Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 76 - Looks Can Be Deceiving

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"First though, where did you go?" Samuel asked still wondering where Lena had disappeared to.

"I had to ask Romeo for a favor and go speak with Ryan about not rejecting my request for coffee in the future." Lena replied as she took her seat back at the desk.

"Romeo still works here? I bet he hasn\'t relaxed any since the last time that I saw him." Clarice mused, she didn\'t remember seeing the other when they were heading towards the princess\'s office. In fact most of the staff she had seen around were unfamiliar to her.

"Of course he hasn\'t, but then he wouldn\'t be doing his job right if he became soft over the years." Lena replied.

"You\'ll have plenty of time to talk with everyone later. Perhaps stay for dinner if you don\'t mind spending the whole day here."

"Doesn\'t sound like half bad of an idea, but I will have to see if my schedule will let me. After all your adorable fiancé isn\'t the only that I am looking after right now." Clarice as she shoot Samuel a smile.

"But on to more important things. How exactly is this supposed to go? I know you asked me here to help him out with finding out what fighting style would be best suited for him, but did you have something specific in mind or am I free to work as I please?" Now that she was talking business, Clarice\'s whole demeanor changed and she seemed far more serious compared to the laid back person she was a few seconds ago.

"I didn\'t have anything particular in mind. Sammy-boy doesn\'t have much experience in anything so it\'s going to all be from the basics up however you think would work best to train him." Lena replied with a shrug. She didn\'t have much of an idea herself as to what would be a good fit for the other.

"What exactly does that mean?" He interjected in hopes of understanding how his training was going to be taking place.

"It means, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time working together to figure out how best to teach you to fight. Don\'t worry I am more than qualified to teach any rookie regardless of what they do or not know." Clarice grinned.

"I\'m sure we will have a lot fun as well. I suppose I should let you know that I am very skilled in boxing, kickboxing, savate karate, jujitsu, Krav mag, among others.  I am sure out of one of those we can find something that will be a good fit for you." Samuel was beginning to reassess his initial impression of Clarice, perhaps she wasn\'t as harmless and laid back as she had original.

"She did a lot of traveling when she was younger to gain that experience as well. Thanks to her family\'s money and influence it hardly cost her anything of course. She just had to make sure she came back having taken the training seriously and learned something valuable from it." Lena further explained.

"She actually tried to convince Zane when she was younger to let her come with me, but he refused. She is his little princess after all and he didn\'t want to risk her getting hurt somewhere that he couldn\'t easily come and be at her side if anything happened."

"It wasn\'t like I was that defenseless even at that stage. I had already learned quite a few skills that would\'ve helped me just fine if anything had happened in the first place." Lena huffed. Samuel was rather enjoying listening to the two of them talk, it was one of the few times that he was getting to side a more animated side of Lena.

"Sorry, I\'m getting off track again now. It\'s rather hard not to though since it has been so long since I was last here for a visit and there\'s a lot to catch up on. I haven\'t seen him yet, but I also thought that your younger brother was supposed to be back visiting from the UK." Lena nodded her head in an affirmation of this.

"He is. Where is right now, I can\'t say, but he\'s probably busy catching up on his own work after being gone so long. There has been a lot that my father has been asking him to take over while I am preoccupied with other things."

"I see. We\'ll I guess I will have to track him down later to catch up as well. I wonder if he even remembers me since he was younger than you when we first met."

"Hard to tell, he tends to forget a lot of people if they don\'t remain in his life for long enough of a time." The princess replied.

"Really though back on to the focus of training. How much time are you looking at giving me with him each week? I remember you mentioned a number but I can\'t recall off the top of my head and I don\'t seem to have it written down anywhere."

"I had put it down for two hours a week in his schedule, but it\'s open for more or less depending on what you think that you\'ll need. We have other things going on around this time of course, but some of them can be shifted around if necessary." Lena replied as she picked up the schedule on her desk and handed it over for Clarice to see. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a glasses case. She needed reading glasses for these times otherwise she would never be able to tell what she was looking.

"I see. You do rather look like you have quite the busy schedule coming up. We can work with the two hours for now. I\'m not sure yet since we haven\'t started anything how much time I will be needing to get him in good shape. This is something that can be reviewed after this week however." Clarice explained as she gave the schedule a thorough lookover before she handed it back to Lena.

"Plus since I am here early, I suppose maybe I could steal a few more hours with him since it\'ll be the first day and I need to see what I am working with?" Clarice asked hoping that the answer would be yes.

"Certainly. I don\'t really think we have anything else planned for today unless something comes up later. I have to go to work at my business office today to sort out a few problems. I think that he should be fine though if he\'s working with you."

"I guess I don\'t really get a say in this?" Samuel asked. He didn\'t per say had an objection with the way that they were discussing the schedule he would be working with, but he had expected that Clarice would at least be spending a bit more time talking directly with him about it.

"Of course you get a certain amount of control over, but I also understand you agreed to a certain amount of this when Lena previously showed you the schedule that you would be working with." Clarice replied, turning her attention to him.

"Most of today wouldn\'t be spent doing anything too heavy anyways. When I talk about finding out what would work best for you, I mean not just physically working with you but discussing what your goals are and seeing what you\'re capable of. That\'s why it would be beneficial for me to steal more than just an hour of time today if I can. Evidentially we will also be taking breaks as needed. Time for stretching as well, but I will be expecting you to do that yourself once you get used it before I come over in order to save those few minutes of time and to make sure that your body will be in the best shape for us to begin training."

"What if I don\'t yet know what my goals are?" Samuel then asked. He had never really thought about what his goal behind training was beyond learning how to protect himself since that was what Lena mentioned as being important to her.

"Don\'t worry about that, we can figure it out as we go." Clarice replied, waving off his concern.

"I also forget to check that we do have a training space for this, right? Somewhere that I will be work with him without other people interfering?" Clarice glanced over at Lena when she said this. The princess reached into one of the draws in her desk and pulled out a key on a crimson lanyard. She tossed it to the other who caught it easily.

"We do still have the training room that is here. No one really uses it anymore so you\'re welcome to it and you can keep the key for now as well." She replied.

"Sounds good. Now I suppose before we get serious about anything, we should see about that cake. Can\'t hurt to have a little sugar before we dive into everything." Clarice said as she put the key in her pocket.

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