Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 93 New Elves? What?

The night went by quickly, with everyone in the city now knowing that Erza had gotten engaged to some dude.

The next day, Sato proceeded to leave the city and head back to his own village,which was faster because of the portal transportation skill that Nishida had.

Arriving at the village entrance, the first thing Sato and the rest saw were two small elves carrying a bowl of food in their hands.

Their faces looked new, and for Sato who has the Record skill, he knew he\'d never forget a face that he had seen before.

"Hey there," Sato voiced as he approached the kids.

But as soon as they saw Sato, they screamed, dropping their food on the ground and running inside the village.

\'What the?\' Sato shuttered as he watched them run away.

"Oh men, I didn\'t know how much I loved our little village!" Jiro exclaimed before running inside.

"Ahhh, I should check if the bridge is still intact." Deka uttered before he entered too.

"Relax, we were only gone for a week honey, the bridge is fine." Latina voiced as she followed behind him while holding Elena\'s hand.

Everyone went in, leaving Sato at the entrance,

A small smile hit his face as he looked at the village, "She was right, I almost forgot how much I loved this place." Sato muttered before walking in with Yuri and Davanchi following behind him.


\'What the actual… fuck?!\' Sato panicked in his mind.

Standing in front of his office were numerous elves, people that he had never met before, waiting patiently at the doorstep, each holding a small bag in their hands.

\'Who are all these elves?!\' Sato questioned as he stood there speechless, even Yuri and Divanchi were just as perplexed.

<<I just ran an analysis on them, unlike your current subjects who are a mix of forest and dark elves, these are of different species, they are called the herb elves>>

\'Oh I see, the question is, what are they doing here?\'.

"Master." Yuri whispered, pulling her mouth close to Sato\'s ear, "What do these people want?" She asked.

\'How the hell am I supposed to know!\' Sato thought to him, after assessing the situation thoroughly, he took the first step and asked.

"May I help you? You seem like you must all be travelers, or am I wrong?" Sato asked them, but on the inside, \'Yeah right! Look at them, there are about fifty elves here, no way they\'re all travelers.

One of the female elves stepped forward and immediately bowed her head, "I assume you are the Lord of this fine village?." The elf uttered.

"Yes I am, can I help you with something?" Sato responded.

"My name is Lara, I am a member of the Werva village, east of here." The elf introduced herself with a smile on her face and head still bowed.

Sato glanced at all their faces and saw the look of anticipation written all over their faces.

Lara raised her head and peeked at Sato, "We have come here to ask for your help." She voiced out.

"My help?" Sato responded.

"Yes, you see, our homeland has been somewhat uncomfortable for the past few months, our village head happens to be a Goblin.

At first, it was quite manageable since we didn\'t cross paths with them, but lately, things have been getting rather pesky, it\'s becoming unbearable and we just couldn\'t take it anymore".

"Okay I get that, but what do you want me to do about it? It\'s not like I can just…".

"Please let us serve under you and take shelter in this village as one of its associates." Lura voiced with every strength in her body.

The rest of the elves all bowed their heads almost instantly.

"Ehhhh?" Sato was surprised, he didn\'t think people would actually want to move into a small village like his.

"Please we beg of you, we are quite beneficial to have around, stories of elves selling Deerhugs, cold refreshments, and even standing toe to toe with the Lord of vampires have spread all around Fiona, we just had to take this opportunity!" The male elf wearing baggy pants and a top exclaimed.

"Hold on just a second." Yuri voiced out, she walked past Sato and headed straight for the lura with a death stare on her face.

"You\'ve got some nerves, what makes you think my master is so nice that he\'d let complete outsiders inside his village, we don\'t even know if you were kicked out for treason or something." Yuri quizzed with a fierce look on her face.

Lura raised her head slightly, just enough to see Yuri\'s face, "I can assure you we have no ill wish toward your master, all we want is a place to rest our heads." She replied calmly.

"Why here? There are lots of other towns and villages in Fiona, I\'m sure one of those places would fit your taste." Yuri uttered, making it difficult for the elves to convince her.

"One of the reasons we left our former village was because we were not with our kind, but here we can relate with our own race and not feel threatened" Lura replied with a calm look on her face.

\'Wow, Yuri is really taking this assistance thing seriously,\' Sato thought to himself as he stared at the elves, \'Aril, activate the perception skill\'.

<<You mean the Ultimate skill Perceive?>>

\'Ahh, yes that,\'

<<Perceive activated>>

Sato\'s eyes glowed a bright green color, and every living thing he looked at emitted a certain mist from its body.

Yuir had a blue mist flowing from her body, while the elves had the same color, only a small percentage of the elves had orange mist.

\'Looks like they\'re telling the truth, guess having them around will be good for the village.\'

<<Are you choosing to ignore the five land elves\' with the potential to be a nuisance in the future>>

\'No, that\'s why you\'ll be keeping an eye on them.\' Sato smiled before voicing out, "Yuri, it\'s okay, they can stay!".

Divanchi smiled at Sato before looking to the ground, nodding disappointedly with her palm on her head mainly because she already saw it coming.

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