Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 76 My Sweet Kein.

Chapter 49: My sweet Kein.

Kein\'s POV

Rose and Prince Alexanderk sat down on a table and sat down having a couple of drinks and biscuits.

"I would have to just say. That\'s a lovely scarf you have on. I love the color red." He tries starting a talk with Rose.

Rose smiles politely, sipping elegantly on her drink. "I am flattered that you think highly of the scarf. It\'s special to me."

"Oh? Was it perhaps given to you by someone important? I recall when you first arrived my attendants saw you with the same scarf." He leans over the table and stops. "Usually noblewomen in our kingdom can\'t wait to wear something else everyday. You\'re not like any other girl I\'ve certainly met." He peers curiously at Rose who still gives him a neutral look not removing the polite smile plastered on her face.

"I am happy that you think of me like that, your highness." (Rose)

I felt uncomfortable with how these two talked to one another. It felt so awkward... It was mostly just the prince trying to engage in small talk while Rose was left to either nod or agree with everything he said.

Prince Alexanderk stands up and points to the trophy room, where weapons, cores, and several heads of monsters were displayed. "Well I\'m sure as my future bride, you\'ll want to know me well. I would like to start off with some portraits I\'ve prepared."

He has portraits prepared?!

This feels like some sort of dating interview now.

"Of course, your highness." (Rose) responds weakly, not refusing anything.

The prince offers his hand to Rose in order to stand up from her seat. At that point I wanted to take my sword and chop his hand right then and there but... I have to be calm.

I have to also remember.

This prince is the real Kein\'s cousin as well.

I have to be careful and not let my guard down.

Tch, I don\'t know if the Duke, also known as Kein\'s real father, is alive or not.

I haven\'t heard or read anything regarding this nor wanted to.

He brings Rose to the side where there were certain portraits in good condition despite it probably being decades or hundreds of years old.

I admired the painting. It looks so eloquent and good! At the same time it was weary and dark.

The colors really captured the person, whichever king I\'m staring at right now at least.

Prince Alexanderk points at several portraits with a man with dark hair and green eyes similar to his features standing tall and confident on the portrait.

"We will start with my grandfather, known to be one of the greatest kings of the family that had two sons. My father and my uncle."

Finally some answers?

Rattle... Rattle... Rattle...

"Huh?" I looked by the side of my waist. My cursed sword was making rattling noises and it wouldn\'t stop. "[Nirvana]?" I muttered quietly trying to see what was wrong.

Thousands of voices appeared in my head, shouting and screaming.

"The man who slaughtered us- he is the man in the portrait to which we swore an oath to revenge."

Hold on. You mean- the old grandpa in the portrait?!

Ugh my head!

The sword messed with my wind, stronger than before. Usually I can absorb any magic that can harm others but this is far too strong- the emotions being released makes its magic suddenly stronger. "Master, we have agreed. The contract you signed, our souls cannot rest until we have our revenge."

I held my head for support as the sword rattled by my waist.

Not now. Come on, not now.

"Those years of slaughter we cannot forget. He merely thought of women as blood sacrifices for his pleasure, a horrid man."


I held onto the sword and tried to control it. I absorbed the cursed magic that could kill everyone in this room, it\'s trying to make itself powerful!

At this point you don\'t need to touch the sword to die. You just need to be within a few meters before it takes your life. "[Nirvana] calm down. The man you seek is not here right now so behave. We\'ll find another way for your revenge, please..." I pleaded but the voice still continued.

All these sudden reveals of events are taking a toll on me.

I continued to absorb until the sword just slept. I have to keep Rose safe... letting the sword go wild is the same as having her killed myself.

My mana bank is almost at full capacity... I\'m going to need to let magic power out of my body later if needed.

Rose walks a few steps back and only the guards of the prince notice.

The prince himself was too busy telling stories of his own family. "Kein... you don\'t look too good are you okay?" she gave me a worried glance as I tightened the grip on my sword.

Nirvana please behave, let\'s get the day over with before anything else.

I gave my princess a reassuring smile. I don\'t want her to worry, the sword\'s contract is my responsibility to which I will not let her be dragged into any of this. "I\'m alright. Thank you for being so considerate of your highness."

She giggles a little leaning into my ear in a whisper. "My gaze has never left on you nor has my heart never stopped beating like it\'s in a rush." (Rose)

"Only you can make me feel this way." Well now that made my heart in a rush. Flirting while you\'re literally with your fiancé, Rose.

I can\'t say I\'m complaining though.

"Tch, what a cheeky princess." I replied back teasingly while she covered her mouth and tried to catch up with the prince.

If only we were alone.

The prince no longer explained more about his family but on himself. "Now this is the medal to which I\'ve won in a Lance fighting tournament. To which in your kingdom it should be called Jousting." (Prince Alexanderk)

Rose smiles widely by the word.

Oh that\'s right.

Didn\'t we also go to those events when we were children?

"Yes, us Puronians love watching knights joust. It\'s one of the best events of the season and will be happening soon once we go back home." (Rose) tells the prince with the most enthusiastic response yet.

"My father and the other noblemen of the kingdom would place a handsome reward for the winner. It\'s such a delight to watch and of course, the church heals any sort of injury after the fight." she continues.

Prince Alexanderk smiles before looking at me. "Do female knights like her compete?" he asks and every guard in the room turns to me.

Rose nods, giving the prince an explanation. "Yes, they participate in the same category as men. In our kingdom we strive for equality in the military field. Gender and rank is not important but your skill is."

The prince blinks, staring at Rose like she was a madwoman. "Pfft hahaha! I do not mean to offend Princess Rosarie. A woman competing in a man\'s sport will surely eat her alive I mean." He sizes me up looking up and down before turning back to Rose.

"Look at her. Women should be protected and into the sidelines where they belong. Cheering on men in the field where surely it\'s a more exciting match to play." He waves his hands in the air, as if dismissing my entire being here.

I held my ground for a bit not wanting to start a fight that\'s going to cost me my life and possibly dignity if I act too immaturely. Some royals are just stuck up brats even at this age-

"Take that back."

Rose walks up front to the prince who laughs holding his stomach. "Take back what? With all due respect it\'s the truth this woman can\'t even beat one of my guards one arm handed." (Prince Alexanderk)

I could hear the other guards snicker at their prince\'s remark. I could see Rose was clearly holding back with her hands being balled into a fist.

"I didn\'t know a prince with a high level of education as you would lack to comprehend even the simplest of knowledge that what you said is not a matter of truth but a matter of opinion." (Rose)

"A wrong one at that. Women can do what men can also do. Including jousting." She says unwavering, I was stoked.

Oh damn.

She also got good at talking and thrashing people?

Did Cecilia teach you this? Back when we were kids I had to fight your battles.

Now, it seems like you don\'t need me anymore to stand. That makes me a little happy and lonely at the same time.

The prince didn\'t look too thrilled with her answer. He was no longer laughing but glaring at Rose with killing intent. "Even if you are my fiancé. You\'re in my kingdom, where you will follow our rules and culture. You\'re lucky you can even walk freely with that- sad, pathetic, excuse for a knight." (Prince Alexanderk)

Showing your true colors already? I don\'t mind the insults when it comes to me because I know those are not true.

The princess didn\'t take it lightly and almost marched up to slap him.

I better stop her before she does anything she\'ll regret later!

"Your highness wait-" I take her wrist trying to calm her down. She almost slapped her fiancé and it was only their first meeting together- I was expecting this to go well but-

Rose looks like she\'s about to cry.

I look towards the prince before standing in front of Rose. "The princess is currently not feeling well. I\'m afraid she needs to rest back in her quarters, your highness." I told the Prince looking a bit worried but quickly changing his mood. Rose holds my hand not letting go, I\'m worried he\'ll take notice of our closeness but I just can\'t let her go.

"You are excused. We can continue our chatting another time, please we can escort you back to your room. My men will lead," he motions for his men to guard Rose on both of her sides. He smiles at me before tilting his head looking behind, "And women should be at the back."

I do not want to put up a fight and make a bigger deal out of this.

"Of course, your highness." I told him, Rose let go of my hand and I made my way to where he wanted me to be.

At the very back.


The whole escort was set on dead silence, Rose never initiated to talk again after that nor did the prince. I was left conflicted wanting to be by her side and reassure her that things are alright.

"We\'ve arrived at your door." (Guard)

We all enter her room and the prince bows for a moment offering his hand. Rose places hers on top of his, the prince proceeds to kiss the back of her hand. Somehow he looked like a fairytale prince but it certainly didn\'t feel like one. "I will be waiting for you later in the family dinner, I do not feel assured of my fiancé having a woman for a bodyguard so I will find the best male guard our military can offer."

Can I punch him?

I really want to give him a piece of my mind. Just because I\'m a female knight doesn\'t mean I don\'t do my job well, that is protecting the princess with my life.

I await Rose\'s answer.

"No." she answers simply, no longer trying to keep up the act of a polite smile. "My knight, who is a commander and a graduate of one of the finest academies in our kingdom, is as capable as any knight your military can offer, maybe even stronger."

"But none of them will ever have the loyalty that I need like she has."

I felt like smiling at that moment with all the singing praises Rose said of me. I guess she has been keeping tabs on me after all this time, she knows that I went to an academy huh.

Prince Alexanderk grins replying, "My word still stands. A replacement is always ready for you to have. I bid you a good evening, I\'ll see you tonight later my love."

My love.

Did he just call Rose my love?

A few seconds later the guards march forward including the Prince who left us there in the middle of the hallway next to Rose\'s room. I could hear her sighing tiredly opening the door, "I need something light to read after all that small talk." (Rose) mutters moving into the couch stretching her arms feeling completely relaxed now that we\'re all alone in her room.

I, on the other hand, was just stricken and perhaps have forgotten that they\'ll be calling each other sweet nicknames like love, darling, and beloved.

Soon he\'ll be holding her hands instead of me.

If the marriage goes through. I\'ll lose her possibly... forever.

"Kein? Did you hear anything I said?"

"Huh? What?"

She gives me a worried glance, then the sudden realization sets in. Was Rose talking to me this whole time and I was just in the zone of overthinking? I groan a little, "I\'m sorry, Rose I just got distracted for a second."

Rose pats down the couch and I sit down with her. "Want to talk about it?"

I chuckle a little frowning afterwards. "I just realized by the time he called you, love. I guess I\'m just here overthinking about it and was a little jealous I never got to call you anything sweet like that."

Rose holds my arm, snaking hers into mine wrapping it close. She giggles softly to my answer, "Silly Kein, you\'ve been calling me something special since the day we\'ve met. Isn\'t Rose a lot better and easier to say than Princess or royal highness?" (Rose)

"But I call you that every time. You never get tired of it?" I tell her but she shakes her head.

"Every time you call my name. I never take it for granted. It makes me happy you don\'t treat me like how I\'m being treated at home. A princess might be a real luxury but there are binds that come with it, ones that I can\'t stand." she says, leaning her body over to mine. "Even if Cecilia didn\'t need this cure, I would still have gotten married to some random noble I\'ve never met that my father has chosen for me."

That\'s true... she\'ll be forced into an arranged marriage whatever we did.

"Still, maybe someday when things are alright I\'ll pick a nice sweet nickname to call you." I told her, her eyes beams at me face moving closer that we\'re only mere inches apart.

"You\'re really adorable when you\'re jealous." she groans cupping both of my cheeks gently making me face her really pretty face. "It\'s so unfair, to think that I lasted two years of not being able to see you." (Rose) exaggerates a sigh before placing her forehead against mine, closing her eyes.

"I almost forgot, thank you for stopping me before. If you didn\'t hold my wrist when I decided to hit the prince, I would\'ve got a clean hit. I was just so... angry at him for saying those things to you and to the other female knights in our kingdom." (Rose) explains and I agree. I can barely believe she\'s going to marry an asshole like that.

"I wanted to hit him myself actually." I confessed, she held my hand carefully. "We really are soulmates."

I take a look at her hands holding mine, then the spot where the prince had kissed previously came into view. I held her hand for a moment muttering, "I don\'t like." I grabbed a towel and began wiping her hand with it.

"You um don\'t like that he kissed my hand?" (Rose) asks chuckling a little while I focus on her hand.

I nodded, still wiping the prince\'s kiss off like it\'s some kind of deadly virus and it because it is. "I don\'t like it when others touch you and kiss you like that... it just leaves this sort of pain and irritation that I can\'t explain."

Rose covers her mouth looking away. "That is so unfair. You\'re being too romantic."

After all the wiping, when my heart was satisfied I kissed it so I\'m leaving a mark that Rose is mine. "Rose, tell me if he kisses your hand again the next time you meet. I\'ll wipe it all off."

She laughs at my envious acts of childishness, I couldn\'t help but pout a little because she\'s really enjoying whatever is happening right now. "I will but this is sort of making me want him to kiss my hand often now."

I glare at her and she giggles at my reaction. She pokes my nose before pressing her pink cherry lips into my cheek, it was a soft and quick kiss. "I\'m kidding. You should never be jealous, the person I love is sitting right in front of me and he can never ever compare to my sweet Kein."

I scoffed and shrugged with all her praise that\'s not making me happy at all.

"Shut up and just get ready for your dinner date with the royal family. I\'ll go help you find the right dress, okay?" I can\'t believe she called me, my sweet Kein- that is just so unfair too!

She stands up feeling more energetic than ever prancing around the closet to get dressed for the royal dinner.

Meaning I\'ll get to see the King and perhaps even the former King.

If the former king attends, I\'ll have to fulfill the contract remembering the demands of my cursed sword. I need to kill him myself.

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