The Tyrant's Wife

Chapter 18 - You Mean Much More

Chapter 18 - You Mean Much More

Glancing at the bags on the couch in annoyance, she wondered whether she should throw them away. That would be such a waste. They had cost millions after all. Perhaps she should donate them to charity?

On second thought, she couldn\'t donate what did not belong to her. As for wearing them, that was out of the question. Surely there was a woman out there who would be more appreciative of them, right? After all, whether it was because she was too sensitive or he looked down on her too much, there had to be a woman he treated well. She ignored the pinch of discomfort she felt as soon as she thought of that. She felt curious and wondered whether it really was the case, but then again, she would rather not know.

She didn\'t want anything to do with him anyway.

Hence, amid yet another thunderous round of laughter from Liam, all the bags were delivered to Desmond\'s doorstep, not a single one missing.

Zaria only went to the hospital to see Nina briefly and returned to start preparing dinner. She had just finished getting the ingredients ready when the front door opened and her dad walked in.

"You\'re home." She chirped and dashed over to pass him a pair of indoor slippers, her smile brilliant compared to the dull face she had worn a week ago.

Theodore Williams patted his daughter\'s head as a form of greeting. "You look happy. What\'s the good news?" He held out the bar of chocolate he had bought her on his way back.

She took it with a chuckle. "Dad, I\'m already so old. You still treat me like a child…" She didn\'t remember how it started, but all she knew was that when she was a little girl, he would bring her chocolate, candy, or chips every time he went out. Although she was a grown-up woman now, she still liked it.

"Whether you are six or sixty, you will still be my little girl." He responded.

She set the chocolate aside to eat later and jovially led him to the living room, then slotted herself opposite him to share the good news.

She was yet to open her mouth when he started, "Zaria, have you packed your things yet? Our train leaves at 10 am, so you will not have enough time to pack in the morning."

"Uh… train?" She was momentarily confused before she remembered that they were supposed to leave Imperium City. She had forgotten all about it because she was not keen on leaving from the start.

She swiped the tickets that her father had just fished from his breast pocket. "Don\'t worry, dad. We don\'t need to leave."

He slapped his forehead. "I already told you that we have to." He helplessly held her hands. "Look, I know you will miss Imperium. You grew up here, after all... But I promise, I will definitely find a way to get us out of his clutches, then we can come back."

She felt emotional. "Thanks, dad… but we really don\'t have to leave. Desmond promised to revoke the lawsuit and leave us alone." While she spoke, she wanted to crush the tickets or tear them to show how serious she was about her words, but then changed her mind. She wondered whether they could get a refund if she cancelled the trip online later.

"What did you say? "Theodore was shocked when he realized what his daughter had just said. It was unbelievable. He had used up all his effort to try and negotiate with that man, but all he gained was insults. How could Zaria say that he had made such a promise? He looked at her suspiciously. "Zaria what did you do? You have to know that although F&P Media means a lot to me, you mean much more and so does your dignity. Don\'t do anything you will regret."

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