
Chapter 37: It’s Not About the First Impression

Chapter 37: It’s Not About the First Impression

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

While Eko gathered the Magic Crystals using the Baku-agebon-bar method, me and Silvia kept hunting golems without stopping until all of them were basically extinct. As a result of doing this continuously until the end of the day, we earned a significant amount of experience.

Yukari, who had gotten the same amount of experience as us, had a face devoid of emotion as she said in a cold tone “you truly are crazy”, at the scene after we finished our hunt. Since the experience points are evenly distributed among the team members, the experience points can be shared with the two who didn’t defeat any monster.

By the way, while the three of us dived into the dungeon, I asked Yukari to do a certain job, since she would be idle. That was, to survey both the Blacksmiths and Adventurers Guilds. Since the more information we have, the better, and she even volunteered to collect that information. Well, since she was indeed a former assassin, collecting information of this degree should be child’s play for her.

There were two important pieces of information obtained. One is, the next Proline capture group will be formed in three days. And the other one is, the Blacksmiths Guild is plagued with a chronic lack of mithril.

From this information, it became necessary to reconsider our future policy.

Become A rank as it is, participate in the group capture, prove the capture and have the Blacksmiths Guild trust us, and as planned originally, wholesale Mithril Alloy to them. Or, if the Blacksmiths Guild trusts us using the A Rank, not wait for the group capture and make an exclusive contract with the entire Blacksmiths Guild.

With the former, we would hardly make any enemies, but it will take time to earn money. The latter is way more lucrative, but the Adventurers Guild will surely turn against us. Anti-monopoly law, you say? There’s no such a thing in the Castall Kingdom.


While returning to the town of Badgordo from the Proline Dungeon, I was troubled with my arms folded as I was deep in thought. Should I prioritize peace? Or maybe money? Both have their pros and cons.

“Master. May I have one more day?”

At that moment, Yukari spoke.

“Do you have an idea? “

“Yes. Since it seems like Master doesn’t like to spend time uselessly. I might have a slightly different approach plan.”

“And that is? “

“Use the Merchants Guild.”


I get what Yukari was trying to say. Instead of trading directly to the Blacksmiths Guild, we’ll do business smoothly through the Merchants Guild.

“There’s no way a merchant can let such a profitable deal pass. They will charge some fee, but I’m sure more money can be made that way. Luckily, we’ll raise our adventurer’s rank to A soon, so I doubt there will be a problem in terms of credibility.”

“But if that’s the case, wouldn’t we end up turning the Adventurers Guild into an enemy? “

“You don’t have to worry about that. Just take part in the group capture that’ll happen in three days, building some reputation with both the Adventurers and Blacksmiths guild. And behind the scenes, we’ll seal a contract with the Merchants Guild.”

Eh? I don’t really understand. How come we won’t turn the Adventurers Guild into an enemy?

“If Master just wholesales Mithril Alloy to the Merchants Guild in order to make money, that is, after completing the clear, you’ll most likely not be criticized too much. And even if the Adventurers Guild were to take some measures, the Merchants Guild will surely protect you.”

I see, that’s the difference between them and the Blacksmiths Guild. Certainly, they will do everything they can to protect the “goose that lays golden eggs”. In addition, if the Blacksmiths Guild becomes reliant on the large amount of Mithril Alloy sold through the Merchants Guild, then the two guilds can be counted as allies. Then the Adventurers Guild will criticize me, but won’t do much aside from that.

It’s just, it will surely become a big deal. Most likely, the power balance in Badgordo will shift dramatically. Well, not that I really care.

“Alright. Shall we go with that strategy?”

“Very well, please leave it to me. I’ll try to get someone’s agreement from the Merchants Guild by tomorrow.”

After I gave the ‘Go’ to the plan, Yukari answered proudly. She had an incredible sense of confidence. You can see her in high spirits, trying to make herself useful in aspects aside from battle.

Yukari was really helpful in those fields. She has really compensated for the abilities that I was lacking since I focused only on this when it was a game. I can clearly see her now as a full-fledged companion.

“Thank you. Sorry to become so reliant on you, Yukari.”

To my thanking words, Yukari just said “Not at all”, in her usual cold tone while quickly removing her gaze from me. But the tips of her ears are slightly red. She’s still just as easy to understand.


The next day.

We delivered the Magic Crystals and became A rank really smoothly, then came again to the Proline Dungeon.

This was to earn some experience while Yukari talks to the Merchant Guild.

What’s more, as a result of using all my experience points, even the surplus I had saved from before, one of my 【Summoning Magic】 skills, 《Spirit Summoning》has almost reached Grade 4.

【Summoning Magic】 is divided into two main parts. One is 《Monster Summoning》, and the other is 《Spirit Summoning》. The former is a skill mainly used for taming and making use of monsters, while the latter is a skill to control a 『Spirit』, of which only one can be possessed per character.

Raising 《Spirit Summoning》‘s rank to Grade 4 unlocks the 《Spirit Possession》skill. This is a very powerful buff skill that temporarily increases your status by having your summoned spirit possess your body.

It’s not an exaggeration to say this is an essential skill if you’re aiming for the top in the world. That’s why I have given priority to acquiring 《Spirit Possession》, and in the past six days I’ve only raised 《Spirit Summoning》.

……Then, at lunch time.

Just after 《Spirit Summoning》 reached Grade 4, I was able to learn 《Spirit Possession》. However, since I haven’t yet acquired the essential piece, a spirit, I can neither use possession nor summoning.

Since I have it, I’ll use the Premium Spirit Ticket that came with the 『Limited edition premium avatar』 when I’ll have to call for a spirit. Since it is said that a spirit with a strength of 25,000 or more is promised, this was an item that basically shouted “Look at my money!”.

By the way, the spirit strength is a numerical representation of the power and rarity of a spirit. It was similar to the capsule toys (Gacha) value system, a spirit with an initial strength of 10,000 or more was uncommon, 20,000 or more was rare, 25,000 or more was super rare, and 30,000 or more was extremely rare. However, since the spirits grow and evolve as they develop, the final difference in spirit strength becomes insignificant.

Well then. The question here is, when should I use the Spirit Summoning Ticket?

I have one concern.

At the time of Mobius, the spirits were only characters who spoke predeterminate phrases. But here is the real world. I have a feeling that the spirits might have a will of their own, probably.

If so, that would increase the number of companions by one. Adding a new member with this timing, when we’re still trying to figure things out, it kind of feels off.

Then, when should be good to do it? I’m in no rush, but it’ll be a problem if I do it too late. I’ll just have to take some time to think about it, I suppose.

“Mmm. Second-dono, there’s a message from Yukari.”

While I was deep in thought, Silvia spoke to me. Eko was sleeping on her knees. That feels quite comfortable.

“Ohh, I didn’t notice. Thanks.”

I opened the chat section for Team communication.

Ohh. The message from Yukari read, “I got to talk to them, but there seems to be one problem.” I wonder why? I have a bad feeling about it.

After we finished our lunch break, we headed towards the Merchant Guild and joined Yukari.

“Proof of power? “


Yukari explained to me the circumstances with an apologetic expression.

“I received a very pleasant response from the Merchants Guild, and also an attractive contract proposal. However, that’s only if we can prove the strength of our team.”

“Didn’t we get A Rank for that very reason? “

“Allow me to continue the explanation from there.”

While Yukari and I were talking in the waiting room, a middle-aged bald man broke into the conversation.

“I am the Merchants Guild’s guildmaster, my name is Shin Sei. You are Second-sama, right? It is my pleasure to meet you.”

The man calling himself Shin Sei greeted me with quite the polite manner, but no matter how you look at him, he looks like a person of a not so respectable occupation. His height was of nearly 1.90 meters, and he gave an extremely intimidating feeling.

I just gave my greetings and shook his hand. But my eyes never left this guildmaster. That’s because I felt like he’ll stab me the moment I show a gap.

“Well then. I’m grateful I got to hear such a fascinating story this time. We at the Merchants Guild are very much looking forward to it.”

The guildmaster said with a smile plastered on his face.

“But…… while this might be rude, and I apologize for it, the truth is we can’t trust it too much, even if it came from A Rank adventurers. You say you can get a lot of Mithril Alloy from there, right? Anyone who heard that would think of it as a lie.”

――Then, his eyes narrowed as he continued, almost as if he was glaring.

The atmosphere changed completely.

I noticed Silvia putting her hand on my shoulder. And Eko was shaking a little while pulling my clothes from behind. The two of them were visibly scared. Certainly, I would be scared too. That is, if this was not the world of Mobius.

“It’s just, there’s one thing. There’s something I’m curious about. How did you get that Dark Elf girl? She’s a professional at this…… even across all my guild, she’d rank among the first class.”

Without being fazed by the guildmasters intimidation, Yukari simply moved her gaze towards me. Her calm eyes appeared to say “this much is just child’s play”.

“That got my expectations up a little. Therefore, I’d like you to prove your ability. That is, that you’re not just bluffing about capturing the Proline Dungeon. If so, we will happily believe you. But if it turns out to be a lie…… you shouldn’t expect mercy.”

It was a cold voice accompanied by a glare that made it feel as if the room’s temperature fell a few degrees.

It might have a good enough effect to threaten the general public…… Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on me at all. Why? Because I can ‘win’. In terms of the world ranking, this old man is just a small fry that wouldn’t reach even the 10,000th place. That’s the reason, simple as that.

“About that proof of power, what should I do? Do you want me to capture the dungeon now? If so, then it will take about three hours.”

I answered as calmly as possible.

What is required is proof that I can go and clear the Proline Dungeon many times. Then, I just need to create an atmosphere that says “it can be easily done”.

However, after the old man heard my words, the atmosphere got tenser, and his eyes glared sharper, to the point where some people might faint after looking at him. Did I say something wrong? Damn, if so, then I suppose I failed.

……Hmmm, looking closely, it’s really smooth and shiny. He might have something against people with proper hair.

“――Ahahaha! Impressive calmness. Great! Just like Yukari-san said.”

The next moment, the guildmaster laughed loudly as he said so.

“Hey, were you testing us!? “

Silvia then turned a gaze full of criticism towards Yukari. In response, Yukari bowed her head, not to Silvia but to me.

“I am really sorry, Master. But it was a necessary action.”

“Yes. It was me who was the one who came up with it. It was really necessary to ascertain if it was possible to provide a stable supply of Mithril Alloy.”

I see. Does that mean that I’m good by his judgement?


Oops, before that, it seems Eko was quite scared and wants to cry.

……I feel a bit sorry, but let’s have this old man apologize to her.

“What was that about ascertaining! Apologize to Eko! Look at her! Poor Eko! “

I’ll just place the blame on him.

“Ahh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! “

……Contrary to his appearance, he was quick to apologize. He is lowering his head so much while apologizing that his head is even below Eko’s.

Anyways, with this, the deal with the Merchants Guild should be settled.

――Or so it seemed, but there was another problem remaining.

“But, you see, I still need you to prove your power……”

While being led by the shiny-headed Shin-san, we were guided to the back of the Merchants Guild, to the drawing room.

In there, he spoke those words with an apologetic expression.

“Is that in order to trust me? “

“No, that’s not the reason. If there’s nothing wrong with my eyes, I can tell you are ‘the real deal’. But.”

“Ahh, does that mean there’s someone aside from you, Shin-san, who doesn’t believe me?”

“That is so.”

“Specifically? “

“I’d like you to show it at least to some of our staff, and to the people we will be trading with.

“How many would that be? “

“Probably, about 200 people.”


That’s a problem.

How should I prove my ability to such a large number of people?

“Hmm, Silvia has the magic bow, and Eko has her shield, should they do some kind of performance……?”

The four of us plus 1 began to think, narrowing down possibilities.

And so, the discussion about what to do started.

Shin-san was very sympathetic and allowed us to consult with him. He’s a pretty good guy.

And so, fifteen minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Yet, there was still no sign of a good plan.

“By the way, what kind of special skills do you have, Second-sama? “

“Archery, Swordsmanship, Magic and Summoning Magic. I can also use Magic Archery and Magic Swordsmanship.”

“I can only use Fire Attribute, but Second-dono can use all magic attributes. And every one of his skills are top notch! “

“…………T-that is incredible.”

Shin-san was so surprised, his eyes were as round as his head. Silvia had a satisfied expression, almost as if she was boasting about herself.

“Master, have you already raised Summoning Magic? “

“Yeah. I got Spirit Summoning to Grade 4 today.”

When I answered Yukari’s question, I heard the sound of something dropping. That was the sound of the pen sliding from Shin-san’s hand.


Shin-san shouted with an incredible volume. It felt as if the whole room shook due to his loud voice. Looks like that had a great impact. His appearance was more of not believing than surprised.


Eko hid behind my back.

“Hey! You did it again!! “

“Whoaa, I’m sorry! “

When I yelled after he scared Eko again, Shin-san apologized again using his ultra-low bowing posture. That desperate attitude was by no means an act. He really is different from how he looks like…… I’m sure he has a hard time with first impressions.

“H-however, that might be just the way! “

Shin-san said so when he got up after asking Eko for forgiveness.

“The way? “

“Yeah! Second-sama. A spirit summoning, a spirit summoning! “

I see! He means to use 《Spirit Summoning》 in front of many people?

Certainly, the higher the spirit’s strength, and the higher the rank of 《Spirit Summoning》, the more spectacular the summoning effect will be.

Especially, the ‘first summon’ is much more amazing. Each spirit has its own special summoning effect. This would be perfect for a show of ability.

“If your Spirit Summoning is Grade 4, then everyone will most likely be convinced of your ability, Second-sama.”

Is Grade 4 recognized as a high rank in this world?

If that’s the case…… then this might be a surprisingly good plan. And since I can summon a high-ranking spirit with the Premium Spirit Ticket, the effect will surely be flashy.

“Understood. Let’s go with that.”

Nodding to Shin-san’s proposal, we then discussed the plan.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought something like that would happen……

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