Ocean Master

Chapter 402 - 2 Weeks Of Preparation, 2 Successes.

Once Sebastian officially declared the start of the active preparation phase to pave the way for the start of the main experiment, the 1st Den of Anatomy woke up from its slumber as it became a hive of activity the next moment.

Only the anatomists that Sebastian called to the main lab were eligible to work on the main experiment target which was the preserved Leviathon corpse.

These lucky and highly competent anatomists were the leading assistants, while all the other anatomists of the 1st Den of Anatomy were the side assistants.

Once the 3 priority experiment targets that were listed by the boss were divided among 3 different anatomy teams, these teams inducted all the side assistants to help and make their work a lot more efficient.

The 1st Den of Anatomy entered its busiest period in all its history.

All the anatomists worked with zeal as their goals aligned with that of their boss, they felt even more enthusiastic than their boss to fulfill his goal.

A lot of them felt that they were about to witness history being born when they understood the ambitious plans of their boss. 

Sebastian was not following conventional sense at all with this experiment, he was breaking new grounds with this experiment. Almost every one of his more radical plans was off the books that most anatomists were used to.

Being exposed to this new unrestrained variety, all the anatomists were fascinated and like obedient children sent to school, they all did their best not to fail the expectations of their parents which at this moment was Sebastian.

Of all the anatomists currently at work, Sebastian was undoubtedly the busiest. He made this himself so he never complained of the cramped-up schedule.

Being the only anatomist that got to work as a leading anatomist in all 3 priority experiment targets, he was bugged with the most work but he persevered through it all since the desire to create the perfect war vessel burned stronger than ever. With 2 bodies, he could do a lot more than normal.

When the Atlantian living doppelganger was tired, the main body simply took over and this enabled Sebastian to be more efficient than his counterparts.

In the laboratory that was designated to the Research on Mana Cores, for one week, the Clown Empire forces came here often to dump a lot more variety of mutated beasts.

Sebastian\'s ambition to forcefully accommodate another mana core into a mutated beast when their body was not naturally made for this was revolutionary.

Despite the numerous ways that the beasts\' natural body makeup tried to hinder his plans, through a ruthless game of trial and error, Sebastian and Jakren worked hard to find the right formula for a beast to accommodate a 2nd mana core.

Even as more mutated beasts ruthlessly met their ends at the hands of these 2 anatomists, the research also progressed a lot as they got more progress on how to safely accommodate a 2nd mana core inside a mutated beast.

As more beasts died, Sebastian and his companion knew the nuisances involved more. They got more experience on what to expect by doing this or that, and this enabled them to reduce mistakes and casualties as much as possible.

In a week, they had a lot of progress but still, Sebastian and Jakren were not able to arrive at that formula that guaranteed 100% safety.

The situation felt kind of frustrating, but they continued the grind.

As the research on mana cores progressed, the research on Mechanical Implants progressed also and it had the most progress among the 3 research targets due to a series of reasons.

The fact that this research direction was already fine-tuned and finalized in the Anemone Domain which was evident in the Chief Councilor was a great boon.

Unlike with the other 2 priority experiment targets, this was not pioneering an entirely new road. All they did with this research direction was trying to bend the already established rules a bit for it to accommodate another body.

The only difficulties that they experienced in these experiments were all caused by the complexity of Space Beasts, these beasts were just too endowed.

Considering that the brain of Space Beasts was one of the most complicated in all of Oceania due to their inheritance mechanism, it was almost a thousand times harder to add an implant to them than adding to a clownfish.

All these difficulties were hard and frustrating, but the great challenge only served to push these great anatomists harder as they gave their all to solve them.

It was the last priority experiment target team that was constantly butting their heads against a wall. With time, the Alternative Mana Recovery option team saw that their research target was the hardest.

They started with such a disadvantage that this team having the least progress in one week was not that surprising.

Unlike the other 2 teams that had a template to work with, this anatomy team was starting from scratch. Theirs was more of research than an experiment, and it proved harder than the others.

With this anatomy team, Sebastian was trying to find an alternative for his Mana Control evolution route skill. The difficulty of doing this could not be quantified nor could it be described in words.

Not only did they have to research even deeper about Space Beasts, but they also had to research even more rare mutated beasts as they tried to find a similar ability that they could draw inspiration from to fulfill the boss\'s goals.

Throughout the past week, they almost always met a dead end when they thought they were finally progressing only to start all over again.

Sebastian being the main leading anatomist of this team was also left frustrated. As nature kept trying to punish him for trying to defy it, the more his stubbornness and willingness to defy it grew.

"I am not bound by nature!"

"If I can create an abomination variant between a Great White Shark and a Whale Shark and it survived, this is mere cake in comparison".

"You freaking nature, no matter how much you resist, I believe that I\'ll still be able to cheat my way around you!"

"All I have to do is to create a bug that you cannot erase immediately. If programmers can do it with computers, I can also do it with anatomy!"

"Just wait for it!"

The grind continued in the 1st Den of Anatomy as pushed by Sebastian\'s zeal and passion for these experiments, every anatomist worked well above their normal levels all with the enthusiasm to fulfill their boss\'s goals.

Despite how much effort Sebastian pumped into the Alternative Mana Recovery option experiment target, even in all this time, the progress was still small but the Research on Mechanical Implants team finally got an acceptable result.

After trying the puzzles an uncountable number of times, trying to fix them, and in the process deriving a lot of anatomical theories, all the puzzles finally fit as the right process for a mechanical implant surgery was finally confirmed.

The team designated to this research route had to experiment on this process 10 consecutive times before it was finally confirmed.

With the idea that one of the anatomy teams finally succeeded, perhaps having ridden on this momentum, 3 days later when it finally clocked 2 weeks since the experiments finally started, another research was finalized.

The Research on Mana Cores team was not able to arrive at a 100% safety margin for the implantation of a 2nd mana core, but they settled at a manageable 72% which was the best that they could get to theoretically.

Despite riding on the momentum of these 2 consecutive successes in 3 days, the last priority experiment target team could not achieve immediate success.

Despite this, the 1st Den of Anatomy was in a joyous mood due to the successes.. The boss was 2 steps closer to fulfilling his ultimate goal.

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