Arranged Marriage To The Princess Of The Red Scorpions

Chapter 354 - 354 Potential Soluation

Lena leaned over the edge of the roof to peer down at the entrance below. Why had no one come? Invisible security had been tight around the hospital but surely this would be the best time for anyone to make their move. Why did they only seem keen on attacking those who were away from her family? Lena shut her eyes as the night breeze brushed across her cheeks and pushed her hair into her face. It would need to be tied back before tomorrow. All the recent trouble had made it become a hassle to properly take care of the long, ruby, red strands that had begun to get tangled due to lack of attention.

Lena gather up many of the lose strands, her eyes lingered on them for a few seconds. You look really nice with your hair pulled back. Samuel’s comment floated through her mind. Lena gritted her teeth before roughly bundling the hair up and tucking into the hoody of her jacket. Now was no time for her mind to go wandering on to such things. Sentimental feelings had no space in this type of life.

Despite thinking this, the princess found herself having pulled out her phone to look down at his contact information. Julian, Richard both of them told her to call him. What good would it do though? This wasn’t some kind of typical romantic spat they had.

Normal, healthy relationships didn’t involve one half of the couple pulling a gun on another. In the legal world, that kind problems ended with a breakup or being greeted by the inside of a jail cell. Neither of which Lena appealed to Lena. Their relationship and world were hardly normal by any means but that didn’t mean she could get away with such things without there being some form of repercussion. What should she do then?

Lena stared down at the phone until her eyes became dry from not blinking and being unable to look away. One more thing that she couldn’t come up with a satisfactory answer to. This really needed to stop becoming a habit. With a low growl, she shifted away from Samuel’s contact information and instead moved to call Hester. If she couldn’t come up with an answer to that, she would address the other issue at hand. A small idea had begun to form at the back of her head she hopped would work out.

“Hold your apologizes for now. I’m not calling because you did anything wrong. I am only reaching out to ask your opinion about a matter that has been brought to my attention. Do you think that having additional help would make it easier for you to get through the list faster or have you figured out how to crack it?” Lena turned, folding one hand under her arm a she tucked them clothes to her body to brace against the cold as the wind began to pick up. She wouldn’t make a decision yet. Not until she had the information to decide what to do about.

“You don’t have to hesitate in what you think. I’m just looking for a straight yes or no. I don’t need a reason or excuse as to why it would help. Pride isn’t something that we can afford to have right now.” Funny, she said that yet somehow she couldn’t find a way to let go of her own. The Princess silently grumbled under her breath as her computer professional continued to fumble about how to answer the question on the other end of the phone. She knew what he was getting at, she just wanted him to say it for himself.

“Hester, yes or no. One word, five seconds or I’m going to be asking you to come down here tonight to finish this conversation and I don’t think that is something that either one of us want.” If Hester came, Julian would get involved and that would muddle the goal that Lena was working towards.


“Good. That is all that I need to know. I want you to do me a few favors then. Continue working on the list tonight but I want you to get about taking care of them tomorrow.” Lena would still figure out the right way to make matters turn in her favor.

Richard might not have been wrong in his suggestion or guess, Lena wanted to be one hundred percent certain for a fact though. Nothing could be left to a chance after everything that took place. It would be a long shot, but given time and patience, she knew that she could make it work.

The only thing that could potentially cause problems was if she couldn’t get everyone else to agree with her line of thought. Romeo wouldn’t be a problem. The bodyguard rarely hesitated to as the other requested. Job or loyalty didn’t matter when it came to such situations. All Lena needed was someone who wouldn’t question her.

“You made sure to write all of that down? I don’t want you to forget anything before you come here tomorrow. I want you to bring the other with you as well and we can focus on calling them once we get that sorted out.” Lena waited for the other to confirm before she ended the call.

Lena put her phone back into her pocket before picking up the brown bag and heading towards the rooftop stairwell.

If Richard didn’t agree with what she had planned or wanted to do, then she would just have to excluded him.

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