Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 17 Muse.

Chapter 13: Muse.

Kein\'s POV

I looked out of the window of this bland mansion as the squeaky sound was heard every time I wiped the dust off the glass window. My feet tapped on their own as I hummed.

"Hmm~ hm hm..." The music, her figure as her feet danced through the floor gracefully twirling as the light came to be under her. It was so radiating, captivating, it made my heart enthralled.

That princess from the church.

The one that danced so inspiringly, I must ask her to be my muse. Is it weird to think of that? I never felt this way in such a long time.

Even if it\'s one time, my hands are really restless to paint.

I need to ask Lenard about this. I found Lenard at his favorite place, in the garden where he was watering the flowers as always while in his other hand was an open book he was reading from. He seemed so into the book he never noticed me going behind his back.

"Hey Lenard, how close do you think Vincent is with the royal family?" I asked out of nowhere.

Lenard turns around finally noticing me, he was taken aback but managed to compose himself at the last minute. "You scared me, please don\'t sneak up on me like that, Kein!" (Lenard)

Ah sorry. I moved back a little to give him some space as we sat down on a near bench, he nestled his book to his chest as he placed the metal watering can beside him. "Sorry but I really had to know because I\'m itching to paint someone I saw."

Lenard looked at me suspiciously, "It\'s the first princess isn\'t it?"

I gave him a confused look. Was I that obvious? "How did you know?"

Lenard sighs and scratches the back of his neck nervously, "Often I realize when you\'re fascinated with something. There\'s this twinkle in your eye that was very obvious and after the Mistral dance you\'ve been entranced all the time. I\'m sorry Kein but I saw you trying to even dance in the hallway that\'s where I got it." (Lenard)

Wait since when?! I don\'t recall even trying to dance in the hallway. I was mostly tapping my feet and nodding into the beat. "I don\'t think what I was even doing was dancing. Just nodding and some tapping."

"To me it was, Kein." (Lenard) gave me a dead stare as I looked away.

"Agh well do you think you could ask Lord Vincent if I can paint one of the Royal family? I\'m really itching to use this inspiration." I pleaded with my cousin using these blue puppy eyes of mine hoping it would work.

He hesitated for a moment and I felt my powers working on my cousin. Finally he crosses his arms and fixes his glasses that were resting on his nose. "Hmm, I\'ll ask but no promises." (Lenard)

"Thank you! That\'s all I really need." I only hope I can get all the materials needed to get going. Ever since I won the painting competition I\'ve been spoiling myself with art materials and bought myself colored pencils and thicker paper to sketch on.

Of course, I stored them all in my [Storage Ring] so that no one would know where I put them. I hope to get a reply from Vincent soon. I looked at my palms, my fingers already aching to hold a brush again.

My hands can\'t wait to paint this feeling. I truly wonder what kind of princess is the first princess?


Days have passed of my tireless waiting. I never left the mansion. I was anxious about any news that would come so I didn\'t risk going out or anything but rather just waited. At least all my tireless waiting was done when Lord Vincent actually visited and called me out to talk.

It was in the middle of my chore session so the maids were eyeing me really skeptically.

"Well, I have asked and you can be permitted to enter the castle to paint for the royal family." (Lord Vincent) picked up his tea as we sat together in another part of the garden. It was a beautiful private greenhouse where all the exotic flowers that can be sold at a high price can be seen. It seems that this family is full of green thumbed people.

Lenard likes to water plants, and I think his father would be the same. I can\'t expect Aunt Haren nor Lucas to ever water plants. If most likely the only thing they\'ll be doing to plants is burning them.

I wasn\'t allowed in here for reasons so it\'s my first time, thankfully with Lord Vincent summoning me I was permitted to go in. I really owe Lenard on this one. "Really? It\'s that easy?"

Lord Vincent chuckles, "Of course not, you\'ll be going through a lot of background checks but do not fret. You won the annual painting competition if I remember correctly."

I nod, "It would practically make a good resume submission. I won, that should count as something."

"Kein Rosenguard, your name has already been spreading slowly after winning. Even my father has heard of it and is questioning where to find you. My father visited Baron Hill\'s home only to see many of your works and he was impressed." (Lord Vincent) said smiling. I never saw him smile at me but I guess this is... good? Smiling at a person means you trust them right?

"In exchange for letting in the palace and paint all your fantasies about the first princess. You\'ll accept a commission from my father, of course it will be paid." (Lord Vincent) continued and my heart was happy after he said the word \'paid\'.

Ah thank goodness. Painting is not easy money, you know. Artists have to earn and the cost of good paint is really expensive. Or I think I\'m just a really cheap person and if anything is above 10 Gold I see it as something really expensive.

"Thank you, Lord Vincent for the opportunity." I said to him, he earned my respect a long time ago and I leave my cousin\'s care in your hands.

"That\'s your first time calling me with the title Lord, if I\'m being honest it\'s rather weird. I think Vincent would be alright, I\'m already calling you Kein on a whim after all." (Lord Vincent) takes a sip of his tea and finishes it with a clunk.

"You got it, boss Vincent."

"The next nickname you had for me was horrible please stick to Lord Vincent." he says, almost spilling the drink on his tea.

"Yes, milord."

"I will be seeing you in a week to make preparations and adjustments. The first princess is a busy person after all." (Lord Vincent) said as I nod in understanding.

I escorted him out of the private greenhouse and walked. "Are you not going to visit Lenard by the way?" I ask him.

"I already did. Lenard and I had a pleasant chat but I\'m afraid I\'ll need to go to another appointment of mine." (Lord Vincent)

"So what do you think of my cousin actually?"

He looked at me weirdly but still answered, "He\'s a nice friend and companion. I am lucky to have met an understanding person. Someone who won\'t judge for what the norm of this society expects."

I hum for a moment, agreeing with everything he said. "You know what. I\'ll take that answer for now."

"Were you perhaps expecting a different answer?" (Lord Vincent) asks.

"Yeah but this answer was nice." I told him as we both stopped at the gates, the horses from his carriage snorting as the coachman went down and bowed to Vincent.

"My Lord, will we depart?" (Coachman)

Vincent nods and looks in my direction, "I will come pick you up. Do not forget in a week. I have already asked Viscount Yulien for permission to borrow you. He doesn\'t know for what but whatever you will do, keep it a secret."

I gulped. I have a bad feeling about this. "Meaning if I\'m questioned I have to always say it\'s none of your business? What if I get punished-"

His eyes widened from my reply but he nodded, "Yes just… use more polite words next time." (Lord Vincent)

"You can count on me boss."

He rolls his eyes but I can see a faint smile under all that sassiness, "Don\'t ever call me that again."

"No promises."

He gets inside his carriage with a gaze like he doesn\'t care for the world, but in reality the burden he bears as the Duke\'s son is overwhelming. I got back to the mansion and saw the three maids; Dottie, Maddie, and of course the leader of the queen bee maids- Madelyn.

Man, I hate that woman.

"Well, well, well. Our little helper getting visits from Duke Wolford\'s son? Spill all you know if you know what\'s best for you." (Madelyn) stepped her foot up front as she leveled with me. "Unless you don\'t want your back to be covered in burns like last time. I could make the madam happy with the news you bring after all! And what is that I hear? I hear cha-ching."

She\'s really a horrible person that\'s a slave to money. "Yeah! Dottie and I can help you pinning her down again!" (Maddie) the follower yelled enthusiastically. Dottie just looks at me, her eyes are really unreadable.

"So are you going to spill? Madam will be my rise to paycheck. Now talk or- I summon thee fire to destroy my enemy, [Fire Magic: Fireball]. You don\'t want to surely go through that again now?" (Madelyn) smiles so smugly as if she doesn\'t even have much empathy to begin with.

Her mind is being clouded with money.

"It was just some talk about what to get Lenard for his birthday, why?" I tried controlling my voice because I wasn\'t really into lying but I think I\'m screwed either way. I\'m only hoping she\'s one of those stupid maids in isekai but-

"You\'re lying. I know you took me for a fool but I can smell a lie when I hear one." (Madelyn) holds my wrist as she beckons the fire in her hand closer to my face. "I\'m a little sad that I can\'t hurt your little pretty face. Madam\'s orders, generous isn\'t she."

I can feel the heat of the fire as I couldn\'t escape from her grasp, "Let go of me you-"

She smiled so terrifyingly as she pressed the fire down to my right hand where she was gripping wrist. I screamed in pain as she held my hand even tighter, my hand! I kneeled to the ground as I hissed in pain. My eyes were filled with so much rage as I looked at Madelyn. "Why are you doing this to me?! Ow!"

I swear that woman is a crazy, lunatic, bitch!

She extinguished her fire magic as she placed her hand on her waist, the tone of her voice was now playful when she replied, "You weren\'t going to talk? And you know what we talked about disobedient children right?"

"I\'ll get... you for this." I muttered as I glared at her.

"Wow Madelyn you really gave her no mercy." (Maddie)

"She\'s lucky it was just her hand this time. Dottie, Maddie since she\'s not even going to talk my Mana is wasted on her so let\'s go." (Madelyn) turned around and began walking, Maddie following behind her but Dottie stayed where she was standing.

"I-I\'ll go talk to her and see if there\'s anything I can get out of her." (Dottie) told Madelyn before she left.

Madelyn being just an asshole she shrugs and leaves, "Suit yourself."

I got up from the floor and glared at Dottie. "Don\'t you dare touch me. Why the heck are you doing all of this to me?! What did I ever do to you?!"

Dottie bites her lip and looked around before answering, "Please, keep your voice down and- your burn. Let me see it."

I scoff, "So you could infect it some more? Why don\'t you go and run to Madelyn like little Maddie over there. She\'s practically kissing her ass by this point."

Dottie sighs as she puts her hand up front, they weren\'t touching but bright blue light came out as well as a magic circle, "I can offer you first aid. Please if the burn is held out for too long it\'ll be really infected and I think it\'s a second degree burn so it needs immediate attention."

I glared at her, looking at Dottie like it\'s a trap or something, I held my burnt hand protectively not budging.

"Please, trust me. I-I never even wanted to hurt you believe me." (Dottie) pleaded as she kneels in front of me, her hands still in front of her waiting to cast her magic.

I looked at my hand, the sting of pain was making me dizzy. The adrenaline is wearing off. "Fine. Just hurry up." I told Dottie and she smiled at my cooperation.

She takes my burnt hand carefully but I still grit my teeth from all the movement. Dottie closes her eyes, "Let me soothe thy pain, let the cool waters of the north flow though your body and heal. [Water Magic: Soothing Waters]."

A small water bubble formed and went through my hand, the pain was there but only just a little bit now. I breathed a sigh of relief when I looked at Dottie who focused on the magic casting, she looked up at me offering a smile before I frowned. "Why do Madelyn pick on me specifically?"

Dottie\'s smile disappears but rather eyes full of guilt instead, "T-The madam ordered us to do it."

"Is that really all?" I ask her completely unsatisfied with the answer.

Dottie looks down at my burnt hand before answering, "Madelyn, likes hurting people. That\'s all I know. I\'m sorry for not trying to stop her more but... I can\'t disobey her right now."


"Yes, it\'s too much for a little girl like you to understand and I hope you never will... but I think my magic casting is done now. You can take out your hand from the water bubble if you\'d like." (Dottie)

I did what she told me, the burn doesn\'t feel as bad as before and now I wondered why Dottie, who\'s smile seemed so kind, would even hang around with those two bitches?

"Thank you, Dottie." I told her gratefully as I began to move my wrist around a little but whimpered a little when I felt a pang of pain. I think I overdid the move a bit.

"Be careful and don\'t overexert yourself alright? Um, can I call you by your name?" (Dottie) asked and I nodded.

"Yep, it\'s Kein. Thank you for helping me."

Dottie stands up, looks around us as if afraid that she\'ll be seen that she helped me. "It\'s the least I could do after letting you get burned last time. I\'m really sorry for grabbing you and not even trying-" (Dottie)

I stop her, "It\'s a little bad but I\'ll heal at least so stop saying sorry. It\'s a little annoying if I\'m being honest." I told her and she nods.

"Of course, if you\'ll excuse me I-I need to go before someone catches us."

Without even letting me say a word she ran away from me and I was left alone with a burnt hand. I looked at my hand worriedly, there was now a huge burn mark and it still stung a little.

"I need to go and bandage this..."

At least to hide the mark... I walked to my room with desperation as I tried not fainting on the spot, it\'s hard my body is arguing between fainting right now and getting to my room in safety.


The week after, my hand was still in the process of healing but thankfully I can carry things but not heavy ones. Vincent was picking me up today and I am really not excited about him seeing my bandaged hand.

"Are you ready Kein?" (Lord Vincent) asked me, eyeing my hand now that he noticed my bandaged hand. "What happened to your hand? Did something happen?"

"Ah, just a small accident but it\'s alright. I have all the things needed with me." I gave him a reassuring wave and plopped on the carriage. Hopefully Lord Vincent doesn\'t mind that.

"If... you say so. We will depart." (Lord Vincent) motions to his coachman and he flicks the reins on the horses, they trot neighing and walking in medium speed. "We will get there in two hours so please make yourself comfortable."

I nod, as I take out my colored pencils I bought before and my new sketchpad. "Can I draw you for practice boss Vincent?"

He pressed his hand on his forehead as he sighed, "Kein, don\'t call me that but yes I don\'t mind being drawn. I\'m actually quite curious about what you would draw me as."

"I would draw you perhaps... to be just you. The only problem is who is the real Vincent von Wolford?" I told him to take out the gray colored pencil in my hand. I stiffened a little when I felt a little stung again but I managed to hide it quickly without him noticing it as I covered it up with a smile.

"So Lord Vincent, tell me anything about yourself. Getting to know your muse would let you draw an even better quality than you would expect." I rested my hand against the paper as he eyed me curiously.

"You... can I trust you with something rather sensitive." (Vincent)

"Yeah you can practically trust me with any secrets, do you know why? I don\'t have anyone to tell it to anyways." I told him as I played around with my pencil. "It\'s the life of having no friends so you can tell me anything. I won\'t have any use for it as well."

His eyes were hesitant but I can tell he was tempted, "You asked me, who is the real Vincent von Wolford? Tell me what you think of me right now."

Hmm that\'s quite the question right there. My back slumps into the soft pillows of the carriage, "You give off this mysterious, unapproachable, gentleman aura and by your handsome looks at best every girl will be head over heels for you." I told him honestly.

"Being handsome. I don\'t like it." (Vincent) muttered as I saw his hands placed on his knees clenched in a fist. "I want to wear frilly and cute things. Isn\'t it shameful? For a man like me to even think of those things."

I shook my head, "Nothing weird with it. If it\'s what you want then go for it. You\'re not really hurting anyone if you\'ll be wearing a dress or two."

Actually if you come into my earth, you\'ll definitely fit in. I smile remembering all the people in history up to the modern era. Their confident faces, breaking the gender normality- men should only wear pants and shirts. Women should stick with dresses and cute things.

They broke that rule and started a rebellion.

Now women can wear suits.

Men can use makeup and even paint their nails.

What\'s wrong in making yourself beautiful and making yourself feel well, you?

"Do you mind me drawing you in a dress Vincent?" I ask him to finally grasp an idea on my sketch.

"I\'m... will I be beautiful in your image for me?" (Vincent) clenches his fists again. I noticed it and I want to reassure him that\'s alright.

I laughed teasingly, the sound of it relaxed his body, "I\'ll try my best to make you the most beautiful person I can."

"Do you want me to do a pose perhaps?" (Vincent)

"Well, just be yourself and I\'ll take care of the rest." I told him as I finally started at the sketch. I drew the head, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, and the rest of the body.

I shaded and tried my best in drawing a dress out of memory. It was a dress in Japan that surely would\'ve looked so good with Lord Vincent but I\'ll just try and reference the dress but put different designs that will suit our dear Vincent over here.

I want to color him... with rosy red lips, a feminine face, short hair but you can tell it was still a very nice style to have, and I colored the dress that matched his current clothes right now.

I see a beautiful person hiding in his shell.

A protective shell that hides his true self.

A person who just wishes the people around him can accept things that were different.

A boy that wore dresses. People would think it\'s a phase. You\'ll grow out of it once the months settle but do they ever just suppress these wants they\'re afraid?

I see sadness in Vincent\'s eyes but he hides them with a mask of coldness pretending to be strong but deep inside he\'s really vulnerable. "I think... I\'m done."

I felt like crying again when I was sketching his portrait. My hands trembled in pain as I overdid my coloring too much, putting pressure on my hand as I gripped the colored pencil too hard.

"M-May I see...?" (Vincent)

I smiled and gave him my sketch. He looks up at me before gazing at the sketch with wide eyes in surprise. He couldn\'t believe what he was seeing as he covered his mouth as soon as it opened from shock. "I-Is this really me? I-I... I look beautiful."

"That\'s how I see you, boss Vincent. Beautiful on the inside and the outside. You can keep that one for free. I gave out sketches to people I really like."

I remembered the sketch I gave Veronica and smiled. It puts me to joy hearing that they liked what I made for them. "Never be afraid of being yourself, Lord Vincent. It won\'t be hard but I know it\'s worth it. If you need help Lenard and I will be there for you even if I don\'t entirely know you that well enough."

I think he\'s feeling gender dysphoria but... I hope I\'m not crossing the line of saying things that I want. Lord Vincent takes the sketch in his hands and carefully folds it and puts it in the inside of his jacket. "I will treasure this. Thank you, Kein." (Lord Vincent)

"You\'re welcome."

"Now, as much as I would love to chat some more. The timing couldn\'t be more perfect because we\'ve arrived." (Vincent) stands up from his seat and opens the carriage door.

Wait what we\'re here already? I looked outside the window and well holy- that\'s one big castle gate. I gulped as I followed Vincent out of the carriage. "The royal family must be loaded huh."

"No comment." (Vincent)

"Aw come on."

"Now listen to me Kein, in front of the other royals or higher people of power also known as nobles. You must come off educated, well spoken, and well mannered. Can you do that?" (Vincent)

I nod, giving him a thumbs up, "Yep."

"Let us depart to meet her highness, First Princess Lady Cecilia then."

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