Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 54 Two Tsunderes.

Chapter 34.5: Two Tsunderes.

Kein\'s POV

I told Rose to not visit the orphanage for a week.

I excitedly went home to meet with Baron Hills- I mean father to tell him about my plans for the orphanage.

I just bulldozed my way into his office and caught him by surprise. "Father! Can I ask for your help?!"

I yelled over and he almost spit his coffee in surprise. Baron Hills coughs for a bit before composing himself, "Kein. What\'s wrong?" he asked in a worry while I just continued.

"I want to build a classroom for the orphanage. A classroom where the children can learn how to read and write. With comfortable seats, tables, and a board-" I held my breath for a second looking at my father who listened seriously to my rambling. "And I need it done by a week- I need it to help someone-"

Baron Hills stands up from his seat, the tension getting heavy. "Help someone?" (Baron Hills) asked me, walking over to me.

He holds my shoulder gently, "Is it the girl I met before that you obviously have feelings for?"

"Yes- HEY!" I almost had to slap myself for admitting it so easily.

Baron Hills opens the door of his office, "What are you waiting for. We have arrangements to be made. Alfred!"

As if on cue Alfred comes in and bows elegantly, "Yes, master hills?" (Alfred) asks, regaining his straight composure.

"Contact the orphanage about using one vacant room, as well as the local craftsman where we\'ll need to order about four dozen chairs, tables, and a board. Pay them extra to put it on the priority list. We need them to arrive by the week." (Baron Hills) ordered to which Alfred looked confused for a second but listed all the orders in his head.

"Understood. I shall inform the head sister about it." (Alfred) makes his way out of the halls as Baron Hills looks at me.

"Impressing a girl this way. Tell me why." (Baron Hills) asked interrogatively while having to stare at his back.

"First of all... it\'s not like I wanted to impress her or anything- kinda." I looked down at the ground trying not to show father my blushing face and composed myself before meeting his eyes once more. "Second, the girl I\'m trying to help teaches the kids in the orphanage but I noticed her knees having marks. I think she\'s kneeling on the floor too much. She\'s going to hurt herself at some point... and it\'s uncomfortable for the kids as well to be writing on the ground." I answered back and I heard him hum satisfyingly.

"I was not aware of that. I have not received any reports or complaints since I have not visited for a while. I am glad you are already taking interest in the property." (Baron Hills) turns to face me. "If I\'m guessing. I\'m betting this is a surprise, yes?"

I nod awkwardly having found out. Yes it is... a surprise hopefully Rose is oblivious enough to not have thought of it.

"If you\'re going to give her a surprise, bring some flowers and some chalk. She\'ll be needing it to write on the board." (Baron Hills)

"Wait the flowers-"

"Of course those are just for the lady herself. If you are bound to impress you need all the resources you can. You are blessed with them, use it wisely." (Baron Hills) wisely gives me some coins. I could hear it clicking on the pouch.

He means I\'m rich, you can buy whatever things you want to give to someone. Just use it wisely. Ah, I got the message.

"Flowers and food are the ways to a woman\'s heart after all." (Baron Hills)

I smile happily knowing his advice was right. "Thank you, father. I\'ll go and bring some sweets when Rose visits."

The preparations were going underway. The seats, tables, and board were done.

Alfred also contacted the orphanage if it was alright to add some new things and they agreed because it would add education and discipline for the other children.

I had to be there to order the placement and get the walls repainted, furbished, and some creaky floors to be replaced.

I helped carry the tables and seats into the room feeling tired already.

I sat in the garden for a break at work to find Gisela also sitting there.

Ah the light priestess who always punches Valentina in the face. It looks like she\'s distracted. I wave my hand to gain her attention.

"Hello." I greeted her and that immediately got her attention.

I could hear her groan for one moment before I could see her hand move as fast as a cobra. "NO WAIT!" She almost punches me with her left hook but stops half midway as I let out a small shriek. "DON\'T KILL ME PLEASE!"

The light priestess Gisela gasps looking worried and panicking prancing around. "I\'m sorry! I thought you were- Valentina..." (Gisela) explains retracting her hand her face all embarrassed.

There was a lump forming in my throat, shaking my head. I tried to smile. "I-Its okay! Now um wanna go sit back down again?"

"Ah yes, please join me." (Gisela)

I couldn\'t say no to the offer fearing for my life. I took a seat down the bench feeling warm. There was a long silence above us but she broke it first. "I heard what you are trying to do in the orphanage. It\'s very kind of you to consider the education and well being of the children." (Gisela)

I blushed at the compliment. It\'s nice getting complimented but honestly... "Its all for Rose if I\'m being honest. Seeing her come here almost everyday just to take care and teach children is really inspiring." I answered feeling fluttery inside. "I want her to at least feel comfortable while doing it. I asked father if I could turn one of the rooms into a classroom and he said yes."

"Ah you\'re the new heir of Baron Hills? May the light bless you." (Gisela) says with her soft voice as if she was blessing me.

I was also curious about something. The way that she almost punched me with a mean ass left hook and thought I was Valentina did something happen again? "You thought I was big sister Valentina at first. Did she do something again that if she was in my shoes you were going to punch her again?"

I saw the light priestess Gisela purse her lips looking into my eyes worriedly. She leans in to whisper in my ear. "I-If I tell you, you won\'t tell big sister Valentina about it right?" (Gisela)

I nod, "Promise. It will only stay between us."

She takes a breath sighing heavily. "Alright so... I don\'t know if you\'ve felt something like this. You like this person but you can\'t like them because of... personal reasons and stress. Then you\'re worried the person you like will leave you for another someday." (Gisela) fiddles with her fingers.

"Big sister Valentina seems to like you too, you know." I told her and she sighs even longer, groaning.

"T-That\'s the thing. Whenever I try to tell her I like her too I just freeze- and ends up punching her instead and telling her to shut up. I don\'t know why! And now I have the audacity to be mad if she\'s talking with another girl?" (Gisela) buries her face in her hands looking depressed. "I-I\'m horrible aren\'t I?"

I scratch my cheek a little not knowing if I should just sugarcoat my words or just straight up be blunt. I think she needs both, "No offense but you kind of are. I remember big sister Valentina coming here to give you flowers and stuff. You punched her a few minutes after that. Rose and I were shocked to actually witness that moment."

"I... What\'s wrong with me-" (Gisela) covers her face in shame while we sat quietly together in this nice garden.

"It seems you\'re also a victim of gay panic. You like your childhood friend too much you\'re afraid that if you two get together and break up you won\'t be friends anymore so you punched her. I don\'t know if it\'s some sort of defense mechanism-" I stopped to look at Gisela who seemed like she saw a ghost.

I know ten year old\'s don\'t usually give out love advice but I\'m a different breed. I am an isekai girl.

"Anyways just tell her how you feel." I ended my sentence there.

Gisela laughs sadly, "Easy for you to say. I\'m envious of children like you. I wish we can go back to the time where we didn\'t have these feelings growing for each other only to be separated by the norms."

"That may be true. Who knows maybe being lovers is even better than being childhood friends. What\'s more painful, tell me. Keeping it all inside only for the other person who clearly LIKES you back to find someone else?"

"Or to confess and be together living happily. Norms or not if you love each other- it\'ll be fine." I told her and Gisela seemed like she had been slapped by reality. She stays silent, smiling at my words.

"You\'re this young but it feels like you\'ve gotten a lot of love confessions huh." (Gisela) giggles teasingly as I nod.

It wasn\'t a no brainer. Back in my old life I had a lot of confessions back on but in this world...

"I only have one for now. I plan to confess back when we get older and find more information about myself first. Learn to love and fix myself before I love someone else you know? She deserves that much. I\'m falling for her slowly I think." I told her honestly while looking at my healed arm.

I couldn\'t help but smile even more.

I saw Gisela smile and motions for me to come closer. I did what she told and moved a little closer, she leaned in to whisper. "Its Rose isn\'t it?"

I felt my face growing hotter when she hit right through the bullseye. "N-No you got the wrong person... I don\'t like her that much."

Gisela couldn\'t help but laugh even more. "It seems that we are two people who are in denial. I feel like we\'re going to get along well." (Gisela)

I rolled my eyes, feeling horrible. "I can\'t believe that both of us are tsunderes." I muttered to myself waiting for the next day where Rose would finally come back into the orphanage to see the hard work many people have contributed.


I was up more early in the orphanage waiting for Rose. I had a blindfold in hand as I saw her walking closer.

"I kept my promise I didn\'t visit for a week-"

I grab her gently, turning her around to tie the blindfold in her eyes. "Kein what is this?" (Rose)

I laughed softly as I held Rose\'s hand. "Do you trust me?"

Rose shakes her head laughing. "Of course but why the sudden question? And what\'s with the blindfold?"

I smile, gripping her hand a little tighter. "You\'ll see when we get there." I told her and she just lets out a confused sound but nonetheless she decides to trust me. Our steps were slow, breathing synchronized feeling the world was slowing down just for the both of us.

I lead her through the stairs as my heart begins to thump harder.

I stop by the door of the room slowly removing her blindfold.

"Surprise! Teacher Rose!"

Rose looked so shocked when the children were cheering through their new wooden seats and tables. "Wait what... how..." she looks around the old room not even recognizing it. "D-Did you... wait did you do this in the past week? Is this the reason why you didn\'t want me to visit?"

I nod, smiling widely. I can\'t even contain the happiness I have for her shocked reaction. "I don\'t want you kneeling on the floor every time. I... hope it\'s okay. I actually didn\'t ask for your permission because I kind of wanted for it to be a surprise." I told her while I scratched the back of my neck.

The children cheer some more loudly enjoying the new upgrade. "Do you like it?" I ask her worriedly because she\'s not moving from her spot-

"I love it!" (Rose) runs up to hug me by the neck jumping enthusiastically.

Ah... I think I love her.

My body stiffened for a moment as the words ran through my mind.

I love her.

I can\'t believe I admitted that I really am going bonkers.

"Ahem I\'m glad you liked it." I told her stiffly but Rose ran faster than the speed of light on the new black board and her personal table. "There\'s even flowers, some sweets, and chalks here! Was this from the children? How nice of you!" (Rose) compliments the children which made them happy.

I wanted to tell her that the flowers were from me but... she\'s so happy I didn\'t have the heart to do so. "I can\'t believe you did all of these in just a week!" (Rose)

"I had help from my father."

"Oh! Please tell him my deepest thanks! Now the children and I won\'t have to kneel down the floor to write! Oh! There\'s also tons of pencils here!" (Rose) excitedly moves over to look at the pencil collection at the side that I got from her.

With all her happy prancing around. My energy was drained from seeing her run around in the new classroom full of furnished seats, and the room smelled better too.

I was about to leave for fresh air but I was suddenly pulled over by the side of my sleeve. "Rose?" I asked her worriedly wondering if she needed something from me.

"Is there something you need-"

Rose smiles as she leans forward to kiss my cheek. I blush furiously not moving a step- "As a thank you. Please have it." (Rose) cheekily moves away flustered leaving me standing at the side.

My brain cells are in a panic. I held my cheek in a trance. I just got kissed- how do I move again?

"I... ah... um... you\'re... welcome?" I replied but it was really silent. I felt like my heart was on the verge of explosion even now it can\'t calm its ass down.

Yep. All of this was so worth it for that smile.


Alright guys! The next chapter will be the last! It will be a fast forward after 6 years where Kein finally confesses after inheriting the Hills family name and all the properties.

Have some spoiler: "I like you too but... I don\'t think we can be together."

Oh? What\'s this? I hear the sound of hearts breaking. Oh it\'s your heart? Author apologizes- not!

Ah gomenasai. Just wait for the next chapter bois!

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