Walking by the Abyss on Thin Ice

Chapter 113 – Spend money to invite a beating

Chapter 113 – Spend money to invite a beating

The mountain carriage continued to travel towards the Tianfang Tower, but the journey was not too far, yet for the martial god catcher and other law enforcement officers, it seemed extremely long.

Powerful underground world experts from the 108 counties of the 17 states in the north constantly came forward, silently guarding the advancing carriage. They were tall and short, fat and thin, old and young, men and women, including young girls, women, young men, and grown men. Without exception, all of them were on the wanted list of the local government, with a reputation that preceded them!

"I have asked my question, and it\'s time for the martial god catcher to answer." Su Yun looked at the martial god catcher quietly, waiting for his response.

The martial god catcher suddenly burst into laughter, "I have seen you before, and I know you are not a demon, but you are not an envoy sent by the Emperor of the Eastern Capital either. You are just a little brat from Tianmen Town. When I first saw you, you were still blind. I didn\'t expect that in just a few months, you would come to the city to play tricks!"

Under his cheerful appearance, he hid his shrewdness and sarcasm, "So when I saw you in Shuofang City, I had a feeling of absurdity. I didn\'t expect this little liar to deceive his way into the city. You may fool others, but not me! Are you questioning me?"

Su Yun smiled and looked at him, waiting for him to finish before saying, "Whether I am an envoy or not, it\'s not up to you to decide, but the Emperor\'s. However, whether the martial god catcher lives or dies, it\'s not up to you, nor is it up to the Emperor. It\'s up to me!"

He chuckled, "Martial god catcher, tell me about your actions in the Tian Shi Yuan. You can leave alive."

The martial god catcher snorted, suddenly shooting out chains that pierced through the heads of the five law enforcement officers who followed him.

Su Yun\'s eyes twitched.

The martial god catcher exhaled a breath and said in a deep voice, "I was wrong. I didn\'t expect you to be able to mobilize so many forces from the underground world. However, don\'t forget, you are not a real envoy."

He killed the five law enforcement officers who followed him because he was afraid that the news of him being interrogated by Su Yun would spread.

If it did, he would be dead for sure!


Su Yun raised three fingers and slowly bent one of them, saying slowly, "Two."

The martial god catcher gritted his teeth, "Someone asked me to rescue the entire village\'s food and send it to the Zong Long Ling. As for what happened after it was sent to the Zong Long Ling, I have no idea!"

Su Yun looked at him coldly, and after a long time, he said, "Do you know that with just one word from me, you will immediately turn into ashes?"

The martial god catcher burst into laughter, "Su Shizi, you are underestimating me. Before I die, I can at least drag you down with me. Do I need to lie to you?"

Su Yun pondered for a moment and said, "Then who asked you to rescue the entire village\'s food?"

"Tong Pushe Tong Qingyun."

The martial god catcher said this name, which made Su Yun stunned. He thought it would be the Saint of Shuofang, but he didn\'t expect it to be Tong Qingyun, the Tong Pushe of the Shuofang Academy.

"Tong Pushe is my teacher and taught me the method of rescuing the entire village\'s food."

The martial god catcher said, "This time, Tong Pushe asked me to investigate you. I just didn\'t expect that a blind boy from the countryside like you could play such a big game."He sneered: "Today I lost, but I want to see how you\'ll end up in the future!"

Su Yun gave him a deep look. "The Martial God Hunter is so sure that I\'m just a blind boy from the countryside?"

Martial God Tong was stunned. Could a blind boy from the countryside really stir up the winds of Shuofang as soon as he entered the city? Could he really mobilize the officials of the 108 counties in Shuobei?

Even the nominal owner of Shuofang, the Marquis of Shuofang, did not have such great power!

"I have one last question."

"After you answer this question, you can leave," Su Yun said.

Martial God Tong\'s spirits were lifted. Although Su Yun was only a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, he gave off a tremendous sense of pressure. He had only felt this kind of pressure from people like Tong Qingyun, Zuo Songyan, and the Marquis of Shuofang!

He even had a feeling of being watched by a tiger!

The longer he stayed in the same room as Su Yun, the stronger this pressure became.

Although he was just an ordinary boy, he exuded such great momentum!

"On August 7th and 8th, where was the Martial God Hunter?" Su Yun asked.

Martial God Tong\'s forehead broke out in large beads of sweat. If he answered this question well and satisfied Su Yun, he could live. But if Su Yun was not satisfied, he would be "disposed of" quietly!

"On August 7th and 8th, I was ordered to go to Wuyuan County to capture the bandit Hu Feier. I wasn\'t in Shuofang or Tianshiyuan. I have a pass from Wuyuan County, you can go check it out," Martial God Tong said cautiously.

"After Tong Fan\'s case happened, I was ordered by Tong Qingyun to come to Tianshiyuan. Tong Fan was not an important figure in the Tong family, he was just a bastard from a side room. I was not sent to investigate his cause of death. It was not necessary to alarm me about his death. I was ordered to rescue a transformed poisonous snake that the locals called the Village Eater. Tong Qingyun, the old immortal of the Tong family, is a high-ranking official in the capital, so he can naturally mobilize me. As for why the Tong family sent me to save the Village Eater when they had already sent three people to catch it in the Snake Gorge, I have no idea. Tong Qingyun ordered me to do it, so I spent three days scouting the area and inspecting the geography before taking action."

He paused and said, "Actually, it didn\'t matter if I scouted the area or not. Tong Qingyun was directing my every move from beginning to end."

"Tong Qingyun..." Su Yun fell silent.

The carriage drove out of a cloud bridge and into another. The number of powerful people outside the carriage increased, and they surrounded it, making it impossible for any other carriage to approach.

"You should be grateful that you didn\'t enter the Dragon Burial Tomb, otherwise you would be a demon warrior like me," Su Yun waved his hand, indicating that he could leave. "Tong Qingyun wants you alive for a reason, and I want you alive for a reason."

Martial God Tong\'s mind was greatly shaken. A demon warrior like me? What did Su Yun mean by that?

He stood up and was about to leave when Su Yun said nonchalantly, "Take the five corpses with you. I won\'t help you dispose of them."Su Yun activated his Spiritual Power Technique, and chains shot out, wrapping up the four corpses in the building before he jumped out of the window. He then wrapped up the last corpse on the rooftop and jumped off the carriage.

Countless chains entangled around him, forming a cocoon that hid himself and the corpses inside. The silver cocoon howled as it fell towards the lower world.

When Wu Shentong jumped out of Su Yun\'s carriage, he looked up and saw that the figures surrounding Su Yun\'s carriage from various regions had disappeared like ghosts.

He thought to himself, "This young man is frighteningly stable! Wait, what about the coachman?"

Despite all the commotion in the carriage, the coachman remained calm and continued driving, showing that he was not an ordinary coachman.

Wu Shentong felt a bit scared and went into the carriage with the five bailiffs, waiting for their prey. Little did they know that they had fallen into Su Yun\'s trap, becoming sitting ducks!

As he fell into the lower level of Shuofang City, the chains untangled from his body like a giant python releasing its prey. By the time Wu Shentong landed, Su Yun had already hidden the five corpses in the sewer at lightning speed.

Wu Shentong left in a hurry.

Su Yun woke up in the carriage and realized that the coachman was also one of Zuo Songyan\'s men. He praised Zuo Songyan for his meticulous arrangement.

At this moment, Bai Yuelou woke up and was surprised to find that she had fallen asleep.

Su Yun explained, "I suppressed your blood and oxygen with my cultivation, causing a temporary lack of blood supply to your brain and making you unconscious. How long you sleep depends on how long I want you to sleep. Saint Young Master, this is the difference in our cultivation levels."

Bai Yuelou was shocked and asked, "How long did I sleep?"

"Just a short while."

As Su Yun spoke, the carriage stopped. The coachman\'s voice came through, "We have arrived at the Immortal Residence of Tianfang Tower."

"We\'re at Tianfang Tower?"

Bai Yuelou exclaimed, "Tianfang Tower is forty miles away from the school gate. Did I sleep for forty miles?"

Su Yun got off the carriage, followed by Bai Yuelou. They noticed four pools of blood in the small building and were shocked.

The coachman was cleaning the blood with a bucket of water and a cloth.

"What happened while I was asleep?" Bai Yuelou asked in horror.

After being led into the Immortal Residence by a maid, Su Yun asked, "Young Master, as a disciple of the Saint, have you never been to the Immortal Residence before?"

Bai Yuelou smiled, "The Saint\'s residence is very simple and not as elegant as this place."

Qiu Shuijing\'s Immortal Residence was like a fairyland, full of elegance and cultural relics such as a qin platform, inkstone, copper crane lamp, and more. There were also some exotic elements, which were obviously arranged by Qiu Shuijing himself.This immortal residence covers more than 20 acres, and although it is in the sky, it is just like the ground, with mountains and waters, winding paths and secluded areas.

Of course, it is far less luxurious than Li Zhuxian\'s immortal residence.

Su Yun has never been to Li\'s immortal residence, but he can imagine how magnificent it is just from the descriptions of Hua Hu and Qing Qiuyue.

Bai Yuelou followed closely behind Su Yun and whispered, "Brother Su, what happened while I was asleep?"

Su Yun didn\'t answer.

Bai Yuelou asked again, "Since you won\'t tell me, can you give me a chance to fight you?"

Su Yun sighed and said, "I came out this time to seek advice on a difficult problem in my cultivation, not to fight."

Bai Yuelou, despite his good temper, couldn\'t help but get angry. "Brother Su, how much of your time will it waste to fight me?"

Su Yun shook his head and said, "I can\'t kill you, and fighting you will only waste my time. I won\'t do a losing deal."

"I\'ll pay for it, is that okay?" Bai Yuelou said angrily.

As they spoke, they arrived in the garden, where Qiu Shuijing was teaching some scholars to comprehend spiritual abilities. These scholars were probably from wealthy and powerful families, and some of them were Su Yun\'s acquaintances. They had also practiced the Honglu Transmutation, but were eliminated from the Ten Splendid Diagrams by Su Yun during the imperial examination.

Su Yun looked around and saw wonderful spiritual realms floating above the heads of these scholars, like strange worlds in a dream. Their spiritual abilities were being cultivated, visualized, and created in these realms.

Several scholars were about to condense their spiritual abilities, and their talents were extraordinary!

Su Yun even saw the figures of Li Zhuxian and Li Muge!

Qiu Shuijing stood aside, occasionally entering their spiritual realms to correct their cultivation errors.

Bai Yuelou whispered, "As expected of the imperial teacher, teaching scholars is really powerful!"

Qiu Shuijing saw them and waved to them.

Su Yun walked over quickly, but Bai Yuelou found himself more than ten zhang away from them and unable to get closer.

Qiu Shuijing walked ahead, calmly led Su Yun to the floating bridge in the garden, stopped to watch the fish in the water, and asked, "Did you come to see me because you have enough money?"

Su Yun shook his head and said, "No, I have encountered a difficult problem in my cultivation that only you can solve."

Qiu Shuijing turned his head to look at him, and the more he looked, the more he appreciated him. He smiled and said, "It\'s surprising that you only encounter a difficult problem now. I thought you would come to me shortly after entering the Heavenly Dao Academy. It costs one Qinghong coin."

He reached out his hand.

Su Yun hesitated for a moment, took out ten Qinghong coins and put them in his hand. "Master Qiu, this problem of mine may be more expensive."

Qiu Shuijing laughed and returned nine Qinghong coins to him, only accepting one. He said calmly, "In your eyes, this problem may be worth ten Qinghong coins, but in my eyes, it\'s only worth one."

Su Yun showed admiration and immediately explained that he had comprehended the Great Unity Technique into twelve divine holy brands, but Dong Yishi had warned him that it might damage his life. He said, "Master, I have already unified the twelve divine holy brands, but I don\'t know how to move forward. Please teach me."Qiu Shuijing was in a daze. After a moment, he came back to his senses and looked deeply at Su Yun. "Give me the nine Qinghong coins from earlier."

Su Yun took out the Qinghong coins.

Qiu Shuijing took them and put them in his pocket, asking, "Do you have any more?"

Su Yun searched his purse and said, "I still have three here..."

Qiu Shuijing took the remaining three and thought for a moment before asking, "Anything else?"

Su Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Please wait a moment, sir."

He turned and came to the front of Bai Yuelou, saying, "Young Master Sheng, I want to fight you... um, have a contest. How much money can you give me?"

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