My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 78 Back To The Shelter

"Ah! Help me!" A man grimaced in pain.

A ghastly injury appeared on his chest while wriggling on the ground in his pool of blood.

The ground floor was full of blood, wailing, and screaming. The thick stench of blood permits the air.

Those that were able to walk were moving back and forth trying to help those that were injured. Everything was chaotic.

On the second floor, a group of people stood with stern expressions.

"How many died?" Nika asked.

"20 dead and 15 injured," Nasir answered.

"Can the 15 be saved?"

"We can\'t say. It depends on the available resources. And the resources are dwelling every second."

"This is worse than I imagined. I thought our situation was bad. But this…" Merab\'s voice trailed.

"We should stabilize the situation first and think of a more appropriate solution," Mack announced slowly.

"You\'re right. Let\'s do that. All hands should be on deck. When the others arrived. We know what to do next?" Nika said.

The others nodded and quickly dispersed, rushing to the gourd.



"What happened!"

A screeching of a car brake echoed inside the desolate street. A young woman jacked her head forward slightly and held the wheel.

Albeit her eyes fixed on the ruin in front of her. Her gaze lingered on from one ruin to another but she blinked her eyes when she spotted a car coming her way.

\'Did he do all this?\'

\'My god!\'

This was Susan back from the previous fight scene. But what she saw left her flabbergasted.

"There is a car ahead," Kira announced, glancing at Justin.

"I can see that" He answered without looking at her.

Justin stopped his car in front of Susan\'s car and came out while Kira followed.

\'He has a person with him.\' Susan was shocked.

The last time she checked, no one was inside his car and on the battle scene.

Where did she come from?

She took a deep breath and shook the unnecessary thought from her mind and came out of the car.

\'Wow!\' Kira thought.

\'Huh!\' Susan gasped.

When she came in front of the duo. Her heart missed a beat. She felt a sudden suppression from nowhere. Besides, the two in front of her had an ethereal bearing.

The lady beside Justin was beautiful with an otherworldly feeling. She felt as if the lady was not human but fairies.

When her gaze fell on Justin. She was astounded. His average look and physique had improved by a large margin. Now, he could be considered handsome.

She sucked in a cold breath while she tried to maintain her stoic expression.

But it was for nuts before the duo. The slight change in her facial expression gave her away.

"What happened?" She asked slowly, trying to hide her surprise.

"Nothing much. As you can see, the battle is over." Justin answered.

"How are the others?" He questioned.

"They are good. I left them at the last juncture of the shelter before I turned back."

"Alright!" He nodded.

"Kira meets Susan. Susan meets Kira." He introduced.

In the beginning, he didn\'t want to introduce them but later decided against it since they would be working together in the future.

"Hi," Kira smiled.

"Hi," Susan replied coldly.

"Let\'s return to the shelter. But first, we need to pick some resources on the way." He announced and got back to his car.

On the other side of the street, two sports cars parked in front of the building, and three people came out of the cars.

\'This should be it.\'

He released his perception and noticed the slight traces of battle. And not an ordinary battle but a battle with a powerful beast.

Without further ado, he walked into the store followed by the two.

The cold stench of blood and the rotten smell of dead bodies permit their air. However, the three didn\'t flinch.

They looked at the surroundings calmly. Justin\'s steps didn\'t stop for a minute, he continued to move forward with his perception guiding his way.

Quickly, they arrived at the last hidden room and saw the destroyed door.

"How do you discover this place?" Kira questioned, turning to Justin.

"One of our people discovered it by mistake. I presume." He answered and entered the hidden storeroom.

A lot of food and many other materials were arranged on the shelves. Inside the room were three shelves with various varieties.

Justin didn\'t need to tell the duo before they knew what to do. They sprung to action and their Dao of lootin— picking was in full swing.

The two cars were full of various materials. After a couple of minutes, the room was empty.

The three came out and saw their cars and shook their heads. There was barely any space to sit.

"Let\'s get going," Justin announced.


"Do you hear that sound?" A young man asked.

"What sound?" Another man asked.

He squinted his brow and straightened his ear, trying to listen to the sound.

"I know you hear?" The first young man snorted.

"How many threads do you have?" he asked.

"7 and you?"

"10. I just need to fulfill the evolution requirement before I evolve to First Circle Existence." He answered proudly.

"Wow! You\'re lucky."

"Of course. And I\'m hardworking."


"Do you hear the sound again?" the face of the first young man became serious and he looked in the sound direction.

p "Yes! I can hear the sound now."

The two were the new guards monitoring the first street, leading to the shelter.

They\'ve only been guiding the spot for less than 20 minutes when they hear a car sound.

They hid and held their breath, waiting for the car to come closer. They didn\'t need to wait for long when two spot cars raced toward them.

"There is a barricade ahead," Kira announced.

Yet, Justin didn\'t slow down his speed. When he was only a couple of feet from the stack of mutilated vehicles blocking the road.

He stepped on the brake, swirled the wheel to the left, and drew the hand brake.

The car tyre screeched loudly, leaving a tyre print on the road, drifting a couple of feet before it stopped.

Everyone was shocked by the swivel action. The two guards were shocked and their mouths were ajar, leaving one word in their minds.



The door of the car opened and Justin came out, staring at the guards\' hideout. Seeing his gaze, the two guards recovered from their initial shock and jumped out from the hidden position.

"Welcome back"

The two didn\'t dilly dally. They move the barricade quickly.


Three people came out of the cars and entered the shelter. Behold, the state of the ground floor shocked them.

"What the hell happened!?"

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