Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 21 - True To Her Word

The promise from the night before was what had Samuel latched onto Lena\'s waist as she sped down the vacant words on her motorcycle. Considering her smaller height, it was a rather awkward position for Samuel who had to lean down in such a way that he was able to wrap his arms around the princess\'s waist without inhibiting her ability to drive the motor cycle. He had really been looking forward to being on a motorcycle, but this wasn\'t quite what he had in mind, especially since he was also having to shout over the wind anytime he had to give her directions to where they were heading.

The prior night Samuel hardly saw Lena or anyone else after lunch. Granted, he had spent a good deal of the day in his room discussing the details of his plan with Roger who was making sure that everything was set up and taken care of for him. He would\'ve done it himself, but he didn\'t have enough money to pay to both rent the building for a few hours along with renting the equipment for Lena. Not being a good judge of size, he made sure that his friend knew to only rent the equipment, but that they would get there in order to make sure that it would fit her properly. Roger had no problem for paying with everything as he was just impatient to meet the girl his friend was engaged to and didn\'t mind spending some money if that was the only obstacle between them meeting.


He wanted to make sure that he had everything as well put together as possible in order to make sure that Lena wouldn\'t be inclined towards never trying paintball again if her first experience was bad. After today, he would only have four days left to make a good enough impression on her to agree with becoming formally engaged to him. That would of course create another set of concerns, questions, and problems that Samuel wasn\'t ready to think about yet so he shoved them to the back of his mind again.

When it came to dinner, the only person to join him in the large dinning hall was Leo and Lena\'s aunt. Again, no one said why the table was so empty, so he could only assume that it had something to do with work again. Samuel didn\'t have anything to complain about however as both were amicable during the meal and provided enough light conversation that the situation didn\'t feel uncomfortable for him.

The only odd part for him was when it came to retiring to his room for the night where he planned on calling his parents for a while before sleeping. He had checked the corridor and waited a moment or two before entering his room as he had expected Lena to be waiting for him as she had been the other two nights. That night it didn\'t seem to be the case however as she didn\'t knocking on his door to bother him that night.

The following morning, everything seemed to be back to how it was on his first morning there, Lena waiting on him to make her breakfast and demanding that he not be slow about it if he didn\'t want her changing her mind. He didn\'t of course, and Samuel actually tried to make something that would taste even better than what he had made for her the first morning. He was actually excited about the situation so his mood was rather bright that morning.

She had him sit and each breakfast with her because she wanted to know what time they had to leave by in order to reach their destination. Even though the little queen had agreed to his request, she still had work to do around it.

Which was why as soon as she had finished, she had to leave to tie up some lose ends with something her father asked in order to make sure she would be ready on time.

He didn\'t know that she was going to be taking him on her motorcycle until it was about time for them to leave and she told him to follow her somewhere different from where the cars all seemed to be parked.

Of course Samuel was in awe of it as soon as he saw it. He wasn\'t very good when it came to know make and type of motorcycle, but he did love the paint job which Lena had commented she did herself one week when she was bored and didn\'t have a lot of work to do.

the body was silver, but on each side there was a red scorpion. noticeable but not too large in size. The tips of the motorcycles handles were also red. The shade was more of a dark rather than light one. Samuel had noticed the princess seemed to prefer darker shades of red.

The only dilemma aside from the difference in height was the fact that there was only one helmet. He saw this as a problem but she just blew him off and threw it at him, almost hitting him in the process as he wasn\'t prepared to catch it.

Her only explanation was that she had been riding long enough that she was would be plenty protected by everything else she was wearing and he would need it more because of his lack of experience.

"Turn right up ahead and go for half a mile more before taking another right!" He did his best to shout the directions so that she would be able to hear them.

Looking back at the situation, he was glad that for once he hadn\'t argued with her about the matter, the helmet did make him feel much safer and Lena actually seemed to be enjoying herself quite well without. Perhaps also because Samuel was acting more nervous about fast she was speeding than he had assured her he would be.

He was still greatly enjoying the experience, but he could see why Leo would call her driving dangerous and claim that a motorcycle was a death trap.

Samuel probably should\'ve been more scared in the situation than he was, but the fact that the roads were empty helped ease the anxiety over the concern that they would end up getting into a crash because she couldn\'t break fast enough while someone else was on the road.

The drive took over two hours, which he was sure would\'ve been much longer had the little queen not been speeding so much. He supposed though that part of the reason she had been speeding was because she wanted to keep her word about wanting to be on time. Making people wait was something that she didn\'t seem to enjoy all that much.

Once the motorcycle had come to a stop with Lena parking it in one of the vacant spots, Samuel decided to give himself a few seconds to regain his balance and not feel disoriented after such a long drive. Lena on the other hand had already gotten off and was taking her time to survey the place that they would be playing at.

"Where are these friends of yours supposed to be?" she broke the silence with the question as she continued to look around.

"They should be already waiting inside for us." Samuel replied as he made sure he wasn\'t missing anything after getting off the motorcycle.

"Then show me where we are supposed to enter so that we can get this over with." She told him, looking back at him impatiently.

"Alright, but I am still going to say I don\'t think you\'ll regret the time you spend here today."

"We\'ll see." Was her only reply as she started following after him.

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