Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 216 - Should Have Had Some Fun

A/N: Since there was no comment on way or another- no smut this time around unless readers ask for it.


After Leo had left, Samuel was alone with the brooding princess. She had finished her third or was it fourth glass? He had lost track with everything that was going on. Even though it was empty, she kept her gaze focused on the glass rather than paying any attention to the other.

The glare on her face indicated that she was still annoyed over what had happened. He wasn\'t quite sure what he should do to fix it however. He got the feeling that any kind of contact would get them back to square one again. Most likely though with an angry little devil who wouldn\'t be as gentle with him as before.

It wasn\'t that he would\'ve minded this as he was still feeling fairly turned on over what happened himself. It was his concern over who else was coming to unexpectedly come over and see what was going on. He wasn\'t certain everyone else would take as kindly to the situation as her brother had.

The only other one who might have would\'ve been Jovani. He also knew though that his older cousin would likely egg on the princess to take things a step further since he seemed to enjoy pushing her buttons. Speaking of the devil..

"Why the pensive tension over here between the two lovebirds?" He asked as he approached the table. He had come back to check on them because of something that Leo had mentioned to him.

He didn\'t quite tell the other man what happened, but it wasn\'t hard to guess with the scene in front of him. No wonder the younger brother had asked him to come over. The fiancés were still rather inexperienced when it came to certain areas of life.

"Nothing that\'s of much concern to you." Lena replied, her tone didn\'t hold as much annoyance as it had when her brother had come over. She was slurring quite a bit however because of the large amount of alcohol that she had had.

He glanced over at his cousin and raised an eyebrow, a small smirk at the corner of his lips. He hadn\'t missed the two rather pronounced marks that were on Lena\'s neck when she shifted position. The waiter hadn\'t come back yet to fill up her glass so there was no reason for her to being sitting so forward at the table thus she decided to lean back against the sofa.

Samuel gave the other uncertain look in response to the unspoken question. He had an idea what the other was thinking and evidentially already knew what had been going on. Thus, the younger cousin ended up mouth \'I don\'t know what to do\' to Jovani who looked between him and the princess.

Out of the three of them he certainly had more relationship experience. Eve however was nothing like the princess. She was a fairly easy woman to understand and he didn\'t have to do much to make her content. Even when they did argue, it was never something that they couldn\'t talk through and fix.

Give her what she wants?" Jovani suggested in a low tone of voice so only his cousin could hear what he was saying. Samuel made a face though that told him that as likely not the best idea.

He glanced over at Lena again. Even though her eyes were closed he could tell that she wasn\'t sleeping based upon the way that she was breathing.

"You\'re going to have figure these type of things out when they came up. The relationship conversation is going to have to be had sooner rather than later now that the two of you are one step closer to marriage." Jovani told his younger cousin as he patted him on the shoulder.

"Right now though, you\'re going to have just let the alcohol work itself out of both of your systems. Keep things low key and try later. I believe the rest of the family is coming back now anyways so it\'ll just be about time to leave." He was right when Samuel turned to look in the direction that the other was paying attention to, he could see that Zane was approaching while talking with Julius.

It was hard to tell by the expressions that was on their faces whether or not they had had a lot to drink while they were away from the table. If he had to guess the answer would\'ve been a yes. They were likely just better at holding their alcohol compared to him who hadn\'t ever drank that much.

"It\'s getting rather late. I presume everyone is about ready to check out for the night?" Zane asked when he came back over to the table. Jovani decided to sit down next to his cousin to make it seem less like there was something suspicious going on as it might come across if he was standing there and talking with the other.

"I believe so. Seems that one over there might have had a little too much to drink." Jovani replied as he pointed over to Lena who was still resting against the back of the sofa with her eyes closed and head tilted.

"I didn\'t have nearly enough to drink." The princess replied without opening her eyes. Despite her small size, she was actually fairly good at holding her alcohol. She had learned how to because certain people further up thought that it would a deficit for her as a woman if she didn\'t have good alcohol tolerance which could impact her ability to stay focused.

"Is everyone else already starting to leave?" She asked as she opened her eyes to look over at her father even though it was rather hard for her to focus at that moment.

"Some of the more troublesome ones are. The rest don\'t think that it\'s late enough to be leaving yet. They\'ll probably stay till near morning." the mafia boss replied as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it. He didn\'t often smoke, but Richard had offered the packet to him one he bumped into him a second. Something about wanting to get rid of them so he would stop smoking.

"Well if you need to stay for a while longer and make sure that there aren\'t any problems, I would be more than happy to watch over these two and take them back with me. Either to the estate or they could even crash the night at the hotel I\'m staying at. I doubt it would be a problem to get another room." Jovani suggested, an idea already going through his head as he glanced over Samuel to see what kind of expression was on his cousin\'s face when he said this.

Zane seemed slightly hesitant about it. He didn\'t distrust Jovani as much as he had before. He did know however that his daughter wasn\'t that fond of the other and wasn\'t quite sure what she would think if she didn\'t remember agreeing to go to the hotel with him.

"It\'s fine. He can take us if he wants." The princess replied without her father having to say anything about the matter.

"It\'s probably closer than the estate at this point and Clive can just pick me up in the morning." She reasoned, running a hand through her hair as she sat up. It wasn\'t the most desired situation, but she saw the sense in it with how much everyone else had been drinking as well.

Clive or her father were the only two people she trusted to drive her anywhere if they had been drinking. She knew though that Clive was busy with other things and if her father was sticking around, the other would want to be nearby in the event that anything happened.

"See? Won\'t be a problem at all. Alonso can drive us too since I\'m pretty certain that he hasn\'t been drinking anything to night with everything going on." Jovani remarked as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He would just then have to tell Eve what was going on so that she wouldn\'t walk into anything unexpected.

"You know though you can contact me if anything happens or you change your mind at any point." Zane reminded the two of them.

His daughter waved him off though as she stood up knowing that it would take her a moment to step the world around her from spinning after everything that she had been drinking. She also shifted the collar of her dress ever so slightly to cover the marks that she knew were there.

If Samuel wasn\'t worried about how she would\'ve reacted, he\'d have come over to help support her when he noticed how unsteady she was on her feet. He got the feeling though that Lena wouldn\'t have accepted his help even if he had offered it to her.. Perhaps it would\'ve been better if he just had some fun with her rather than pushing back against it.

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