Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 61 Side : The Cursed Sword.

Narrator\'s POV

-This was the time Baron Hills accompanied Kein to buy some things required before enrolling to the Knights Academy-

-Two years ago-

The two of them were walking through the capital. Baron Hills have tagged along to get whatever things her daughter will need. Although the Baron was panicking on deciding while he was looking through the list.

"It says here you\'ll live in a dorm for two years... let\'s get you some new blankets and pajamas- just in case." (Baron Hills) mutters to Kein who just nods.

"I\'ll also need a sword and armor to pair with the uniform. Since I\'m not a commoner and I can afford my own armor I won\'t be in the list that the kingdom will provide free armor." (Kein) replies taking another look at the list. "It says here shields are voluntary."

Baron Hills thinks for a moment before seeing the blacksmith shop. "With your style of fighting of constant movement having a shield around would only hinder you. Unless its a lightweight kind of shield."

Kein shakes her head not liking the idea of having to carry around a shield. "I agree with father. A shield won\'t fit me no matter how much defense it\'ll give it\'ll also slow me down. I\'ll just block incoming attacks with my sword."

Baron Hills was happy having conversations like these with her daughter. It felt like he\'s definitely raising one fine soldier. He points to the blacksmith shop, "We\'re here."

Kein looks closely at the shop seeing it had a window display where many swords shone brightly as if they were sparkling silvers you\'ll find in the mountains of [Dwarfar] the land of dwarfs. "T-These are really well made-" (Kein) shoves her face closer into the window like a little kid looking at a candy.

She can\'t believe this day had come! She\'ll finally have her own sword! Not just wooden ones for practice!

Baron Hills couldn\'t help but thinking his daughter was adorable and gave her a pat on the head. "Let\'s go inside and pick a sword that speaks to you, yes?" (Baron Hills) asks the young girl.

Kein was so excited she nods her head up and down really fast.

Baron Hills laughs softly opening the door, the bell chimes up top when they came in.

The shop was really organized and clean. You could see countless weapons displayed like polearms, longswords, broadswords, a mace, an axe, and bows with special enchanted arrows.

Kein wanted to poke them all and hold them all. It was her first time going to a blacksmith shop so she doesn\'t know what to expect. Earth had a really tight rule on weapons- so yeah the only weapons she saw was in a Museum display when taking her daughter to a fieldtrip.

They couldn\'t touch it but now...

"Father can I really have a look around and touch everything?" (Kein) asks excitedly. If she had a tail she\'d be wagging it like crazy now.

Baron Hills nods. "Just be careful not to break anything. Go on and find a weapon of your choice."

Kein smirked. Now that she\'s in an isekai world. None of earth\'s rules could stop her now!

She poked literally through everything.

Sword- poke and hold slish and slashing.

Bow- poke and hold string go boing.

Polearm- poke and of course it\'s too long so she didn\'t any slish and slash.

Mace- poke and apparently it was too heavy for her.

She was having funs trying to observe the mace when suddenly a whisper behind her back that made her shiver, \'You... we want you...\'

Kein was taken a step back the dark magic behind her. Feeling that she was in danger she swung the mace behind her out of instinct and hit a display.

Thump! Thump!

Kein glared at whatever that was. It felt similar to her power but... it felt revolting and heavy.

"Oi oi oi! Don\'t just go swingin around that thing. Give me that aye."

It was a small dwarf with leather clothes, covered in sweat, and a lot of scars by the arm and shoulder. He had a really scruffy beard and a familiar accent.

The dwarf looked pissed taking the mace from Kein\'s hands. "If ya not here to shop aye then leave why don\'t ya?" (Dwarf)

Kein widens her eyes in surprise. "A-A dwarf with an Australian sounding accent-" she covers her mouth trying to keep it to herself. First Spanish and now an Aussie one?

"A what mate? Can\'t ya see you almost wrecked my shop?" The dwarf points to the mess at the ground. There was a lone sword that fell through the ground when Kein was trying to play with the mace.

"Ah sorry I\'m here with my father and we\'re looking for a sword." (Kein) points at Baron Hills who was busy trying to find a sword suitable for Kein.

"I don\'t care who ya came with all I care about is how you\'ll pay for the damages." The dwarf complained scratching his long beard and picking up the broken display but not the sword. "Don\'t touch anything." (Dwarf) said seriously before continuing to pick up the mess on the floor.

Kein just watched for a moment feeling embarrassed because well she\'s already at a mental age of forty and getting excited over a sword- I mean.

She felt guilty and thought of helping the dwarf even though he warned her not to touch anything. Kein kneels down taking the sword that fell on the ground before holding it in her hand.

"Here the sword." (Kein) holds out the sword that made the dwarf look at her in panic and disbelief.

The dwarf loses his mind. "What the fuck are ya doin?! I told ya arse not to touch anything!"

Kein was taken aback. The dwarf takes out some sort of gloves out of his [Storage Ring] before taking the sword back into his hands. "This sword is cursed and you- you touched it?!" (Dwarf)

"Wait what- its cursed?!" (Kein)

"No shit that\'s why I told ya to not fuckin touch anythin!" he yells at Kein again who looks at her hand.

Baron Hills was at the very back, finally hearing all the yelling he comes to run to see what happened. He looked at the shop owner and his daughter confusedly. "Did something happen? Kein are you alright?" (Baron Hills) looks at his daughter worriedly. "I heard yelling and came here-"

Kein looks at her father before at her hands all shaking, "I held a cursed sword. So um will I die?"

Baron Hills looked at the dwarf who was holding the cursed sword in disbelief.

The dwarf looked at Kein confusedly before looking at the sword. "Y-You\'re fine? You don\'t feel like stabbing yourself right now or wanting to kill yourself in any weird way?" (Dwarf)

Kein\'s eyes widened before shaking her head. "No? Why would I even-"

He turns to both Kein and Baron Hills his expression looking drought and serious. "Lassie, the sword ya touched was [Nirvana] a cursed sword from [Winshern] and someone just handed this to me for free I\'ve been trying to get rid of this cursed sword for centuries." (Dwarf)

"Its a legendary sword that\'s been forgotten as the years went by- those who touch the sword with their bare hands would get their mind torn and broken. They will all die in a matter of a day- but you-"

Kein looked confused at the same time worried. "Ya don\'t feel anything like that at all. The last person who touched the sword screamed like crazy and committed death right after, lassie." (Dwarf)

She remembered the voice from before, did it came from the sword too? "Um. Does the sword talk too or something?"

"No lass it can\'t what ya think swords have mouths now?" (Dwarf)

"No but- I heard another voice and I swear to whatever deity you believe in that it came from that sword." (Kein) pointed at the sword again making the dwarf baffled.

The dwarf motions for the two to follow him, "Mate aight I\'ll believe you. You can buy anything you want in the shop but just not this sword or it\'ll curse your life eventually killing you."

Baron Hills holds his waist on guard. "I do wonder how a cursed item have been allowed through the borders. In a shop like this you keep it on a display where people can easily reach it."

The dwarf looked pissed raising his arms. "That ain\'t no ordinary display ya little twat! Its supposed to have a protective seal so no ordinary human or some idiot race would ever think about stealin this thing."

Baron Hills looked slowly at Kein, "Don\'t tell me your magic got leaked out again without you knowing. Did you absorb the seal on accident?"

Kein scratches her head not sure if she absorbed it or not. "I-I think so? I mean that could explain how I broke something that\'s supposed to not break?" she explained poorly that earned her a weird stare from both parties.

Baron Hills facepalmed at her daughter. "I deeply apologize. I\'ll pay for all the damages my daughter has done- er... sir?"

The dwarf shrugs Baron Hills off holding the sword carefully. "It\'s Draknir. I came from [Dwarfar] you humans are clumsy as ever I see aye?" he points towards Kein who awkwardly laughs feeling guilty for her father paying for the shit she did. Kein thought to herself at least he\'s not kicking them out of the store.

Still, Kein could not help but get attracted to the sword.

\'Hold... us... please.\'

There was that voice again- Kein glanced left and right to make sure she\'s not turning crazy then back at the sword.

Draknir the dwarf takes it into a safe container. He wipes of the sweat out of his forehead before giving the both of them an apologetic smile. "Sorry for that aye. [Nirvana] is not really a safe weapon to hold. I even have to wear enchanted gloves like these to stay alive ya see?" (Draknir) removes the gloves that had some sort of special enchantment in them.

Baron Hills shakes his head feeling guilty about the mess Kein made. "I have to apologize for my daughter\'s behavior. As her father I shall take responsibility-"

Draknir laughs loudly and dismisses him instead. "Water under the bridge aye but I do wonder how the little lassie even stayed a live." he tilts his head curiously on Kein. "HAH! Must be dumb luck."

Kein didn\'t listen but just... maybe one more time.

To hold that sword... it feels so familiar. She couldn\'t explain it but something was pulling her mind into wanting that sword. She could feel her dark magic reacting up on it.

The voice that came from there sounded like they were in pain too. It made her head heavy and she wanted to know why, "Hey dwarf man-" (Kein)

Draknir the dwarf widened his eyes at the name calling. He crosses his arms huffing a reply, "I have a name ya little twat. It\'s Draknir and what ya want aye?"

"How much can I pay for that cursed sword?" (Kein)

She asks looking serious and determined. Draknir looked at Kein in amusement. Heholds his bear scratching it thinking over the price. "Hmm let me see aye. The cursed swords usually hold more than ten million gold which I know your father has more than enough to pay-"

The Baron coughs embarrassingly before Draknir continues. "Aye but if you survive for a day how about I give it to ya for free." (Draknir) says smugly pointing a finger at our little heroine.

Kein looked at Baron Hills happily that was on the verge of death. She definitely wanted a sword that could bring death! How cool would it be! She has the power of a female protagonist after all!

"DEAL!" (Kein) yells slamming her hands at the table.

Draknir laughs for a moment before glaring at Kein. "LIKE HELL I WILL. YA WANT ME TO GO PRISON FOR GIVING A LITTLE TWAT LIKE YOU A CURSED SWORD EY?"

He gave Kein a good smacking on the head with his fist. "Oi you\'re supposed to be his father aye? You agree to whatever she just says? You would get your little twat a cursed sword that brings death?"

Draknir the dwarf points at Baron Hills who sighs in reply. "For some reason I know there\'s more to this than it seems. My daughter will never want that brings harm. There must be a reason why." (Baron Hills)

The dwarf laughs at the Baron\'s answer. What a sweet spoiling fool. "Ya know what I do to little twats like her? Bring out the belt mate it works a lot." (Draknir) he bends down under the counter taking a belt. "I have one ready for all occasion aye. Wanna borrow it?" he gives it to the Baron who was now shocked.

Baron Hills panicked and immediately turned the belt down back on the counter. "I-I don\'t do discipline that way."

"Suit yourself mate." The dwarf shrugs but he keeps a straight eye on Kein. "Aight here\'s the thing. There\'s no way in hell you\'re getting a cursed sword even if you bet all the money and land. I don\'t want someone dying and blaming it all to me." (Draknir)

He crosses his arms yet again his lips grinning when he looked at Kein. "I do have to admit you have the balls to survive holding it once. I won\'t risk a twice."

Draknir didn\'t look like he was going to budge on giving Kein that sword for good reasons but Kein remembered something that could be used against dwarfs.

Their pride.

Dwarfs are known to be a prideful race. Taking pride in their skill in craftmanship, strength, and credibility as dwarfs. "How about this. If I beat you in arm wrestling math. You\'ll give me that sword for free." (Kein) smiles smugly at the dwarf who laughs at her suggestion.

"If you think you can make me move by just arm wrestlin match ya are wrong mate. If you\'re not buyin best you\'d leave." (Draknir)

"Don\'t tell me a great dwarf like you is afraid of getting beat up by a little lassie?" (Kein) mocks trying to imitate the accent of the dwarf.

"Oi now. You\'ve done it. I\'ll teach you humans why dwarfs like me ain\'t shit to mess with." (Draknir) readies his hands, placing his bulging muscles at the table looking pissed.

He took the bait! Kein thought.

Baron looked at the two muscle headed idiots and sighed at the sight of sparks flying over their eyes. "K-Kein uh. Are you sure about this?" he asked worriedly. "You do know we can get a different kind of sword other than a cursed one."

Kein didn\'t budge and looked head on at the shop owner.

"Father I felt something with that sword. I need to have it." (Kein) replies to her father seriously surprising the Baron. Her eyes were pleading desperately and well...

Baron Hills cannot say no when she has that look. "Fine. Knock em dead kiddo." he says supporting Kein.

Draknir the dwarf smirks feeling good about himself. I mean there was no way he was going to lose to a scrawny little girl right?

The both of them hold hands in an arm wrestling position. "Aight ya ready to lose lassie? Giving up is also an option ya know." (Draknir)

Kein stays silent waiting for him to start, she was trying to synch her breathing eyes looking deadly. The sudden dark aura leaking on her back- it resembled a monster.

It was a shadow smiling down on him. His chest felt heavy, sweat dripping off of his forehead, and his hands started to shake.

Draknir saw his and he felt like wanting to back out- however- he remembered there\'s a prized sword on the line. "D-Don\'t blame me if I break ya bones aye!" he yells trying to take down Kein\'s arm but it wouldn\'t budge.

Another thing Kein and Baron Hills have learned while training together.

Kein has a monstrous strength.

Enough to break a huge block stone just by her fists.

"You underestimated a little lassie like me." (Kein) mutters gripping the dwarf\'s hands pushing down breaking the table. Draknir couldn\'t believe his eyes at the sight. He was actually beaten by pure strength, he tried finding out if Kein used magic to cheat but-

Kein shakes her hand a little stiff. She looks at the dwarf looking at her in disbelief, scanning her up and down from the look on his expression she can already tell what he was thinking, "I can\'t use magic so I couldn\'t have cheated. Is your arm alright?"

Draknir holds his hands bending it a little hearing a crack noise. "If I was human you sure would have broken every bone in me aye." he says laughing a little.

Baron Hills sighs looking at another mess he has to pay for. "I\'ll pay for that as well." he says pointing at the table looking tired and dead.

Draknir takes the sword out of the display. He settles it down to Kein\'s hands who gratefully accepts the sword. "Aight you\'re name was Kein ye? You have this dwarf\'s respect mate. If you ever lose your sanity and die. Don\'t ever blame it on me."

Kein grins. "I\'m glad dwarfs keeps their promises I like this shop."

The dwarf stretches his arms rubbing the dust out of his clothes. "You better keep that sword safe. I fear for anyone else who touches it." (Draknir)

Kein looks at the sword again hearing the voices clearly, no longer faint.

\'A cute owner?\'

\'She\'s a cutie indeed.\'

\'You guys don\'t want to break her mind?\'

\'No, no. She\'s cute let\'s keep her. I feel like she\'s going to take care of us very well.\'

Dozen voices talked to each other in arguments.

Kein looked at the dwarf again feeling regret after hearing the voices of the sword. S

he thought it was something important but they were making these kinds of comments behind her back?! "Yeah never mind I thought this sword was going to tell me some wise words or quotes but its all thirsty comments on how they want me to be their new master for looking cute." (Kein)

The voices of the sword panicked after hearing her comment. They didn\'t want to be stuck in a display case forever!

\'Wait she can hear us?!\'

\'Oh my- don\'t return us we\'re begging you!\'

\'Y-You need a new sword right?\'

\'Please... don\'t put us back in the display!\'

Kein looked like she was about to faint from hearing too many voices all at once.

"Please shut up just one person speak." (Kein) told the sword and for a moment she could hear no voices that argued with one another.

\'Don\'t put us back in the display. We\'re... all alone inside the sword please don\'t put us back there...\'

A voice of a little girl spoke the tone feeling afraid.

Kein could not see her but as she felt the sword\'s hilt she could sense her emotion and a memory- the scene that Kein saw broke her heart.

All of these souls were murdered for the sake of an offering. The memory consisted of a man holding a sword taking every woman\'s life that was lined in an empty hallway.

She sounded so young- she couldn\'t believe it. It made her want to throw the sword away but Kein remembered her daughter.

Kein sighs feeling guilty. Well she wanted a cursed sword she\'ll get a cursed sword. "Alright I won\'t but we\'ll talk about personal boundaries when talking inside my mind alright?"

The voices agreed feeling happy about finally getting out of a display case. Draknir thought Kein was a crazy lass for even talking to herself like that and looking so affectionately with the sword.

Everyone that held that sword for more than five minutes wanted to kill themselves but damn- he couldn\'t believe someone was capable of holding it longer than five minutes.

"Mate did ya go bonkers on me speaking to yaself like that." (Draknir)

"If I told you again what I felt you probably won\'t believe me about the voices." (Kein)

"Aye so what else will ya two need other than robbing an old dwarf free of a cursed sword." (Draknir)

"We\'ll take a custom armor for Kein. We already have the design set and ready." (Baron Hills) gives over the set of blueprints for the armor.

Draknir takes over the armor design carefully. "These are one find blueprints ya have here mate. I probably never even could\'ve thought of this. Pockets inside an armor?! How convenient?"

Kein scratches his neck. "I mean if I suddenly lost my [Storage Ring] I have to have these pockets as resources back ups."

Draknir nods understanding the intention of the pockets. "Alright I\'ll make em light even. Now we have to talk about the material and cost of it aye-"

And so after all that hectic shopping. Kein slumps on the bed with a new sword in tow.

She talked with the voices setting up some that no yelling thirst comments and they must behave.

Baron Hills have already warned Alfred about the cursed sword too.

Kein swore she would only use the cursed sword on dangerous monsters and not humans.

She thought it was too overpowered but by accepting the sword they have already bounded a contract. Some contracts are bounded by blood but this one seemed to be an exception.

Kein took care of [Nirvana] well. Always polishing the sword and cleaning it.

The sword was happy that they have found a kind master who takes them out on simple walks and monster extermination.

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