The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 324 Tangled By Fate (3)

In another place within the Obelisk, thanks to Ione, the people who followed behind her had passed through the bridge in a fairly short time.

The moment she opened the door at the end of the bridge, all of the Demons there instantly disappeared. The others were freed from the Demons because of that, allowing them to catch up to her, much to her annoyance.

As soon as they set foot in the place behind the door, they found themselves at a dock. There were three ships docked there, and they immediately knew they had to sail the sea to proceed.

They quickly split themselves into three groups, and got on the ship without any hesitation. Ione was on the biggest ship; she was standing on the bow looking far ahead to look for another dock where they could anchor their ship at.

Just as they were about to sail the ships, the ships suddenly moved by themselves. They tried to take control over the ships, however to no avail.

They stopped trying after a few seconds. It was already apparent to them by that point that they could only board the ship and face whatever hardships waiting for them.

True to their expectation, just a few minutes after sailing, they were surrounded by Aquatic Demons.

While some were successfully put down in the water, those that were still alive were climbing the ship. None of them had managed to get on the ship, however the amount of people they had lost was still astonishing.

"Laaaa~ laaa~ laa~ What is there to live when you can\'t find enjoyment? What is there to fight if you can never find peace? Life is tough—it is meaningless! Jump you shall, and let me show you happiness!"

There was a certain annoying type of Aerial Demon that couldn\'t fight at all hovering above them. Sirens—Demons that could lure anyone sailing the sea to jump out of their ship and end their life.

Sirens had a human head with a very beautiful female face, and a female torso. They had scaly bird-like feet, and bird wings, obviously.

They liked to sing with their enchanting voice; it was hypnotizing enough to lure people to jump into the sea. The Royal Army had lost many of their personnels this way as many of the Knights had a weak mental defense.

With the Aquatic Demons waiting in the water, the people who jumped out of the ship due to the Sirens\' influence would then be eaten. To prevent it from happening, many of them purposely ruptured their eardrums.

Most of the Mages chose to Seal their hearing instead of rupturing their ears, however they had to reseal it from time to time since the Siren\'s voice could actually wear the Seal down.

Turning themselves deaf was obviously the right decision to tune the Sirens out, however because of that, they couldn\'t coordinate with each other. All of them were fighting individually as they couldn\'t hear each other.

"Hmmm... This battle is just going to wear us down."

Amongst the people, Ione was the only person who could still hear everything clearly. She didn\'t rupture her eardrums nor did she Seal her hearing; her mind was secured from any mental attacks from the Sirens.

That was one of her benefits as a Pacifer who nurtured their soul since they were a child. A mere singing from the Sirens couldn\'t sway her even slightly, and because of that, she was constantly killing Sirens while the others were occupied.

"The ship moves roughly 100 meters each time I kill a Siren. There are hundreds of them, so does that mean we will reach the dock after I kill them all?" Ione mused. "I have killed probably more than a hundred, but I can\'t still see anything ahead."

They had been battling on the ship for more than an hour. At this time, Basil had just arrived at the treasure room to retrieve Durendal.

Although Ione definitely knew they were moving, no matter how far she looked ahead, all she could see was the endless sea. There was nothing there, so she felt sceptical if boarding the ship held any meaning.

"Darn! I am just wasting my time here." Harrumphing in annoyance, Ione pointed her sword at the sky. "I hate the fact that you are messing with me."

Her Mana surged at the same time she cast a Spell on her sword. It was a Spell that combined Wind Magic and Fire Magic.

As Mana wrapped around her blade, the Spell was executed. A violent wind whirled around the sword, before a spark of fire lit it up, creating a mini firestorm.


Some of the Sirens stopped singing as soon as they saw what Ione was about to do—throwing the firestorm at them—and let out a melodious scream. They were flying away as far as they could from her.

Ione, of course, didn\'t have any intention to let them go. Creating a pair of wings with Wind Magic, she jumped to the air and flew amongst the Sirens.

Many of the Sirens were astonished she could fly. Their eyes widened afterwards, when Ione swung her sword around to release the mini firestorm wrapping around her blade at them.

The mini firestorm turned into a ring of fire mixed with wind. It shredded and burned all of the unlucky Sirens as it expanded its diameter.

Ione was in the middle of it as she watched the Sirens fell down and screamed melodiously. She was quite amazed at how beautiful their voice was, and also how bad they were at fighting.

Shaking her head as she turned her gaze to the direction where the Sirens were flying to, she couldn\'t help noticing something that she couldn\'t notice before. There was a faint tear in the sky, and she instantly knew it was the escape.

Looking down to look at the people fighting on the ship, she turned her head away as soon as she noticed none of them was paying any attention to her. In the next moment, she flew towards the direction of the tear.

"Tsk. These bastards are getting in the way," Ione muttered as she noticed the Sirens surrounding her. "What are they going to do? Drive me into the sea with their singing? Not a chance."

True to her guess, the Sirens surrounding her from all sides sang her a song together. Their enchanting voice made a great harmony; anyone would feel like they were in heaven by listening to it.

Ione was, of course, different. She still thought it was pleasant to listen to, however she wasn\'t in the mood to listen to a choir.

Enveloping herself with Mana, she used Wind Magic to blast them all. There were also wind blades in her attack, so some of the Sirens were also perfectly shredded.


Increasing her speed, Ione flew straight to the faint tear in the sky as she hoped it was really what she thought it was. There were no longer Sirens after her; all of them were traumatized by what had happened to the group that had surrounded her.

"Here we go..." The closer Ione got to the tear, the stronger she felt the suction force become. "Darn! I have to—"


Even before she managed to properly cover herself with a Mana Barrier, the tear in the sky had already sucked her in. She was undoubtedly surprised as she felt she had just warped to another dimension due to how quick it had happened.

"Hoh? This is?" Upon opening her eyes, Ione find herself flying through a tunnel. "What a strong suction force. I am afraid I won\'t be able to control my landing when I get out of here."

She wasn\'t technically flying. She was being pulled by an extraordinary sucking force, which forced her to encapsulate her entire existence with Barrier just to prevent her skin and flesh from being separated from her bones.

She didn\'t know where the tunnel would lead her to; however, she was content with wherever it would lead her to, as long as it wasn\'t a wall. She would definitely survive the impact, however the pain it brought her wouldn\'t be pleasant.

"Hmm... I have finally arrived."

After a couple of minutes of being pulled by the suction force, Ione embraced herself for impact. The suction force had been weakening significantly for the past minutes—it could barely pull her body now.


She got out of the tunnel after a few seconds, and she found herself falling from the sky. Immediately looking down to determine where she was, she could see someone fighting gigantic frog like Demons that came out from the ponds in his surrounding.

The person wielded one sword in each of his hand—one of them was gold colored and the other was silver tinted dark blue colored. He swung them fiercely, but his movements still looked elegant in her eyes.

Each of his swing didn\'t only kill the Demons but also cut the ground and the ponds. His hands and his swords were the only things that moved; his body was still like water.

p Wooong!

The closer she got to him, the clearer she could hear his swords singing. It wasn\'t singing a particular melody, however it still managed to make the person\'s fight more captivating.

In fact, Ione was so captivated, she forgot to prepare herself to land. She only remembered it in the last second, and by that time, she was only three meters away from the ground.

"Aah!" She yelped.

She knew she would hurt her butt since she couldn\'t slow down her fall enough. She channeled more Mana into that particular area to strengthen it, however it ended up being in vain since she never touched the ground.

"I am glad I didn\'t make an oath to marry the girl that falls on me from the sky."

"M-My Lord."

"Hello, Ione."

Ione had fallen right into the arms of the dual wielder she had been watching; in other words, Basil. She smiled awkwardly at him, but luckily, he immediately put her down, pardoning her from the embarrassment.

Upon being put down, Ione cleared her throat before erasing the blush on her face. She turned to Durendal, which was in Basil\'s right hand, then turned to Basil to ask something.

"Is that—"

"Yes, it is. There is no time to chit-chat." Basil waved his hand. "The Secret Chamber is there." He pointed his hand to a certain direction.

Nodding her head in understanding, Ione dashed towards where the Secret Chamber was, following Basil\'s lead. They had to slay many Demons in their way, however they could still reach it in no time.

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