The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 47 An Egg Needs To Be Incubated To Hatch (2)

8 sets of armour, 12 bows, 17 swords, 28 pouch of gems, 321 arrows, and 20,000 gold coins. They were the boons Basil had gotten from Yamata no Orochi\'s lair. It was a huge amount of wealth in other\'s perspective, however Basil was different.

"It can not even be counted as treasure. How disappointing." He muttered to himself while shaking his head faintly.

If anyone were to hear Basil, they would undoubtedly threw up a mouthful of blood. The sheer audacity he got for saying that was infuriating. Surely, Basil was just giving his honest opinion. For the \'experienced\' him, that sum of money was only enough to clean his palates.

Furthermore, judging by how old Yamata no Orochi had been, that sum of wealth was really nothing. Even among the other Magical Beast, it could be considered broke. Basil could think of many other Beasts which lairs were filled with more treasure.

Basil wasn\'t merely checking the treasure he had gotten, but also sorting the ones he would use by himself. Out of them, he took 1 set of armour, 3 bows, 5 swords, 11 pouch of gems, 31 arrows, and all of the gold coins.

Basil merely took the best out of the best. He couldn\'t care less about the subpar quality things. Even so, those subpar quality things were actuality had enough value to make a Baron\'s pocket dry.

"Hm... I will sell the weapons here."

After sorting the things he was about to sell, Basil finally arrived at the place where he would sell his things. It was one of the Appraiser Association branches. Any things related to Magic were sold and bought by this association.

Unlike the other professions, being an Appraiser meant being admitted into Appraiser Association. Therefore, no one could appraise without having the qualification to enter the association.

Basil entered the building and was quickly greeted by a voluptuous lady with a rather revealing clothes. She was rather dumbfounded when she looked at him, therefore she was out for a few moment.

"Oh my... Welcome, Sir. What do you need of us for today?"

"I am going to sell some things."

"Very well, sir. Please, wait here for a moment while I call one of our best Appraisers."


Basil looked at the lady\'s gesture neutrally. He was hit with a sense of deja vu. He was extremely familiar with the scene earlier. He had experienced it before, back at Woster Region. Every business seemed to use the same technique to lure in costumers.

"Hmph! Lowly trick."

Basil snorted coldly. He was quite annoyed at facing the same tricks twice. It was innovative to be honest, however it got repetitive and annoying.

Basil got reminded of someone who did the same thing. Catherine was also doing her \'business\' using her sex appeal to the best she could. A very disgusting thing for a woman to do in his own opinion.

Life was harsh in the world they were living, however it didn\'t become a reason to do that unsightly thing. There were many ways to improve one\'s life. People like Catherine just wanted an easy life.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Basil shook his head to clear the unnecessary thought and looked in front of him. The female clerk from earlier walked toward him along with a man in his late twenties. Judging by his attire and the monocle on his eye, he was the Appraiser.

"Good Day, Sir."

"Hm. Let us get to business immediately."

The young Appraiser was slightly taken aback. Judging by the attire, Basil was surely a noble. He knew Nobles liked pleasantries, therefore facing a direct one was quite a surprise to him.

"Very well. May I know the — okay."

The young Appraiser couldn\'t finish his words as Basil had already done what he was about to ask. Not only that, but the amount of the things he was about to appraise was also surprising!

"There are 12 swords in total. Judging by the quality alone, the lowest price should be around 150 gold."

The young Appraiser skimmed through the swords Basil had taken out and muttered to himself. Then, he started to properly appraise the swords one by one. He appraised them very carefully while humming constantly to himself from time to time.

After some time, he finally finished the appraisal and looked at Basil.

"It seemed I made a mistake in saying the lowest price should be around 150 gold." He paused to look at Basil\'s reaction. Seeing that he got none, he continued in a rather forceful joy, "Congratulations, Sir! The lowest price is 180 gold!"

Shocking customer was his hobby. He was sure this time he would get a reaction out of Basil, however his guess missed once again. Basil was as steady as a deep sea! He felt even more dispirited.

Basil quirked an eyebrow at the Appraiser and said, "I thought an Appraiser from the Association would be better than this." Basil picked a sword and pointed at it, "This is the lowest quality of the sword. Judging by the pattern\'s intricacy alone, it should be at least 210 gold."


The young Appraiser felt like he was struck by lightning. He was so shocked that his mind became blank momentarily.

Surprising a customer had been his hobby, however being shocked by a customer was unprecedented. Furthermore, the customer knew what he was doing!

"Uh.. um.. that is..."

Stop looking at me like that!

He wanted to convey that badly. Sadly, he couldn\'t. Basil\'s gaze on him was enough to oppress him wordless. He felt like experiencing his Guidance days back at the Association.

"Kuhum. That was my bad. I didn\'t take the pattern into account. I am sorry."

Lastly, he did the thing he was fairly good at when he had been a mere Learning Appraiser. That was, of course, apologizing and accepting his mistake. Sadly, Basil wasn\'t such a simple person.

"Is that so? Shouldn\'t you inspect the density of the blade and judged the durability? You should take that into consideration to determine the price."

"Ah, yes, yes. I have done it. It is in the Third Scale."

A comical thing happened where the Appraiser was getting appraisal tips from the owner of the appraised things. He bowed his head from time to time while Basil criticizing him for his lacking skills.

The female clerk looked at the scene from the side and couldn\'t help the cold sweat pouring down her forehead. It was unprecedented. Furthermore, the price they offered started to get way more expensive than normal!

However, she didn\'t intervene even once. She let it slide as Basil was quite an eye candy. Being attractive sure has its perks.

"So.. the total is 4,700 gold?" The young Appraiser looked at Basil carefully. Basil merely nodded lightly and waved his hand, "Let\'s have another session." Then, 9 bows were laid in front of him.

The Appraiser had a look of a constipated person. He felt like crying badly. He knew what Basil was doing. Basil was already far from giving an honest appraisal. He was already exaggerating the quality of his goods!

However, he couldn\'t say anything. Everything Basil said was irrefutably logical. Therefore, he could only gulp the lump in his throat and nodded his head while tearing.


"Thank you for having us as your business partner, Sir. I hope you will choose us in the future too."

The appraisal was done and Basil was about to exit the building. The young Appraiser couldn\'t be seen anywhere, as he had quickly run away from Basil\'s sight by the time the session was done.

It left only the female clerk to see Basil off. Actually, he didn\'t need that. However, he respected the work ethic the clerk had. Therefore, he gave her a reward.

"You can take a vacation for a week."

He gave her a pouch of gold containing around 200 gold coins. The amount was outrageously too much enough for a mere clerk.

However, Basil didn\'t think any of it. It was a small sum of money for him. He had pouched 7,100 gold anyway. 200 gold was really nothing.

However, the female clerk who got it was almost brought to tears when she looked the content inside. Her monthly pay was only 10 gold and it was already above the average wage. Therefore, receiving that sum of money was enough to move her heart.

\'Not only good in appearance, but his heart is also as good.\'

She looked at Basil with a deeply moved eyes. Her eyes glistened a little bit due to the tears of joy. Basil, who saw this, couldn\'t help his hand from moving on its own.

Pat. Pat. Pat.

He was slightly taken aback by his doing, even more than the clerk herself. It seemed he was quite weak at receiving that gaze from a lass.

As it would be awkward to pull his hand right away, he patted her for a bit more to make it look natural. Then, he pulled back his hand and nodded his head lightly.

He turned his back on her and walked away. The female clerk touched the part of her head where Basil had just patted and smiled rather weirdly. She looked at Basil\'s back until he disappeared from her view.

She felt a weird but pleasant feeling bloomed in her heart.

"I will find you, even if you don\'t come here anymore."

Thus, without knowing this, Basil had just been rewarded with another ordeal due to his own action.


Basil\'s journey continue for quite some time. He went to the armoury store, having a \'negotiation\' and left with 9,000 gold. It was quite fruitful as it took less time than what he had spent at Appraiser Association.

After the armoury store, he moved his feet toward a general store where he would sell the arrows he had. He didn\'t bother to \'negotiate\' as there was nothing much he could exaggerate from the arrows. Thus, he left with 20 gold in his hand.

Right after that, he went to a jewelry store and sold some of the gems he had while fighting his way to not get scammed by the store. Unsurprisingly, he won with triumph. He left with 10,200 gold, a fairly huge amount of money.

For today\'s little journey, he had gotten 26,120 gold. Anyone would drool at that amount as it was equivalent to most of how much the wealthier Baron had in their vault. Surely, Basil wasn\'t impressed.

"Just what kind of a \'Legendary\' Magical Beast this broke?"

Basil shook his head faintly and continued his journey. He was going to hire some workers to renovate Familia Inn. He had always fulfilled his promise. By the time all the matters were settled it was already a few hours before night.

He went home while bringing seven workers with him who were ready to renovate the inn even while the others were sleeping. Obviously, Basil chose them due to their work ethics.

Work hard, and you will be rewarded.

Basil had been following that principal in his whole life. When he saw someone who really worked themselves, he really appreciated them. Therefore, without asking for the price, Basil had hired the seven workers.

"You really brought some workers home."

"I am quite hurt your confidence in me is so little."

"Nah. No normal person would expect someone to really renovate a building while saying it so casually."

Danzel laid his eyes on Basil and shook his head rather helplessly. He had been blessed with two of the best sons in the world, however none of them followed the world\'s norm. Still, he was very happy in his heart.

"Well, then.. follow me. I will guide the seven of you to each of your rooms."

"Eh.. ahh, that is unnecessary, Sir. We would just return to our houses later."

"Hm? Didn\'t you say you were going to work when the others were asleep?"

"Exactly, sir. We would return to our houses in the morning, have a quick sleep and go back here. Don\'t worry, sir! We won\'t late. Besides, we don\'t have any money to afford staying at your inn."

The other workers nodded their heads in agreement at their representative. Danzel merely looked at them and shook his head faintly.

"What are you talking about? You are free to stay. Consider it our service for your willingness to renovate our inn."

"But, sir.. we are getting paid for that..."

"Nah, you are going to stay here. I can\'t care less about money. My son is rich."

Danzel threw his gaze at Basil for confirmation. Surely, Basil would never disappoint him. Basil nodded his head and motioned the seven people to follow Danzel. They could only nod reluctantly and follow Danzel.

They were so moved that their eyes lit up in determination. They would renovate the inn to their best, so they could produce a masterpiece out of it.

And, they did it as exactly as they had resolved.

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