
Chapter 205 - An Unfortunate Day

Chapter 205 - An Unfortunate Day

"You\'re safe, Foxy. No one\'s going to..."


"No, I never thought that..."


When Jerlina came to the parking lot to get to her car, she heard Charlie arguing with his girlfriend it seems. Just now Uncle Pat called her and told her that the products are loaded and about to leave. Jerlina decided to followthe van to the bar to make sure all the products have been delivered safely and of the desirable quality.

Not wanting to listen to Charlie\'s private talk, she decided to take a walk in the garden. The sky was gloomy and it gave an eerie feeling. She tried to call Jeremy once more. This time the call went through but he didn\'t answer her.

Jerlina took in a deep breath looking at the phone. Just some time ago, she got a call from the Senator\'s office asking for a meeting. Somehow their tone of voice was weird for her and she gave an ambiguous answer and ended the call.

The PR firm they hired talked about a lot of interest gaining amongst the journalists in exposing Jeremy\'s shady private life. Although the company is operated lawfully than most private companies, his private life is not without blame.

Although everyone knows Jeremy as a ganglord, no one in the upper society will say that to his face. He is the Titan of the Lumber industry. And that\'s how he is known internationally. But if the papers started writing about his gang business, without speaking of the context, it would affect the company too.

She had a thought that there might be bigger forces trying to bring Jeremy down. It could be his father or it could be someone with more power. All these started only after he vowed to protect her.

Could it be related to me?

Joel cannot lose anything because of me. He wouldn\'t mind, but a lot of people are dependant on him. And his family will rejoice at his fall.

That cannot happen! I will not let that happen as long as I am alive!

"You\'re here..."

Charlie\'s voice brought Jerlina out of her thoughts.

"Ah, yes... Shall we..?" Jerlina walked towards the parking lot.

She got into her car and started it but Charlie was still standing by his truck. And then he got in after trying to open the door for almost a minute. And then he was trying to put the key in the ignition but he didn\'t have the key in his hand.

He\'s out of it... Is it regarding his girlfriend?

Jerlina didn\'t know many details about Ashley except that she is the best friend of Tara and one of those who hate her. Charlie doesn\'t speak about her much, but lately, it seemed like there was trouble in their relationship.

She didn\'t ask much about it because she knew it was regarding her.

Jerlina got down from the car and walked to Charlie. "Charlie, maybe you can take the day off or something... I\'ll bring Jimmy with me. You don\'t look all there," Jerlina was frank.

She trusted Charlie with her life but he is still a human and he can have moments like this. And sometimes having someone who is not alert with you will cause more damage than having someone with little experience.

Charlie looked at his empty hand trying to start the ignition and let out a sigh. He bit his lips with his head bowed and then looked up with determination.

"I can\'t let you go with Jimmy alone. We\'re leaving town and the roads are not safe..." he thought for a moment. "Wait here for one hour. I\'ll settle it with Foxy before we can leave Peyton," his eyes looked clear as he had reached a decision.

Jerlina nodded. She found his suggestion better. She\'d be more relieved with Charlie near her anyway.

"Wait! Don\'t leave alone. I\'ll be back soon!" Charlie shouted before making the turn. Jerlina waved and got back inside the office in deep thoughts.

Maybe I should do the delivery another day?

Scarlett was standing by the breakroom frozen and when Jerlina placed her hand over her shoulder, she was startled.

"It\'s me, Scar," Jerlina rubbed her back.

"I think something\'s not right, Jerlina... Bobby... Someone called and...the line disconnected. I swear I heard an ambulance siren," Scarlett rubbed her forehead.

"Charlie told me that there was an accident in one of the logging sites and Joel and Bobby are there."

"Oh?" Scarlett\'s face relaxed a bit. "But why did someone else call me?" Scarlett\'s face went pale once more.

Jerlina wetted her lips. Today seems a lot weird. Her calls aren\'t going through either.

"What if Bobby is hurt, Jerlina?" Scarlett\'s eyes watered. "That place is filled with traps and dangers... My Bobby is not a very careful boy. What if he-"

"Wait, Scarlett," Jerlina hugged her. "Let\'s not panic just yet. Let me try Joel once more," Jerlina called Jeremy.


Inside the ambulance...

Jeremy watched Bobby still lying motionless and he couldn\'t breathe properly. They talked that his lung collapsed or something.

The paramedics worked hard running inside and one of them made a hole in Bobby\'s abdomen and although Jeremy didn\'t know why they are doing that, left them to their devices.

But soon he saw Bobby started to breathe a bit evenly making him relieved and yet he was still unconscious.

"When will he-" Jeremy wanted to ask the paramedics but stopped seeing the glare from the old guy.

He was warned before that one more word from him, will make them throw him out.

He got a wipe from them and wiped Bobby\'s blood off him. His hands were still sticky and his jeans were covered in blood.

Only then he pulled out his phone and his hands shook seeing the missed calls from Jerlina. Just at that moment, she called once more.

Is she fine?

He looked at Bobby still motionless and his throat closed as he answered her call.


Jerlina\'s chest closed hearing what Jeremy said.

Not Bobby! How could this happen to him?

She looked at Scarlett getting ready to leave. She has already got baby Cia from the daycare and was talking about going to the site herself to see if Bobby is alright.

How am I going to tell her Bobby is getting taken to the hospital?

"Scar..." Jerlina held Scarlett\'s hand. "Let me hold the baby," she held out her hand and Jerlina didn\'t realize that her hands were shaking this much.

Scarlett realized that it is not going to be a piece of good news she\'s going to hear. Her heart started to pound and she felt her strength leaving her.

What happened to my Bobby?

Her eyes clouded and her face went red as she tried to control her tears.

Jerlina explained what Jeremy told her and that they are now on their way to the hospital.

Jerlina held Scarlett\'s arm as she staggered taking a step. Jerlina\'s heart broke seeing Scarlett like that. She was about to get the baby from her hand because she seemed so weak.

How could this happen?

But something magical happened at that moment.

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