Headed by a Snake

Chapter 100 Vice-Captain’s Rage

[A few minutes earlier.]

High Wizard Trayus was easily the strongest wizard in Merylsward. As an adventurer, he was known for being unflappable in the face of danger. As a guild leader, he was known for being strict and overly serious. But as Knight-Captain Daniela Lacroix\'s uncle, he was an often cute, sometimes cranky, old man who hated going outside.

"Daniela, are we there yet?" The middle-aged wizard squinted his eyes underneath his dark hood. "Perhaps I should invest in those dark lenses. The sun is proving to be quite troublesome."

Daniela shot her uncle an accusatory look, "I bought you a pair last year, (Dear Uncle.) And where did zat go?"

Trayus pulled his hood down, looking away, "A lovely day outside, dear niece. Especially with such lovely company."

Daniela grinned as the two turned a corner. They were nearly at Vice-Captain Sergeant\'s apartment, "So why ze fuss, (Dear Uncle?) What iz so important to lure ze High Wizard out of his cave?"

She had been pleasantly surprised to see the sun-shy wizard outside the City Guard Headquarters, requesting for her presence. She had a slight hope that her uncle remembered her nameday (nearly two weeks prior), but her hopes were dashed when he urged the need to pay Vice-Captain Sergeant a visit.

The wizard wrung his hands, "It\'s bad, very bad, Daniela. Princess Aurala has expressed the need to intervene, very strongly."

The Knight-Captain furrowed her brows in confusion, "Why does it matter what ze youngest princess thinks?"

Trayus shook his head, "Far too many people will be affected if word gets out, King Adal and High Councilor Highblade, especially."

Daniela frowned. That was indeed bad. International incident bad. She mentally pushed her worries away as she climbed the steps of the Vice-Captain\'s apartment building.

"Knight-Captain Lacroix, High Wizard Trayus, good afternoon," a half-elf greeted the knight-and-wizard pair. Beside him was a chesty blonde in fashionable, but conservative clothing.

Daniela swept back a strand of pink hair that escaped her bun, "Sacred gods, Cyrille. I\'ve told you a thousand times to just call me Daniela outside of ze courtroom. (Lacroix is my father\'s name.)"

The solicitor, Cyrille Silversand adjusted his glasses, "I\'m here on business, Knight-Captain. Professionalism is a must."

"Excuse me? Knight-Captain?" the blonde woman spoke up, standing tall.

Daniela raised an eyebrow. Was this woman not Cyrille\'s assistant? And what were either of them doing here?

"A group of armed men just entered Mister Sergeant\'s apartment," she smiled helplessly.

Cursing in the old language, Daniela thanked the woman and hurried into the apartment.

She saw her Vice-Captain on the ground, amidst several well-armed men, empty wine-bottles, and paper trash from market-stalls. Rushing to help him, she managed to catch the tail end of her Vice-Captain\'s screams, "--Worst I\'ll get is a slap on a wrist or a few days off without pay!"

"By ze gods! What is zis commotion?" Daniela frowned, no longer as hurried as before.

The armored adventurers gave way for her and High Wizard Trayus, allowing her to see unhindered. Vice-Captain Thomas Sergeant was laughing maniacally as blood streamed down his nose, wearing nothing but underwear and a sheer undershirt.

He scowled and began pointing angrily at his surrounding aggressors, "You lowlives are in for it now that the Knight-Captain Lacroix is here!!"

Daniela narrowed her eyes, pursing her lips. She shared a dubious glance with her uncle before answering Sergeant, "We are here for answers, Vice-Capitaine."

Did the issue have to do with these armed men? None of them looked particularly strong, but not even Guild Trayus could afford to gear their lowest echelon with enchanted armor and weapons. She shot a look of apology at the assumedly wealthy men before urging Sergeant once more, "...And we suggest you are forthcoming."

A heavy man in heavier armor took off his helmet and placed it in front of his chest, "Madame... (Please allow me to explain.)"

Daniela crossed her arms, observing the rough, bearded man. He looked like an uneducated street thug, though his politeness won her his respect. And anyroad, she preferred to converse in the Old Tongue, "(If you would, respected sir.)"

The large man smiled shyly, a contrast comical, "(One of our... friends, a Baron, was wrongfully imprisoned.)"

A Baron? That explained Cyrille\'s presence... The solicitor representing the Royal Robe also worked for various nobles. She knew that her Vice-Captain sold favors to various nobles, but she didn\'t think he would be stupid enough to become embroiled in their asinine political wars.

Daniela inwardly cursed. She shook the fingers of her sword hand as she placed it on her hilt,"(And because of that, you stripped my Vice-Captain and assaulted him in his home?)"

"Actually, the creep was already like that when we arrived," The blonde woman frowned with obvious disgust, carefully navigating through discarded bottles of booze and giving wide berth to a moldy half-eaten baguette. She had Cyrille had followed them into the small apartment.

Thomas Sergeant struggled to his feet, pointing at the woman and spattering blood as he yelled, "Captain! She\'s with them! I want them arrested! I\'ll have them all on THE RACK!!"

Daniela\'s sword hand froze and she placed it back onto her hip. She had heard unsavory rumors about one of her lieutenants reinstating usage of the torture rooms. She found the thought of it disconcerting. Was it not a lieutenant and was it her Vice-Captain, instead?

Sergeant had managed to crawl over to Daniela\'s boots, groveling at her feet, "Captain, please. I did the right thing. I jailed the noble for murder! There were witnesses!"

"Objection," Cyrille Silversand wagged a calm finger. "My client, ie. the witness, Vivienne Roucher, has expressly stated that Baron Tycondrius has acted in self-defense."

Sergeant was aghast, "Captain! The man slaughtered a dozen men and women IN PUBLIC!"

"Objection. There was only one death. And less than ten men and women were hospitalized for minor injuries." Cyrille impassively refuted.

"Your BARON is on a torture rack AS WE SPEAK! I\'ve made sure of it! Don\'t cross me, Gilebert!" Sergeant angrily pointed at the polite bearded man, "You can\'t stop the DUE PROCESS of the law!!"

Daniela stared with a straight face. Her Vice-Captain just admitted to propagating torture. At this point, she had lost all desire to save him. If he didn\'t get himself killed, she\'d do everything she could to have the man\'s employment terminated by the end of the sun.

"Objection," Cyrile sighed, adjusting his glasses, "Baron Tycondrius has been imprisoned and jailed without even a hearing. It seems Vice-Captain Sergeant had expedited the process... which is the basis of my case today, Knight-Captain Lacroix."

"Well, you know what, KNIFE-EAR?!?" Sergeant yelled.

"That\'s enough, Mister Sergeant," Daniela shook her head.

"How about you take your glasses, fold \'em up, and STICK \'em up your slanty-eyed ARSE!!"

Cyrille looked away, adjusting his glasses with a crestfallen look. Daniela looked at him in worry. Did Sergeant hurt her old friend\'s feelings?

Seething in anger, Sergeant stood up, holding an empty wine-bottle he\'d grabbed on the floor.

He posed to throw it at Cyrille, "Take this, you slanty-eyed FREAK!!"

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