Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!

Chapter 821 A GOOD DAY TO DIE (2)

Chapter 821  A GOOD DAY TO DIE (2)

She was pissed because Trevor and Greko were put in danger because of her.

But, at the same time, she was glad to finally see Regina\'s full potential as her archenemy.

[This is the real Regina Crowell– not the one controlled by the crows.]

"Regina, all your plans have been shitty until now," Neoma said, placing her hands on her hips. "Be honest with me. Those stupid plans you executed in the past weren\'t your ideas, were they?"

Regina laughed, but it sounded hollow. "Do you think they would have listened to the opinion of a little girl who couldn\'t even use her shadows properly?"


[There\'s a lot to unpack from that statement alone.]

So Regina was looked down on by the other crows simply because she couldn\'t manifest her power as a Quinzel the way the crows expected her to.

And yeah.

[Those crows are misogynists.]

"They only saw my worth after I turned you into a baby," Regina said, smirking. "When that ability awakened in me, the memories of my first life slowly came back to me."

"I take it as you didn\'t tell the crows about your memories?"

"Why would I reveal the fact that I have the ability to bring someone as great as you back to life?" Regina retorted, scoffing. "If they did, then they would just use me to extend Calyx\'s life if that stupid brat died."

"Right? This world doesn\'t need more stupid people," Neoma said, then she pointed at herself. "But this world needs more people like like me. So, why don\'t you be a good girl and extend my lifespan, Regina?"

"You can\'t fool me, Princess Neoma. You\'re not the type of person who would put yourself first," Regina said, then she pulled out a vial from the pouch she was carrying. "First things first, Your Imperial Highness. You came here for this, didn\'t you?"


"Then come and get it."


Of course, Neoma remained where she stood.

She didn\'t have to move because she already ordered Mochi to get the vial from Regina.

The crow was surprised when a strong gust of wind almost knocked her down.

Regina dropped the vial as a result of literally getting hit by the strong wind.

But before the vial hit the ground, Mochi– in the form of a white bunny– used her mouth to catch it.

Then the Wind Spirit hopped in the air until she reached Neoma quickly.

"Thank you, Mochi," Neoma said when she received the vial from Mochi. "You did well."

<"You\'re welcome, Little Neoma.">

After saying that, Mochi disappeared into thin air.

"Eomma, should I check it?" Greko asked eagerly. It was clear that the youngest was excited to examine the new medicine. "It\'s my job as a Healer."

"Wait, baby. Let your eomma check first if this is safe," Neoma said, opening the vial as far away from Greko\'s face as possible. Then she smelled it, and she didn\'t smell anything wrong with it. She didn\'t also feel any bad vibes coming from the vial. "Hmm. Should I have a taste?"

"Eomma!" Greko protested, scolding her sternly. "You can\'t have a taste just because the liquid smells sweet."


Neoma turned to Greko with knitted eyebrows. "It smells sweet? I don\'t smell anything."

"It smells sweet to me, eomma," Greko said. "It smells like tea, actually. The sweet kind."

Was the smell something that only a Healer could smell?

"I didn\'t ask you to bring a Healer for nothing," Regina said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why don\'t you let that child examine the vial?"


Neoma smirked while covering the lid of the vial. "You\'re making it too obvious that this is a trap, Regina."

Regina smirked back at her. "It is, and you\'re already caught in the trap."

She knitted her eyebrows.

And then…


Neoma immediately turned to Greko.

Then, much to her shock, the youngest coughed up blood while clutching his chest tight.


"My Core…" Greko said weakly, his body staggering. "It\'s getting shattered."

What the hell…?

Neoma immediately caught Greko before he hit the ground. "Your Core is getting shattered?"

Greko nodded, then he pointed at the vial that Neoma dropped to catch him. "The smell of that liquid… it\'s messing with my Core…"


Neoma hated herself for opening that damned in front of Greko.

[When did I become so stupid and careless?!]

"That child\'s Core will get completely crushed in seven minutes, Princess Neoma," Regina said in a serious tone, then she threw an ancient dagger that landed at the tip of Neoma\'s boots. "If you crush your own Core with that dagger, then your Core will get crushed instead of that child\'s."

Neoma didn\'t get the chance to reply because Greko suddenly hugged her.

"Eomma, no," Greko said weakly. "You can\'t trust her! She\'s a bad person!"

Neoma only hugged Greko.

[No, Regina is being real.]

"I knew you wouldn\'t trust me after I tricked you, so I prepared this," Regina said, pulling out a pill from her pouch. "This is an Anwyr Pill, and you can\'t tamper with any Divine Items personally made by gods."

Regina was speaking facts.

[That\'s why I gained the trust of the people when I consumed Anwir Pills during the trial.]

"Here," Regina said, then she ate the pill. "The liquid that Greko sniffed in is meant to subdue fairies like him. But since the child is only half-fairy, Dilan modified it in order to make it more effective. Usually, fairies who got a whiff of that harmful scent would have their wings fall off. But after Dilan altered the properties of the liquid, the effect has been changed to crushing the child\'s Core instead."

"Eomma, don\'t listen to her," Greko begged Neoma, then he covered her ears with his cold and shaking hands. "Even if she\'s telling the truth, please don\'t do it… I\'ll be fine…"


There was no Mana-user who came out "fine" after getting their Core shattered.

Hence, Neoma didn\'t respond to Greko. She didn\'t even turn to him. Her eyes and ears remained focused on Regina.

"That dagger was created by Lord Callisto. I was inspired by William\'s ability to switch the conditions of two different people, so I asked my lord to create a weapon with the same ability," Regina said proudly. "However, it wasn\'t easy creating that weapon. Hence, Lord Callisto could only make one. Worse, it\'s only a one-time use."

Then the crow pointed at the daggers with both of her hands.

[She\'s clearly enjoying this.]

"I\'ll give you the honor of using the dagger, Princess Neoma," Regina said sarcastically. "All you need is a drop of that child\'s blood on the blade before you stab your heart with it. Then that child of yours will be healed in an instant."

"Eomma, no!" Greko begged her between sobs. Yes, the youngest was already crying. "Don\'t do it even if it\'s true…"

Neoma didn\'t want to ignore Greko\'s plea, but she had to. "As expected, you have no intention of handing the antidote."

"Antidote?" Regina asked, then she laughed out loud while clapping her hands. "Princess Neoma, there\'s no need for an antidote. In the first place, Duchess Quinzel\'s transformation is only temporary."



[NO… how can this happen?]

Paige felt her entire body lose its strength when, all of a sudden, Duchess Amber Quinzel quickly returned back to normal.

The duchess\' skin turned from violet to milky white.

And her eyes…

[They\'re glowing green again.]

"L-Lady Avery…?"

Paige snapped out of her trance, then she quickly handed a glass of water to Duchess Quinzel because it looked like Her Grace was thirsty. "How are you feeling, Duchess Quinzel?"

"I feel better," Duchess Quinzel said in a weak voice. "But I can\'t really remember what happened after I was attacked from behind…" The duchess then touched the side of her neck. "But I do remember getting stabbed by a sharp object here."

[Her Grace is fine.]

Duchess Amber Quinzel was perfectly fine even though they didn\'t do anything.

Paige felt like the wind got knocked out of her.

[Princess Neoma, Greko…!]


"YOU CAN\'T criticize me for lying, Princess Neoma. After all, you\'re the one who often bluffs and scams people."

If Greko\'s life wasn\'t at risk, Neoma would have found the situation interesting.

Regina was right.

She couldn\'t condemn the witch for lying since it was her forte, too.

Plus, it was her fault for letting Regina deceive her.

[I got the taste of my own medicine, and it\'s bitter.]

However, she didn\'t feel that bad.

"So, are you saying that Duchess Amber didn\'t turn into a zombie?" Neoma asked calmly. "That she\'ll return to normal even if we don\'t do anything?"

Regina nodded. "That\'s correct. Hence, you put yourself at risk for nothing, Princess Neoma."

"Yeah, no," Neoma said, then she smiled. And she wasn\'t putting up a strong front. She was genuinely relieved to confirm that Duchess Amber would be fine. After talking to Regina, she turned to Greko. "You heard Regina, baby. Duchess Amber will be fine, so let Paige know that all we have to do is wait."

Greko immediately shook his head, then he put his arms around her neck. "Eomma, let\'s escape from here."

"I\'m sorry, baby," Neoma said, then she picked up the dagger that Regina threw at her. "I\'m sorry for this, Greko."

After saying that, she gently sliced Greko\'s thigh with the blade.


"I\'m sorry, baby," Neoma said, her heart heavy with guilt. Then she kissed the top of Greko\'s head. "But I can\'t let you die here."

Greko pulled away from the hug to look at her, his face full of tears. "Eomma, no…"

Neoma just smiled sadly, then she snapped the bracelet around her wrist.

And, just like that, Greko\'s entire body quickly turned translucent.

Greko, after realizing what she had done, cried. "Eomma, no!"

The youngest couldn\'t do anything, though.

Greko disappeared right away.

"You only have one minute left, Princess Neoma," Regina reminded her. "That child\'s Core would shatter if yours doesn\'t."

Neoma just smirked as she stood up.

It was funny how things that Yule told her before had played out.

["Nene, you have to die. But you\'re not going to die by anyone\'s hands this time. Don\'t be afraid. As soon as you closed your eyes, we\'ll be there for you."]

So, this was what Yule meant when he told her she wouldn\'t die by anyone\'s hands.

[I\'m glad I was able to send Greko away. A child like him doesn\'t have to see his mother taking her own life.]

And, fortunately, she managed to seal Tteokbokki.

[I\'m sorry, Tteokbokki. But we\'ll see each other in the Afterlife later.]

"It seems like only me can kill me," Neoma said while removing the red-hooded dress. She had to remove the armor that Goddess Astrid had given her in order for the dagger to work. "Well, I guess it\'s time to meet my ancestors."

And she meant that quite literally.

Hence, Neoma didn\'t hesitate to stab her own heart with the dagger.

Surprisingly, it didn\'t hurt as much as she expected.

It was probably because of the cold yet comfortable breeze hugging her at the moment.

Regina, the clueless fool, laughed while clapping her hands without knowing a thing.

[Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take a break, my dear nemesis.]



[Paige noona…]

Greko couldn\'t call out to his Paige noona because his heart was in literal pain.

Hence, he couldn\'t say anything when his older sister caught him from the portal that brought him back to the palace.

It hadn\'t even been a minute since he was sent away.

[What kind of portal could bring me back to the palace instantly…?]

"What happened?" Paige noona, who was carrying him in her arms, asked with a grim look on her face. "Are you okay, Greko?"

He thought he wasn\'t well enough to respond.

However, in an instant, the pain in his heart was gone.

Worse, he felt it the moment when his Core got fixed in an instant as if it wasn\'t shattered just a few seconds ago.


Greko burst out crying, his heart in pain for a different reason this time. "Paige noona, please fix eomma\'s Core."


DAHLIA remembered that her predecessors often said that a pair of de Moonasterion twins were born from one Core.

They said it was the reason behind the Imperial Twins\' strange yet The fact that Prince Nero felt Princess Neoma \'disappear\' could only mean one thing.

powerful connection.

The fact that Prince Nero felt Princess Neoma \'disappear\' could only mean one thing.

[Princess Neoma\'s might have been shattered…]

Frankly speaking, Dahlia was more worried about Princess Neoma than Prince Nero.

"There\'s nothing wrong with Prince Nero, so I don\'t know what to do. I can\'t even tell why His Imperial Highness\' hair is turning pink," Alucard, the demon mage in charge of Prince Nero\'s well-being, said worriedly. "What about you, Miss Dahlia?"

Prince Nero was currently lying on the bed inside the tent.

And, just like what Alucard said, the Crown Prince\'s life wasn\'t in danger.

[But Prince Nero looks like he\'s having a nightmare in his sleep.]

"Prince Nero\'s physical condition is fine, but he\'s in pain because the other half of his Core is…" Dahlia trailed off, then she shook her head because she didn\'t want to say it. "Sir Alucard, let me awaken Prince Nero."

She then put her hand on top of Prince Nero\'s chest.

As expected, the Crown Prince\'s Core was shaking inside his heart.

[Please calm down.]

She sent her Mana to Prince Nero\'s Core in order to make it calm down.

The Black Witches had the power to subdue a de Moonasterio by simply injecting their Mana straight into their Core. But, of course, the challenge would be getting close enough to the de Moonasterio in order to get a chance to subdue them.

But it was never a problem for Dahlia since Prince Nero didn\'t keep his distance from her in the past.

[This is how I deal with his Lunacy even in the first timeline…]

Dahlia\'s thoughts were interrupted when Prince Nero suddenly opened his eyes. "Prince Nero, how are you feeling–"

"Get down, you two."

Prince Nero\'s commanding voice forced both Dahlia and Alucard to get down as instructed.

Then… boom.

The Crown Prince blew up the tent with his ice power.

[What\'s happening…?]

"What a lively greeting, Nero~"

Dahlia was shocked to see Calyx, the dethroned prince, come out of the smoke that came from the ice around them.

It seemed like Prince Nero tried to freeze the enemy with his ice.

However, only the surroundings had been covered by the ice that the Crown Prince made. Calyx remained unscathed.

"I thought I hid myself well," Calyx said, smiling. "But you still found me, Prince Nero."

"Your obsession with me reeks," Prince Nero said, scoffing. "How can I not notice your presence?"

Calyx laughed out loud as if what the Crown Prince said was funny.

"Prince Nero!"

It was Melvin…

… who quickly hid behind Prince Nero.

On the other hand, Sanford, Raku, and Lucien immediately surrounded Calyx.

"I\'m not here to fight," Calyx said, then he extended his hand to Prince Nero. "I\'m here to escort you to Princess Neoma, Nero. You must have felt it already, didn\'t you?" Then the dethroned prince smirked. "Princess Neoma\'s death."

Dahlia covered her mouth with her hands when she gasped.

Of course, at the back of her mind, she already knew the possibility that Princess Neoma died was high. However, she didn\'t entertain the idea.

But Calyx\'s declaration confirmed her fear.

Dahlia wasn\'t the only person fazed by the terrible news.

Even Prince Nero\'s knights looked really shocked and worried.

And everyone there was expecting the Crown Prince to explode.

But that didn\'t happen.

"Neoma is still alive," Prince Nero said firmly, his voice full of confidence. Then he grabbed Calyx by the collar. "Now bring me to my twin sister!"

Calyx smiled gleefully.

"I\'ll go with you," Dahlia said, glaring at Calyx. "Prince Nero isn\'t going anywhere without me, sir."


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