Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 6 – The residents of the no mans land

Chapter 6 – The residents of the no man\'s land

Qiu Shuijing looked at Su Yun with a gaze full of pity.

"He doesn\'t know that he has died once before. In his mind, Tianmen Town should still be the same as it was six years ago, right?"

Qiu Shuijing even felt that healing Su Yun\'s eyes was a bit cruel to the young man.

After his eyes were healed, he would discover the truth about Tianmen Town and the truth about Wild Fox and his classmates. This should be a big blow to him. However, it would also help him grow.

"His eyes bear the details of the Eight Sides Facing the Sky Array. Perhaps only the person who took the array and Su Yun know the secrets of the array. Only they know how to open the Tianmen."

Qiu Shuijing silently thought to himself, "Moreover, his eyes also bear the scene of the Immortal Sword destroying Tianmen Town. If he can refine the imprint in his eyes, his growth speed will surely be amazing."

"...Be careful, Mr. Huqiu Village is not easy to navigate. There are some dangerous places on the way."

Su Yun led the way, and the blind boy walked ahead like a seasoned traveler, seeming to have better eyesight than normal people, accurately avoiding any obstacles.

"The first dangerous place is the snake ravine ahead. There is a big snake there, very fierce. Flower Erge calls it the village-eating snake..."

Qiu Shuijing was stunned when he heard this. "The village-eating snake?"

"Yes. Flower Erge\'s cousin accidentally ran into the snake ravine last time and was bitten by the big snake. Wild Fox managed to rescue him from being eaten by the snake, but he died before he could make it home. Later, Huqiu Village held a funeral and the whole village had a feast. Flower Erge and the others called the snake the village-eating snake..."

As they were talking, they arrived at the snake ravine.

Qiu Shuijing followed the sound and saw a black snake coiled on a reef in the water, its scales shining with a metallic luster.

The snake was inhaling and exhaling towards the sun, and every time it did so, the black scales on its body seemed to come to life, rotating around its body, turning clockwise during inhalation and counterclockwise during exhalation.

"The soul of a strong person attached itself to the black snake after his death, turning it into a snake demon."

Qiu Shuijing stared at the snake, which was also staring at him, but did not actively provoke them, letting them leave the snake ravine.

"The snake demon\'s Qigong is extremely powerful, and it has already started to absorb the essence of the sun and moon to cultivate its body. Its body is extremely strong, and it should be practicing a profound technique that combines Qi and body refining."

Qiu Shuijing frowned. The snake demon was also highly poisonous and was on the verge of transforming into a dragon. It should be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, when it turned into a dragon, ordinary people would not be its match!

"Mr. Huqiu Village has its own territory, so as long as we don\'t enter its territory, we\'ll be fine."

Su Yun walked ahead and said, "After the snake ravine is Huangtu Ridge\'s Huang Village. The boys in Huang Village are very bad and often fight with the boys in Huqiu Village. Let\'s walk faster. Last time, Flower Erge dragged me to fight with the bad boys in Huang Village and beat them badly. These guys hold grudges!"

Qiu Shuijing suppressed his killing intent. "Wild Fox teaches without discrimination. This snake demon may not necessarily be evil. To kill without teaching is to invite more evil. It won\'t solve the problem."

"Here is Huangtu Ridge ahead!"

Su Yun remained calm and said, "Be careful, Mr."

Qiu Shuijing looked ahead and saw a yellow earth mound about half a mile away. The tomb was very large, about forty or fifty yards long and wide, and more than ten yards high.There are stone carvings of tomb beasts in front of the tomb, arranged on both sides of the divine path.

- The path where ghostly spirits walk is called the divine path.

However, this tomb is already riddled with holes, with countless openings on it. The openings are less than two feet in diameter, and each one has one or several yellow weasels standing guard.

These yellow weasels stand at the openings like humans, craning their necks to look at them. Some female yellow weasels even hold two or three little cubs in their arms. The cubs are furry and peek out curiously from their mother\'s embrace.

"Su family\'s little troublemaker!"

Suddenly, one of the yellow weasels sees Su Yun and screams, "He helped the bad guys from Huqiu Village and made Ya\'er cry. He even broke two of her teeth! Beat him--"


Countless small stones and dung balls fly up from the yellow dirt mound, filling the air. The yellow weasels throw stones and dung balls at Su Yun with all their might, but Su Yun seems to be used to this scene already. He casually takes out a thick oiled paper umbrella from the basket behind him and opens it.

The dung and stones fall like rain, making the oiled paper umbrella snap and crack. After a while, Su Yun shakes the umbrella and puts it away, then puts it back in the basket. He turns his head and asks, "Are you okay, sir?"

Qiu Shuijing says, "I\'m fine."

The small stones and dung balls have not yet reached him and are suspended in the air, not falling on him.

The old yellow weasel from Huang Village sees this and becomes uneasy. He quickly stops the young yellow weasels from provoking a strong enemy.

The young yellow weasels have already run to Su Yun and Qiu Shuijing, turning around one by one, raising their tails, and preparing to release poisonous smoke from their behinds. The old yellow weasel stops them, but they are still somewhat reluctant.

Qiu Shuijing glances at them and thinks to himself, "There are so many yellow weasels. If they harm people..."

He frowns slightly and thinks of Mr. Wild Fox, suppressing his killing intent. "Few people come to Tianmen Town, and besides Su Yun, there are no other living humans. How can these demons have the opportunity to do evil?"

He feels somewhat helpless.


He has been stubborn all his life, but he never thought that he would be educated by an old fox in his middle age and understand the principles of teaching without discrimination, punishing without teaching, and teaching without punishing.

"Right and wrong in this world are not as clear-cut as black and white," he sighs inwardly.

Finally, they arrive at Huqiu Village.

Su Yun smiles and shouts, "Mr. Wild Fox! Second Brother Hua, Third Brother Li! Mr. Shuijing and I have come to see you!"

Qiu Shuijing grabs his hand suddenly and signals him to stop, carefully staring at the small village in front of them.

Huqiu Village is a small village with dozens of houses, but each house is very small, no more than four or five feet high and two yards in diameter, like houses where dwarves live.

This village is built on a small hill with trees shading it. There are three to five houses under each tree.

However, at this moment, Huqiu Village is in ruins, with many houses overturned.

Qiu Shuijing frowns and sees several fox demon corpses.

Su Yun also smells the scent of blood in the air and becomes somewhat panicked. Qiu Shuijing\'s voice comes, "You cannot see with your eyes. If your heart is disturbed, your sense of direction will be lost. Without a sense of direction, you won\'t survive long in Tianmen Town."

Su Yun tries to calm his mind, but his heart is still in chaos.

After Su Yun\'s mental state has recovered, Qiu Shuijing takes him out of the chaos. Su Yun takes the first step and returns to his calm demeanor.

This is the part of him that Qiu Shuijing admires the most.

A thirteen-year-old blind boy must have an incredibly strong spirit to survive in Tianmen Town, where demons run rampant!

Su Yun has been living alone for six years, and he has a kind of unflappable courage.

Su Yun walks into Huqiu Village with a calm expression, touching the collapsed houses under his feet and searching in the ruins.

Qiu Shuijing watches him without helping.After a moment, Su Yun felt around and found a corpse.

To his surprise, it was not a human corpse, but a fox corpse.

He sat there silently, not shouting like a normal teenager.

After a while, Su Yun stood up tremblingly and continued to search through the ruins of collapsed houses.

After a long time, the young man carried dozens of fox corpses out of the ruins and placed them on the ground. He looked up and said, "Mr. Shuijing, which one is Mr. Wild Fox?"

Qiu Shuijing put his hand on an old fox.

Su Yun gently touched the old fox\'s face with his palm, silent for a while before saying in a hoarse voice, "I didn\'t know that Mr. Wild Fox was a fox, but he was good to me and taught me how to read and write. I am blind and stupid, but he was very patient with me..."

He sat on the ground, lost in thought. "I didn\'t know that my classmates were all foxes. I always thought they were human beings. Living people. Hua Erge is fourteen years old, Li Sange is two months younger than him, and Qiu Xiaomei is the youngest, only six years old..."

Qiu Shuijing looked around for signs of a fight and said, "It should be the people from Tianmen Ghost Market last night."

"Sir, I remember their voices."

Qiu Shuijing turned to look at Su Yun, whose face was incredibly calm, almost frighteningly so.

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