Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 266 Safe

Jovani swallowed thickly as he waited for the person behind him to make the first move. It had been quite a while since the last time he had felt a gun pressed against his head.

He had honestly hoped that he would have been able to get away with going a few more years before he would have to deal with it again. Life didn\'t always work out the way people hoped it would. He had been taking note of a lot of that with the way everything had been playing out in the past few months.

Small beads of sweat were starting to roll down his forehead due to a mixture of the heat and stress over the current situation he was in. He could tell by the way that the other was breathing that he was somewhat out of breath and potentially having a hard time catching it as well which meant he wasn\'t completely unaffected by the current situation either.

"You do realize that I don\'t have anything else on me except for what is in my hand." He told the other person behind him as he felt them begin to rummage through his pockets and pat him down after the second gun at his lower back had retreated.

He made sure to keep his voice calm and level as he spoke in order to not trigger the other.

"Oh? Considering your personality, I would imagine that you would be one to keep something hidden on you that you wouldn\'t want to give away until the last minute." The other remarked as he continued to check Jovani\'s jacket and pants pocket.

The way that Jovani was standing was rather uncomfortable but he chose not to move in order to maintain his safety as he waited somewhat impatiently for the other to be finished with what he was doing.

"Is there anywhere else that you might be hiding something?" He was then asked after the other had finished searching all his pockets and not finding anything.

"I have a secret hidden pocket in a place that you would never suspect." He deadpanned.

Sarcasm turned out to be the wrong choice as the other smacked him the back of the head with the butt of the gun in not so gentle manner. He took in a sharp breath as his head throbbed in response to the action.

"Glad to see that even after all this time you don\'t pull your punches. Though I imagine if you had by now that you would have already been dead." He remarked.

"Are you going to answer my question seriously this time or am I going to have to use other means to get you to speak clearly?" The person behind him demanded. Jovani sighed in response to this question.

"I did answer you honestly once already but it seems that you chose not to believe me. The only thing that I have on me is what I have here in my hand." He repeated.

"Would it make you feel better if I dropped so I don\'t even have something in my hand even though you can see it clearly?" He then clarified.

He wouldn\'t mind doing it if it would get the other to remove the gun from the back of his head. The feeling of metal was really starting to get on his nerve. It was cold and felt weird against the back of his head.

"Drop it and then maybe I will consider allowing you to move freely." The other replied in a cold tone of voice.

Jovani rolled his eyes slightly before he dropped the gun on the ground. It made a muted \'thud\' sound as it hit the grass. The person behind him didn\'t hesitate to kick it away in order to make sure that Jovani wasn\'t going to be able to get his hands on it again.

"Happy now? Can I finally turn around and move freely or is there anything else that you might need to check?" The Vedova Nera boss asked as he waited to hear what the other\'s reply was going to be.

He didn\'t even understand why he was in the current position in the first place since the whole reason he had come there was to help out and make sure that everyone was okay.

He had thought that everything would go smoothly but instead found him in the current unexpected position. He really needed to stop underestimating people so much.

"I suppose that if you do it slowly, I won\'t mind you turning around." The other conceded as he moved the gun away from Jovani\'s head.

He didn\'t say anything as he turned around to face the other man who was standing behind. The mo0ment that he set his eyes on him, a deep frown settled on Jovani\'s face.

"Well, I can\'t deny that you look far more shitty than I had expected you to. Do I even try to take a guess at what happened?"

"I believe the state of the car and the bodies laying here should give you more than enough of an idea of what exactly happened." The other replied as he holstered the gun.

"Zane. Really. After coming this far to help you, you decide that you\'re just going to take my gun like that and not give it back to me?" Jovani asked in a rather wounded tone of voice.

The cold look that he received from the other man told him that right now wasn\'t the time for him to be doing all of his joking.

"Is there something more serious going on than what I am seeing in front of me?" Jovani asked.

Zane certainly didn\'t look to be in good shape from what he could see. The bleeding from his head had stopped by this point but the injury still looked rather nasty. His one was swollen partly shut as well from other injuries he had received fighting off the two men who had come looking for him.

"I\'m not the one who needs to being worried about right now. The other two are still stuck in the car and we need to be able to get them out. I highly doubt that either one of them has woken up yet and I\'m not sure the state of Clive." Zane replied as he turned back to face the car.

"Allow me to do it then. Why don\'t you take my phone here and call Samuel or Lena to let them know everything is okay." Jovani offered the other man his phone.

He however didn\'t get as far as handing the phone off to the other when he noticed the other mafia boss had started to lose consciousness.

Jovani barely managed to catch the other but not without wincing under his unexpected weight.

Not the one who he needed to be worried about? Considering the current circumstance, it seemed like Zane was in the same boat as everyone else.

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