My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 202 Think About It.....

Hearing this, Leah\'s heart skipped a beat, and raised her head, looking at Susan without blinking. "Do you trust him with your life?"

Susan turned and looked at her with a light smile on her gorgeous beautiful lips. "Yes. Anytime, anywhere, any moment."

The room was thrown into a state of shock and total silence. Everyone held their breath and fixed their gaze on Susan. Feeling all the gaze on her body, she bat an eye and her expression remained the same.

"Is my answer enough to satiate your curiosity… Hmm." She asked, turning her head to look at the chuckling Kira. Although she maintained a smile on the surface, her heart was thumping, wanting to jump out of her chest. \'Why did I say it like that…. I should have said maybe or something else…\' She could feel her cheek getting hot.

\'Ah… I can\'t endure this any longer if this continues….\'

\'Why is your face getting red, little sister.\' Kira\'s voice rang out inside her head.

\'At least don\'t do this now in front of them… Please…\' She didn\'t know how to handle Kira teasing and could only beg her.

\'Call me big sister.\'

Susan raised her head and rolled her eyes. \'What is calling you big sister have to do with this?\' She said in her heart but still called her big sister. Meanwhile, Justin was only slightly surprised by her bold declaration and quickly recovered and looked at Leah.

"Would you like to ask her also…" He turned and looked at Kira.

Leah averted her gaze and feel ashamed of her behaviour. \'I\'m too impulsive. But I didn\'t expect the cold beauty to say such a thing with a straight face without thinking.\' She lowered her head and tangled with her finger.

Seeing her action, Justin\'s expression turned solemn. "I understand you were betrayed by other people. Nevertheless, that doesn\'t give you the audacity to question my decision…" He said slowly. His voice wasn\'t loud but the temperature of the room dropped a couple of degrees and the expressions of Susan and Kira turned solemn.

They looked at each other and held their breath. It had been a long time since they have a private conversation but the respect and lingering love for him grew with every passing second. And one of the reasons they love him was this moment.

\'It\'s about to start, little sister… don\'t miss his face.\' Kira said through their soul link.

\'Why did you make it sound as if we\'re doing something bad?\'

\'I\'m only looking at for you. He\'s already my man and we\'ve defined our relationship. But you, your ego won\'t allow you to….\'

\'I know…. But he\'s the man and should make the move.\'

\'Really…. Hahaha.\'

Susan couldn\'t wrap her head around Kira\'s bubbling behaviour. She sighed and stole a glance at Justin from the corner of her eyes and her heart missed a beat. \'He is getting more handsome by the day. How could a man have such beauty? See his long golden hair…. Awww. If I can touch it.\'

\'What are you thinking?\' She heard Justin\'s voice inside her head and she jumped back, raising her head.

"What happened little sister?" Kira looked at her with a confused expression.


She widened her eyes for a couple of seconds and took a deep breath to regain her bearing. She glanced at Justin and looked at Kira. "Nothing…" She said calmly, taking her seat. Seeing her flustered expression, Justin chuckled inwardly. Although he couldn\'t read her mind, with his soul sense he could read her facial expression and know what was going on in her mind.

What just happened between the three only took a couple of seconds and Leah didn\'t feel anything out of place, except for Susan\'s sudden bizarre behaviour. Justin cleared his voice and looked at Leah.

"If you feel indebted to us for saving you, we don\'t need it, and if you won\'t listen to my order without any second thought. You can leave the ark at this very moment…"


All the ladies raised their heads and looked at Justin with wide eyes. What the hell is going on? They thought. Kira and Susan glance at each other before they look at him. Justin didn\'t bat an eye at the two and fixed his gaze on Leah.

"Wallowing in self-pity, I won\'t condone it. Everyone on this ark had their story, yet, they forgot it and buried it deep in their heart and moved forward, turning the ark into what it is today. Hence, you can take your people and leave. If not for the connection we had I would have killed you."


Although his voice remained calm and his expression was the same, Susan and Kira knew he would truly kill her. Kira stood from her seat at once and moved closer to Justin.

\'Leah. What do you do to invoke his anger?\' Leah heard Kira\'s voice inside her head and she turned to look at her.

\'Nothing. I only questioned why he stopped me from following the scouting team.\'

\'You shouldn\'t have done that….\'

\'How the hell am I supposed to know that!\'

Sighed. Kira arrived beside Justin with all the courage she could muster and took a deep breath. Although he wasn\'t releasing any power from his body. However, the difference between a Circle and a Star realm made it difficult for her to breathe properly.

Justin turned and looked at her. \'What are you doing…\'

\'I don\'t want to see your anger toward our little sister.\'

\'Little sister.\'

\'Yes. Since we would accompany you in this mission. We should call each other based on the time we join you…\'

Hearing her reasoning, Justin didn\'t know how to react. He looked at her for a couple of moments and a slight golden power came from his body and it shields her from the pressure. Seeing this, a bright smile appeared on Kira\'s face and she jumped onto his lap while she didn\'t forget to give Susan a provoking smile.

\'Why are you furious about her? You aren\'t like this.\' She asked as she placed her head on his broad chest.

Justin didn\'t answer her immediately but looked at Susan and saw the hidden jealousy deep in her eyes. Whilst Leah had her mouth wide open. \'What! Their relationship had progressed to that level… Perhaps, they have done the deed.\'

"If you want to stay on this ark… I will give you a moment to think about it. Whatever you decide, you can change it." With that, a golden light flashes inside the room and Leah covers her face. When she opened her eyes, she was the only one inside the room.

"Where did they go?" She muttered as her eyes almost popped out of their socket.


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