Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 8 Stupid And Noble.

Chapter 7: Stupid and Noble.

Kein\'s POV

I walked leisurely around the gardens once I realized I actually have no more canvases and I was running out of more paint as I opened the abandoned shed where I keep all my art things hidden.

Meaning I have to buy more. "Perfect!"

Aunt Haren has another weird tea party where they can gossip about each other and nobles outside that circle.

Nobles have it hard, technically \'Kein\' or I would also be considered of noble blood but no I\'m not. I\'m mostly thankful because their relationship with each other there is similar to a love and hate plastic relationship.

Other than my needed art supply. I also forgot to buy some healing ointments from last time but now that I have a thousand gold!

I need to buy a lot of it because seriously I\'m still getting bruises from all these abusive people inside the mansion. All minor ones, still haven\'t broken a bone yet thankfully for that they haven\'t done anything life-threatening. "Should I ask Lenard to come with me?"

"Hmm…" It would be fun to spend time outside with my cousin but I doubt he\'ll have the time thanks to his piano lessons that are the same as Lucas.

"Ugh, maybe next time! For now, I\'ll go out on my own buttt before that, I think I still have paper and a charcoal pencil over here..." I muttered as I sat down on the cool bench and began sketching.

Thanks to my photographic memory I managed to sketch quite decently but I know it won\'t be enough. It\'ll just make an excuse for me to use later on.

I stored the sketch in my [Storage Ring] but only when I made sure I was completely alone. I can\'t risk getting caught by any of them and then interrogating me how the hell did I even get a magic tool with how poor I am.

Alright, I should get going now so I can come back before my nonexistent dinner. Oh right! Thanks to this ring I can store food and not starve!

Time to buy food that won\'t rot easily then ones with a long shelf life. Maybe dried ones like beef jerky, nuts, or honey.

Oh yeah, I should buy some of those [Wasp Honey] from last time. I never got to taste it.


An hour before I arrived at the big city again. The people were still living freely and happily using their magic like it was a part of their everyday life.

It still weirds me out but it is a good way to think back on earth. In my time people would love to see this and I bet my daughter on earth would even want to study and observe the magic in this world but. I wonder if Kein— well me, this body has magic too?

"Get ya fish! Fresh from the docks!" (Store owner)

"Miss? Sir? Perhaps I can interest you with the latest wares?" (Store owner)

"You look lost! Do you need a map to guide you the way?" (Store owner)

"Baskets! Get your weaved baskets!"

Oh, I recognize that voice! It was the pretty lady, Veronica!

I quickly ran to her stall and waved. She recognizes me immediately and waves back, "The little charmer! Came back so soon? How was the Baron?"

I smiled, "He was definitely a wise and kind person." I told her and she looked pleased at the discovery.

"And I thought him being a kind noble was just a rumor. You know it was obvious how he\'s an art collector right? I heard he started collecting art to remember the memories of his wife who loved art, she sadly passed away just last year." (Veronica) explained.

If I\'m being honest, it makes sense! All those portraits, all neatly cleaned, were treated like treasures so it was because of his wife? "He sure has suffered a lot..."

Veronica nods as she sighs in agreement, "Yes he has, and oh my— I\'m sorry I got sidetracked. So do you need some baskets?" she asks.

I shook my head, "I won\'t be needing them."

Veronica frowns for a moment before hiding it with a smile, "Aw, maybe I\'ll get another customer later. Sales hasn\'t been going well..." she chuckled. "So what are you here for then?"

I almost took out the sketch that I made this morning from my [Storage Ring] but thankfully my smart ass stopped me and managed to think this whole thing through.

Okay, so I\'ll put my hands into my pockets and take out the letter there so she won\'t notice. I took out the sketch successfully without raising any suspicion and showed it to Veronica. "A sketch that I did, as thanks for giving me the free fruit." I looked away shyly.

"I was also wondering if it\'s alright to paint you some time as the thanks for helping me get into the Baron\'s estate?" my intentions might have come off a little too much.

Veronica smiled so widely when she saw my sketch. It was a black and white tone, her hair dropped on the side as she weaved baskets by hand. "You know if my eyes weren\'t doubting me. I think you\'re flirting with me." she joked.

"What? Me? Flirt? Nah." My tone was playful and she got the message.

"If only you were fifteen years older then maybe I would\'ve said yes but don\'t tell my boyfriend that. He\'ll be mad." (Veronica) says , chuckling as she keeps the sketch close to her chest. "Thank you, this definitely made my day."

Aw man she\'s taken already? Well, time to move on...

"I\'m glad it did so, do you know where I can buy some healing ointments or oil?" I asked, scratching my head remembering another reason why I came into the city.

Veronica points west, "Just take a left and then right you\'ll see a Magicare sign. It\'s where people shop for things with medicinal properties, relaxing properties, and beautification properties."

"So it\'s like a Watsons?" I muttered accidentally and remembered the store we used to go through back on earth.

"Pardon? A Watsons?" (Veronica) tilted her head in confusion to the last words.

"Ah sorry, just another store I remembered," I explained my mouth slipping some earth shit here and there. "Still thank you. Um, actually can I buy some baskets then as thanks?"

Her eyes light up and immediately gives me the most two beautifully weaved baskets I\'ve ever seen. Blue and Orange colored, one with pink roses as a design and the other is an orange sun. "These are the best ones I\'ve made so far so please take them!"

I smiled and paid generously for her. Veronica looked so pleased and happy I bought some of her baskets. I\'m only guessing she didn\'t have many customers today and seeing me buy something made her happy.

"And by the way my name is Kein. I kinda forgot to tell you that but little charmer is also a nice name." I chuckled and blushed a little, the tip of my ears were probably red by now. I hope Veronica won\'t notice.

"Oh! Finally nice to get your name. I won\'t stop calling you little charmer still but anyways here!" (Veronica) takes out another fruit like last time.

"Is it alright to take another free fruit?" I ask.

Veronica nods, "We have a fully ripe tree in our backyard. Some of them are being wasted... so I only give free fruits to cute little kids like you."

Ouch, that last part hurt me a bit. The pains of being a kid, sure you can have some harmless flirting. Mentally wise! I\'m not a kid though!

Stupid kid body. If it weren\'t for you I would\'ve been having fun right now. Whatever that means.

I crossed my arms and pouted. "I\'ll take your word for it," I told her as I took the free fruit from her hands and waved goodbye to Veronica.

She\'s definitely a nice lady, even if she\'s not getting many people to buy her baskets I think it\'s her passion.

To weave. I mean, I respect that and she\'s my type. I tossed the fruit up and caught it being bored out of my mind as I took a bite. The taste of mango and banana overcame my tongue. So this fruit is called [Kinuyo].

Not bad. I stored the baskets that I bought in my [Storage Ring] temporarily.

I walked to the west where I immediately found the place I was looking for. "They couldn\'t have made the sign more um... noticeable huh."

I laughed as I saw a huge pink sign with the words [Magicare]!!! on it. "It\'s so... pink."

Well, the outside store also seemed so inviting with all the pink frilly colors. It also smelled like sweet perfume even from the outside. I can already take the scent from here. This is really cool. "Well, time to hope it has what I need."

I walked towards the door and opened it and went inside. The whole room was also pink and there was just pink all over. "Hiiiii~ Welcome to [Magicare]! The store where we can provide care to your beauty needs! And oop— hold up a child?"

I awkwardly stood there as I looked at the other patrons. There were all women in their mid-20s or 30s busy looking through all the other beauty products they have available.

The person who welcomed me looked confused and eyed me curiously, "Are you a servant sent out by our regular customer? Oh my! Then you must have a list then! Please give them to me so I may be able to assist you, hun."

They had red fiery messy hair, and crimson lipstick but still I could tell by their features it was masculine but their movement was really feminine. "Um. Miss, I\'m actually not a servant." I told them.

They gave a little dramatic gasp, "Oh my you cute little thing then. And oh you called me miss! Hun, that\'s a first! I do look beautiful, don\'t I? But don\'t be fooled fufu! I do wish I was a Miss instead though."

I smile, I think I know what they mean, "Even though you\'re really beautiful?"

They smile, "Inside?"

"On both. Don\'t worry, I know the feeling." I told them.

They blink, "Intriguing but I suppose you\'re a customer so welcome! Please call me Madam Prisha."

I nodded and looked around the shelves. There were lots of bottles of lotions, pills, and just... stuff that would say your skin would be more smoother than before. Oh! Glad that behind all these products they have ingredients and magical effects on the back.

"So what are you looking for?" (Madam Prisha) asks as they gave me a quick curious look.

"Healing ointments," I told them as I looked at the healing properties section. I just need the perfect ointment but I guess to know that is getting to see the most expensive one in here. "No, not this one... wait, is this more expensive or...?"

"Hmm..." (Madam Prisha) joins me as they take out a little bottle. "Why don\'t you give this a try, honey?"

I take the bottle they were holding and read the label behind it. "Oh! Yeah, this is perfect! Thank you! How much is it?"

"3 gold." (Madam Prisha) smiles as they open their hand to take the payment. I took out three gold coins and gave it to them.

Wow, these are expensive and just for a little bottle. "I know it was perfect I can tell." (Madam Prisha) tells me coyly as they eyed my arm. "I can smell the dry blood from over here. My nose is really sensitive you see~"

My eyes widened as I grabbed my upper arm where I got cut by one of the maids. Shit. It was just yesterday but... I never thought... I glared at them because I was just surprised I felt like there was a wolf behind their face but...

They just smiled softly and gave me another bottle, "You might need another one. It\'s on the house for calling me something I would never expect today."

I eyed the bottle in their hands... "Really just for that? Won\'t your boss notice it?"

Madam Prisha shakes their head, "Oh they already know. I am the boss after all~"

Wow okay, I was half guessing it but okay. I got free stuff twice a day. What luck?

I suppose I can\'t turn their generous offer down... it would be rude after all. I reached for the bottle and took it in my hands, "Thank you, Madam Prisha. I was also wondering where your bandages and disinfectant section are?"

They smiled and pointed me to another shelf, "You\'re welcome hun, now if that will be all~ I\'ll go see what my other customers need. Heyyy ladies~! Madam Prisha coming your way!"

I smiled, bought the bandages, disinfectant, and left the store. Those cost about a few silver coins which was nice.

"I might make this another place I can visit again. I feel like there\'s more to this place than just a beauty products store."

How do I know? I have a good gay bar radar. Back on earth when my friends were walking around Tokyo even if the place looked normal during the day but during the night it was like a gay paradise.

Oh! Right, I could use Veronica\'s baskets for this so I won\'t look suspicious while walking. I took it out carefully making sure no one would see me and I placed the two bottles of healing oil on the orange one with the sun design. I smile contentedly, "Now I can buy the paints and needed canvas now. Maybe medium ones again or large ones today?"

I held my chin trying to find my way into the art store that I found before. "Oh, there it is. Almost walked past it."

I opened the door and immediately loved the smell of paint in the morning— er it\'s already afternoon. I walked over to the paint section and began looking through the tubes of paint. "I\'ll take ten of these," I told the owner and prepared the things that I needed.

I placed all the paints in my basket smiling and stored the canvases in my [Storage Ring]. Thank goodness for this ring! I really owe Baron Hills a lot for this. I don\'t need to carry heavy stuff in all but I wonder what\'s the maximum space of this ring?

Well, other than that I think I\'m good now. I have more time to look for food that will last me for a bit when they decide to lock me up in the closet again and make me skip dinner.

"Smart move, Kein." I high-five myself, after that however I realized how lonely I was talking to myself and sighed. I wish Lenard was with me shopping through here, I could use the company.

I walked back into the market where there were bottled foods too, amazing. Okay let\'s see...

"Oh, no way! That person is selling cheese! I need it in my life! Excuse me, sir! Can I buy two rolls of these?" I hurriedly walked over to the man with foreign clothing. It reminded me of the Arabian clothing back on earth which was cool!

"50 silver for a roll." The man told me as he packed the two rolls of cheese.

"Here you go! Thank you!" I gave him the one gold coin and went on my way.

"Wait what\'s that smell?!" It smelled like roasted peanuts. I followed the scent and saw a lady wearing a worn-out \'Barot at saya\' but still her smile was so wide when I walked up to her.

"Do you want to try?" she asks me and I nod.

"Yooo! These nuts are sweet." I said while a nice old woman gave me some cooked peanuts but it was purple in color. "What are these called?"

"[Ubie Nut Roast]. It\'s a delicacy where I\'m from." The nice old lady answered as she focused on steaming the nuts some more.

"I\'ll take a small bag of these ma\'am, thank you!" I told her as she nodded and gave me a bag of it. "How much is it?"

"20 silver coins." She opened her palm and I gave her the money. "Thank you."

I waved goodbye and went on my way to the store that sold dry foods. "Ah, there we got some beef jerky. It\'s a little tough but it\'s good. How much is this?"

"10 silver for two strips." The owner replied as he butchered fresh meat, a little blood splattering on his face and clothes.

"I\'ll take five."

It was a long haul as I bought more than I should. Including flour and some sweet otherworld candy.

It was fun. Maybe I make pizza too, I bought the other meat, yeast, and vegetables needed. I also found a fruit similar to pineapple but it just looked different.

I sighed as my feet began to hurt. Maybe I should go somewhere a little more private and less crowded. I walked to the corner of the city where there was a little hill and I saw a huge tree and immediately I\'m sure there\'s bound to be some shade and cold air there.

I walked a little struggling in my worn-out shoes. I stretched my back once I finally reached the top of the hill and finally sat down in the grass.

I was alone and tired. Maybe I should take a little nap. I stored the baskets in my [Storage Ring] so that no one could steal anything as I relaxed myself, back pressed against this huge tree. I looked up and admired the beautiful colors of the leaves.

It was yellow as the wind blew and the leaves danced around the air. "I wish I could stay here for a while..." I closed my eyes and dreamed of my daughter wondering if she\'s safe and well.

"Hey! Is someone down there?"

My eyes widened at the sudden voice calling out. I looked left and right but found no one. "Up here!"

Up here?

Finally, I looked up and saw the same girl in the market who was fighting with a stall owner for an apple before who was high up in a tree.

I worrily stood up as I shouted, "What the heck are you doing there?! How did you even climb up that high?!"

The tree was more than ten feet high and she was standing around at one of the strong branches. "I-I don\'t know. I followed a stray cat and they got stuck in the tree and I tried saving the cat but I got stuck in here instead..."

I facepalm myself looking at the girl. Who would save a cat that\'s stuck in a tree only to get stuck in there instead?! "You... are just... ugh. You don\'t know how to get down then."

"I-Is it that obvious?" she holds onto one of the branches firmly not daring to look down.

"It is." I told her and I tried looking for a way to save her without getting hurt. "Okay, you have to trust me. You can pick two choices, try and get down yourself or just jump down and pray I\'ll catch you."

"W-What? Jump down?!" She panicked as she looked down the tree before looking away in fear.

"If you don\'t want me catching you then get down yourself or else you\'ll be stuck there all night." I told her as I crossed my arms waiting for her decision.

So much for a good nap.

She gulped. With the right kind of push, her feet anchored her weight as she tried climbing down the huge tree.

The wind blew and I noticed she was actually wearing a dress on top of it all. I looked away quickly and waited for her to come down. "Are you done yet?" I asked.

"N-No and why are you looking away from me?! What if I fall?!"

"I\'m looking away just in case," I told her, not wanting to explain. How can she even climb a tree up that high in a dress? This is one stubborn kid.

"What do you mean by that—" her words got cut off as her hand lets go a part of a branch and falls. "Kyahhh!"

"Ah wait!"

I quickly opened my arms and caught her but in the process, I was also trampled down and got used as a whoopee cushion. "Ah, that hurts."

I felt the weight of her body as I moved to stand up first to check on the girl. "Are you still alive?" I tried to check her face for any wounds but then remembered a shawl was hiding her face so I couldn\'t.


I clicked my tongue, "I swear this is the second time I\'m saving you, what\'s your name?"

"R-Rose." she told me as she got up patting down her dress and sat opposite me.

"Rose, don\'t climb a tree if you know you\'re afraid of heights and you know you can\'t go down," I told her as I crossed my arms again, ouch. The bruises on my arm still haven\'t healed so I felt a little sting.

"I-I am not afraid! I swear the cat was stuck and I wanted to free them!"

I sighed, "Cats always land on their feet. They are capable of taking care of themselves. This is what I mean when I say you\'re too noble; it\'ll only lead you to trouble as well for others."

Rose frowns as a little bead of tear almost escapes her eyes, "I-I\'m sorry— I just wanted... the cat..."

I pat her head awkwardly when I panicked that a girl was about to cry in front of me, "Don\'t worry, what I just mean is just be more careful next time."

"I-I\'m sorry..."

"Stop with the sorry jeez. Also, let me see your hand."

Rose lets me see her hand as she opens her right palm. I saw a huge cut from when her hand slipped from before. "This is not too bad but we need to get it treated. I need you to close your eyes."


"Trust me."

Rose blinks before closing her eyes, her hand a little tense but still I just needed to close her eyes so I can take out the healing oil, and bandages. Her breathing was a little hard as she looked away.

That was adorable if I\'m not lying. Too bad I can\'t see her face because it was covered. I took out the things that I needed and cleaned her hand first.

I disinfected the cut, and Rose whimpered a little. "This is just a disinfectant so don\'t worry." I told her and her body relaxes.

I smile, "Okay, I\'ll pour the healing oil now so it\'ll feel a little cold." I warned her and poured a little.

"Is it almost done?" (Rose) asks, voice a little worried.

"Nope, I just have to bandage it and be done." My hands were really quick to apply bandages over her hands. After all, I can call myself a professional bandager. "You can open your eyes now by the way."

Rose slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see her hand so neatly bandaged. I quickly hid all the things I used before she could see and smiled at Rose, "T-Thank you and I\'m sorry."

I shook my head, "I\'ll take the thank you but enough saying sorry. That\'s like the third time now."

"Oh um I\'m sorry— not again..." (Rose) covers her face with her hands as she looks away from me, a little embarrassed.

I laugh remembering a friend back on earth who said sorry a lot if he weren\'t so gullible I would\'ve punched him to stop, "It\'s okay, now well... I think it\'ll heal in a day or two so take care of that hand."

Rose nods, "What\'s your name?"

I sat beside her and answered, "Kein."

"Kein..." (Rose) looks at her bandages before looking at me.


"You have a really pretty name." (Rose)

"Thank you," I told her as I awkwardly remembered it\'s not really my name but hey I\'m sure Kein will be flattered wherever she is...

"Do you have any last name?" (Rose) asks me as she fiddles with her fingers.

I raised my eyebrows a little weirdly and like... okay why is she suddenly so talkative? "It\'s Rosenguard. My whole name is Kein Rosenguard."

Rose smiles hearing my answer and mumbles something I couldn\'t hear.

"Are you good?" I ask worriedly.

Rose nods. "When can we meet again?"

I\'m not sure. I rarely get chances like these but for now, "During weekends I have the days to myself so maybe by then?"

"Can we make this place our meeting spot?" (Rose)


"See you on the weekend then!" She stands up and runs away from me and I was left there sitting like what the fuck just happened? Did I just unconsciously make a promise to someone I just met twice?

After all that hell I decided to go home and hide all the things that I needed.


Hi guys we\'re you curious on what Rose actually mumbled back then?

"It\'s Rosenguard. My whole name is Kein Rosenguard."

Kein answered as she looked at Rose suspiciously who\'s heart and mind were racing. "Then if we get married... I will be Rose Rosenguard."

Whoa girl chill. You guys are just kids, maybe wait till you\'re both adults. Rose just got her first crush.

Next chapter, might update the day after tomorrow. Please vote! And stay safe!

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