The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 137 Indicator (End)

Whitney went back to the Church in the same night after a few more minutes of talk with Danzel. He was astonished by Danzel\'s patience in facing the ordeal. Danzel kept smiling and telling him he wasn\'t wrong.

He thought he could eventually move on, but Danzel\'s attitude toward him made him doubt his thought. The kind treatment Danzel had given him kept reminding him of his incompetence.

—This amazing person is the father whose son\'s life you have taken.

That thought was ringing in his head. However, he was professional enough to not let emotion drive his action. Therefore, he soon assumed his role as the senior, and took care of Cray until he regained his consciousness.

"Ugh.. where is this?" Cray slowly opened his eyes. When they were completely opened, they blinked once, before widening in realization. "Where is the Kinslayer?!" He sat himself up in panic. "Where is everyone?!"

Whitney quickly stood up, and calmed Cray down. "Relax, Cray! It\'s 1 in the morning. 4 days have passed since we got out of the Dungeon," Whitney said calmly.

Cray turned to Whitney, before calming down. Sighing in relief, he said, "I am glad. Where is everyone, then?"

"The Knights of Hauler have returned to their home. Aside from Jake, none of them received any fatal injury."

Cray nodded his head slowly, before realizing something. "Where is... Basil?" He looked around the room.

Whitney didn\'t immediately answer. He stared silently at Cray for a while, before answering, "Basil sacrificed himself for us. He took control over the Dungeon, expelled us, and entrapped the Kinslayer with him."

Cray didn\'t give any reaction, other than widening his eyes. He stayed that way for a moment, before returning back to normal.

"I see..."

Cray nodded his head, then looked down on his leg. It was still numb, and he didn\'t think he could move it in any time. Still, it doesn\'t mean he couldn\'t move; he could still use Magic to support him.

"Where are we?"

"Raneil Barony\'s Church."

"It\'s close to Basil\'s family\'s hotel, then. Have you told them about him?"

"I have."

Cray nodded his head lightly, before raising it to look at Whitney. "Let\'s visit Familia Hotel after sunrise. We will return to Randalvine right after."


"I have a promise to fulfil."

"What is that?"

"I have promised to buy Miss Clarissa\'s entire cake stock." He patted his chest. "A man shall always fulfil his promise, no matter how trivial it is."

Whitney nodded his head silently in agreement. He could see Cray was still full of questions. However, he knew Cray was still coping with Basil\'s unexpected death. Therefore, he left Cray to his own devices.

No matter how hard their life had tempered them, they still had a soft spot.


The sun had risen to the sky, and Cray was on his way to fulfil his promise. He was walking to Familia Hotel with Whitney in tow. Although his leg was still numb and immovable, with Magic it could move on its own.

Upon arriving at Clarissa\'s bakery store, he was quickly greeted by Clarissa\'s beautiful smile. "Good morning, Cray. Wanna buy some cakes today?" Cray nodded his head rigidly, and said, "I will take everything, as I have promised."

Clarissa nodded her head with a small smile, then proceed to pack every cakes she had made. She was doing her job with a smile eternally etched on her face. It was if she wasn\'t mourning over Basil\'s death.

Cray turned his head to Whitney, and Whitney quickly shook his head. Cray immediately nodded his head in understanding. Clarissa was mourning. However, she didn\'t want to show it. Therefore, she covered it with a smile.

Of course, that was a misunderstanding on their part.

Danzel had talked about it with Clarissa last night. Therefore, she acted like her usual self while looking like she was intentionally avoiding any mention about Basil.

It worked, and the two never realized it. When the packages of cake were stored, Cray gave Clarissa a pouch filled with 500 gold coins as a payment. Together with Whitney, he immediately left to prevent Clarissa from returning it.

Although 500 gold coins wasn\'t really an exaggerated amount of money, it was too much for buying her cakes. She just needed 2 gold coins for all of her cakes; she didn\'t want to be paid for what she didn\'t make—luxurious cakes.

Clarissa wanted to call the two people, but stopped in the way. She could just take 2 gold coins from the pouch, and kept the rest to return it when Basil returned. For now, she should keep her act.

Unaware of this, Cray and Whitney left on their journey back to Randalvine by carriage. The ride was unusual, as Cray could keep his voice to himself this time.

"How did Basil take control over the Dungeon?"

Of course, Cray couldn\'t hold his curiosity for long.

"He pulled up a Sealing Sword from one of the stone poles in that place. That sword allowed him to control the Dungeon."

"Wait... If the sword is already there, why didn\'t the Kinslayer take it and keep it for himself?"

Whitney hummed in contemplation. "Hmm... It is very likely he couldn\'t. I believe that Sealing Sword can only be wielded by the Dungeon Administrator or, in this case, a non-Kinslayer."

"If that is the case... Why didn\'t Basil expell himself out too?"

Whitney looked to his hand, before clenching his fist tightly. "The Kinslayer was coming after him, by the time he expelled us. If he had expelled himself too, he would have also brought the Kinslayer with him."

Cray didn\'t ask anything anymore right after that, and the ride was silent until they reached Randalvine, the capital city. The carriage quickly head to Randalvine Magic Institute, and it didn\'t take long to arrive there.

Upon arriving at Randalvine Magic Institute, Whitney and Cray wordlessly headed to the office of the person responsible for Rehearsal Class, Professor Alcott.

Knock. Knock.

They knocked on the office\'s door, and waited for a response. It didn\'t take long until the door opened by itself. They were already familiar with Alcott, so they immediately entered the office.

The office was half as big as the classroom, which means very big for an office. Alcott\'s desk was located exactly in the middle of the room, surrounded by many Artefacts they didn\'t know the name.

Alcott was sitting at his desk, busily writing something, while surrounded by Mana that was enough to overwhelm any First Circle Mage.

Whitney and Cray silently stood in front of his desk. They were waiting for him to stop what he was doing and address them; it didn\'t take that long. After a couple of minutes, Alcott stopped writing and sighed to himself.

He took off his glasses, put it down on the desk, before massaging his eyes lightly. He raised his head, then stared at Whitney\'s eyes who were desperately hiding the guilt he was feeling.

"Tell me what happened."

Whitney stepped forward, and reported everything that had happened. Alcott listened to him silently, while nodding his head from time to time. He was astonished with Basil\'s every course of action.

Now he finally understood why Lawson had declared Basil was even more talented than Iliana. Basil was observant, intelligent, quick-witted, and talented in both Principles. He was the type of Mage who would be received anywhere.

Alas, fate had decided the otherwise.

"Losing such a talented youngster is indeed a pity." Alcott shook his head. "But, he died by his own choice. Nothing needs to be regretted. Alright, you may leave."

"Professor?" Whitney\'s response was immediate. "What do you mean we can leave?"

"I mean it as what it is, Whitney."

"About this matter, shouldn\'t we report it to the Empire? We encountered a Kinslayer, professor. Our friend was killed by a Kinslayer!" Whitney almost lost his cool. However, he soon regained his composure when Cray touched his shoulder.

Alcott silently looked at Whitney, while caressing his beard. "I know what you mean, Whitney. But, can you provide them the proof?"

"Cray and I are the proof. We are the living proof, and a direct witness to the Kinslayer!"

Alcott shook his head bitterly. "That\'s what I\'m talking about, Whitney." He pointed to his finger to Whitney. "You have nothing but yourselves as the proof. A witness can\'t become a proof in this kind of matter. We need a concrete and absolute truth."

He put his glasses on again. Lowering his glasses, he looked at Whitney. "Do you know what I mean by that?"

Whitney stayed silent, before answering, "To provide the absolute proof, [Soul Scourge] needs to be conducted to the said witness."

It was a process of memory extraction. The memory would be projected and recorded by the court this way. It would then be taken by the court as an absolute proof.

"Do you know what that means?"

Whitney gritted his teeth. "[Soul Scourge] damages one\'s Magic Circles permanently. Therefore, if said witness is a Mage, they have to forfeit their status as a Mage for eternity."

Alcott lightly sighed. "I do believe you, Whitney; I believe all of my students. However, I don\'t want you to ruin your future. Many have claimed they encountered a Kinslayer; [Soul Scourge] was conducted, and the court found none of it."

Whitney wanted to retort, but Alcott beat him to it. "I know the experience was so vivid, it can\'t be a Bewitchment. However, you should know that Kinslayers are a bunch of highly skilled people. They have their own way to cover their track."

Alcott stood up, then patted both of Cray and Whitney\'s shoulder. "I know it is hard. But, you have to move on. If you feel guilty, live by that guilt, and prevent the same thing from happening. Don\'t waste Basil\'s sacrifice by throwing away your future."

Whitney turned his head to the side. He didn\'t like the way Alcott handled the matter. However, he couldn\'t find fault in Alcott\'s word.

What if there was no memory of him encountering a Kinslayer after [Soul Scourge] was conducted? He would lose his future, and achieve nothing in the end. Alcott was right: it would be better to focus on improving himself.

Knock. Knock.

At that sound, everyone turned their head to the door. Even before Alcott opened it with his Magic, the person barged into the office, and strode casually as if she didn\'t do anything wrong.

"Iliana..." Alcott\'s face darkened. "How many times have I told you to never forcefully enter my office even if you can?!"

"Good afternoon, professor!" Iliana completely ignored the matter Alcott had just addressed.

Alcott sighed helplessly, before massaging his forehead. Iliana turned her head from Alcott to Whitney. She was sensing something wrong with the mood. True to her expectation, Whitney immediately dodged her gaze.

"What\'s wrong with you, Whitney? Acting gloomy never suits you."

The room descended in silence. Alcott briefly glanced at Iliana, before turning his head to Whitney. He wanted to witness how Whitney would handle the matter.

Whitney sighed, then properly looked at Iliana. "I am sorry." He bowed. "My incompetence has caused Basil\'s death." He stared at her right in the eyes unwaveringly, waiting for her reaction.

He knew she was close with Basil. Therefore, he was expecting her violent reaction. However, Iliana merely looked down, before picking up Deacon from the ground, and presented him to Whitney.

"Do you see this guy?"

"Ah, Basil\'s Beast Companion!" Whitney exclaimed in surprise. He had honestly forgotten about Deacon.

Then, Iliana faced Deacon toward her. "This guy\'s [Link] with his Master is still maintained. That indicates one thing: Basil is still alive. Right, Deacon?"


Deacon nodded in confirmation. Then, Iliana turned her head to Whitney. The latter blinked his eyes, before gaping in disbelief.

Iliana laughed. "Fufufu. No wonder your Master called you an indicator. So, he left you to indicate his survival."

It was too much to digest, but Cray and Whitney eventually understood what Iliana meant. Then, a dumbfounded gasp filled the room.

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