Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 98 - Not Sweet Enough

The mille-feuille were amazing although for Samuel it was something that was almost too sweet for the size. He was also partly surprised that Lena had gotten one for him. Not exactly that he thought she was that greedy, just more so that he knew how much she enjoyed sweets. Perhaps her one and only weakness.

He also noticed that it was one of the few times that she seemed genuinely happy with something. While she ate the majority of it rather quickly, the first few bites she always took her time with as though trying to savor and discern between all the different flavors that were present before she truly began to enjoy it. It had him wonder what happiness she associated with sweets that made her enjoy them so much.

The princess was happy that she got the sweet before she left as it was exactly what she needed. There was tiramisu left at home that she could\'ve had when they finished at the office, but she knew she probably wouldn\'t be in the mood to eat something so sweet that night knowing they would be back to the estate rather late and still need to eat dinner.

She took care of paying for the bill and made sure that Samuel wasn\'t allowed to see how much it cost. She didn\'t want her fiancé to worry about such trivial thing as how much a lunch out cost when it would hardly damage her pocket.

The rest of the day after returning to the office continued in the same manner that it had before they left for lunch. They both worked in silence unless there was something Samuel needed to clarify or something off he noted financially. Aside from this, the only other time that talking happened was when James came into the office to tell her that Genson had called and asked if they could move the appointment up because he had something else come up suddenly.

The princess wasn\'t thrilled to hear this sudden need for a change, but after looking at her schedule determined that it could happen if Eva was also able to make the time change. It was evident that she still needed someone to look into what was going on after all.

After their trip for lunch, Jeff decided to hang around and used the employee lounge to stay in while waiting for the two to be finished for the day so that he could drive them back.

They didn\'t end up leaving until after eight in the evening because Lena had too many things that she couldn\'t keep leaving unattended. Even after all the paperwork she signed and the few phone calls she made, there was still more that she needed to do and decided to take back home with her, and that was only the legal side of matters. The day after tomorrow she determined would be a good day to discuss her idea of buying at Samuel\'s uncle\'s business to become a part of her expansion. She would of course still allow him to be the CEO of it since she had no actual qualms with him, it was his wife that she wasn\'t fond of.

The princess ended up having to call Jeff on his cell phone to alert him that they were ready to leave as he ended up taking a nap while waiting for them. He didn\'t want to be too tired when he drove them back as it was a near hour drive and already rather late at night.

The first part of the drive wasn\'t bad as the city was well light up and allowed for plenty of lighting to see other cars without the need for the headlights to come on yet. The city was rather beautiful at night with the way the lights shone at different levels based upon the height of the various buildings. Samuel hoped that at some point they might get the chance to explore the city at night or in the evening to enjoy how beautiful it was and maybe even look around at some of the smaller shops hidden corners. Those shops always had something interested to sell or show off that couldn\'t be found elsewhere.

Lena seemed rather indifferent to the sights that they were passing by. She was watching out the window, but her eye said she was thinking about something else rather than actually paying attention the scenery.

"I guess I am really not sweet enough for you, am I?" Samuel\'s sudden odd comment caused her to turn her had and look at him rather confused to what he was talking about.

"You don\'t seem as happy when you\'re around me as you are when you\'re eating something sweet like the coconut and banana mille-feuille. Or even like you said the other day, you wanted something sweeter than me." He clarified figuring that she would understand what he meant if he said it that way.

"You\'re saying that you think that I don\'t enjoy your company as much as I enjoy sweets?" She asked to which he nodded his head.

"Well it\'s true that there is something better about sweet foods. Their flavor is almost always consistent, they are reliable when it come to lifting the mood and creating a high due to the energy that comes from sugar and unless someone steals them, they don\'t tend to go anywhere." Lena replied.

"But comparing company in such a situation between something that is inanimate with animate is rather a difficult thing to do. True, I do prefer sweets to a number of things and they are better than the sweetness that comes from other people because it\'s a consistent level of sweetness in things such as cakes pies, and other desserts, with people not so much." She further explained.

"I suppose than that would mean I wouldn\'t yet compare to the other people than you have been with?" Samuel asked watching her face to see what her expression would be or if she knew what he meant by that. Perhaps she had forgotten the comment that she had made to him when they first met, but he hadn\'t.

"Goodness, you really don\'t forget anything do you Sammy." He was surprised that Lena chuckled in response to his question as though she found it amusing. He was also always surprised that her laugh was an octave deeper than he imagined that it should\'ve been based upon her looks and height.

"By other people I presume that you\'re referring to potential partners or other guys that I had been with aside from you?"

"Well you did mention something about that when we first met." He replied back, still confused as to why the little queen had laughed at him over a question he was seriously wondering about.

"I did say that, but I said to what extent that I had been with anyone else to. Of course, I didn\'t say anything specific at the time as I wanted to gauge what your reaction would be." The princess confessed, taking a pause before she continued speaking.

"I\'ve only ever gone as far as kissing one, well two other guys in the past aside from you. Both during high school and both were quickly dropped when they thought that they had a right to try and move things further without discussing it with me." The princess explained, a slightly amused smirk on her face. She knew that Samuel had most likely expected her to confess to the fact that she had taken things further than that, but truth was both events happened out of curiosity with no desire on her end to go any further into any type of relationship.

"Kissing?" He asked rather taken aback by her response. "I always thought by how confident you were that you had probably taken things further than that." He told her causing her to make a tsk sound in response to what he said.

"Absolutely not. A person doesn\'t have to have experience in order to have confidence in anything, they just have to know what it is that they want and to consider how they want to get it." The princess told him.

"They may have wanted things to go beyond that, but I wasn\'t looking for a relationship, never have really been interested in one. The first was slightly more understanding of where I was coming from, the second one ended up with a broken nose because he didn\'t seem to understand when I explained to him that I didn\'t want a relationship and I wanted him to leave me alone." Hearing that sounded exactly like something he could imagine the princess doing if some one didn\'t listen to her.

"In your case, I don\'t happen to dislike your company, but I am still getting used to having someone else around me so much. When something isn\'t part of the plan you imagine for yourself, it can take a bit of getting used to when things change."

It sounded very much to Samuel like what he was trying to get used with realizing how close their official engagement was getting to becoming a reality.

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