Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 69 - Because My Room Is A Safe Space?

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"I thought you told me before that the rule was that we couldn\'t be in each others rooms after nine?" Samuel asked as he felt his arm tingle from where Lena\'s hand was resting. It was a very faint but he could tell the princess was moving her fingers ever so slightly on his arm to create that tingling sensation that he was feeling.

"That little chickadee was a rule in place one of us, meaning you wasn\'t eighteen yet. The rule applies only below the age of eighteen to prevent anything unexpected from happening or anything that could poise a problem for anyone under the legal age to rightly be able to handle it." The princess explained as she shifted her hand further up his arm to near his elbow.

"Now that we\'re both over the age of eighteen, that rule is nullified." She then explained as she took a step away from him so she was now standing behind the chair in one of his blind spots so he couldn\'t see what she was doing.

"What exactly are you insinuating then?" Samuel asked as he turned in his chair to see where Lena was standing. He was surprised to see that she was standing closer to the door and further away from his chair than he had expected her to be.

"Just that the rule\'s gone. What you think I mean beyond that is up for you to determine." She replied, the in different expression that was on her face when she said this seemed to be a mask to hide the storm that was brewing behind her eyes that were telling a different story from the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"I hardly believe that is all you\'re trying to say." He replied as he stood up from the chair. It was getting later and after Samuel realized what time it was because of his conversation with Lena, it made his body realize how tired he was.

"Don\'t worry about the dishes. Someone will come and take care of them once the door is left open and they know we\'re done eating." Lena told him rather than responding to the comment that he had made.

Samuel still didn\'t quite trust what exactly Lena\'s intentions were, but he wasn\'t as nervous about her as he had been when he first visited the estate. She wasn\'t a gentle person which made her someone that he needed to watch himself around, but she wasn\'t as difficult to talk with as he began to understand her personality more.

He felt bad for leaving the dishes alone, especially after being back with his family for so long. It felt wrong to not take care of the dishes himself rather than leaving them for someone else to deal with, but he knew the staff would probably panic if he came in to do his own dishes or at least he assumed by how punctual they were in making sure that everything was correctly done and never seemed to like anyone outside of the staff offering to take care of work.

Leo had tried it before and was shutdown rather quickly. He had also become accustom to taking care of his own dishes, laundry, and other tasks after spending years in the UK with only himself and an assigned guardian to watch over him while he was there.

Samuel wasn\'t that surprised when Lena followed him out of the room. But her behavior told him that there was something more going through her mind than she was letting on to him.

"Are you really intending to follow me all the way into my room?" He asked once they reached the stop of the stairs and it seemed as though the princess had every intention to do just that.

"Is it a problem if I do? After all, it\'s my fiancé\'s space which makes it part of my space as well now." Lena replied as though what she was doing wasn\'t that big of a deal. Samuel couldn\'t argue with that though, technically now that their engagement was moving to be more official, it wouldn\'t seem odd for them to be occupying the same space even if they slept in separate rooms.

Rather than saying anything else to her, he turned and opened the door to his room, making sure to leave it open and hoping the princess got the point that he wanted it to stay that way even if there was no longer a problem with her coming into his room as she liked.

"So you\'re saying then that I can come into your room now whenever I want as well and that wouldn\'t poise any problem?" He asked as he turned to face the princess who was now sitting on his bed.

"Of course. I never technically had a problem with it before, you just never asked." Lena pointed as she sat on the bed, leaning back and using his hands on the mattress to support herself.

"Though, what actually happens when you decide to come into my room, I can\'t promise exactly what that would or wouldn\'t be." It was a vague warning, but Samuel understood exactly what she meant by that.

"Are you implying that you come into my room like this because my room is a safe space then?" He asked

"Or rather because I know you wouldn\'t actually try anything with me Sammy-boy and even if you did- it wouldn\'t get you very far." The smirk had returned to her face as she said this and her eyes had turned a slight shade darker than before.

"Is that so..." He trailed off as he spoke and approached the princess. He wasn\'t sure what compelled him to move, but whatever it was made him want to prove the little queen wrong when she said so casually that he wouldn\'t try anything with her.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked as he grabbed her hands and pushed her back so that she was laying underneath him and he was looming over her. His grip on her arms which were had been shifted so that they were pinned close to her body. However it wasn\'t a very tight grip and by the way he was positioned even Lena could tell he wasn\'t being serious about it.

Samuel would\'ve been more annoyed at her lack of reaction if it wasn\'t for the fact that the way their upper bodies were almost touching he could feel that her heart rate was slightly elevated despite the calm look on her face.

"You know though, if you\'re going to be serious about, your grip really shouldn\'t be so soft." The little queen told him as she meet his gaze, her voice not even showing that she was fazed in the slightly by the shift in position.

"Are you saying that you want me to be more serious about this?" Samuel asked as he leaned slightly closer to the other\'s face.

"No, I\'m just giving some advice since it seems like you don\'t quite know what you\'re doing and if you\'re intention is to prove a point, I recommend doing it more seriously." Lena replied. She could that the other wanted to kiss by the way he was looking at her, but he was being hesitant about it.

A part of her wanted to show him what happened when he tried to make a point in such a haphazard way without being serious about by flipping their situation around, but the other part of her was amused to see how far he would actually take it.

In order to entice him into doing what she wanted him to and what she knew he wanted to, she liked her bottom lip slowly with the tip of her tongue as a tease. She noticed that his breath hitched slightly when she did this but that there wasn\'t much else of a change in his expression as he continued to look at her. The princess\'s patience was going to run thin if he either didn\'t kiss her or move position so that she could take control.

Doing a mental countdown in her head to stop herself from moving too quickly due to impatience, she only managed to four before he leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss.

It wasn\'t the same type of rough kiss that she often gave him. It was a firm in the way that he pressed his lips against hers, but in a more sensual way that drew out the feeling of warmth that spread when their lips connected. The princess didn\'t fully let him take the lead in kissing however and was the first one react by nipping his lip in order to get him to open his mouth for her to explore with this tongue.

Samuel wasn\'t as timid as he used to be, but he certainly wasn\'t expecting Lena to take the kiss as far as she had by pushing him to let her explore his mouth with her tongue. He didn\'t object to this action as he still felt like he didn\'t quite know what he was doing.

Unlike what he was anticipating, Lena wasn\'t as forceful as she took control of the kiss even after she had taken it a step further. Her tongue and mouth were certainly in control of the kiss, but she didn\'t make painful or forceful but instead kept it at the same sensual pace he had set when he first kissed her.

Neither one knew how long the kiss lasted but they only broke off when they needed to breath. Lena\'s elevated breathing was more controlled than Samuel\'s was but neither one was ready to break their gaze away from the other but at the same time didn\'t seem intent on making a move to do anything else.

The only thing that broke them away from staring at each other and not moving from their current position was Lena\'s phone ringing in her pocket.

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