Headed by a Snake

Chapter 66 Maximus Of Ezyria

Clemont rubbed his hands together and placed them upon his cheeks. Even in the late winter, the Mosswood Wilds teemed with life, thick moss, curious wildlife, and vibrant gold and green leaves flowing in the chill wind.

Thankfully, the Wizard had done his research on the area and had packed warmly. He was always quite good at preparation and theory, becoming an established Circle Mage and graduating with the highest honors at the magical colleges of Arcanix. His versatility and counsel gained him a reputation among adventuring companies, ultimately becoming the Vice Leader of Guild Staghorn.

Walking forward with his ornate, darkwood quarterstaff, he approached his superior, "Sir Leserre."

The older, Heavy Armor Knight turned, his entire set of armor clanking noisily with the movements. He lifted up his visor to reveal a healthy face and a luxurious mustache, "Speak with your chest, Clemont! I can barely understand you, speaking out of your nose like that."

Clemont wryly smiled and flared his nostrils, "Right... I wanted to ask you about Mister Vanzano."

"You mean the Paladin!? Worth every copper, hiring that one! Haha!"

Clemont adjusted his circular glasses, "With respect, Sir Knight, not every combatant from the Holy Country is a Paladin. I believe Mister Vanzano is a gladiator from the arenas in his territory, a Parmularius, to be exact."

Leserre returned a blank stare, "But he... crusades for the Eternal Flame, right?"

Clemont nodded, "That is a general assumption of anyone from the Holy Country, which I believe to be true in Mister Vanzano\'s case."

"\'Deus Vult, Die Heretics!\' am I right?" Leserre chuckled. "We\'ve got a name for people like that. We call them Paladins."

Clemont pursed his lips. There was no arguing with the man.

Leserre\'s strong gloved hand patted Clemont\'s back, nearly toppling him, "Oh, don\'t be such a fuss, Wizard! What does it matter whether he\'s a Paladin or a delicious cheese? The Company\'s paid good coin for his assistance."

Clemont frowned, inwardly thankful for the sturdiness of his quarterstaff, "As with all new hires, I would prefer to.. How can I term this...? Keep my eye on him."

"Whaaaat? What\'s the harm in it? He\'s a Paladin! It\'s not like he\'s a Rogue or an Assassin." Leserre twirled his mustache emphatically.

"It is not that I suspect him of lying... But you understand that the Kingdom and the Holy Country haven\'t always been the best of allies."

"Well, yes." Leserre looked confused, "But, actually no."

Clemont nodded, reminding himself to make a point before Leserre grew bored, "Mercenaries from the Holy Country... Paladins, then... They always have a purpose, a cause that they follow. You see, in the Kingdom and in the Free Nation, the cause is almost always coin. But in the Holy Country? Sometimes, it\'s as easy as hunting heretics. Just as easily, it\'s as abstract as... delivering justice. I do not yet know the cause of Mister Gian Vanzano."

Leserre ineffectually scratched his metal helmet. A falcon cried above their heads, and the pair glanced up and followed its path as it returned to its nearby falconer.

"Well. how about you ask him, yourself?" Leserre motioned for Clemont to follow.

Several Staghorns made way for the Knight and Wizard, allowing them to step over the ridge. Clemont heard the yells of the scouts as he came into view of the man.

"Maximus! Maximus!" The other scouts chanted.

The Parmularius known as Maximus, actual name Gian Vanzano, was a handsome dark-haired youth. He wore a form-fitting muscle cuirass of brilliant polished silver, revealing an athlete\'s sleek and functional biceps, and a stylized battle skirt showing off lithe, well-muscled legs. In Maximus\' left, he carried a golden circular shield emblazoned with a black lightning bolt. In his right, he wielded a simple spear.

Behind him, the scouts dragged a massive, 3 yalm tall green-furred bipedal monster... and with the way the men cheered, it seemed the man had killed it by himself.

Clemont found the notion ridiculous.

Even Leserre started to chant, "Maximus! Maximus!! Hohoho!"

The gladiator raised his spear up high and spread out two blue gigantic dragon wings on his back. Though there wasn\'t a cloud in the sky, lightning struck down at the tip of Maximus\' spear, with the resulting crack of thunder, almost deafening. The dozens of men in the forest clearing only cheered and applauded louder.

Clemont\'s eyes were as wide as dinner plates, "A Gann... I\'ve read about them at the Arcanix library... They\'re powerful creatures boasting great strength and a transformation ability when injured."

One of the scouts ran up to report, "That\'s not all, Master Wizard! The Paladin felled the Gann in a single blow!"

A round of cheers resounded from the scout\'s declaration.

Maximus, the man of the hour, strode up to Knight Leserre and Clemont. Upon closer observation, small blue reptilian scales were present on the man\'s naked shoulders and biceps. That and his conspicuous scaled wings marked him as a claimant to a blue-scaled draconic bloodline.

"Sorry, Knight Leserre." The gladiator spoke in a gruff voice, "Your guys didn\'t get a chance to show off. I didn\'t think it\'d be so weak. "

"Not a problem, Paladin! With you here, the mission\'s as good as done!!" Knight Leserre began to laugh heartily, embracing Maximus with unabashed delight.

Clemont kept his peace, forcing a smile. It was not his place to question an ally so well-loved by the Company... He just didn\'t feel comfortable having a man so powerful among their ranks.


Twenty archers stood in the tree branches, hidden by the thick canopy of branches, practiced in their silent movements.

The archer squad leader caught Kagehisa Yumiko\'s eye and communicated through hand motions.

[Single Target] [Outsider] [Ready to Fire, Waiting on Command]

Yumiko held a hand out. [Wait]

She thought she saw something familiar. A group of five Outsiders had only recently saved the Ivory Judge sect. She prioritized benevolence rather than outright hostility. She would observe the lone Outsider for harmful intent before she ordered their life taken.

After a moment of quiet observation, Yumiko identified that the woman held a very familiar pink pig plush beneath her arm. "Cheerio, I\'m going down. You can stay here."

Squad Leader Chihiro looked back with mouth agape, "M-madam Yumiko, you can\'t just--"

Yumiko tilted her head and smiled warmly. With a light wave, she backflipped off of the sturdy tree branch-- Chihiro wouldn\'t be able to stop her.

Leaping and swinging deftly from branch to branch, Yumiko quickly descended to the forest floor. Her gentle landing only allowed the golden leaves on the ground to gently tremble in greeting. She had landed in front of the Outsider\'s horse, causing it to rear back in panic.

"Hello~ Outsider! Do you know whose lands you are trespassing?" Yumiko winked with a smile at the younger woman.

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