
Chapter 54

He intended to use the immense influence of the Great Zhou Bao to heap an overwhelming amount of slander on Qianlong.

A rumour started by three people could seem credible, but what if tens of thousands—or even hundreds of thousands—spread the same rumour?

With a circulation of hundreds of thousands, the reach and impact of such allegations were unimaginable. One could foresee the chaos that would ensue once the baseless yet vicious rumours about Qianlong’s lechery, cruelty, and other unsavoury behaviours were printed in the Great Zhou Bao.

Even if such rumours were couched in suggestive terms like “suspected” or “possibly,” the public would lap it up. After all, who wouldn’t want to hear scandalous stories about an emperor?

At that point, the truth would no longer matter. As long as the rumours circulated widely enough, they would be accepted as fact. Qianlong’s reputation would be utterly destroyed.

And as for Niohuru Nianqin, the alleged source of these fabricated revelations, even if he were returned to the Qing Dynasty, would he ever be trusted again?

If Qianlong were even slightly vindictive, Nianqin would be executed upon his return. In the best-case scenario, he would live the rest of his life in disgrace, never to reappear in court.

With Yang Yi’s words fresh in their minds, the officials finally grasped the full horror of his plan. They all turned to look at Yang Yi with astonished expressions, their scalps tingling with dread. His strategy was far more ruthless than anything they could have anticipated.

This wasn’t just about killing a person—it was about publicly crucifying them, using the power of public opinion to ruin a man’s reputation beyond repair.

The hall descended into a deathly silence.

Wei Yuanzhong, whose weathered face was furrowed with deep wrinkles, trembled as he swallowed, his throat dry. His thoughts raced as he tried to process what he had just heard.

Damn it.

This young Minister Yang was terrifying. In all his years, he had never witnessed a plan so brutal, so devastating. Even Xu Jingzong, Zhang Jianzhi, and the other seasoned officials appeared dumbfounded. They exchanged uneasy glances, bitter smiles playing on their lips. Had they truly encountered a living demon?

They imagined themselves in Nianqin’s position—if similar rumours were spread about them being involved in scandalous affairs with men or committing acts of adultery, and these lies reached tens of thousands of people… What choice would they have but to hang themselves in shame?

People live for their reputations.

Such an accusation would stain one’s name forever.

Even Li Yifu, who had been itching to mock Yang Yi, could only swallow nervously. This young man was truly vicious!

Shangguan Wan’er, though known for her sharp intellect, was equally stunned. She had expected Yang Yi’s plan to be ruthless, but this went far beyond what she had imagined.

This was annihilation through words—using the collective voices of the masses to obliterate Qianlong’s name. As she observed the hall filled with silent, shocked faces, she couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer depth of Yang Yi’s cruelty.

The only person in the room who seemed unfazed was Wu Zhao herself. Although she had known the outline of Yang Yi’s plan beforehand, she still felt a surge of admiration for his ingenuity. This plan is truly evil.

The hall remained eerily quiet.

Yang Yi, seeing the shock on everyone’s faces, smiled calmly.

“This plan only works because it’s aimed at Qianlong,” he began, his tone measured and confident.

“After all, he is an emperor. Only a figure of his stature would attract the curiosity of millions. If certain secrets about him are revealed, even if they’re false, people will be eager to spread them. The more these rumors spread, the more credible they become.”

Pausing for effect, he added, “And Qianlong’s reputation as a womanizer is already well known. The defeat of the Qing Dynasty is a fact. The capture of Niohuru Nianqin is also a fact. And Qianlong’s promiscuity—well, that’s no secret either. So if we introduce a few additional rumors, people will believe them without question.”

Yang Yi smiled faintly.

“If nine out of ten things are true, people will believe the tenth—even if it’s a lie.”

“That way, even if Qianlong doesn’t kill Nianqin himself, after Niohuru is returned to the Qing, he’ll be as good as dead. Either Qianlong will take matters into his own hands, or Nianqin will end his own life, unable to live with the disgrace.”

Yang Yi looked around at the stunned crowd.

“The beauty of this plan,” he said softly, “is that the accusation is… groundless. Qianlong will never be able to defend himself.”

The officials gazed at him, their faces pale, their hearts heavy. The terrifying brilliance of Yang Yi’s strategy was undeniable. It wasn’t just ruthless—it was an artful assassination of character and reputation.

This plan, crafted in the safety of Luoyang, would ruin Qianlong without Yang Yi ever having to step foot on the battlefield. Would Qianlong still be able to maintain his calm composure in front of his court, his ministers, and his people after such a scandal erupted?

Once suspicion arises, the accusation is already established!

The hall remained silent for what felt like an eternity. The weight of Yang Yi’s ruthless strategy hung heavily in the air, suffocating the officials.

Finally, Wei Yuanzhong broke the silence with a heavy sigh.

“Minister Yang, you are far-sighted. I… I misunderstood you.”

Yang Yi responded with a smile, his tone modest yet firm.

“Lord Wei, it’s all for the sake of the Great Zhou.”

Xu Jingzong, standing nearby, furrowed his brow as he contemplated the plan.

“So now, what is our next step?”

Yang Yi’s lips curved into a sharp smile, revealing his white teeth.

Without hesitation, he answered,

“Now, we should discuss how to take a big bite out of Qianlong and drain him dry.”

A chill ran through the room. Even though the officials had anticipated the severity of Yang Yi’s plan, hearing him speak so openly about it made them feel as if they were standing before a living Yama.

Damn it.

This guy is truly terrifying.

Half a day later.

In the Shu Yu Palace, Wu Mingyue stared at Yang Yi in confusion.

“What? Release the news that Niohuru Nianqin has been captured and brought to Luoyang?”

Yang Yi nodded, his expression calm.

“The news is spreading too slowly. Even now, many people aren’t aware that the enemy’s main general, Niohuru Nianqin, has been captured and is here in Luoyang.”

Wu Mingyue frowned, still puzzled.

“But why let the common people know that Niohuru Nianqin is in Luoyang?”

Her perplexed expression amused Yang Yi.

He fought the urge to poke her forehead playfully and explained with a sly grin,

“Didn’t I promise Your Highness that I would double the sales of the Great Zhou Bao? Well, Niohuru Nianqin is our golden opportunity!”

“Huh?” Wu Mingyue’s confusion deepened.

Yang Yi refrained from offering further details and said,

“Trust me, Your Highness. This is also the Empress’s wish.”

Wu Mingyue blinked, her confusion giving way to a slight pout.

Using my sister to pressure me? How despicable!

She snorted softly and crossed her arms.

Fine! If you don’t want to explain, then don’t! Humph!

The Next Day.

Following Yang Yi’s instructions, Wu Mingyue spared no expense in spreading the news that Niohuru Nianqin had been captured and was being held in Luoyang. It didn’t take long for this information to catch fire.

News of the Qing Dynasty’s crushing defeat and the capture of Qianlong’s most important general, Niohuru Nianqin, spread rapidly throughout the city.

Many citizens swelled with pride, eager to discuss the victory and the fall of such a prominent figure.

Naturally, this heightened attention led to an influx of detailed information about Niohuru Nianqin’s noble status, his close ties to Qianlong, and his role as one of the emperor’s most trusted generals.

Yang Yi’s hand in stirring the pot was subtle but effective. Yet, much of it was driven organically by the fervour of public opinion.

When people focus on one thing, the consequences can be monumental.

As one of the world’s most prosperous cities, Luoyang, with its extensive waterways connected to the Luo River, attracted merchants from all corners of the empire and beyond.

Now, the chatter about Niohuru Nianqin’s capture filled the bustling markets and tea houses. Traders from foreign lands carried with them news of the Qing-Zhou War, the decisive defeat of the Qing forces, and the capture of Qianlong’s trusted general, spreading the word to every corner of the empire.

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