urgently?" I again looked at her with this time eye to eye.

Her lips pursed, as if something was holding her back. Alicia who had been till now oddly languid and almost sleepy like a child suddenly grew an ever-perfect normal face, which I was not expecting till now. Finally I got her interested.

"I need to find someone."

For the moment the two of us went quite and staring at the surface of water decided not to back down.

"So, what\'s their name?"

"I am not sure of." Alicia replied.

"So, do you know where that person might be?"

"I have a vague idea, but I am again not sure." Alicia replied in the same distressed manner.

"So, do you know how exactly that person look, maybe a picture or a recognizable item." I said with a quick breath as my lips got caught between my teeth.

"No, I don\'t." Alicia gave the same indefinite response.

"And you are still going to go look for that person."


"No matter what… or how long it takes or when you find them?"

"Yes." Alicia said with a confident look.

I rose from my place, not knowing why I did that.

"Regis are you done with your bath." She called out to me.

"Alicia don\'t you have anything else to say to me."

I turned around and without hiding my tears or eyes moistened to redness, clenched my teeth tight.

"How can you even look for a person when you yourself are not sure who they are? Does someone like that even exist? Can\'t you just leave it and stay here with me or we can…" I regretted the words as soon as I said them.

No I can\'t let her speak any further. I don\'t want to hear her answer. I am scared to know one… what if she refuses me. I have been thinking of since the start, but if I let it go at this point I don\'t know what I will do with myself. I will try again next time. I need to run and hide myself.

"…Regis." Alicia tightly clutched to my arms and a cold look was there on her face, the kind of expression which I didn\'t wanted to see.

"And what do you expect me to say… I wish you every happiness on your journey… even when I thought by now you would understand... that you would finally see me as a friend with whom you could share things."

Twisting and jerking of my hands I freed myself from her grip, also knowing that it would have been impossible if she did not wanted to let go. I steadily walked with long steps and slamming the door I closed it shut from the outside.




Regis\'s overwhelming feeling too slipped out of her as she slowly slid her back on the door… realizing she had said something ultimately harsh to Alicia to give up on someone who might have meant a world to her. She also had ultimately run out of ideas of what to do next and how she would face her. Was she about to turn and leave here again? Last time it was she who left her… but now even if Regis tried to follow Alicia she knew she couldn\'t be able to keep up with her.

It was not lack of strength that held her back but the thought that she might have only looked like a burden to her all along.

Regis was still just a child who did not wanted to say to her first new friend so soon a goodbye after all.



Alicia on the other hand too walked out of the water and putting her hands on the door and feeling it shut made her remember of her small four walled wall back in her previous life. But this time she was unsure of on which side she stood. Because even though just now someone called her a friend, she had succeeded in pissing her off quite brilliantly.

She could have easily teleported herself out, found Regis and maybe even make out things with her. But she could still feel her presence outside and feeling her out she too sat on this side of the door, her head grounded between her legs, her hands overlapping as she waited for it to open on its own when her friend would undo it herself for her along with her heart.

Alicia too was still just a child who did not wanted to put a new friend in danger or over burden her when she herself wasn\'t sure of her own place in this world… at least not yet.

Things might have remained static for the two had it not been for the faint blue glow on the bracelet in Alicia\'s hand, which she did not take it off even in her bath, a gift from her parents and it always made her realize that there were people out there who cared for her despite of when she could have been in any corner of the world.




Till now I have published from volume one to volume four for free. And I hope to continue so even now. It has really been an exciting work for me to narrate you the story of our main character who fights her way to the bottom of abyss with her magic and skills and will eventually storm the outside world.

From now I will start publishing volume 5 and hope to upload one chapter at least a week. Usually each of my chapter has an average word count of 10k and keeping the text error free takes a lot of revisions and consumes time, but no work is ever perfect. With your support and reviews I know that I have improved a lot in my writing.

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